[00:42] Why? Why? WHY?!? You Think To Yourself As You Stared At The Back Of Your Brother Who Had Begged
[00:42] why? why? WHY?!? you think to yourself as you stared at the back of your brother who had begged you to die in her place. the nerve, the audacity…
they never took your feelings to heart; discarded like dust never to be seen again. it was pain after sadness after pain and it finally made you realise how naive you have been. it was foolish to think that any of your family members would care about you, that they would have a place for you in their hearts.
naive little you, how foolish. they only had time for her and it was shown; your birthday pushed aside, blamed for anything such as her getting her (it was somehow always you). bastards.
without your brother turning around he didn’t see you clearly. no, he didn’t see the way your eyes had dulled slightly only to minutes later light with so much anger that your eyes looked like they were glowing. the way your body stopped shaking and you stopped crying, how you stared calmly at his back.
anger had taken over you as the blood in your veins rushed rapidly in you with anticipation. it burned deep in you daring you to forget but oh how you wouldn’t forget.
you could never ever forget it and you never will. you’ll make them pay, shame them and bring them down and oh, how they’ll beg for mercy. they will not forget the slander they treated you with, the mistreatment from the servants.
you emotionless stare at the dreadful human in front of you- enjoying the confused and shocked face when he met your hate filled gaze especially with the different emotions he was going through.
shock. confusion. regret. shame. anger.
he was speaking to you but it was a buzzing noise in your ears, annoying as a mouse. fool but oh, there’s the other two fools with him looking at you harshly until you had looked at them.
gleefully you grinned with how your ‘sister’ flinched, hiding away from you in fear. it had set off the fool in front of you as he yanked your hair, spitting in your face. you simply smiled at him unsettlingly him yet still angering him at the same time.
“isn’t it funny how it came to this?” you ask him hoarsely, voice raspy from not talking. they looked at you stunned especially the one you used to call father. “funny how a fake sister seemed to replace me but thank goodness she did..”
you grin, eyes full of fire before tilting your head to the right, “or else I’d turned out like a spoiled bitch”
one; hook
a shade of red burned across her face whilst the other two were in shock before smacking you across the room. ha? seriously they’re that pissed?
“HOW DARE YOU-“ he raises his voice before your snort and your body shakes, it covers your anger as amusement. you seeth from behind your hair.
two: line
“HOW DARE YOU THINK ITS FUNNY! UNGRATEFUL GIRL!” he had yelled furiously, oh the hatred continued building up like molten lava and so you smiled peacefully for the last time.
three: sinker
“father well perhaps I shall call you sperm donor, quite suiting no? anyways let’s this be known that i hate you.” you softly spoke as the chains your ankles were in broke, a smile breaking out at their scared faces.
“what are you doing-“ you cut off your father by summoning some ice spikes that cut into him. the place slowly becoming colder as you start to freeze the room.
“may my hatred make you burn for eternity in hell”
you darkly smiled.
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More Posts from Missfandom24
[23:45] “aether! lumine! please you don’t have to be like this!” you shout out to your elder siblings as, thunder starts, why did they have to be the prince and princess to the abyss…
a nightmare…please no
you held back tear as aethers gaze met yours; his harsh glare softening into a look full of warmth and understanding. you, didn’t understand why after being separated for so long that this is reality.
don’t leave me please; I’m scared.
“my dear sister,” aether began as he comes closer to you, a hands gently cupping your face, making the sob you were trying to hold come out. “you won’t understand now but you are growing, you will realise why we’re doing this.”
don’t leave me or else I’ll be used until I’m worn out.
lumine grasps your hands, this causes you to look at them confused. the sound of your sobs increases as you apologise; they were obviously upset at how long it took you to find them.
how wrong you were.
“i’m sorry! if I only was good enough to find you quicker,” you gasped out not noticing how their gazes harden, arms bring you into their hold; comfort.
“we have more than enough time sister,” lumine began, gently kissing your head as she steps away. “for we will be reunited once again but for now, we must part ways.”
aether followed her lead as they step away and into the portal, sending you one last glance. they hold up a lucky charm up; the ones you made. it made you cry harder.
theses gods were no help so far and you met them like this…
“til the stars reunite us again my dear sister and brother.” you utter collapsed on your knees; numbed from the cold and the noise a high pitch sound.
[16:19] “why aren’t you mad? you should be screaming at me or at least slap me,” childe’s voice echoed in kitchen. it made you falter before you had regained your stance quickly.
“why should I be mad?” you ask softly, as you continue to cut the carrots you needed for the soup, it was a family recipe. a hand slams behind you against the counter making you jump; the knife slipping and cutting you.
“childe…i can’t say anything because it was something I expected,” you utter, blinking away the tears from your eyes. liar, you expected none of that. you manoeuvre yourself to the sink only to be dragged back, childe puts your finger in his mouth softly sucks to stop the bleeding.
ah! a warm blush spreads across your cheek as you held eye contact. no, stop! you sharply drew your hand out of his mouth. “childe…i do truly love you I really do but do you?…”
a sharp hiss was heard before he grabbed you bringing you close. tears appear once more as you start to shake slowly, he seems to be holding on to you tightly. “it was a stupid drunk accident…i can’t lose you! my loyalty to you will always be the same as it.”
you internally frown, a drunk accident huh? you were no fool but now? you were a fool in love. childe buries his face in the crook of your neck, he loves doing that and it also is his favourite spot.
“i can try one more but only once more,” you softly speak into his ear. the way his body shivers and he grips you closer before nodding, you knew you had him.
you smiled darkly, full of glee.
he was yours and always would be especially if you had a say in it…
[13:47] the afternoon sky was dark with rain ready to fall at any minute. it had recently cold due to the winter coming up but you had yet to stock up on logs for your fire.
‘wonder how he is?’ you thought to yourself as you sighed thinking about him. it was hard to not think about him despite how stoic he might be at times. ‘will he come home?’
he was just hurt from his past but those who are demon slayers usually have a dark past or have lost people close to them. it made you want to hug him and give him all your happiness and warmth.
he had told you it felt like he was undeserving and he was drowning in his guilt and shame of being alive whilst they had died. he was on autopilot at times not knowing what he was doing until he sometimes finds himself killing a demon. it was like a thick heavy fog had covered him making him feel like his energy had been sucked out of him.
‘its not your fault’ you had told him holding his hands towards you.
‘you aren’t alone at all’ and ‘you’re here and it is okay that you survived and are alive’ as well you had told him that repeatedly whilst holding him and running your hands through his hair.
“you are my star, you are the star that saved me from the darkness and continue to do so’ he told you once in a heated confession.
it had you emotional and scared him whenever you smiled whilst crying but felt himself being pulled closer to you. “you are the one who saved me from drowning in grief and anger” was what you told him.
it was true as he stumbled upon you standing on a bridge staring at the water. he knew the look on your face and has saved you by leading you from the bridge while telling you words that changed your life.
“you are still here so do something with your life that would make your family happy instead of drowning in that anger and grief.”
you smile at that memory looking at the rain that was pouring down all of a sudden until a creak was heard behind you. it’s a familiar shadow.
“i’m home” the calm voice of him washed over you and with a smile you turned.
“giyuu! welcome home,” you spoke softly, holding your arms open as you welcome him home.
home wasn’t t complete without him.
he was home.
[23:45] “aether! lumine! please you don’t have to be like this!” you shout out to your elder siblings as, thunder starts, why did they have to be the prince and princess to the abyss…
a nightmare…please no
you held back tear as aethers gaze met yours; his harsh glare softening into a look full of warmth and understanding. you, didn’t understand why after being separated for so long that this is reality.
don’t leave me please; I’m scared.
“my dear sister,” aether began as he comes closer to you, a hands gently cupping your face, making the sob you were trying to hold come out. “you won’t understand now but you are growing, you will realise why we’re doing this.”
don’t leave me or else I’ll be used until I’m worn out.
lumine grasps your hands, this causes you to look at them confused. the sound of your sobs increases as you apologise; they were obviously upset at how long it took you to find them.
how wrong you were.
“i’m sorry! if I only was good enough to find you quicker,” you gasped out not noticing how their gazes harden, arms bring you into their hold; comfort.
“we have more than enough time sister,” lumine began, gently kissing your head as she steps away. “for we will be reunited once again but for now, we must part ways.”
aether followed her lead as they step away and into the portal, sending you one last glance. they hold up a lucky charm up; the ones you made. it made you cry harder.
theses gods were no help so far and you met them like this…
“til the stars reunite us again my dear sister and brother.” you utter collapsed on your knees; numbed from the cold and the noise a high pitch sound.
[23:45] it was quiet as the heat from the fireplace spread throughout the room, the noise from the tv in the background.
you were on the sofa snuggling into a blanket and into their side. they were warm and welcoming, softly leaving kisses on your forehead every few minutes.
it was perfect, it made you feel warm and fuzzy like you were in a dream. it was everything you could of asked for.
it was home.