Galarian Rapidash - Tumblr Posts
Sorry it’s been so long, but heres a wip drop-
A fusion between Espeon and Galarian rapidash, hope you guys like it!

I haven’t made that much progress, but I figured I’d make an update!

Some icons for the collab Pokemon adopts @Miss_mossball and I have up for sale below! Galarian Rapidash Availability: via Sylveon Availability: via

Some assorted Pokémon drawings I did a while back when it was the only thing I could think about for a few months.

I completely forgot I did this and the audino/indeedee fusion back in early November when leaks were coming out XD I didn't even write down any descriptions for them.

Next was Rapidash's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Wurmple.(gimme a gen 8 mon already -.-). So yes,enjoy this blursed(or cursed) bug horse. Galarian Wurmpidash is usually never rode on by other trainers due to the spikes on back.Its strong but its soft body makes it unable to take hits well. Despite their unfortunate looks,all trainers search for this pokemon as it is rarely ever seen and at one time was believed to just be a legend. Galarian Wurmpidash Moveset
- Psycho Cut
- Megahorn
- Tackle
- String Shot
- Quick Attack
- Growl
- Tail Whip
- Confusion
5 Poison Sting 15 Fairy Wind 15 Bug Bite 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 30 Stomp 35 Heal Pulse 43 Take Down 49 Dazzling Gleam 56 Psychic 63 Healing Wish Egg Moves Thrash Double Kick Hypnosis Double-Edge Horn Drill Morning Sun Electroweb Snore

Last year in the pokecember challenge, I decided to mix Don't Starve with pokémon. And I ended up digitizing my favorite character, my goddess Wigfrid!

You've heard of Barbie's Dreamhouse, now here's Barbie's Dream Team !!