First Of The 3 Johto Starters Is Typhlosion. His Back Is Now Without Hair And Instead Thin Plates Of

First of the 3 Johto starters is Typhlosion. His back is now without hair and instead thin plates of armor and has fire coming out of the backside now like Quilava instead of fur. Looks like an armadillo to me now. XD
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New hoennian regional forms for the charmander line. They can be found at the desert where you get the fossils and instead of fire,they have little bits of sand coming out from their tail. They're based on my favorite reptile the Texas Horned Lizard that can shoot blood out their eyes. I also changed my signature to a watermark logo as it A: helps protects my image from being claimed by someone else and B: In case I start doing paid commissions for these.

Next Kanto 'mon is the Rattata line. They're based on the Bushy-tailed woodrat which also gave me the idea that Kalosian Rattata & Raticate wear them around their necks like boas. Here, though Raticate's just flaunting it near a runway XD Overall the main thing i'm happy about this was the fur detail and designing the runway. The other image is the woodrat.

I drew my papillon Xena as a cute girl :3. The pattern on the blue part of the dress is based on blue morpho butterflies.
I just love these official art pieces from the Steven Universe movie art book they’re releasing.

I'm still working on gen 1 regional forms! I just had this unfinished fusion sitting in my laptop since November 18th so it's about time I finished it XD. It's a fusion of Toxtricity and shiny Obstagoon with some black colorations from it's original colors. Toxtagoon's screams can release electric shockwaves when battling. Although it doesn't have the protrusions on its chest, its talent is now through metal music,performing for pokemon and even sneaking on stage to perform.