merelymatt - Merely Matt
Merely Matt

Creator/writer of I Need A Miracle, host of Merely Roleplayers. (Those are podcasts.) He/him.

1362 posts



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More Posts from Merelymatt

8 months ago

Did you know I've been serialising a story in my newsletter for nearly a year?

A Net Too Wide To Break His Fall is about Callum, who is invisible and inaudible and essentially nonexistent to anyone he hasn't been introduced to.

You might think that wouldn't be too big an issue but the boy is also extremely bad at maintaining close relationships with the people he knows (ie the ones capable of introducing him to new people)

Basically imagine if letting your friendships and family relationships lapse led to you functionally becoming a ghost.

Callum's solution to this is to get involved in organised crime and then almost immediately decide to turn coat, which has led to the situation he's currently in.

Latest chapter in the reblog, all previous chapters collected here:

Ready: The first renewables course

It's the latest Ready edition of the Foggy Outline newsletter, Ready & Waiting! With:

💨 A brand new Udemy course with answers to common questions about renewables, like "are they actually unreliable?" and "why should some countries have to rely on renewables when others built themselves on fossil fuels?"

☀️ Where to find us this summer

🗝 Chapter 10 of A Net Too Wide To Break His Fall, where we discover just how bad it is to get locked in a cellar when most people in the world can't see or hear you

Ready: The first renewables course
All right, luvvies? Matt here with the Ready edition of Ready & Waiting, a fortnightly newsletter from Foggy Outline. The Ready edition is a

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8 months ago

oopsie! You got a bit too manic about a creative project too close to bedtime and now your brain is too awake to sleep. One million dead 10 morbillion injured

8 months ago

260 is Down!

Sci-fi horror. A company funds the research submarine Virgil and its expedition down into a newly discovered trench in Antarctica, but the crew are not prepared for what they will discover lurking in the trench’s depths.

Completed series of 24 episodes.

8 months ago

What do you MEAN there isn't a London Tide album. Not a cast recording not PJ Harvey sings the songs album. What do you MEAN I can't even find evidence of a PLAN to make or release one. What do you MEAN my fragile already-degrading memory of those songs is all I'll have of them. I want to rotate those songs until I can bridge the gulfs of those intervals with my mind. They were surely not written to be heard just the once.

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8 months ago

me @ everyone

Me @ Everyone

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