megalizardon4736 - Mega Lizardon
Mega Lizardon

I do art & stuff .-.

423 posts

Next Kanto Line I Did Is The Pidgey Line Which I Based On Release Doves At Wedding Ceremonies. You Can

Next Kanto Line I Did Is The Pidgey Line Which I Based On Release Doves At Wedding Ceremonies. You Can

Next Kanto line I did is the Pidgey line which I based on release doves at wedding ceremonies. You can Find them in Kalos which is heavily based off France. The reason for Pidgeotto's feet are arched up like that are to mimic the look of what bird's feet look like when they're running but mainly to have them look like a person's feet wearing heels. I didn't feel like carrying it to the final stage,though. And finally on Pidgeotto & Pidgeot's stomach are rice patterns.

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    wibblywobblygenderywendery liked this · 4 years ago
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More Posts from Megalizardon4736

5 years ago

I love that the internet saw people comparing women and other alienated groups of people and went, “they’re dating,” and, “they support each other.” We’re improving as a society.

5 years ago
I'm Still Working On Gen 1 Regional Forms! I Just Had This Unfinished Fusion Sitting In My Laptop Since

I'm still working on gen 1 regional forms! I just had this unfinished fusion sitting in my laptop since November 18th so it's about time I finished it XD. It's a fusion of Toxtricity and shiny Obstagoon with some black colorations from it's original colors. Toxtagoon's screams can release electric shockwaves when battling. Although it doesn't have the protrusions on its chest, its talent is now through metal music,performing for pokemon and even sneaking on stage to perform.

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5 years ago
Last Of The 3 Kanto Starters. You Can Find Them In The Cave Around Dewford Town Honing Their Fighting

Last of the 3 Kanto starters. You can find them in the cave around Dewford Town honing their fighting abilities by watching Brawly training. They're based on leatherback sea turtles by not having a bony shell and,yes,teenage mutant ninja turtles even though I haven't watched one of their movies or shows in years! XD I even had to look up what weapons they used so I used Donatello's staff for Blastoise.

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5 years ago
I Completely Forgot I Did This And The Galarian Rapidash/swanna Fusion Back In Early November When Leaks

I completely forgot I did this and the galarian rapidash/swanna fusion back in early November when leaks were coming out XD I didn't even write down any descriptions for them.

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5 years ago
I Completely Forgot I Did This And The Audino/indeedee Fusion Back In Early November When Leaks Were

I completely forgot I did this and the audino/indeedee fusion back in early November when leaks were coming out XD I didn't even write down any descriptions for them.

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