marktimmins - Mark Timmins
Mark Timmins

This blog is a place for me to publicly document something of my creative pursuits, and also a place where I can share things that I find interesting. YouTube Bandcamp Facebook Instagram Twitter Soundcloud

266 posts

I Recently Had The Great Pleasure Of Drawing This Poster For The You Are Here - Refugees Nrnbergproject.

I Recently Had The Great Pleasure Of Drawing This Poster For The You Are Here - Refugees Nrnbergproject.
I Recently Had The Great Pleasure Of Drawing This Poster For The You Are Here - Refugees Nrnbergproject.

I recently had the great pleasure of drawing this poster for the You are here - Refugees Nürnberg project. It’s a brilliant project, aiming to make all the great music, art, film, theatre and events happening in Nürnberg more accessible to refugees through a multilingual website and Facebook page. I’m mega happy to be able to support such a great project with this poster campaign!

  • eriknebel
    eriknebel liked this · 8 years ago
  • brightspiral
    brightspiral liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Marktimmins

9 years ago

Second in what I plan to be a series of “map videos.” This is a tectonic map of the earth produced for the German school system in the 70′s. I see a strong correlation between maps and songs ... both take the infinite chaos of the world and shape it into something comfortingly comprehensible. Thousands of kilometres of rugged coastline represented with a simple line; an extended period of intense emotion reflected in a few minutes of organised sound. A map or a song can only ever be a shadow of the complex beauty that inspired their creation, but under the right circumstances they can shape a new reality with its own intrinsic beauty. A beauty that speaks authentically about the nature of human experience while being happily one step removed from the sometimes remorseless brutality of its crude state.

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8 years ago
Sketchbook Doodle.

Sketchbook doodle.

8 years ago
Im Playing At Bardentreffen This Year! Im So Excited I Decided To Draw A Poster Of Me Singing Purple

I’m playing at Bardentreffen this year! I’m so excited I decided to draw a poster of me singing purple sludge into a flower microphone while playing a shovel! (Edit: I think that technically speaking what I’ve drawn here is a spade, not a shovel ... for those who like to call a spade a spade)

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