Meh - Tumblr Posts
not sorry, but no thanks. I’ll just keep skipping them. You and all who enjoy them are welcome to them, but can we at least discuss not shoehorning them in just for shock value. Like make it a natural thing that makes sense and adds to the characters’, story, or world in some way. Then I might care to actual watch them...maybe. Probably not.

Yeah we should do this for action scenes too. Have Aragorn draw his sword and fade to black and the fellowship have killed all the Uruk Hai.
This is the weird wave of purity culture that I mentioned a day or two ago. If you really are *an adult* then you can decide whether or not to watch films and tv shows with sex scenes.
hey btw, here my interpretation of ep249 (or at least how my skill see it) Lets remember that shes now more purplish(?) than her in first blood-gold clothes

i was a bit traumatized by this ep tho (yeah. a bit late, but i had some important things to do sorry)
and. ta-da. my rambles. only them and no more bc no one of my friends knows a thing abt wtnv and current eps
somewhere in the corner, three of my many sides are flexing, each for its own reason. 1st one hopes for a post-Kevin au (to be at least half-real), where Kevin at least refuses the smiling God and opens his eyes (lol) to what is happening and it dawns on him and he gets a little better, but still traumatized. 2nd side is flexing because, like.., well.... Kevin stopped smiling, the Prophet himself(!!!), even for a while, but renounced the main commandment of his God. Where has this been seen? and if it not that, if he doesnt want to save Night Vale from adversity, then at least deal with the reflection of his other ver. past (and spit at Mother Lauren, but this is from mymself back though. optional action) And my 3rd side is flexing from just Kevin. Yeah. Like, my type of fictional characters are miserable poor characters with a difficult traumatizing past. those ones, when in the end it is no longer the character himself who suffers from their past, but their fans. I want to hug suchcharacters, light kiss (platonicaly) them on the forehead, and sit next to this poor thing (yes, I know they will kill me, but everyone has their own flaws, I forgive em) So, we saw Kevin again, not even after an eternity, but only a couple of episodes. My pants are full of happiness. and then the eyes are full of tears. Kevin is clearly up to something, he is clearly serious in his intentions, he knows what he is doing And Cecil is still a brainwashed moron, but hes allowed, he's Cecil
meh. artblock and no idea, so random sketches

mostly Cecil. other is what you see

Got a mini camera. It looks cool, but the image quality isn't (even though it's 1080 dpi). I guess you get what you pay for. I'll upload a video soon to show what I mean #SQ11 #minicamera #meh
Hooray, our classes were canceled because of the cold! :3
I hope that I will be able to draw something today🥰🥰🥰

Alright. We’re settling this discourse once and for all.
In the tags, tell me your opinion on:
Frozen Yogurt
Salt and Vinegar Chips
Sweet Potatoes
Ginger Ale
Microwave Ramen

Just some practivmcr doodles for poses! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THE COLOR AT ALL!!! but I don't have all my coloring pencils... I also hate the fact that I can still see the files sketch but hey! It's practice and it's really not that bad. So I love you failed child of mine.

OK so for christmas I got a tablet and since then I’ve been experimenting so much it’s crazy X) so... Don’t really know what to do with this so.... I’m just putting those there XD

Sorry to spam so much but o3o I made another mood art. XD; I’m not doing this to get attention, I swear! Just... in a moody mood art mode... It started out kinda drab and sad and then I was thinking about my earlier one where I said I’d make a sunshine one, but... still feelin the clouds... so I tried to add some light beams and that didn’t really feel true so then I added some blue beams and that felt alien and so after going back and forth with blue and yellows I finally decided to name it “Shiawase to zetsubou no sensou ame” which means... “The rain war of happiness and despair”? XD thought it was fitting. I dunno :| Sounded better in my head. but then I was like mehhh this was drab... so I was like 8D what if I add RAITONINGU? lightning XD so, I did! first it wasn’t working but--oh yeah one thing I did before that was slapped a bunch of purple gradients on it. that helped a lot. and a little white to make the clouds more mottled and to add dramatic effect. so yeah then I put on some color dodge and got some lightningy effects XD and I heated up the clouds a bit with some of that same wicked light purple, to show some other lightnings in the clouds or clous being lit by the main lightning, so... yeah. I know this is mood trash still but :| Deal with it. I could do a lot better, i know.... but... I’m not. so. *shrugs* it is what it is, I guess. Someday I’ll have the patience, motivation and energy to make something truly grand, I swear... =.=
I need to run a survey really quick. This isn't serious, but I need people to cooperate and not cheat for the sake of it because it'll skew the results.
Imagine you wake up tomorrow and you realize you (and everyone else in the world) can turn into an animal (And back into a human) at will.
Please go to this link to see what animal it will be for you:

(this is random, and yes, you only get one, no redos)
With this in mind, please reply to the following questions as truthfully as possible based on your current situation. (Not an ideal fantasy one.)
I have no motovation at the moment.
I have no idea for an icon right now, and I feel it's boring, soooo... Ima just doodle something an slap it on there. Maybe a pineap- Nah. Their to evil. Or bendy/boris since I like BATIM... Eh.
I think Chrissy would have been the Steve to Eddie’s Robin. 🤔🏳️🌈
I'm pretty sure my brain's headquarters would be led by Ennui.
It makes me doubt that anything they say now is true. Will bbrae happen in a canonical format for the first time in almost ten years? I want to hope yes, but knowing how DC has let us down before, you almost know that it’s not going to happen....
remember when rebirth was like : This is about hope and growth!!! we respect our heroes so much!!!