Fairytypepokemon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Next Kanto Line I Did Is The Pidgey Line Which I Based On Release Doves At Wedding Ceremonies. You Can

Next Kanto line I did is the Pidgey line which I based on release doves at wedding ceremonies. You can Find them in Kalos which is heavily based off France. The reason for Pidgeotto's feet are arched up like that are to mimic the look of what bird's feet look like when they're running but mainly to have them look like a person's feet wearing heels. I didn't feel like carrying it to the final stage,though. And finally on Pidgeotto & Pidgeot's stomach are rice patterns.

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5 years ago
Next Kanto 'mon Is The Rattata Line. They're Based On The Bushy-tailed Woodrat Which Also Gave Me The
Next Kanto 'mon Is The Rattata Line. They're Based On The Bushy-tailed Woodrat Which Also Gave Me The

Next Kanto 'mon is the Rattata line. They're based on the Bushy-tailed woodrat which also gave me the idea that Kalosian Rattata & Raticate wear them around their necks like boas. Here, though Raticate's just flaunting it near a runway XD Overall the main thing i'm happy about this was the fur detail and designing the runway. The other image is the woodrat.

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5 years ago
Next Is The Igglybuff Line. I Based These On The Spiked Seed Pods That Fall From Trees. Igglybuff Evolves

Next is the Igglybuff line. I based these on the spiked seed pods that fall from trees. Igglybuff evolves by happiness at daytime. Jigglypuff evolves by the Leaf Stone. Igglybuff: The hair on their body are sharp & stiff. Their Rollout attack packs quite a punch! Jigglypuff: They are very bossy natured and try to tell pokemon & trainers what to do all the time,making them not well liked. Wigglytuff: They guard the forest pokemon with their lives. Their thick branch heals wounds and damaged plant life. #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #grasstypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #igglybuff #jigglypuff #wigglytuff #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #galar https://www.instagram.com/p/B85LPdjJxkt/?igshid=pzehgvhju1aa

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5 years ago
Next Form Is The Poliwag Line. Poliwag,Poliwhirl And Poliwrath Are Based On Lava Lamps And Politoad Is

Next form is the Poliwag line. Poliwag,Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are based on lava lamps and Politoad is based on a color morph in strawberry poison dart frogs known as the blue jeans morph. Poliwrath evolves by leveling up in burned tower and Politoad evolves by leveling up in Tohjo Falls. #poliwag #poliwhirl #poliwrath #politoad #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #firetypepokemon #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon https://www.instagram.com/p/B9f-HxyJYiI/?igshid=14x00aa8rxloe

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4 years ago
Next Regional Forms Is The Slowpoke Line With Slowpoke Looking More Like An Axolotl Than Its Previous

Next regional forms is the Slowpoke line with Slowpoke looking more like an Axolotl than its previous form. It evolves into Slowbro when you have a Tynamo in your party or Slowpoke into Slowking with a helix fossil in the bag. If you have both then it’s a 50% chance of either.

#regionalform #regionalvariant #regionalforms #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #slowpoke #slowbro #slowking #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #electrictypepokemon #rocktypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak

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4 years ago
The Next Regional Forms- Alolan Seel Line AKA The Poor Mans Primarina XD

The next regional forms- Alolan Seel line AKA the poor man’s Primarina XD

Seel Moveset Headbutt 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 37 Hyper Voice 41 Surf 43 Hydro Pump 47 Ice Beam 51 Captivate 53 Misty Terrain

Dewgong Moveset Evolve Sparkling Aria Headbutt Growl Signal Beam Icy Wind 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 39 Hyper Voice 45 Surf 49 Hydro Pump 55 Ice Beam 61 Captivate 65 Misty Terrain

#seel #dewgong #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #alola

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4 years ago
A Request Frommy Deviantart.

A request from my Deviantart.

The request was to draw the buddyized version of Absol so I did the mega version of it,not realizing that it’s buddy mega looks more different to this until after. ;-;

Buddyized pokemon are a concept from the pokemon youtuber Mr Buddy.

Ability: Magic Bounce Height: 3'11"1.2 m Weight: 108.0 lbs.49.0 kg Egg Group: Field and Fairy Gender Ratio: 50% Male 50% Female HP: 65 Attack: 115 Defense: 60 Special Attack: 150 Special Defense: 60 Speed:115 BST:565

(All stats for non-mega Absol is the same as its original form but the attack stats are swapped)

Buddyized Absol moveset

—    Moonblast — Future Sight — Scratch — Feint — Leer — Quick Attack 4 Leer 7 Quick Attack 10 Disarming Voice 13 Sweet Kiss 16 Draining Kiss 19 Double Team 22 Slash 25 Swords Dance 29 Dazzling Gleam 33 Detect 37 Psychic 41 Heal Bell 45 Hyper Voice 49 Razor Wind 53 Future Sight 57 Moonblast

Egg Moves

Baton Pass Double-Edge Magic Coat Zen Headbutt Me First Megahorn Play Rough Life Dew Baby-Doll Eyes Roar Acupressure Extrasensory Tickle Aromatic Mist

#absol #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #fairytypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

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4 years ago
Now Is Clefairys Turn For The Fusion Category And It Paired Me With Rufflet. And Just A Reminder That

Now is Clefairy’s turn for the fusion category and it paired me with Rufflet. And just a reminder that if a gen 1 pokemon doesn’t get a regional form I make them into a fusion instead by randomly generating the 2nd pokemon in japeal.com :) Just a friendly reminder and to let any new followers know.

Clefflet Moveset

Sing Sweet Kiss Disarming Voice Encore Charm Peck Pound Copycat Hone Claws Defense Curl 4 Stored Power 8 Minimize 12 Wing Attack 16 Life Dew 18 Tailwind 20 Metronome 24 Moonlight 28 Aerial Ace 32 Meteor Mash 36 Follow Me 40 Cosmic Power 42 Whirlwind 44 Moonblast 48 Crush Claw 55 Air Slash 60 Defog 66 Thrash 72 Brave Bird

Egg Moves

Present Wish Aromatherapy Tickle Heal Pulse Wing Attack Baby-Doll Eyes Hone Claws Sky Attack Slash Fake Out

#rufflet #clefairy #fairytypepokemon #flyingtypepokemon #fusion #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #bird

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4 years ago
Some More Finished Requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse

Some more finished requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse #darktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #teddiursa #ursaring #fairytypepokemon #sobble #drizzile #inteleon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dqMhaFbsX/?igshid=ycfm2oagaexj

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4 years ago
Next Was Weepinbell's Turn To Fuse And I Was Paired With Floette.Although Most Of Its Poison Was Diluted
Next Was Weepinbell's Turn To Fuse And I Was Paired With Floette.Although Most Of Its Poison Was Diluted

Next was Weepinbell's turn to fuse and I was paired with Floette. Although most of its poison was diluted from fusing with Floette,it can still use some poison moves. Its flower can either heal or poison depending if the pokemon or trainee is threatening or not. Flobell Moveset 

- Vine Whip 

- Growth 

- Wrap 6 Fairy Wind 7 Growth 10 Lucky Chant 11 Wrap 13 Sleep Powder 15 Poison Powder 17 Stun Spore 20 Wish 24 Acid 25 Magical Leaf 27 Grassy Terrain 29 Knock Off 32 Sweet Scent 33 Petal Blizzard 38 Aromatherapy 39 Gastro Acid 43 Misty Terrain 44 Razor Leaf 46 Moonblast 47 Poison Jab 51 Petal Dance 54 Slam 58 Solar Beam Egg Moves Copycat Captivate Camouflage Tearful Look Encore Synthesis Leech Life Ingrain Magical Leaf Worry Seed Tickle Weather Ball Bullet Seed Natural Gift Giga Drain Clear Smog Power Whip Acid Spray Belch Strength Sap

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4 years ago
Next Was Rapidash's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Wurmple.(gimme A Gen 8 Mon Already -.-).
Next Was Rapidash's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Wurmple.(gimme A Gen 8 Mon Already -.-).

Next was Rapidash's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Wurmple.(gimme a gen 8 mon already -.-). So yes,enjoy this blursed(or cursed) bug horse. Galarian Wurmpidash is usually never rode on by other trainers due to the spikes on back.Its strong but its soft body makes it unable to take hits well. Despite their unfortunate looks,all trainers search for this pokemon as it is rarely ever seen and at one time was believed to just be a legend. Galarian Wurmpidash Moveset 

- Psycho Cut 

- Megahorn 

- Tackle 

- String Shot 

- Quick Attack 

- Growl 

- Tail Whip 

- Confusion

5 Poison Sting 15 Fairy Wind 15 Bug Bite 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 30 Stomp 35 Heal Pulse 43 Take Down 49 Dazzling Gleam 56 Psychic 63 Healing Wish Egg Moves Thrash Double Kick Hypnosis Double-Edge Horn Drill Morning Sun Electroweb Snore

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