Timestamp - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



pairing : boyfriend! jk x girlfriend! black fem reader

summary : You prepare yourself to go out on a date with Jungkook, but your hair is giving you a hard time. Thankfully, your lovely boyfriend will never allow you to get out of your shared home not feeling like the ethereal looking princess that you are.

genre : 100% fluff, endearing boyfriend, domestic acts of love

word count : 711 words

warnings : none ^^

author’s note : this is a lil one-shot I wrote to get myself back in writing 🥺 Jungkook has long blonde hair and y/n has some matching blonde color long box braids. I hope this story makes your heart flutter like it did mine when I wrote it (๑>◡<๑) Enjoy loves <3

You and your boyfriend are supposed to be out in a few for a date you’ve both planned. You’re almost ready : outfit done, makeup done, perfume done. All that was left was your hair.

You were in front of the mirror, livid, huffing and puffing, trying to come up with an idea on what the hell to do with it. it’s been like 15 minutes now and you’ve attempted to do 3 hairstyles already.

Your arms are starting to pass out and your patience is growing thin.

Your boyfriend, a little bit worried about what kept you for so long in the bathroom decided to come get you, and as soon as he saw your state reflecting in the mirror, he understood. And he will not let this ruin your day.

You were getting really frustrated and you eventually decide on letting your hair be and call it a day.

Just as you’re about to give up and move on with your prepping, you feel strong arms circling your waist and pull you in. You don’t even have the time to react or say a single word, before one of these strong arms brings a phone up in your face.

— hold this. — he simply says.

As you pick the phone from his hands, your boyfriend removes his arms from around you, tickling your sides on the way making you giggle and shake a bit. He then runs his hands through your hair, and softly massages your scalp and the back of your neck for a few minutes.

You allow yourself to relax into his touch and close your eyes humming in contentment. Your reaction makes him smile and giddy, but you can’t see it since he’s facing your back.

At some point, he breaks the silence and asks you — what vibe were you going for baby ? — He knows that you’re into y2k style at the moment, but he still wanted your approval before doing anything to you.

(also he wanted to hear you talk, the soft voice you have when you’re very relaxed always makes the butterflies in his stomach act up).

His own honey filled tone and his sweet intentions towards you aimed straight at your fast beating heart and filled you with love and appreciation. After contemplating for a few minutes, you finally answered — hmmm… I know that you would help me but don’t worry, I think I’ll go out like this today sweet — your eyes still closed.

It felt so good, you were actually getting super comfortable and on the verge of falling asleep. Honestly… you would rather stay there and let him massage your scalp then sit on the couch and cuddle with him instead of going out if you could, but he reserved a slot at this manga café you’ve both been dying to try for so long and you knew it wasn’t reasonable to cancel it right at this moment, less than 15 minutes before. Also, you were actually excited to go out. Just greedy with the display of affection, as touch was your main love language.

— as you wish princess. I hope you’re aware that you’re a beautiful angel that looks wonderful with your hair done or not, and that I love you either way. — he softly murmures into your ear as he lets his hands caress your arms and rest on your hips.

You thought you couldn’t melt more for his ways until he started delicately pecking your neck all the way from right behind your ear to the tip of your shoulder. Each of his kisses conveyed all the love and appreciation he felt for you, his soft pouty lips applying a gentle pressure on your sensitive skin with light touches as if it were very fragile porcelain, and it sent you chills that ran through your entire body.

You wish time could stop right then and there so you could live in this moment forever. He feels the same. That’s why, when you intertwine your fingers with him and rest on his chest as he embraces you and rests his head in the crook of your neck, he lets the both of you enjoy this moment longer than you should be, and be late to your outdoor date.

masterlist <3

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4 years ago


[10:37 PM]

“Isn’t it exhausting?”


“Always pushing people away.”

Yoongi’s hands hovered over his keyboard, his fingers no longer striking the keys. The weight of Hoseok’s words settled onto his shoulders, causing them to slump. He tried to shrug the feeling off.

“I never pushed you away. I never pushed our members away.”

“And I know you’re glad you didn’t.” Hoseok agreed. “So why are you pushing her?”

“It’s better than the alternative.” Yoongi mumbled, not meeting his friend’s gaze.

“What? Better than loving her? Better than being loved?” Hoseok’s tone was incredulous.

Yoongi heaved the kind of sigh only those who have known true pain can.

“Better than being disappointed,” is what he said. Better than being broken, is what he thought.

“But you’ve known her for so long... when has she ever disappointed you?”

“Never.” Yoongi confessed.

“So what are you so afraid of?” Hoseok smiled encouragingly.

But Yoongi wasn’t looking at him. His gaze was on his hands, still poised above his keyboard, his fingers trembling. 

“If she finds out how I feel about her, there are only two possible outcomes.”

“And you don’t think the best outcome is the most likely?”

Yoongi curled both of his hands into tight fists.

“I’m not that lucky.”

Hoseok scoffed, then shook his head.

“Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the only way the outcome could be bad is if you continue this self-sabotage.”

It was Yoongi’s turn to scoff.

“Look,” Hoseok continued, “I don’t blame you for being scared, but I know she cares about you. Aren’t you tired of pretending like you don’t care about her?”

“I’m tired of this conversation.” Yoongi grumbled, but Hoseok wasn’t wrong. He was tired. Exhausted, even. Being alone took so much effort. Too much.

And acting like he wasn’t completely drained was the most exhausting part.

“Hyung, listen to me,” Hoseok persisted, “I get that closing yourself off is what you do, but maybe just this once you should try getting out of your own head. You’ll probably be surprised how easy it is to stay when you stop looking for reasons to run away… and I think only good things will happen if you do.”

“You think I don’t know all of this?” Yoongi asked, but though his words were sharp, his tone was flat. He didn’t even have the energy to be mad. “You think I haven’t already told myself everything you’ve said?” 

A knowing smile blossomed on Hoseok’s face when Yoongi relaxed his hands and finally looked at him.

“Maybe you just needed to hear it from someone you trust.”

[1:04 AM]

“I should probably say goodnight.” You exhaled sleepily. “It’s late.”

Yoongi held his phone to his ear, but he made no response for several long seconds. Finally, he cleared his throat with a low rumble.

“What if... we keep talking for a while?”

“Aren’t you tired?” You stifled a yawn.

“Yes.” Yoongi agreed, his voice heavy. Only he knew how truly tired he was. “But I don’t want to say goodnight.”

“Really?” You sounded surprised, and he hated that you had good reason to be. “You’re always the first one to hang up. If you even bother answering my call at all.”

“I want to keep talking with you.” Was all Yoongi could say.

“Okay, but don’t go falling asleep on me.” You teased. “You can’t leave me hanging.”

“Don’t worry,” Yoongi assured you, already feeling strength returning to his limbs, “I won’t.”


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4 years ago

{22:30} My sore fingers grasped the camera in fear of throwing it in accident. What I was exactly thinking going out in this weather without my fingerless gloves. Well if we are to be totally honest here, I did NOT think. Taehyung's text had me suffling around my small apartment in order to be ready within the 15-minute-limit he gave me to prepare.

And now I am standing on the pavement, camera in hand and fingers frozen over, waiting for Tae to bring us some well deserved hot chocolate. We have spent the best part of the last 3 hours roaming around the Han river snapping photos of trees and small animals. I didn't expect him to come back with just one hot chocolate though. Only the thought of us sharing had my cheeks heating up in shame, but my hands were getting a weird shade of purple, so I was quick to strap my camera to my neck and shove my hands in my pockets, hoping he did not notice. But can you hide anything from his eyes? He worriedly took his gloves out his back pocket offering them to me without giving a second thought. "Oh no Tae, I really cannot use your gloves". I was quick to show him the bloody cracks on the surface of my skin. "I am gonna ruin them if I do" Saying he was shocked was an understatement. "Does that happen to you often? Is it because of the cold?" "Yeah, my skin can not take it really well, that's why I am always wearing the fingerless gloves when I have an outdoor photoshoot". We stand opposite of one another, staring at my right hand that was spread between us, fingers and knuckles smeared red. He quickly let the cup he was holding in a bench beside us and proceeded to fish my left hand out of my pocket. Shooting him a questionable look I said nothing as he pressured my hands together between his and brought them up to his lips. I lowkey panicked , trying to yank my trembling fingers back to myself, when he swiftly blew his hot breath over them. I hummed in approval, trying to cover the sound of my heartbeat against my sternum. I managed to pull my right hand out of his grasp and I covered my eyes in utter embarrassment. Noticing that he giggled and pressed light feathered kisses on my knuckles, which had me cracking up in seconds. "That's more like it"

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4 years ago

[18:30] It was not that often that I could have him with me at home that early in the afternoon. Practice would usually drag the hours away in a haze till sundown in most days, but as for today, Hyungwon was already home and in the shower, filling my pretty tiles with soap while obnoxiously singing his heart away. I really love how he never gets tired of the slight burning on his throat that singing causes.

He stumbled to our shared bedroom barefoot, his stripped pajamas hanging loosely on his tall frame and ruffled his locks with a hand towel. Droplets landed on the book page I was fixated to and I hastily moved away from him, causing him to erupt into a fit of delirious giggles. Oh dear, he was already sleeping with his eyes wide open. “Get yourself comfortable quick, you’ll catch a cold”. I tried to ease my way to the bathroom, but Won blocked my way with his all 182 centimeters giggling like a schoolgirl. “Wonnie I’ll brush my teeth and then we can go to sleep, I promise”.

Ten minutes later and he was already almost passed out on my side of the bed yet again. (He is a really firm supporter of the “the whole bed is for both of us, no sides” scheme, mainly because sometimes he is too sleepy to drag himself around his.) I hoofed trying to suppress a laugh and started digging through a cocoon of blankets, duvets and pillows in search of some precious body warmth. I found him laying on his back, so I laid on his chest and his hands immediately found their way around me, even in his sleep. I rolled my eyes at particularly no one and thought to myself how we both managed to have some hours for quality time alone and we decided to sleep earlier than doing anything else. How is our life gonna be at our eighties I wonder.  

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3 years ago

Wong Yukhei imagine

[16:20] When I got accepted into SM I imagined myself doing any other kind of things except what I was doing right now, which was sulkily helping Kun figure out the line distribution for a cover on a well-known english song they wanted to do by the end of the season. I really did not think that I was needed given all 7 of them had better understanding of the language than other idols their ages, but according to Kun “… I am basically fluent!”.

Well this basically fluent’s backside was hurting and stomach was growling, so I withdrew the papers in front of both of us and demanded food and cuddles as a payment. Kun laughed at that and stretched his arms high above his head, ruffling my hair before he stood up, carefully counting heads to see if all his groupmates were staying in for lunch. “I’m going out for food, be back in ten” he declared hastily shuffling out the practice room.

I stretched my tired limps as well, merely having some seconds of peace, before several admittedly very large men, squished me between them on the leather couch. They started arguing loudly about a romantic drama they have been recently binge-watching, which was easily grossily sweet and not a bit tad realistic, and even though it was something common in these kinds of dramas, it seemed to have tied them up in a knot.

Having two (rather unsuccessful) relationships under my belt I tried to help. What seemed to be the problem was that Lucas believed that an everyday life relationship was similar to what he’ve been watching on the screen, while the other boys had a more down to earth approach about it, causing teasing and laughs towards the loud boy. “Well, real relationships can be cute and romantic too, but it’s more in the small everyday gestures that you can really feel the bond between you and your person”, I tried explaining. The boys, being finally satisfied, went to help Kun set the table, leaving me with a really confused Yukhei behind.

“Hey, Yukhei, have you ever been in love?”. He stammered a bit before answering, “I,emm,I don’t think so.”I don’t know what made me that bold in the moment, but I talked without really thinking about it. “Want me to describe it to you?”. He dismissed me with a movement of his head. “I want you to show me.” I laughed at that, picking up his hand from his lap and opening up his palm to measure it with my own. It will always cause me the same amazement, this huge size difference that constantly makes me look like a child beside him. I laughed and interwined our fingers, causing Lucas to blush all over. I brought the pundle close to my face and spread small kisses to his knuckles, tickling him with my nose in the process, which caused him to erupt in a fit of giggles. “That’s what it feels like”, I reassured him and he got up to find our food, without even thinking of parting our hands anytime soon.

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3 years ago

Jung Wooyoung imagine

[13:47] It wasn’t a lazy day per ce. You were both just way beyond exhausted, and it wasn’t even noon yet. You’ve been studying for most of the morning hours, huddled on the sofa of Hongjoong’s studio (aka the only place with some quiet in the whole company), while your boyfriend was practicing for hours on end. It was now around 1am local time and you were hungry, sleepy and in need of affection. You put your notes neatly in your packbag while murmuring and whining, which caused the captain to erupt in a fit of giggles. “If you don’t want your whines to be part of our next comeback, go find your boyfriend, you both deserve a break. He should be in the practice room, I’ll come by later to drop off some food.” Like you were waiting exactly for those words to leave his lips, you jumped out of your seat and after pecking both his cheeks, you run off to the practice room.

You found Wooyoung sprawled out on the couch, hands open by his sides and eyes closed. You all but climbed happily on his lap, legs on both sides of his, arms around his waist, and snuggled your face on his sweaty neck sighting happily. Half-asleep as he was, the only action of acknowledgment was his hands hugging you back and a series of slurred words saying something about “sweat” and “stinky”. You mumbled back your response directly in his ear “You don’t smell to me Woo, I love your natural scent” and emphasized by rubbing your nose to his hot, rosy skin.

The boy had the AUDACITY to whimper at your words and he tried hard to half-open his eyes in order to smooch you lazily and sloppily whenever he could reach. He parted your hair to access your forehead and trailed to your cheek, nose and eyes, all the while producing slurping noises that could make his members gag, but made you giggle uncontrollably. Gathering the last bits of strength in you, you lifted your head to kiss him fully on the lips, lazily nibbling his tongue and then his bottom lip.

“You two are seriously disgusting. I bought your favourite ramen”.

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3 years ago


Characters: Suna Rintaro x blackfem!reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: none

Wc: (no idea I legit just typed this out and ran with it)

a/n this came to me since I really need to take a power nap but I got lots of assignments to do and ik for a fact once I fall asleep I won't wake up until like 12pm.


Once you opened your eyes again it was dark outside and the movie you were watching on tv had changed to something else. You felt warm and comfortable where you were you didn’t feel the need to get up but instead fall asleep once again. However the need to pee did increase and you were feeling a tinge of hunger. So you slowly started shifting wanting to move and go to the bathroom however the warm arm that circled your waist tightened their hold on you not allowing you to move. So you slightly moved your head to look at Rintaro’s face. He looked peaceful and well rest something which had disappeared over the last 2 months due to games starting once again thus a heavier training regime. You wanted him tell you that you wanted to go toilet then you would quickly come back but when you were ready to open your mouth it seemed Rin was once deep in his slummer not having the heart to tell him to let you go and seeing him get all grumpy about it. You decided to once again closed your eyes letting Rin’s light snoring lull you to sleep once again hoping your body would hold your pee until morning.


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3 years ago


Characters: Suna Rintaro x blackfem!reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: none

Wc: (no idea I legit just typed this out and ran with it)

a/n this came to me since I really need to take a power nap but I got lots of assignments to do and ik for a fact once I fall asleep I won't wake up until like 12pm.


Once you opened your eyes again it was dark outside and the movie you were watching on tv had changed to something else. You felt warm and comfortable where you were you didn’t feel the need to get up but instead fall asleep once again. However the need to pee did increase and you were feeling a tinge of hunger. So you slowly started shifting wanting to move and go to the bathroom however the warm arm that circled your waist tightened their hold on you not allowing you to move. So you slightly moved your head to look at Rintaro’s face. He looked peaceful and well rest something which had disappeared over the last 2 months due to games starting once again thus a heavier training regime. You wanted him tell you that you wanted to go toilet then you would quickly come back but when you were ready to open your mouth it seemed Rin was once deep in his slummer not having the heart to tell him to let you go and seeing him get all grumpy about it. You decided to once again closed your eyes letting Rin’s light snoring lull you to sleep once again hoping your body would hold your pee until morning.


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3 years ago



- I know you’re not mine to begin with…

but I’m yours, in ways I wish I wasn’t. Wish I wouldn’t look at you as if you hung up the stars in my sky. Wish I wouldn’t be holding on so dearly to each brush of your hand against me. I wish I could look into your eyes and not breathe in relief of having your eyes on me. I wish I wouldn’t love like this, and wish to have you in ways I wouldn’t. And as much as I wish for these things, I wish much harder for the courage to tell you I love you and walk away.

(Reader's pov)

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2 years ago

12:03 am

12:03 Am

-Don't walk away from me. Not after that. Not after you pour your heart out for me and wait for me to walk all over it, because I won't. I love you, you. You're everything I wish for, everything I wanted. Don't walk away from me, not anymore when you have my heart. Don't leave me here without you.

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1 year ago
[warning: Suggestive]
[warning: Suggestive]
[warning: Suggestive]

[warning: suggestive]

you turn to vampire!yeosang as he enters your shared room after an intense workout session, silently making his way to the walk-in closet. swiftly removing his shorts, he tears off his black tank top, leaving him in just his boxers.

curiously, you inquire, "i don't understand why you change your clothes, you don't even sweat," you shamelessly observe him while lying in bed, a rainbow candy in your mouth.

"don't eat in bed. there'll be sugar everywhere," yeosang dismisses your question, sensing your intense gaze upon his back.

"but you eat in bed," you pout. he raises an eyebrow, perplexed because he doesn't eat food at all, actually. you grin as your eyes meet his in the mirror in front of him, pointing to the two holes on your neck. he rolls his eyes and reaches for a pair of gray tech fleece, putting the pants on.

"don't ignore me," you insist.

he continues to ignore you, changing in front of your eyes. the sight of his pale back captures your attention. you stand up and approach him, wrapping your arms around his waist, feeling the coldness of his skin beneath your fingertips. you bring your mouth to his neck and softly kiss the skin before biting down hard, enough to draw blood. it doesn't taste as good as the candy left on the bed, your mind reminds you.

he doesn't even flinch.

"why?" he simply asks, while you lick the blood from the fresh wound.

"i can't be the only one covered in bite marks while you have flawless baby-smooth skin," you comment, attempting to break the skin once again as you bite his shoulder. "it's unfair."

hearing the pout in your voice, he turns around, abandoning the vest he was about to wear, which now lies forgotten on the floor. he slips his hands under your thighs and effortlessly lifts you, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.

pressing his face against your neck, he takes a deep inhale. letting out a soft sigh, he carries you towards the bed, still holding you in his arms. he gazes at you from under his bangs, his eyes so dark that you blush and break the eye contact first.

"look at me, baby," his voice deepens, making your face grow even hotter. slowly, you turn to face him, feeling his big hands gently caressing your sides.

"did you notice your biceps got bigger?" you remark aloud, attempting to shift the focus. your manicured nails lightly trace over the muscles of his arms, leaving red trails in their wake. he hums in response, still gazing at your face, wearing that familiar expression he always has when he's deep in thought, contemplating his next words.

"do you not like it when i leave marks on you?" he asks uncertainly, he genuinely thought you enjoyed them. you never bothered concealing the hickeys he'd give you, regardless of the type of shirt you wore, simply applying a bandaid to any biting marks. he would catch you admiring them in the mirror, but perhaps he mistook your insecurity for fascination? you interrupt his thoughts with a quick shake of your head, your hands instinctively reaching for his face, cupping his cheeks.

"no, yeo, i love them, i promise," you blush, stumbling over your words. "it's just…" you trail off, biting your lip, struggling to find the right way to express what you desire. you look at yeosang who's staring at you with wide eyes, silently urging you to continue, and finally, you gather the courage to speak. "i just want to leave marks on you too?" the statement comes out as a hesitant question, your embarrassment causing you to be unclear.

he remains silent, and you bury your face in your hands, feeling the weight of second-hand embarrassment. attempting to pull away from him, his grip tightens around your waist. "look at me, baby," he insists once again, and when you mumble a muffled refusal through your palms, he firmly grasps your wrists with his own hand, his grip large enough to enclose both of your wrists.

you meet his gaze, and he smirks softly.

"well, go ahead, pretty girl. what are you waiting for?" he tilts his head sideways, exposing the curve of his neck to you. you can't help but wonder if he experiences the same arousal you do when you entice him with your neck, anticipating his feeding time.

feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, your fingertips brush against his skin, tracing the contour of his neck. you lean in, hesitating for a brief moment before pressing your lips against his pale flesh, leaving a gentle kiss. you suck softly at the skin, before darting out your tongue to lick it softly. as your teeth graze his skin, you feel a surge of desire, knowing that you have the power to mark him just as he marked you.

he watches you intently, his eyes filled with a combination of anticipation and trust. the connection between you intensifies as you sink your teeth into his neck, carefully drawing blood.

time seems to pause as you savor the moment, sharing this intimate act that deepens your bond. when you finally withdraw, licking the wound to soothe it, you meet his gaze, your eyes reflecting the raw passion that now binds you together.

"you're mine," yeosang whispers, his voice laced with possessiveness and affection. "and i'm yours."

he bends down to your neck, wanting to leave his own mark. as his lips graze your neck, a trail of gentle kisses accompanies his nibbles, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. he explores the delicate skin beneath your pulse, mapping the territory with his mouth as he seeks the perfect spot to mark as his own. each nibble is followed by a soft release, his cool breath mingling with the warmth of your skin, intensifying the electrifying pleasure that courses through you.

his touch ignites a symphony of sensations, from the initial brush of his lips to the firm press of his mouth against your neck. the sensation dances between pleasure and a hint of delicious pain, fueling the fire that burns within you. your body responds instinctively, arching towards him, seeking more of his intoxicating presence.

with each suckle on your skin, he draws you deeper into a realm of heightened desire. time seems to stretch as you surrender to the rapture he bestows upon you. waves of pleasure ripple through your body, radiating from the focal point where yeosang's lips and teeth meet your neck.

the sensation of his mouth on your neck becomes all-encompassing, consuming your senses. you can feel the subtle suction, the way he caresses your skin with his tongue, leaving a trail of coolness in his wake. it's as if he's imprinting himself upon you, etching his mark into your very being.

you both take turns, marking the other with purple and red hues throughout the night. the room is filled with an air of intimacy and passion as your bodies intertwine, leaving trails of vibrant colors on each other's skin.

your body pressed against his, a fiery desire coursing through your veins. with each movement, you feel the unmistakable hardness of his arousal against your clothed core. a soft gasp escapes your lips as he makes a sudden, sharp motion, causing a shiver of pleasure to run down your spine. your bodies move in sync, a seductive dance of longing and anticipation.

lost in the heat of the moment, you can't help but let out a moan, your pleasure intertwining with his. as your grinding intensifies, the room fills with the intoxicating scent of desire. time seems to stand still as you both surrender to your passion, your bodies seeking the ultimate connection.


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1 year ago
Ceo!san Sits On His Meeting Chair, His Face A Mask Of Impassivity As He Occupies The Seat At The Head
Ceo!san Sits On His Meeting Chair, His Face A Mask Of Impassivity As He Occupies The Seat At The Head
Ceo!san Sits On His Meeting Chair, His Face A Mask Of Impassivity As He Occupies The Seat At The Head

ceo!san sits on his meeting chair, his face a mask of impassivity as he occupies the seat at the head of the long table, surrounded by his diligent employees. three of his staff members are currently delivering a presentation on the company's economic affairs.

suppressing a yawn that threatens to escape, san finds his mind wandering as the corners of his vision blur. suddenly, a gentle vibration in his pocket jolts him back to the present moment. retrieving his phone discreetly, he can't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest when he sees your contact photo alongside notifications.

with a swift tap on the imessage bubble, he indulges in the endearing messages from his beloved wife.

from baby: where r u from baby: just woke up to an empty bed :<

san internally giggles, envisioning your slightly annoyed expression, allowing a smile to grace his features. he quickly scans the room to ensure no one is paying attention to him, reclaiming his composed demeanor.

observing the unwavering focus of his employees on the projected powerpoint, he returns his gaze to his phone, eagerly crafting a response.

to baby: sorry lovely, didn't wanna wake u up to baby: u look so pretty when u sleep to baby: ill b bck soon <3

closing his phone and sliding it back into his pocket, he crosses his arms before him, reimmersed in the ongoing presentation. his lips form a determined line as he resolutely attempts to push thoughts of you aside; otherwise, he won't be able to resist the urge to abruptly end the meeting and rush to your side.

his temporary respite is interrupted when a vibration against his thigh demands his immediate attention. acting instinctively, he retrieves his phone, his brow furrowing at the preview of incoming messages.

from baby: u dont have 2 come back from baby: got someone 2 replace u :p from baby: they're gnna b warming the bed instead of u from baby: [attachment: 1 image]

his thumb moves with haste, clicking on the attachment, and his jaw tightens as the image takes its time to load. he rakes his hand through his hair, contemplating having a word with the i.t. department about the inadequate wifi on the upper floors of the skyscraper.

finally, the picture materializes, and his eyes instantly recognize your puffy lips, partially closed eyes, and tousled hair. it's your side profile, delicately nestled in the corner of the selfie, against his own bed sheets and black pillow. and there, lying peacefully, is his baby girl, occupying the space where he would typically sleep. her tiny fists rest atop her head, one of them holding onto your carefully manicured index finger. her dainty mouth forms a slight pout, much like her father's sleeping habitude. she dons a snug light brown onesie that accentuates her chubby form, complete with bear ears adorning the hood, playfully flopping around her petite head.

san swiftly shuts off his phone, rising from his seat and leaving the room, while his confused and distressed secretary trails behind him. he sends two final messages to you before pressing the elevator button.

to baby: my pretty girls to baby: ill be there in 10

he smiles as the elevator door opens, stepping in.


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1 year ago
"what Are Ya Watchin?"
"what Are Ya Watchin?"
"what Are Ya Watchin?"

"what are ya watchin?"

your cheeky question reaches jongho's ears as you gaze at him. he lies next to you in your bed, keeping his eyes fixed on his phone with airpods nestled in his ears. he doesn't respond, not because he's upset, but because he knows how you act when you crave attention. you tend to become whiny and adorable, so he figures it's worth ignoring you for a few minutes in exchange for a night of cuddling.

he senses your eyes on his profile and suppresses a smile. you extend a hand from beneath the covers, attempting to swipe one of his airpods, but he tilts his head away, denying your attempt. you prop yourself up higher in bed so you can get a better view of the video, but he turns his phone away.

you stare at him in shock, mouth agape, puzzled by his actions. you emit high-pitched whines about him being mean, and he finally bursts into laughter. you try to grab his phone, but he stretches his arm outside of the bed, keeping it out of your reach. you tumble onto his chest, trying to snatch it from his grasp, but he encircles his arm around your waist, preventing you from falling off the bed as he draws you closer against his chest.

"choi jongho!" you exclaim, locking eyes with him, his face smirking, and you scream, "what are you hiding?"

"nothin," he lazily smiles.

"then show me your phone," you retort, your face now mere millimeters from his, your noses almost touching.

"nah," he drawls, smirking at the sight of your angry expression. he relishes seeing you worked up.

you manage to free yourself from his hold and position yourself back on your side of the bed. turning so your back is turned to him, you cross your arms and tightly shut your eyes, attempting to sleep off your anger.

he chuckles and turns towards you, pressing his chest against your back. he holds the phone in front of your eyes, its screen still illuminated. you perceive the flickering lights through your closed eyelids and open them, only to be greeted by a random call of duty playthrough.

you slap the phone away, and he chuckles against your neck. he shuts off the phone and drops it somewhere on the bed. then, he maneuvers you so that you're face-to-face with him.

before you can push him away, he pulls you in for a leisurely kiss, and you melt in his embrace, clutching his t-shirt tightly in your fists. he breaks the kiss with a smile and draws you even closer to him. throughout the night, he peppers your lips with tender kisses until you drift off to sleep, laughing in between kisses as he makes fun of you.


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1 year ago

waking up from a nightmare and yunho fucks the pain away!!! 🥺

warnings: nsfw under the cut, soft dom yunho, slight dumbification, fingering, clit play, spit play, use of pet names (yuyu, baby, princess, pretty, tiny), mention of bulge, yunho big cock supremacy, slight dacryphilia, yunho puts you to sleep... literally, slight mention of cockwarming, unprotected sex (boo!! tomato tomato!!), slight hurt 2 comfort, multiple orgasms, 2.7k wrds author's notes: wrote this, finished it, forgot to save the draft, cried, rewrote it. anyway anon you ate, yunho speaking in 3rd person does something 2 me. masterlist

Waking Up From A Nightmare And Yunho Fucks The Pain Away!!!
Waking Up From A Nightmare And Yunho Fucks The Pain Away!!!
Waking Up From A Nightmare And Yunho Fucks The Pain Away!!!


yunho's voice, soft and tender, drifts from his position behind you in the bed. stirred by your restless movements, he awakens. as he embraces you, his body curving around yours, he remains unaware of the anguish etched upon your face. in this intimate moment, all he sees are the vibrant crimson digits of your alarm clock, casting a glow at the unearthly hour of 3 am.

startled by your involuntary flinch and the gentle whimper that escapes your lips in your slumber, yunho instinctively responds by tightening his grip around your waist. shifting his position, he carefully withdraws his arm from under your head, propping himself up to catch a glimpse of your face. his brow furrows in confusion as he struggles to comprehend the circumstances, his mind muddled by the remnants of sleep.

as yunho's gaze settles upon your visage, his comprehension dawns instantaneously. despite your closed eyes, the furrowed brows etched upon your forehead convey a profound distress. driven by an instinctual desire to alleviate your unease, he delicately places a finger between your eyebrows, applying a gentle, upward motion that serves to soothe you, even in your unconscious state.

the fleeting respite is shattered by another anguished hiss that escapes your lips, leaving yunho no choice but to rouse you from your slumber, despite the impending early schedule the following day. the sight of you in such a vulnerable state, consumed by fear, becomes unbearable for him, compelling him to intervene and provide solace.

gently, yunho shakes your body, his touch tender and affectionate. he peppers your face with soft kisses, whispering sweet pet names near your ear in an attempt to coax you out of your slumber. startled, you wake up with a jolt, swiftly turning around to seek the comfort of yunho's embrace. to your delight, he is already there, arms open and ready to hold you, as if anticipating your awakening.

seeking solace, you nuzzle your face against yunho's bare chest, finding comfort in the warmth radiating from his body. overwhelmed by emotions, small, quiet sobs escape from within you. yunho responds with tenderness, shushing you gently while his hand moves in a soothing rhythm, patting your head. the deep, rumbling timbre of his voice serves as a calming balm, helping to alleviate the remnants of your small panic attack.

"'m right there tiny, you don't have to be scared of anything," yunho's sleep-laden voice, deep and resonant, envelops your senses like a comforting blanket as he reassures you. his words penetrate your mind, offering solace and dispelling any fears that may haunt you, "yuyu's right there next to you, nobody can hurt you when i'm here princess."

the weight of his words fills the room, prompting you to blink away the tears that gather in your eyes, all the while yearning for the comforting warmth radiating from yunho's body. determined to be even closer to him, you adjust your position in the bed, pushing yourself higher and tangling your arms around his head, pulling him towards your neck, craving the physical closeness that offers solace in moments of vulnerability. as his soft cheek nestles in the crook of your neck, yunho's heart aches in response to the rapid rhythm of your own heartbeat, the forceful thumps reverberating against his cheek, serving as a poignant reminder of the intensity of your fears.

"'s okay princess," yunho's deep groan escapes into the crook of your neck as he inhales the gentle scent that is uniquely you—a blend of face creams and the lingering traces of sweat. softly, he seeks to coax an answer from you, his voice laced with concern and care. "wanna tell me what happened in your nightmare? mmh?" he gently prompts, hoping to offer reassurance and comfort once he knows the depths of your distress.

"y-you left me, said you didn't wanna be with me anymore," your words falter, choked by the weight of the memories, and tears threaten to well up in your eyes once again as the reminder of the nightmare lingers. seeking solace, you tug at yunho's black curls, yearning for every inch of your bodies to be intertwined, as if physical connection alone can alleviate the lingering distress within your heart.

"pretty i would never, you know that right tiny? it's just a dumb nightmare," yunho's comforting words flow from his lips like a lullaby, aimed at soothing your troubled heart. he reassures you with a gentle coo, however, when he doesn't receive a response to his question, a hint of concern flickers across his features. he pulls back, locking his gaze with yours, his expression transitioning to a more serious tone. with earnest eyes, he acknowledges the weight of your thoughts behind your glossy gaze. "princess, i'm yours and you're mine, and that's gonna be forever, whether you like it or not."

"i like it," immediately, in response to his heartfelt declaration, you whisper your agreement softly. yunho's lips curl into a gentle smile, finding your sincere response cute. even in moments when you are the one seeking reassurance, you never hesitate to offer support to him.

"should i show you how much i love you mmh baby?" yunho's soft smile gradually transforms into a mischievous smirk, doing nothing to hide his real intentions, "would my princess like that, i bet she would," as his lips continue to shower open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his fingers delicately trace heart shapes on your tummy. the implication of his actions becomes clear. sensing the need for consent, he pauses, waiting for your affirmation.

upon hearing your gentle "yes please" his fingertips plunge beneath the delicate fabric of his shirt to settle over your undergarments, their dance upon the material a tantalizing caress. with his middle finger, he traces the contours of your slit, pressing the fabric against the slickness that awaits. he withdraws, savoring the way the fabric absorbs your essence.

a soft moan escapes your lips as his finger glides teasingly over your sensitive clit, eliciting a rush of pleasure. simultaneously, his kisses upon your neck grow more intense, creating a stark contrast to the gentle caress bestowed upon your lower body. you can sense the smirk that graces his lips, pressed against the tender skin he has marked as his own. the sounds that escape your mouth serve as both fuel and reward for his skilled ministrations, prompting him to apply added pressure. despite the deliberate slowness of his movements, each stroke upon your clit draws lazy patterns, prolonging the delicious sensation.

"just spelled my name on your pussy, do you know what that means princess?" he breathes, his voice laced with possessiveness. you shake your head in a subtle denial, emitting a soft whine that mingles with the tousled strands of his hair. in response, he playfully nips at your neck, his teeth leaving their mark. "that means that cunt's mine, forever, i own this pretty pussy," he declares, his words dripping with dominance.

as the possessive tone weaves its spell on you, your moans crescendo in volume, harmonizing with the mounting intensity of his movements. your orgasm approaches rapidly, and with one final cry of pleasure, you surrender to the overwhelming release. his skilled fingers, having worked their magic over the damp fabric of your underwear, bring you to climax without ever directly touching your sensitive flesh.

"look at you pretty baby, already came so fast, who else could make you cum like that except for me," a soft chuckle escapes his lips, resonating with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation. with deliberate intent, his long fingers glide down, removing your panties, exposing your bare skin to the cool air. as he traces his hand back up your trembling thighs, his touch evokes a cascade of shivers coursing through your body.

"you, only you yuyu," you let out a sob when two of his fingers sink into your core, deep and long, immediately hitting your g-spot. his motions are swift, his fingers deftly curling, eliciting a symphony of high-pitched, fragmented moans from your lips. he licks away the escaped drool from your mouth, tracing a path from your chin to your lips. as your tongue ventures into his mouth, he sucks on it with an intensity.

"nobody can fuck you like i do, i only need my fingers to make my princess go dumb, mmhm so pretty when you cry for me," he mumbles against your parted lips, his fingers maintaining their relentless pace within you. simultaneously, he applies pressure to your sensitive clit with his palm. a soft chuckle escapes him when you bite down on his lower lip, shocked at the sudden stimulation. in a hushed voice, you utter unintelligible babblings under him. "you think i'd let anyone else see you like that, my baby's so pretty but so dumb, 's okay though, yuyu'll do the thinking for you."

when he feels your core tighten against his fingers, a sly smirk tugs at his lips as he brings his other hand, previously entangled in your hair, to firmly grasp your chin. with a deft movement, he parts your lips using his fingers, and gently leans down as his index and thumb take hold of your tongue, pulling it out into the open air. lost in the haze of your overwhelming sensations and intoxicating fuzziness, you remain oblivious to his actions. before proceeding, he places a tender kiss upon your forehead, his satisfaction evident. then, he releases a small amount of saliva onto your waiting tongue, allowing his thumb to messily rub the liquid across the surface.

"look at you baby, so fucked out for me you'd let me do anything to you right?" he lets out a laugh when he sees your frantic nod, and he's pretty sure you don't even understand the words that come out of his mouth, only agreeing for the sake of agreeing, for the sake of being good to him, "such an smart girl, i wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, now swallow princess, show me how good you are."

he releases his hold on your tongue, his gaze transfixed upon the mesmerizing motion of your throat as you obediently swallow his saliva. need surges through his body, causing his sweatpants to cling to the tip of his erect member, which eagerly leaks precum. overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, a deep groan escapes him as he catches your gaze, your hooded eyes filled with longing for his approval. in a state of disbelief, he gently lowers his head onto your breasts, unable to contain his astonishment.

"got so lucky with you baby, you're so pretty you'll make me cum in my pants," overwhelmed by his appreciation, you whimper in response to his compliment, your trembling fingers reaching out to pull him closer. with an urgency born of desire, you engage in a passionate, messy kiss, your tongues playfully intertwining and leaving trails of saliva on your chin and cheeks, "can my princess cum for me? need you to cream on my fingers , please tiny? it'll make yuyu so happy."

with an increased pace, yunho senses your grip tightening on his strong back, clawing at the flesh. he envisions the vivid image that awaits— you photographing the delicate pink marks etched upon the canvas of his pale muscles. he takes great pride in the hidden folder you keep, meticulously documenting the marks you lovingly leave upon his body. lost in the memory of your shared laughter, his thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a high-pitched whine that resonates in his ear, where you had buried your face in his neck. it is in that very moment that you reach your second orgasm of the night, your release coating his fingers. the tightness of your grip poses a delightful challenge for him to maintain his gentle movements, striving to prolong the ecstasy of your climax for as long as possible.

the orgasm crashes over you with an intensity that leaves you breathless, and in that moment, it seems as though yunho himself radiates with an ethereal glow. waves of pleasure ripple through your body, causing you to tremble uncontrollably beneath him. sensing your heightened sensitivity, he tenderly glides his palm up and down your form, offering a soothing touch to ease your post-orgasmic bliss. as you gradually regain composure, your breathing heavy and exhaustion setting in, he withdraws his fingers from within you, leaving you with a sense of emptiness.

"open," he commands, and without hesitation, you obediently part your plush lips, allowing him to insert his moistened digits into your mouth. as instructed, you begin to suck on them, eliciting a gratified groan from him. he delves deeper, his fingers grazing your uvula before he withdraws. his gaze lingers on the thick and white strands of saliva connecting your tongue to his fingers, and with his own tongue, he skillfully breaks them apart, popping his fingers in his own mouth, relishing the taste. you whimper at the sight and he softly takes them out, sucking along the length. he smiles brightly down at you as he gently brushes aside the strands of sweaty hair that cling to your face.

"'m yours princess and you're mine," he declares with a pinch to your cheek, his touch filled with affection. in response, you release a satisfied sigh, silently affirming the unspoken agreement, "nobody can make me feel as good as you, get that in your pretty head," he emphasizes his statement as he grinds against you, the weight and warmth of his long shaft pressing intimately against your bare thigh.

"wanna feel you inside," you confess meekly, voice carrying the remnants of fatigue from the previous climax, yet your longing for him remains unabated. his eyes become captivated by the sight of your palm pressed against the supple skin of your tummy, precisely where the tip of his impressive length would emerge, stretching you to your limits, so substantial in size that he consistently fills you to the very brim.

"whatever my princess wants, she gets, mmh? i spoil you so much but you deserve it, don't you," with a gentle nod, you express your agreement, fully aware of how he consistently meets your every want and need, "you always ask so nicely, how could i say no to such a pretty face," he remarks softly

he lightly slaps your face with his large hand, delivering two gentle taps to rouse you from your daze, intending to bring you back to the present moment. he guides his hand downward, tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants, liberating his impressive member, allowing it to spring free, hitting at this firm stomach. grasping firmly at the base of his throbbing member, he unleashes a long, resonant groan, indulging in the exquisite sensations that surge through his body. with deliberate strokes, he skillfully caresses your delicate bundle of nerves, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through you, intensifying your pleasure with each deliberate touch. the mingling of your cum and his precum elicits a sharp cry of pleasure from your lips. he slowly enters you, gradually inch by inch, and you let out sobs of pleasure as you feel the pronounced veins of his shaft encasing your inner walls.

once he is fully nestled within you, yunho initiates a gentle back-and-forth motion, sliding in and out of your depths, his thrusts causing his pelvic area to press against the noticeable bulge in your stomach. his face buried in the pillow beside yours, he releases a deep moan of pleasure. he maintains this rhythmic movements for a few blissful minutes until his keen awareness detects a subtle change, prompting him to gradually decrease the speed of his movements.

the room falls into a profound silence, devoid of any vocal expressions. no whimpers escape your lips, no desperate pleas or moans fill the air. nothing.

yunho leans against his arm, gently angling himself to catch a glimpse of your face. as he gazes upon your peaceful countenance, so pure and innocent in slumber, he finds himself captivated by the sight. the corners of his eyes widen with delight, and a soft laugh escapes him, filled with a mix of adoration and amusement. unable to resist the overwhelming affection he feels, he leans in to plant a tender kiss upon your lips.

yunho collapses back onto your body, still deeply connected as he remains inside you. with a gentle maneuver, he shifts the two of you onto your sides, creating a comfortable position. as you lie there, he gazes at you, captivated by the sight of your slumbering form, his eyes fixed upon your serene face.

"guess i'll settle for cockwarming tonight."

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1 year ago
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips

[11:37AM] "Hit those pads a bit harder, babe," Yunho says, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips as your fists, bare and determined, connect with the pads. You dance on your toes, delivering a punch that goes beyond the target, hitting his chest purposefully. You try to pull back, but he playfully holds you in place. "Okay, I'm done playing," you complain, your voice muffled against the black fabric of his compressed shirt. Your boyfriend, a boxer, occasionally brings you to his gym sessions, but today's invitation was for you to take a swing. You expected his usual sweetness, but he's strangely serious. "Come on, tiny, you've got more in you," he teases, but you vigorously shake your head, exhausted and just wanting to lie down. You surrender, collapsing into his arms, making him lift you effortlessly. "Nooooooo," you protest as he drags you towards a nearby bench, kicking and pushing the air dramatically like the playful brat you are. "You're such a kid," he chuckles, settling you down, you continuing your little protest until he shushes you down with his kisses.

[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips

[09:56PM] "Just like that baby, a bit tighter," Yunho whispers near your ear, peering down at the bandage wrapping around his knuckles. You smoothly loop it around each of his lengthy fingers, tucking the end neatly beneath a fold. His hand slips out of your grasp, fingers curling and unfurling as he tests the snugness. With a serious gaze, he evaluates the feel. Anticipation lingers as you hope you've done it right. His eyes lock onto yours, a smile finally breaking across his face. The hand he'd been testing finds its place on your head, a gentle pat following. "You did good." Leaning down, he plants a tender kiss on your lips, silently expressing gratitude.

[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips
[11:37AM] "Hit Those Pads A Bit Harder, Babe," Yunho Says, A Grin Tugging At The Corners Of His Lips

[02:09AM] "Why the tears? I won," he chuckles, playfully swiping at your tear-streaked cheeks, his large hand almost covering your face. Your sobs intensify as you notice his left eye, swollen and not crinkling like the other when he grins. He stifles another laugh. "'S not funny, your face's all fucked up!" you stammer through tears, wiping away the droplet of blood from his cut eyebrow. "You should see the other guy," he boasts, puffing out his chest, proud of his victory despite the bruises—turns out, the other guy got the worse end, a full-on knockout. Yet, he's still hurting, and you can't stand seeing him like this. "Shut up," you retort, clamping down on your lip as you give his shoulder a playful punch, eliciting a soft whine. Quickly, you grasp the spot you hit, worried you might have accidentally targeted a bruise. Pushing his shirt down to inspect, Yunho only pulls you closer. "Gotcha"

masterlist | taglist in comments

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1 year ago

[9:47 PM]

thinking about bad boy wonwoo who always comes around no matter how many times you tell him to get lost. who calls you babydoll even though he knows how much you hate it. who is always covered in cuts and bruises, but still manages to look so damn attractive. who you know is bad news despite how unbearably charming he is. who would do anything for you.

it’s not your fault wonwoo looks so hot after he gets into fights. that’s why when he shows up on your doorstep, bloodied and bruised, you can’t leave his injuries unattended despite how annoying he is. so now you’re sitting on the bathroom counter with wonwoo wedged between your legs. his large hands are resting on your bare thighs, and you have to concentrate on cleaning the scrape on his cheek and not on the way his thumbs are gently caressing your skin.

“why do you always get into fights?” you murmur in an attempt to distract yourself from his touch. it doesn’t work.

wonwoo smirks like the large cut on his lips doesn’t hurt. “you worried ‘bout me, babydoll?”

you scowl because that stupid pet name doesn’t sound as grimy to you as it usually does. “yeah, right. i’m just tired of you coming around every time you almost get yourself killed.”

the smirk doesn’t fall from his face. if anything, it gets wider. you’re always trying so hard to resist him, but he knows the restraint you’re displaying is slowly dissipating. he can’t help but gloat at the fact that there’s a worried undertone to your voice. wonwoo purposely leans closer, loving how you start to blink nervously.

you really have no idea what you do to him, and it’s driving him insane.

“i’ll stop fighting, if that’s what you really want.”

his pretty eyes hold so much sincerity that it makes something inside you fill with carnal heat. damn it. he’s so close, and he just looks so fucking hot that you can’t take it anymore. before you realized what you were doing, you smash your lips on to his. wonwoo smirks into the kiss and shoves his tongue inside your mouth.

it’s addicting, the way he suckles and nips at your lower lip. you moan softly, unable to believe you had waited this long to do something with him when you could’ve had him much sooner.

you’re not really sure how you ended up on the couch, but that’s the least of your worries. all you can focus on now is how good you feel.

“that’s it, babydoll.” his voice coos softly.

you can tell he’s exerting a great amount of restraint, trying his hardest to be gentle. it makes the moronic organ in your chest jerk with inexplicable affection. wonwoo is definitely not the gentle type, but in this moment, that doesn’t seem to be true. this entire time he’s been treating you like you were made if delicate glass.

his cock is throbbing inside you, and you know he’s on the verge of breaking. it turns you on to see the resident bad boy — who’s normally so composed and stoic — so close to loosing his cool. you bury your face in his sweaty neck, barely able to stifle the moans of pleasure lodged in your throat.

wonwoo’s hands stay clasped around your waist to guide your hips so you know exactly how to fuck his cock. it makes him smile a bit when you start to move your hips on your own.

“fuck. keep fucking my cock like that, baby.”

you pull away from his neck as you start to gyrate your hips into his. a gush of wetness coats his cock when you see his head thrown black in pleasure. seeing his bliss covered face has your cunt clenching around him, desperate to milk him for every last drop of his cum.

wonwoo sucks on his bottom lip, and in the next moment, his grip on your waist tightens. he starts to thrust up into you until his thick cock is hitting your sweet spot. it makes you cry out, nails digging into his bare shoulders as the feeling of his dick dragging against your walls has you seeing stars.

you start to bite and lick at the tender flesh of his neck as he plunges into you. the lewd sound of his heavy balls smacking against you ass fills the silence. you’re unable to form a coherent sentence, the girth of his cock stretching out your tight pussy has you mewling and whining stupidly.

he fucks into you a few more times until your pussy tightens around him, gushing around him until his dick is covered in your juices.

“fuck, babydoll.” wonwoo groans as his hips stutter. “you’re creaming all over my cock.”

he doesn’t stop fucking you even as he presses gentle kisses on your lips and neck. you’re beginning to feel overstimulated, but it only fuels your arousal. in a moment spurred by his tenderness, you start to bounce on his cock. your gasps turn into loud moans, feeling blinding pleasure as his fat tip slams against the most sensitive spot inside you.

“wonwoo.” you mewl when his large hands start to wander up and down your body. “i need more!”

he hums against your neck and moves one of his hands down to rub gentle circles against your puffy clit. your moan comes out broken when he starts to thrust deeply into your wet cunt. wonwoo smirks when your moans turn into nonsensical babbling.

it makes him thrust deeply into you, loving the squelching sounds coming from your cunt. “ah!”

your moans are stifled when wonwoo smashes his lips against yours. it’s urgent but still full of care. embarrassing as it is, it’s what makes you cream around his aching cock. he groans at the feeling of your tight cunt clenching down on him.

it’s not long before you feel his hot, thick cum shoot inside you and paint your walls white. you’re left panting against his neck, hating how you can’t seem to separate from him. but you just love the feeling of his cum slowly dribbling out of you too much to let go of him.

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1 year ago

[21.57] mafia!wooyoung × reader

⇀ nothing's as concerning as wooyoung's 180° change, it's all or nothing for him. And you ? You just became his everything.

⇁ tw : violence, mafia life

⇁ part. 1 / 2 / 3

⇁ disclaimer : the author does not support any and all criminal/illegal acts. the narrative written in this story is purely fiction out of the author's imagination. the things written here does not portray real mafia life nor is the author aware of how the mafia life is like. the author is a hermit loser.

Five days went by and you still haven't regained consciousness and Wooyoung had not left your side for even one second.

Neglecting not only his duties but also his own well-being. He wouldn't leave you for a single second, afraid that if he does, someone might come in and finished you off. So he had San be on standby in the guest room, taking his place for when he needs to shower or go for a bathroom break. Said man even attempted to spoon-feed Wooyoung when he found out that his friend had denied the food his house staff brought to him, to which Wooyoung finally gave in and feed himself after San tied him up in his chair and threaten to feed him mother bird style.

When Yeosang came back in the day after you were first found, Wooyoung almost stab one of the nurses when he tried to take you to get checked.

"Seriously? I brought my machines and staff here and literally, within the first 2 minutes here, there are no signs of gratitude and you almost injured one of my staffs? Are you freaking high again?" Yeosang nagged after pulling the petrified nurse to the side.

Honestly, Wooyoung felt bad for scaring the man, but he had to hold onto you no matter what. You have to be within his peripheral vision because the last time he (stupidly) let (drove; shove) you out of his sight (turned all cctvs off which then directly caused you to get kidnapped), he almost didn't get the chance to regret what he did (and said) to you.

But Wooyoung wasn't gonna let other people know that he has remorse. Heck no.

He's the Jung family head mafia and there isn't anyone allowed to know how he's actually like.

Except you.

Right after you wake up.

So instead of letting Yeosang's staffs take you away, Wooyoung swooped you in his deceptively strong arms and put you on the gurney.

Once he's sure that you're secured, he looked at Yeosang and his staffs with narrowed eyes, "no offense, man, but I don't trust any of them," Wooyoung then look to his men who's stationed by his door, "get their details and do thorough background checks on them," he said before pushing the gurney down, forcing Yeosang to personally help him.

He made sure that his men were stationed at every entrance, ran background checks on every staff that entered his place, heck even put out a curfew for everyone including his visiting friends.

"Dude, you gotta get out of here, you look like a zombie," San said as he entered the room, walking towards Wooyoung who had moved his desk closer to the bed where you lied motionless. He slightly cringed when he saw the needles that poked through the skin of your hand.

Without looking up from his work, Wooyoung sighed and shook his head, "she could wake up any second, I wanna be here when she does" he muttered, eyes flitting to your form on the bed for a second.

San approached his friend, leaning both hands on the table, "Wooyoung, you missed 3 important meetings, 2 briefings, and you haven't delegated workloads other than security details for your own place, the organization will be in shambles soon," he said sternly.

Hearing facts behind his words irked Wooyoung, he knew about the current vulnerability in his organization because he's only been taking care of you since you came back to him. He didn't want to be reminded of his previous neglect.

He was about to tell San off when suddenly a voice chimed in.

"You should go do your job, Wooyoung," you called, coughing a little from scratchy throat.

It took him some time to fully realize that you had woken up after five days. He immediately run to your side and help you sit up, ordering San to get you a glass of water.

Once your throat had been soothed by the water, Wooyoung held your hand in his, kissing the back side of it multiple times to express how glad he is, "thank God you woke up, I-I don't know what I'd do if you don't," he choked, feeling tears start to brim on his eyes.

You initially didn't pull away from his touch nor his affection, maybe it's the fact that you had just woken up, maybe you think you're hallucinating, because the Jung Wooyoung you knew would never talk to you or treat you like this.

Though it hurts, you pulled your hand away from his grip, cringing a bit, "F-funny you say that, last time we spoke you said you wanted me dead," you muttered bitterly at him.

Sensing that this is a personal conversation, San slipped away before hearing anything else.

Wooyoung stared at you with sad eyes, "No, baby, I would never," he reached forward, trying to take your hand in his once again. But you scooted further into the bed, your eyes started watering, "liar," you choked out, "you said you've been planning my assassination since the beginning and you wanted to go through with it,"

"I-I did, didn't I? I can't deny I've said that to you, but please, losing you was the hardest thing that ever happened to me-"

"Well what about me!?" You exclaimed, cutting him off, surprising him at the tone you used.

By now tears had streamed down your face, your hands were clutching the blanket on your lap tightly as you began sobbing, "f-for a year, I've been nothing but understanding to you and your actions, I've done nothing but try to stay out of your way, all I asked in return was to be treated like a human being, but you couldn't even do that now, could you ? I even had to get kidnapped by whoever's after you for you to finally give half a fuck about me," you were choking the words out, your raw emotion evident with the way you speak.

Wooyoung never once seen this side of you, the side that is so raw and vulnerable. Sure, he'd occassionally hear your soft sobs through the en suite bathroom or came across your quivering figure in the gardens. But never once did you bore yourself to him like this.

Despite knowing that you might push him away, Wooyoung climbed into bed as quick as he can and enveloped you tightly in his arms.

At first you tried pushing him off with all your strength, not wanting to be comforted by him. But he held on, he knew his way around people's movement so using his knowledge against you was an easy feat.

It took you a while, you still struggled for a bit but you eventually gave in, letting his arms wrap around you and tucking your head under his chin. By now you had somehow situated between his legs, him carefully minding the IV on your right hand as he pulled you in deeper (as if it's possible).

"I know that I don't deserve it, heck, I deserve nothing from you after putting you in hell like that, but I sincerely apopogize and I will do anything and everything I can in order to gain your trust and maybe..." he pulled back slightly and tilt your chin up so he can meet your gaze, "...we can go forth and build a relationship?"

Stranger things had happened in your life but this, by far, is the strangest. Never in a million years would you ever thought that you'd be able to see the great Jung Wooyoung blush like a high school girl. It's honestly cute.

But not as cute as when he bit his lips to prevent his mouth from tearing due to the large grin that bloomed on his face once you gave him a nod, agreeing to him after leaving him nervous for a solid 5 minutes.

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1 year ago

[9.55] mafia!wooyoung × reader

⇀ good thing you're smart, if not Wooyoung wouldn't have a whole attitude change

⇁ tw : violence, torture, kindapping, mafia life

⇁ part 1 / 2 / 3

⇁ disclaimer : the author does not support any and all criminal/illegal acts. the narrative written in this story is purely fiction out of the author's imagination. the things written here does not portray real mafia life nor is the author aware of how the mafia life is like. the author is a hermit loser.

You don't remember how long it has been since they captured you. Being stuck in a basement would do that apparently.

Whoever was behind your capture had been torturing you beyond your own imagination. They had starved you, hit you, kicked you, attempted to drown you, tied you in an uncomfortable position every night, and sent in someone to make sure you don't get an ounce of sleep.

All that just to get information on Wooyoung.

Currently, you're being tied to a chair, being once again interrogated for informations you had no clue about, "things would be much easier if you'd just give us what we want," the buff man in front of you said, he held a knife to your cheek but at this point you couldn't even flinch, "where is Jung Wooyoung's headquarters?"

Your cold outfit was clinging onto you like second skin, it's uncomfortable and it's dirty, the cold had definitely impacted your health.

Recently all you've been able to feel is just the headache and the burn from inside your body. Not even the abuse given to you was able to inflict you pain.

Everything's just numb.

You look up at the man, almost with a challenging look as you press your face daringly to the blade, "I. Don't. Know." you spat each word like venom.

The man laughed, pretty amused at how daring you are being, "you're his wife, there is no way you wouldn't have known," you rolled your eyes at him, bitter that he used the word 'wife' because you know fully well that Wooyoung would never treat you as such, "then I must've not been his wife now, am I?" You retorted back at him, slightly shocking him because this is the first time within the (apparently) 7 days you've been captured that you had said something else other than 'I don't know' or 'fuck you'.

Everyone was startled at the revelation, they probably hadn't concidered that you might not be Wooyoung's wife. No one really know about Wooyoung's personal life, it seems.

Seeing their hesitance, you take this as your chance of escaping.

The buff man grab your hair harshly, his eyes narrowing at you in suspicion, "don't lie to me, whore, if you're not his wife, then why'd you have a wedding ring on?" "Stole it from my mistress before I ran away, needed the money," you lied easily, surprising yourself.

"And why are you wearing it?" He asked again, "to make it less inconspicuous, people need to believe that this belongs to me or else they'll alert the cops that I'm a thief,"

He seemed to be having an inner turmoil on whether or not he should believe you.

With how you've been acting and the lack of evidence that you are Wooyoung's wife, you could really have been the wrong target.

"That means Handong lied to us," he said as he push your head away, talking to one of the men next to him, "bring him in and get this bitch out," he said simply before turning back to leave.

But before he walked out of the room, he looked back once more at you with a bitter smirk, "make sure to... deal... with her first, insurance for your silence,"

When the doors closed, 5 men approach your figure, still tied on the chair.

One of them crouch down in front of you, he brush your hair out of your face with a sad smile, "I'm sorry that we have to do this, pretty girl," confused at what he said, you just stared at him. But then he suddenly slap you so hard that you fell down along with the chair you're tied to.

And thus began one of the longest night of your life.

Meanwhile Wooyoung was getting antsy. His men couldn't find you anywhere and there isn't a second when he didn't regret turning his abundance of cctv off

He spent his days either in meetings or trying to track your whereabouts. San had to step in and actually force him to eat, going as far as cuffing him to his chair and spoon-fed him, even throwing a cheesy "would (Y/N) be happy to see you in this state?" At him to which he replied, "considering how I treat her, I wouldn't be surprised if she is,"

So far, neither yours nor his parents were aware of your disappearance. His dad only asked about you once to ensure he still has leverage, which of course Wooyoung lied, he's already stressed over your disappearance the last thing he need is for his dad to bit his head off.

Each night he spent sleeping in his bedroom, moping to the fact that he genuinely misses and worried about you. He regret taking you for granted, taking your presence for granted. Now, he could only imagine your sleeping form next to him using the memories of when he actually slept in bed with you. He used to be able to feel your warmth next to him, now it's just cold and he dislike it.

Tonight was no different. Before he got into bed, he went to the walk-in closet and look at all the dresses he had brought you to events that you went to (re : events he was forced brought you because his parents would be there). He remembered every how you looked in every single one of them.

It's pathetic of him, to be pining over the woman he claimed to have no care about.

Just as he turned the walk-in closet's lights off, there were commotions from downstairs, then a huge bang like his front doors had been barged open.

Diving into his instincts, Wooyoung grabbed the nearest gun he had hid all around the room and ran out, thinking that it was a raid by his rivals.

But when he looked down from the second floor to the living room, his heart wrenched and he froze.

San had you in his arms, you looked sickly pale with bruises all over your exposed arms and legs, clothes had chunks of them torn, and you weren't moving. One would assume that you're dead.

Wooyoung dropped his gun and ran to his friend who had just put you on the couch.

The sight of you looking so broken panicked him. He wanted to hold you and be glad that you're home, but he doesn't wanna hurt you. He wanted to tell you how sorry he is and that he'll make up to you but he's not sure whether or not you're still alive.

He snapped his head towards his staff, "call the doctor! Call Kang Yeosang in!" He barked to which his staffs immediately obeyed, scrambling to do as he ordered.

"God, baby, who did this to you?" He muttered to himself, reaching forward to brush your hair out of your face.

You stirred a bit when you heard his voice ans managed to open your eyes despite the splitting headache and the soreness all over your body.

When your eyes met his, you smiled, "hey, what are you doing in my dreams?" You croaked out, throat obviously sore and beyond parched from having been denied fluids for so long. It was your turn to brush his bangs from his eyes, something you've always wanted to do but know never could considering his dislike that turned out to be hatred towards you.

You suddenly frown at him, making his gaze on you softer, "I'm sorry," you muttered, not able to speak louder. At that, he tilted his head, "for what?" "Not being able to stay gone, I had to had the will to live, I should've let them kill me," you said before you slip into unconsciousness, rendering Wooyoung speechless at your words.

Before he was able to retaliate, San had swoop you back into his arms to take you to an empty room so Yeosang could come in and treat you.

"No," Wooyoung called, stopping San in his tracks, "bring her to my- our room, she should feel comfortable," to which San just nodded and obey, knowing how important it is to have you next to him as much as him next to you.

Yeosang came in not long after and spent 3 hours cleaning and stitching your wounds, checking for possible internal injuries, all the while making sure he's handling you with the utmost care as Wooyoung had been glaring daggers at him. Whether it serve to be a warning to not harm you or a sign of jealousy as Yeosang had a perfectly valid reason to cut your shirt and shorts off for handling.

"I can't make a clear diagnosis without checking for internal injuries, we have to take her to the hospital," Yeosang said. But Wooyoung just snap at him, "then freaking bring the machines here! She's not leaving this mansion and she's not leaving my side!"

Both men just stared at each other for a few minutes, Yeosang holding onto his ground on wanting simplicity, and Wooyoung being afraid of losing you from his sight again.

Knowing how stubborn his friend can be, Yeosang was first to crack, sighing and nodding at Wooyoung, "I'll see what I can do," he said simply before going out to talk to San about possibly transporting some of his machines.

The rest of the night, Wooyoung took care of you. He had put you in one of his large, white button up because it's the easiest to put on you. He stayed by your side in a chair, afraid that he might hurt you (than he already necessary does with his words) if he were to slip in bed with you.

As he watch you, his hands moved to held yours in his. His thumbs were rubbing the back of your hand when it suddenly caught on something.

Looking down, he noticed that it's your wedding ring, matching his own which he's wearing.

It brought a smile to his face seeing you're still holding onto it so dearly. You could've left it for him to find and throw away the day you left, but you had decided to take it with you.

Could it be that despite everything he's done to you, you don't want to completely erase him from your mind?

And that's what made Wooyoung broke down and cried.

He didn't deserve you, not one bit. But despite that, he knows that he's the only one capable enough of taking care of you, to provide for whatever it is that you need.

So at that moment, with you back in hia arms, he decided to step up and assume his responsibilities and treat you as how you deserve to be treated.

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4 years ago

2:37 AM

Thinking of You

Seungcheol x Gender Neutral!Reader



[2:37 AM]

Seungcheol was at his wits end with today’s solo interviews. All he wanted was to get go home, get a shower and then take his baby out on a mini date. That’s been his plan since he woke up this morning, heart happy at the thought of you still sleeping soundly in your own home while dressed in one of his many sweaters.  He was so lost in thought over you, how your morning went, what’d you do today, that he didn’t realize the interview was over until Jun nudged his arm.

“Hyung? Are you okay there?” 

He chuckled, teasing the far away look Seungcheol had. Cheol nodded his head as he stood, shaking his head with a smile as the boys started immediately arguing over who got the shower first when they got back. He let out a silent chuckle to himself as he listened to their argument, 

‘While they’re fighting over who showers first, i’ll already be showered and spending time with my baby.’

He thought to himself, walking with them to their vans to head home. He would ride with them to drop them off then they would drop him off at your place, and with that thought, he got out his phone, sending a text to you.

[Cheollie <3] I’ll be at your place in less than thirty minutes, i was thinking ice cream, movies and cuddles on the couch?

He waited a few minutes and then smiled happily at the new message you sent.

[Baby <3] With that kind of promise how could i possibly say no? Also, I may or may not have stayed in bed~

He was happy no one was sat in the back with him or they would have surely seen the wide smile that spread across his face.

[Cheollie <3] That’s alright, we’ll move cuddles to the bed ;)

He couldn’t wait to arrive at your place.

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2 years ago

6:27 AM ( ACHE )

lee heesung x reader

word count : 681

6:27 AM ( ACHE )
6:27 AM ( ACHE )
6:27 AM ( ACHE )
6:27 AM ( ACHE )
6:27 AM ( ACHE )

It’s cold, the wind breaking through your jacket and making you shiver as you stand in place. It feels kind of surreal, in a way, that you’re seeing Heesung after so long.

Your boyfriend had gone off to study a semester in Europe — an opportunity you’d told him he couldn’t let pass. It’s not every day that you get a scholarship to travel to one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Was it London? Or Amsterdam? Maybe Paris; you’re forgetting. Heesung had seemed to be in a different city every time he sent you pictures and, like, you understand Europe is tiny, but the pictures with the Buckingham Palace one day, and the Eiffel Tower the next sort of were whiplash-worth-it.

It doesn’t matter anymore, because the sun is rising and the cold is numbing but you’re minutes away from seeing the love of your life again. After months of seeing him through a screen, it feels surreal that you’ll actually be able to jump into his arms and kiss him senseless — and, honestly, you’re planning on doing exactly that.

“Landed: Flight 285,” the automatic voice of the airport speakers ricochets inside your brain like it were an echoing chamber, and you start shaking your leg in place as you know, now, that you’re merely minutes away from your Heesung.

Your phone rings, and you stumble to answer it as soon as the contact picture of Heesung’s face shows up on screen. Your fingers feel like butter, and you answer with a deep breath and excitement bubbling through your throat.

“Baby, hi,” you say.

He laughs. “You sound so tired. Are you here? I just finished getting my bags.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m waiting.” The excitement is too much now, and you feel your heart beating out of your chest as you start trying to recognize his face in the crowd of people. “I brought your car.”

“My car? Now, who told you you could drive it?”

“It has a bigger trunk!” You exclaim, and then your eyes settle on a sight: a boy, tall and lanky and beautiful, wearing that godly awful green and beige plaid shirt and sweatpants. He’s looking for something in his carry-on bag, phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear.

He laughs. “Your mom has a bigger trunk—“

“Heesung,” you interrupt.


With a grin, moving through the crowds of people, you warn:” Get ready.”

He makes a noise of confusion, but you’re already running and heading straight into his arms. He must hear your footsteps, because he looks up and the grin that appears on his face is lovely — dazzling, gorgeous, so goddamn relieving to see in person again.

Within seconds, you’re slamming into him and he’s picked you up — bags be damned — to spin you in place as he laughs loudly. You can’t help yourself, laughing along and clinging to him like your life depends on it. It surely feels like it does.

“I missed you, I missed you, I missed you,” he keeps repeating. You just cling tight until he lets you down.

You two are sort of causing a scene, but you don’t care. At this point, all you care about is his lips pressed to yours, so you ignore the cold biting at your nose and the lack of sleep from both of you, and with your hands clasped around his neck, you get on your tip-toes to connect your lips.

For the first time in six months — and, God, it feels like coming home.

It’s not so much of a kiss as it is a touch of lips, interrupted by Heesung’s bright smile that, in turn, makes you smile too. And now you’re both grinning into each other’s mouths, which causes you to giggle even more. You rest your head on his shoulder, leaving kisses on his neck.

Heesung pulls you closer to him, and you tell him: “I missed you so badly it was starting to ache.”

“I think, for me, it started to ache when I got into that plane the very first night,” he replies.

6:27 AM ( ACHE )

perm tag list : @jungwonize @acciomylove @bambisgirl @fleurated

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