misshyori - Hyori

Age: 18+ I usually re-blog stuff I like including NSFW🔞 so MINOR please be smart

355 posts

Human Yan: I'll Do Anything To Be With You!

Human Yan: I'll do anything to be with you!

Angel Darling: Ugh, even if i wanted to go out with you I don't have the time. My boss hasn't given me a break in centuries. Get rid of them and maybe I'll humor you with a date.

[an undefined amount of time later - Reader receives a call from the higher ups]

"Heyyyy, you! How ya been? That's fantastic!..... Anyway, God is dead and the human who took their place has requested you to join them at their throne. Hope you didn't do anything to piss them off! See you if you live!"

Angel Darling: ...sorry, can you repeat that from the beginning?-

[Angel Darling is teleported to God's throne room which has been converted into a diner. The new god clumsily fixes their tie and wipes blood off their cheek as Darling approaches]

Deity Yan, waving them over: H-hey! You look amazing as always... I hope you like pasta.

Angel Darling: Did.... Did you kill God just to date me??

Deity Yan: .... Yea? You're saying it like it was hard. I was going to save gifts for after dinner, but I can give you their head now if you'd like.

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More Posts from Misshyori

1 year ago

ren zotto, who won’t leave your side no matter how bad things get.

ren zotto, who would never be mad for whatever coping strategies you may or may not use.

ren zotto, who loves you regardless of your mental state and how you cope with it.

ren zotto, who just loves you to death.

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1 year ago

Yìchén at the dinning table fucking Y/n with his eyes since after she made a 5 sec eye contact with him.. and Y/n who was sitting close to Yìchén's Mother trying to ignore his looks.

Yìchén fidgets in his seat as his father places a cushion on his lap mocking him with eyes and Yìchén blushes embarrassed. He grabs the cushion and squeezes it hard trying to calm his boner down.

Yìchén's Mother : Can you not glare on my daughter >:(.

Yìchén a little too loud for his father's liking: It's your fault you are hogging my wife!!


Yìchén: And yours too that you can't handle your wife :((.

Yìchén's father: He harrassed Y/n when you were away in the kitchen making cookies. >:(

Yìchén: you old snitch!!

Yìchén's Mother: looking at Yìchén* 😧

Yìchén: He was the one who told me that Y/n was alone in the library!!

Yìchén's Mother: Looking at Yìchén's father* 😟

Yìchén's father : Because he refused to spend time with me , his old father. :((.

Yìchén's Mother: looking at Yìchén* 😟

Yìchén and his father making noise.. Yìchén's Mother slaming her palm on the table : You men are so untrustworthy.... Me and my daughter are going on a long trip... Be alone and repent for what you did wrong :((.

Meanwhile Y/n :

Ychn At The Dinning Table Fucking Y/n With His Eyes Since After She Made A 5 Sec Eye Contact With Him..

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1 year ago
Boyfriend!gaming; Who Loves Giving You Small Kisses On The Cheek Before Going On A Commission With His

boyfriend!gaming; who loves giving you small kisses on the cheek before going on a commission with his companions.

boyfriend!gaming; who brings back little souvenirs that reminded him of you.Starconch,Sumeruroses, you named it.

boyfriend!gaming; who always book a fancy restaurant when you two go on a date, he loves pampering you with gifts and kisses

boyfriend!gaming; who always felt nervous when he performs in front thousands of people, but after he saw you in one of the crowds he felt ease.

boyfriend!gaming; who always treat you after the performance, "Babe! Did you know that there is a new shop opening right around the corner of Wuwang Hill? Wait, you want to go there? Alright let's go!"

boyfriend!gaming; who would kiss you while watching the fireworks on lantern rite, whispers in your ears. "I love you, you are the best person I've ever met in my life babe."

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1 year ago

Little Dove Part 2

Pairing: Mafia!Bts x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 2.0k

Synopsis: You were gentle, innocent, and pure. In simple words, the exact opposite of the cold-hearted and callous mafia members who fell for you in such a cliché manner.

Warnings : N/A

A/N: I've been extremely anxious to post this, considering how I've been gone for so long. I hope you guys haven't forgot about it yet, but please read part one if you haven't. I hope everyone enjoys reading this, and as always comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!


Little Dove Part 2

It's been weeks since you last saw any of the boys. You'd be lying if you said you remember how all of their voices sound. Despite the fact you think about them almost every night before you go to sleep, they're nothing more than a distant memory.

On some nights, you can't help but wonder if they were just a figment of your imagination. 

But, life continued on like it always has, and always will. Business at the florist's shop has been slow, but enough to make do. The owners had hired you full time, seeing as how dedicated you were, and how much the customers adore you.

It was truly a blessing to be able to wake up every day, and walk into the store only to be greeted with the sweet aroma of flowers and mother nature.

"Thank you, come again!" You grinned, waving off the elderly man who had just purchased a bouquet of simple red rose to celebrate his wife's birthday,

You hummed along to the song that softly echoed from the small radio on the counter while rearranging a bundle of flowers that fell on the floor. 

Suddenly, the all too familiar bell like sound was heard from the front door. Your eyes were locked on the bundle of flowers, but you managed to yell out a soft "Welcome!"

"You look quite busy."

Immediately after hearing the smooth voice, you turned around at the speed of light, your eyes making contact with his beautiful dark brown orbs.

"J..Jungkook?" You stuttered, staring down the handsome man in front of you. Your eyes automatically blinking in a state of disbelief. 

It really was him.

"It's been a while." He replied calmly, not even making eye contact with you, his hands touching the Dahlias you had on display up front. 

Going against your better judgement you walked up to him. He was dressed so extravagantly, he could be mistaken for a millionaire. He was only arm's reach away now, and you were engulfed in his cologne. His scent was s a deep and complex aroma, something you weren't used to at all after being surrounded by floral smells all day.

"I was wondering when I'd see you again." You admitted, reaching out to grab the Dahlias out of the glass vase. 

He finally looked you in the eye, and felt himself melting in your gaze. Your beautiful eyes made him feel weak in the knees, but Jungkook knew he had to keep his composure.

"Did you miss me?" He joked, but in his head he hoped you would say yes.

"Yes. I really did!" You smiled, rubbing the nape of your neck in embarrassment. As soon as you said that, a loud commotion was heard at the door. You ducked, and shielded yourself with your arms preparing yourself for the worst.

When all you were met with was silence, you peeked through your two arms. Jungkook was all you could see, he was crouched down in front of you with his hands on your shoulder.

"Hey.. What's wrong?" His voiced laced with concern.

"Sorry, sorry." You bounced up fast, dusting yourself off. When you looked straight forward, your mouth gaped. 

The back of your throat felt dry in shock when when you were met with the bothered look of six other men.

"Oh my god.." You laughed, turning around, your face pink with embarrassment. This was the worst possible scenario. You finally were able to reunite with them, and this is how they see you.

"We're sorry, we didn't mean to scare you." Namjoon was first to break the silence, walking forward to you. The rest of the members followed.

"These knuckleheads were fighting on who would walk in first." Yoongi sighed in disappointment, glaring at the sheepishly looking Jimin and Hobi.

"We're really sorry-"

"No, no! I'm sorry." You turned around, giving them all a shy smile. 

"It's nice to see you again." Jin said, and you felt at ease. His voice was so calming, it was like the whole world stopped for a moment. 

"What are you guys doing here?" 

"We wanted to see you." Taehyung answered, leaning against the table filled with vibrant tulips. 

You felt like you were standing on clouds, did he really mean that? Did they really come here for... you?

"Could we steal you away for a bit?" Jungkook asked, his eyes roaming around the store in hopes to see another employee to take over for you. 

You looked up at the small clock on the wall, it read "12:23 PM" 

"I close at 1.. I understand if you guys don't want to wait, you have better things to do-"

"You're cute when you're rambling." Jimin said.

"We'll wait. Don't worry." Yoongi slapped the younger one's back. 

To kill time, you showed them around the shop. You showed them everything from the small pond in the back that had petite waterlilies, to the cute cat calculator that you kept upfront to count money. 

"Oh, sorry!" You exclaimed when you finally realized the time. It was twenty minutes past 1. 

"It's no problem. You must really love it here." Hobi smiled.

Grabbing your beige tote bag off the chair, you looked up at them eagerly.

"Take me away!" They let out a dry laugh at your cute antics, and headed for the door. You had no idea where they were going to take you, but followed them with no hesitation. 

Somehow, that made their hearts ache. In a good way, but also in a bad way as well. This was only the second time you've met them, and yet you followed them without a second thought.

 You were so innocent, and you clearly had no idea what kind of people they were. 

They knew they were being selfish, they knew it.. but they just couldn't help themselves from falling deeper and deeper into your charm. 

Those few weeks that they spent away from you felt like eternities. 

"No. We can't drag her into this." Namjoon sternly warned the others.

"But, I really like her, hyung." Jungkook protested, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. He knew they weren't good people, and he knew outsiders could never be allowed into the Mafia business, but couldn't there be an exception just this once?

"He's right. Jungkook, we can't expose her to this." Yoongi added.

"Please don't be selfish. You have to think about her too." Jin reasoned. 

The youngest stormed away from the table, and headed straight for his room. He slammed the door loudly to express his anger.

"He'll get over it. It's just a girl." Taehyung sighed.

Their eyes were practically glued to you as they watched you skipped down the street, each step filled with life. Your laughter filled the air, drawing them in like a moth to a flame. 

As they observed you, they couldn't help but admire the way the sunlight danced in your hair. The way your eyes sparkled with every smile, and the way your presence illuminated the room.

It wasn't your exterior that captivated them, but rather your interior. That's when everyone saw what Jungkook had seen all along.

Your beauty. 

"Where are you guys taking me?" You asked, looking up at them curiously.

"Do you like desserts?" Jungkook grinned, looking ahead at the small bakery at the end of the street.

Your eyes widened in excitement. "Do I? I love desserts!"

The door creaked open as the sweet smell of freshly baked bread and delicious pastries enveloped your senses. Soft chatter and the clinking of utensils filled the air as you all stepped inside the cozy store.

Your eyes light up at the sight of the delightful treats displayed behind the glass counter.

Suddenly, you felt as if you were a little girl again. There were so many delicious choices to choose from, you didn't know how you could settle for just one.

"These look delicious." You gushed, reaching in your tote bag for your wallet, eyes still locked on the colorful sweets.

"Don't worry about that. It's our treat." Hobi grabbed your arm lightly.

"Knock yourself out." Taehyung followed.

"Oh, that's alright! I can pay for myself." You insisted, shaking your hand at their kind offer.

"We insist." Namjoon spoke.

Your lips curved downward into a slight frown. Panic set in all of their minds, immediately thinking that they said something to make you feel bad.

"I feel like you guys are always helping me out.." You mumbled, fiddling with your fingers, trying to muster up the courage to express your feelings.

"It's fine-" Someone started, but you cut them off almost instantly.

"I'm not helpless, you know?" You laughed, peering through the glass to avoid their gaze.

The seven members all shared confused looks before directing their attention back to you.

"We don't think you're hopeless." Jungkook tried convincing you, but he felt like he was only making the situation worse.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't make this awkward." You apologized sheepishly.

"Not at all. We're sorry if we made you feel that way."

In hopes to ignore the overwhelming tension, you continued to read the labels of all of the desserts. Small chiffon cakes, blueberry scones, chocolate chip cookies, there were so much varieties to choose from. 

"I'll get one fruit tart, and one lemon cupcake!" You told the cashier up front.

"Sure thing! That'll be $8.50."

You nodded in affirmation, grabbing your wallet from your bag only to be greeted with a five dollar bill. You cursed to yourself from grabbing a different bag than normal. Your everyday bag with your actual wallet was sitting comfortably on the ground at your apartment.

Feeling embarrassment crawl through your skin, you were just about to tell the kind cashier to take out the cupcake but before you could even open your mouth, a black card was in front of your face, paying for your treats.

You looked behind and saw Jin with an expressionless look on his face that you couldn't read. 

"T-thank you sir." The worker bowed humbly, clearly shaken over the card. Rightfully so, only 0.05% of the Korean population has the Hyundai black card, it and it's a invite only card. 

Who the hell were these guys, and how were they so filthy rich?

"Thank you so much. I don't have my normal wallet with me.." You bowed as well, feeling extremely grateful that he took such quick action.

"Don't mention it."

"I'll pay you back as soon as-"

"You don't have to."

Your nose scrunched, clearly dissatisfied with his answer. He caught on quickly, following up with "$8.50 added onto your debt to me."

"I'll get it back to you!" You smiled, appreciative to his gesture.

The rest of the guys ordered, and you patiently waited on the side. You couldn't hear very clearly, but you could hear people mumbling behind you. At first you didn't pay it any attention, as it's not unusual for people to have conversations in a public space.

However, you started to feel obligated to eavesdrop when you heard some of the conversations to be based around the seven men.

"No way. Is that really them?"

"How can they even be outside?"

"We need to leave."

You thought to yourself, there's no way they could be talking about them, right? However, when you saw people hurriedly leaving the bakery, avoiding looking at the men and rushing out the door, you knew something was wrong.

Why was everyone so scared of them?

Your confused expression didn't go unnoticed. They knew you'd find out eventually. 

Soon enough, the whole cafe was empty. The cozy feeling was gone. There were no more laughter, or conversation, not even the sound of utensils hitting a plate.

It was silent.

None of you exchanged a single word, but all sat down at a table. They began to eat their delicious breads, but you couldn't just ignore the heavy atmosphere lingering around the room.

"What's going on?"

Little Dove Part 2

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1 year ago

hex haywire × afab!reader

smut, mdni ❗ (unless you can handle it then go for it lol)

characters : hex haywire

warnings : 🔞 ❗, minors do not interact❗

aphrodisiacs, semi-public sex, more than hex getting pussy drunk probably idk how to write stuff like that uhh sorry if this disappoints you lolol

do not interact if you are sensitive to content marked with exclamation mark(s) / ❗

summary : you go to hex's office to bring him lunch, and maybe in an attempt to seduce him.

I tried cooking this as fast as I could 🙏🙏

for the person who requested (in a way??) this

⇚ ↺ ⇛

you decided to go to hex, your boyfriend's office because his lunch "wasn't ready yet", so you said that you would drop it off at his office.

but, in reality, you purposely lied to try and seduce you boyfriend, to see if he would do the unholy things with you even when he was on duty.

you headed to the 5th floor of his office building, successfully making it past the lady at the counter by proving that you are an employee's partner.

you knock on hex's door, hoping ths6t he would answer.

"come in." hex said, as you open the door and enter his office.

"oh, dear? are you here to drop off my lunch?" he asks, seeing the lunch box you're holding.

"yeah! um, can i stay here while you work? i wanna see you react to my cooking, hehe." you say, as an excuse to stay at his office.

"okay, but it's still a thirty minutes before lunch. you'll have to stay here for a bit. i hope that's okay." he says softly.

"that's completely fine!" you say. "can i sit here?" pointing at a nearby armchair.

"yes, you can sit there." he says, before going back to his work.

you can't help but stare at his arms, moving fast while typing on his keyboard.

your dirty mind is thinking of... some things.

you blush a little, before brushing it off.

when lunch time came, hex washed his hands. then, hex took out the lunch box you brought him and opened it.

inside, you packed him some homemade pasta, and some chocolate strawberries for desserts.

you also packed him some herbal tea, since you knew he had a chronic cough.

"thank you, my love." hex says, before digging in.

you grin to yourself slightly.

the chocolate strawberries you made were dark chocolate.

and the herbal tea... had aphrodisiac herbs brewed to them.

he finished eating, and washed his hands after.

"so~ how was it?" you say smirking slightly, seeing if the chocolate covered strawberries had taken effect yet.

"it was great. thank you, darling." he kissed your forehead, and went back to work.

you decided to test the waters, sitting on his lap.

"oh? okay, you can sit there." hex says, before pressing a light kiss on your head and looking back at his computer screen.

you take off your oversized jacket, revealing a thin black tank top and some short shorts.

hex gulps, and you notice, but he brushes it off.

you subtly grind on him, wondering if he'll notice. and he sure did.

you notice how his skin is getting warmer as he tries to focus on his work.

"dear, i'm working..." he says, his blush very obvious.

you ignore what he just said, grinding harder on him.

"gosh." he grabs your hips, sitting you on the desk while you gasp.

he gets up, and gets on his knees.

"we're in a working environment. and i shouldn't be doing this, by the way." he says, taking off the bad of your shorts and revealing your underwear with some wet patches.

"so, i can't use my cock right now. so you'll have to bear my tongue." (omfg why is this so cringe) hex then takes off your underwear, revealing your soaked pussy.

"oh? wet already?" he asks, teasing your clit with a lick.

"mm- mhm...!" you couldn't say a thing.

he didn't say anything afterwards, instead just thrusting his tongue in and out of his favorite meal.

it was still lunch hour, so you guys had 30 or so minutes.

he kept up his pace, and you wonder on how he doesn't get tired.

however, those thoughts were knocked away when his tongue enters in deeper.

his nose is bumping on your clit, and you moan out in pleasure.

his tongue keeps going over some sensitive areas in your vagina, making you squirm even more.

⇚ ↺ ⇛

you kind of regret giving him aphrodisiacs now.

you expected this to be a quickie, maybe around 4 or 5 minutes, but he's been doing this for 10.

every time you try to push him away, he always begs for more, to let him eat you out for a little longer.

you voice is tired from moaning, and your pussy is puffy after being abused, hex biting your clit lightly and sucking on it.

you can't take it anymore, you've came on his face for several times now.

but still, he keeps going. he doesn't care how messy it is.

you keep moaning, and so does hex. the pleasure is overwhelming for you right now, especially since he's been sucking on your pussy for some time now, without stopping.

you keep convincing him, trying to get him to stop going at you, using work and his job.

however, he doesn't budge.

"please stop it, hex...! lunch is almost over...!" you moan out, and ride out your high again.

he just whines, his need for you just growing more and more.

hex finally pulls away, his face messy and his hair sticking to his face from swearing.

he looks at how messed up you look, and gazes at you apologetically.

"sorry, dear... i don't know what happened to me there..." hex takes a cloth and cleans his face, and getting another one to clean your thighs.

"it's okay... i liked it." your voice reassuring, though you surely are tired.

you head home, proud of yourself for successfully seducing hex.

when hex finishes work, he comes home, and takes care of you some more.

you two have some... time, together, and clean up in the end.

you were worn out, shaking and gasping, while your pussy was abused and getting sore.

filled up to the brim with hex's cum, your thighs were also covered in his and your own releases.

hex carries you to the bathroom, and setting you down inside the bathtub already filled with warm water.

he starts gently washing you down with scented soap, making sure to get every nook and cranny.

when you were both done, he carried you to bed and you both had some cuddles, eventually sleeping right next to each other with a smile on both of your faces.

⇚ ↺ ⇛

dhsgdb there's more plot than smut i'm sorry

it's because i'm a virgin + i don't know how to write smut v well lolol

not my best work by at least i tried to write it 🥹

sorry i don't watch hex often

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