megalizardon4736 - Mega Lizardon
Mega Lizardon

I do art & stuff .-.

423 posts

The Next Regional Forms- Alolan Seel Line AKA The Poor Mans Primarina XD

The Next Regional Forms- Alolan Seel Line AKA The Poor Mans Primarina XD

The next regional forms- Alolan Seel line AKA the poor man’s Primarina XD

Seel Moveset Headbutt 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 37 Hyper Voice 41 Surf 43 Hydro Pump 47 Ice Beam 51 Captivate 53 Misty Terrain

Dewgong Moveset Evolve Sparkling Aria Headbutt Growl Signal Beam Icy Wind 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 39 Hyper Voice 45 Surf 49 Hydro Pump 55 Ice Beam 61 Captivate 65 Misty Terrain

#seel #dewgong #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #alola

More Posts from Megalizardon4736

4 years ago



This is an old pokefusion of mine revised and finally finished!! They are a Chandelour and Vaporeon fusion! They're types are ghost and water!


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4 years ago

Blue’s song from Homeworld Bound :)

4 years ago
Wow, I Cant Believe It Took Me 3 Months To Complete This Set. Theres So Much Going On Right Now. Im Just
Wow, I Cant Believe It Took Me 3 Months To Complete This Set. Theres So Much Going On Right Now. Im Just
Wow, I Cant Believe It Took Me 3 Months To Complete This Set. Theres So Much Going On Right Now. Im Just
Wow, I Cant Believe It Took Me 3 Months To Complete This Set. Theres So Much Going On Right Now. Im Just

Wow, I can’t believe it took me 3 months to complete this set. There’s so much going on right now. I’m just really glad you guys are so patient with me.

4 years ago
Next Was Clefables Turn For A Fusion And It Paired Me With Amaura.

Next was Clefable’s turn for a fusion and it paired me with Amaura.

Amaurable can launch power Ice Beams from the gemstone on their stomach. If it cracks it can blast one from its mouth but not as cold or powerful.

Amaurable Moveset

- Minimize - Powder Snow 5 Thunder Wave 10 Disarming Voice 13 Icy Wind 15 Metronome 18 Stored Power 20 Aurora Beam 26 Life Dew 30 Round 34 Meteor Mash 38 Hail 41 Nature Power 44 Encore 47 Light Screen 50 Ice Beam 57 Cosmic Power 65 Moonblast

Egg Moves

Present Wish Aromatherapy Tickle Heal Pulse Haze Barrier Mirror Coat Magnet Rise Discharge Life Dew Aurora Veil

#clefable #amaura #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #fablefakemon #pokéathome

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4 years ago
Next Was Digletts Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Azumarill. And Not Like It Matters But I Used

Next was Diglett’s turn for a fusion and I was paired with Azumarill. And not like it matters but I used Alolan Diglett. :/

Alolan Diglarill like to burrow in mud to keep their skin soft. All that sticks out are their little hairs to sense their surroundings.

Alolan Diglarill Moveset

Water Gun Metal Claw 4 Rollout 8 Defense Curl 12 Bubblebeam 16 Bulldoze 20 Sucker Punch 24 Iron Head 28 Sandstorm 32 Dig 36 Play Rough 40 Earthquake 44 Aqua Tail 46 Superpower 55 Hydro Pump

Egg Moves

Present Amnesia Future Sight Belly Drum Perish Song Supersonic Aqua Jet Superpower Refresh Body Slam Water Sport Muddy Water Camouflage Ancient Power Headbutt Final Gambit Memento Metal Sound Thrash

#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #diglett #alola #alolan #alolandiglett #azumarill #watertypepokemon #groundtypepokemon

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