Fire Type - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
If The Dlc Wont Give Me Back My Fire Skunk Then I Will

If the dlc won’t give me back my fire skunk then I will 😤

Anyway, revived/fourth evolution of fetidoom

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2 years ago

Do you think that when some fire type pokemon eats a sandwich that the bread turns into toast? Like, all the pokemon have soft sandwiches, yet you hear chomping and crunching from the fire type.

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5 years ago
Two Bapies And A God Of Fire

Two bapies and a god of fire

Enter your name here to find out your Pokemon Type specialization  and then go here and set it to generate three of that type to find your team!

“ rOO specializes in Poison type Pokemon.”

Enter Your Name Here To Find Out Your Pokemon Type Specializationand Then Go Here And Set It To Generate

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2 years ago

Maybe just how we live without as many Pokemon alongside us.

2. Acceptance. I need people to understand that I don't have the same amount of mental energy as them, so I can't do things for too long.

3. Short and bright, I'd think.

4. Usually escapism into the things I'm interested in. Working on my characters, original and fanmade, and just what kind of people they are.

5. It's given me warmth in the winter, coolness in the summer, forms of entertainment, and, most importantly, a way to connect with people and hold onto hope that we humans can become kinder and wiser.

6. All forms of art? So, so much.

7. Technically no, but I have Unova in my blood even though I was born in America. And I plan on moving to a region when I have experience living on my own (alongside my future Pokemon)

8. Honestly, I don't have a specific genre. I like just about everything that makes me feel something good. The exceptions are music glorifying drugs, alchohol... those kinds of things.

9. Um... (coughIdon'thaveanyPokemonyetcough)

10. Nonexistent and never. XD

11. I guess it'd be how I can imagine possible reasons why someone is acting the way they are. Otherwise... pbbt. (Shrug)

12. When things get visually incredible in a battle with two strong Pokemon that show how close they are to their trainers. Like Pikachu's Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt clashing with Charizard's G-Max Wildfire in the anime. That's when I started getting choked up. XD

13. ...PBBBT (Shrug)

14. Technically not my Pokemon (yet, I hope), I was a liiitle shocked when I saw a SECOND WILD DRAMPA in the park just five minutes away. When I asked the original Drampa if he'd found a mate, he just gave me this hilariously blank stare. That's all I'm saying for now~. XD

15. The future: it's my life goal to help our people in general become just the tiniest bit kinder, more mature, less quick-to-judge, and more empathetic and understanding. Just a little bit, at least. As for truth or ideals... I think they're equally important. If you have ideals for a better future, you need to face the truth of what the world is today... even if it really hurts.

16. I'm high-functioning autistic and... well, I I think when I was a kid people thought I was crazy when I began breaking down in public school.

17. Iron shields. The best offense is the best defense.

18. I watch Sinnoh contests all the time! They can get me REALLY choked up with the creativity and when you see fanmade music videos of contests... it's just magical.

type asks ^v^

normal: what's smth that's normal to you that might be interesting to people in other regions?

grass: what do you need in order to grow?

fire: do you burn short and bright or long and steady?

water: what do you do for rest and recreation?

electric: talk abt how the power of technology has improved your life ^v^

bug: what does art mean to you?

flying: have you ever been to another region?

poison: what's your favorite genre of music?

rock: tell the story of a time one of your pokemon evolved!

ground: how are your leadership skills? how often do you need to use them?

psychic: what's a weird or unusual talent of yours?

fighting: what's your fave thing abt pokemon battles?

ice: what's the coolest thing abt you? 😎

ghost: talk abt a time one of your pokemon surprised you ^v^

dragon: past or future? truth or ideals?

dark: what's a misconception ppl have had abt you or your pokemon?

steel: sharp blades or iron shields? attack or defense?

fairy: do you do performances w your pokemon? if you don't, do you ever watch them?

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8 years ago
I Love Vulpix And Ninetales! I Dithered For A Long Time Over The Flames, Whether They Should Be Red (like
I Love Vulpix And Ninetales! I Dithered For A Long Time Over The Flames, Whether They Should Be Red (like
I Love Vulpix And Ninetales! I Dithered For A Long Time Over The Flames, Whether They Should Be Red (like

I love Vulpix and Ninetales! I dithered for a long time over the flames, whether they should be red (like in the anime) or blue (because ‘foxfire’ is usually blue), but in the end I couldn’t resist the more mystical-looking blue flames. These two gave me so much trouble by the way, from sketch to ink to painting! Why are all my favourites so difficult? Perhaps my standards are higher because I like them so much. These are both available to buy in my online shop!

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5 months ago

Please give us the four Team Flare scientists, especially Mabel, because she’s my favorite out of the four, man I have to play this if she comes out!?!?!?!!

Please Give Us The Four Team Flare Scientists, Especially Mabel, Because Shes My Favorite Out Of The
"Finally" Is Right, I've Waited A Year And A Half For Them To Add Her
"Finally" Is Right, I've Waited A Year And A Half For Them To Add Her

"Finally" is right, I've waited a year and a half for them to add her 😭

I hope we get some sus dialogue in her Pokemon Center conversations. Always felt she had absolutely INSANE potential, especially with it being implied she was running cover-ups for Flare and their information/media control. (Even the Champion is STILL none-the-wiser over her involvement in a genocidal terrorist group, that's fucking terrifying.)

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1 year ago
Drawing My Pokmon Contest Coordinator Again! (Finally Found Out What They Were Actually Called ) Anyway,

Drawing my Pokémon contest Coordinator again! (Finally found out what they were actually called 😆) Anyway, we love her 😌😘

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2 years ago
Its A Pokepuff Themed Day Today, Im Planning On Attempting To Make My Own Pokepuffs!

Its a pokepuff themed day today, im planning on attempting to make my own pokepuffs!

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5 months ago
I Have Wanted To Draw Fakemon For Sometime And Finally Made Them... What Do You All Think :33

I have wanted to draw fakemon for sometime and finally made them... What do you all think :33

I Have Wanted To Draw Fakemon For Sometime And Finally Made Them... What Do You All Think :33

Floroma -- Grass Type (perhaps fairy, idk yet)

Floroma is known for their majestic petals, not only due to its beauty, but also its calming aroma.

Some professors beleive Floroma to have evolved from Aurorus, while others insist its closeness to Meganium.

I Have Wanted To Draw Fakemon For Sometime And Finally Made Them... What Do You All Think :33

Puffpup -- Fire Type (maybe ground or normal too)

Many find Puffpup to be nuisances, as their tail constantly spews smoke. Professors advice against catching Puffpup as they are known for running away from trainers.

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6 years ago

Skeletober day 21: Marowak from Pokemon

Skeletober Day 21: Marowak From Pokemon

“From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons.”-Pokemon Black and White Pokedex

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1 year ago

Kocueno The Dragon Breath Pokémon

Kocueno The Dragon Breath Pokmon
Kocueno The Dragon Breath Pokmon
Kocueno The Dragon Breath Pokmon
Kocueno The Dragon Breath Pokmon

4/18 in the 🐲🎨 A full stage dragon of each type🎨🐲 series

Time: 3 hr's

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4 years ago
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.

I took a long time debating what starters I wanted. I definitely wanted two that I could draw this time.

My first two were a vulpix and bulbasaur, both of which pokemon I struggle to draw :'3 So these were some doodles I made of the ones I liked!

(Below is another sad attempt of my old duo)

I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.
I Took A Long Time Debating What Starters I Wanted. I Definitely Wanted Two That I Could Draw This Time.

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2 years ago

Dall e wolf pokemon evolution all types

Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types
Dall E Wolf Pokemon Evolution All Types

Ice > Grass > Fire > Electric > Dark > Steel > Psychic > Poison > Ground > Normal (final)

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