"I Can Watch The Boys For A Time, Until All The Plastic Babies Are Found. I Would Hate For Either Of
"I can watch the boys for a time, until all the plastic babies are found. I would hate for either of them to eat another."

“You sure about that? It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer but just so you know, they’re a handful being working dogs.” Roman said. Eliza was good with animals. She had a dog of her own, he learned, a big one so she clearly wasn’t inexperienced when it came to their care but looking after two more dogs on top of the pets she was already managing? While she was working? He didn’t want Rocco or Dante causing her problems but having somebody able to watch them for a short while would be helpful. “If you got a free day or two, looking after them would be a big help. I gotta have somebody gut the place and find all those babies before it’s safe for the boys to come back home. Can’t have them doing their dingo impression ‘til every last one of those suckers has been rounded up.” And swiftly destroyed. Roman sighed - if he ever saw a tiny plastic baby again, it would only be too soon.
the-arkham-librarian liked this · 2 years ago
sanguine-salvation liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Masquenoire
What were your last words?

Roman Sionis 's last words were "Do it. I dare you.".
Stolen from;; @coolhearted
What is your place in the royal court?

The King.
You hold yourself above the rest; a heavy crown on your head, you consider yourself a step above, the sole decision maker, the one in control. But, is your power only an illusion? Take heed, your majesty, the crowds would cheer your beheading fervently as they cheer your speeches.
Tagged by;; @king-crane Tagging;; Whoever would like to do it?
Bold what your muse has done. Italicize what your muse would do.

murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threaten / pick-pocketing / shoplifting Stolen from;; @sanguine-salvation Tagging;; Whoever would like to do it?
❤️ masquenoir
( Send in a ❤️ + a url for some OOC positivity! - ACCEPTING )
I'm gonna assume you mean @masquenoire, but correct me if I'm wrong!
So, way back when, before I made a blog, before I even was sure I wanted to make a blog, I was checking out some blogs that interacted with a friend's muse. And all the sudden I saw this here masquenoire blog in my recommends, and I was like "oh heck yea, I love Black Mask, I didn't think anyone played him! :o".
And even though the blog was a little new at the time, I LOVED IT. Chip, your writing is utterly fantastic. I got a little more confidence and inspiration reading such your prose that I got my little writer bones together and started my own blog. Your style is emotive and clever and sharp, you write these amazing paragraphs of lore that go in depth about all the big and little things that build Roman as a character. Even the small headcanons are given such wonderful attention, it makes everything feel so natural!
And that's not even getting into your actual interaction posts! The way you write through his gaze is fascinating, you always have such a good handle on both his internal and external voice through every emotion and situation, from giving nuance to his anger to even working in his softer moments or displaying his shrewd business skills, you make him feel so rounded. Even quiet moments on his own feel immersive, and it's clear that you put a lot of passion and thought into your writing!
Your portrayal is genuinely one of my favorites, even amongst his canon ones, and I feel so spoiled getting to read all this good writing for free!

“I’m still finding those little shits stashed all around the place.”