manythoughts-headstillempty - Head has many ideas, but still blank
Head has many ideas, but still blank

ok, I'm done trying to theme this blog. it just exists now. Purely so I can dump my thoughts here he/him, age 18, probably bi (still figuring it out), no idea what I'm doing in life

454 posts

Dora Actually Has A Knife! Forget Using Stars! She's Ready To Stab Someone!

Dora Actually Has A Knife! Forget Using Stars! She's Ready To Stab Someone!

Dora actually has a knife! Forget using stars! She's ready to stab someone!

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More Posts from Manythoughts-headstillempty

Kombat kids first mission

Kombat kids, in outworld: *surrounded by outworld minions*

Jacqui: we’re f*cked

Cassie: there’s too many!

Kano: *comes in and knocks the outworld minions out*

Kung jin: you are awesome!

Jacqui: and quite the charmer.

Takeda: *jealous*

Kano: kano’s the name charming’s my game. I can take you somewhere safe.

Cassie: I don’t know if we should trust him. I’ve heard that name somewhere before.

Kung jin: we need some friend from around here and he helped us out back there.

Kano: actually, Hawkeye is right. And if I do say so myself…

Kano: 🎶outworld is not a nice place for earthrealmers all alone. All around, there are lots twists and corners that could lead to the unknown. Let me guide your way and I’ll be sure to help you through. You could use a friend out here and lucky for you.🎶

Kano: 🎶I’m the friend that you need. When you’re lost and don’t know what to do. I’m your pal, your amigo. Useful and resourceful, too. And my help, you’ll concede, is a plus, guaranteed. You can call and I’ll come running just follow my lead. Cuz I’m the friend you need.🎶

Disguised black dragon 1: 🎶he’s a friend 🎶

Disguised black dragon 2: 🎶quite a friend🎶

Both: 🎶he’s a friend, indeed🎶

Kano: 🎶you need a bud to spot the danger. A bud to stop the creep. A chum, and not a stranger, to assist. you need someone who is cunning that can take the leap. A friend to know what’s lying in the mist. Don’t fear these darkened alleys. They’re scary, yes, I know. Why, you could use a friend to protect you wherever you go.🎶

Kano, looking at Jacqui: 🎶and such a dazzling beauty covered in dirt and muck. But, now your fate is changing. Now you’re in luck.🎶

Kano: 🎶cuz I’m the friend that you need. When you’re lost and don’t know what to do. I’m your pal, your amigo. Looking out for friends like you. And my help, you’ll concede, is a plus, guaranteed. Just call and I’ll come running. We’ll say it’s agreed.🎶

Kombat kids: *enter kano’s outworld home*

Kano, handing a black dragon a piece of paper with an address: here, take this to our employer and tell him,“my place, 20 minutes”. I’m going to get out of debt.

Kano: 🎶cuz I’m the friend you need!🎶

Kombat kids: 🎶he’s a friend🎶

Jacqui: 🎶quite a friend🎶

Kombat kids: 🎶he’s a friend, indeed🎶

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Erron black: 🎶you think that you can take me on? You must be crazy. There ain't a single thing you've done, that's gonna phase me. Ooh, but if you wanna go, I just wanna let you know. Yeah! Get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Yeah, get out my my face or give it your best shot! I think it's time you better face the facts! Get offa my back! You know it's all just a game, that I'm playin'. You think that you can find a way in? That's what I'm sayin'. Oh, but if you wanna go, I just wanna let you know! Oh, get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Get out of my face or give it your best shot! I think it's time you better face the facts! Get offa my back! Oh, but if you wanna have a go, I just wanna let you know! Get off! Get off! Yeah, get offa my back and into my game! Get outta my way and outta my brain! Get out my face or give it your best shot! You know this train is coming off this track. Get offa my back! Yeah, get offa my back!! Get off! Yeah! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Yeah! Get offa my back!🎶

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Ever Heard Of The Mk Character Hydro? He's Not Made Up. He Was A Actual Character That Only Appeared

Ever heard of the mk character hydro? He's not made up. He was a actual character that only appeared in the first few comics and as a robot in that one live action show they did. He looks like Sub zero except he used water. No, this isn't rain. Think of him like the original rain. He didn't last long and was killed off by scorpion. However, he did make a tiny cameo as one of the modifiers you can use and that's it. I don't think he even had a physical appearance in a game.

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This Is One Of The Greatest Garfield Images I've Seen Out If Context. I Had To Take A Screenshot.

This is one of the greatest Garfield images I've seen out if context. I had to take a screenshot.

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Don't forget:

Only using one name repeatedly until they don't.

manythoughts-headstillempty - Head has many ideas, but still blank