Azleea Ameera | Malaysian 🇲🇾 | 21 years old | 7th June 2003 | High-functioning ASD and ADHD | Professional modern and traditional artist
974 posts
TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 11)
TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 11)
After three days when I'm drawing and painting Mighty Mac, I'm also drawing and painting the picture of a pair of Scottish twin brothers, Donald and Douglas. Although they're both raised in a Catholic faith like the other railway engine drivers in the Island of Sodor.

Donald & Douglas McIntosh - Catholics
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TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 7)
I draw and paint a picture of humanized Thomas, Percy and James. All three of them are raised in their Catholic faith.

Thomas Billinton - Catholic
Percival James "Percy" Avonside - Catholic
James Simon Hughes - Catholic
Thomas Billinton sketch no. 2

I'm already drawing the second two sketches of Thomas Billinton. So each consisted of four scenes.
Rosie visits Thomas in a hospital
Thomas during his cardiopulmonary examination
Worried Thomas laid on his bed with his nasal cannula
Thomas faints inside his own tank engine due to his asthma
Thomas' chest tightness while calling Stanley to get him his inhaler
Thomas wheezes before working in the Japanese Railway
Thomas heard the doctor and the Flying Scotsman talking about his asthma
Unconscious Thomas with his open eyes before been given CPR by Ace
After the school had off, I'm drawing and painting a picture of Nia and Oliver talked to each other about Thomas. He told her he feels sorry for Thomas when he's seriously ill due to his near severe asthma.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 1)
I draw and paint seven Jewish characters, Bash and Dash, Ferdinand, Harold, Jeremy, Philip and Zebedee. Their religion must be Judaism and so I gave them Jewish surnames.

Philip Auernheimer - Jewish
Ferdinand, Bash & Dash Asner - Jews
Harold & Jeremy Refaeli - Jews
Zebedee Harold Winehouse - Jewish
TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 5)
Three days later, I've been drawing and painting a picture of four international characters from Thomas & Friends. Each one of them is brought up in his or her own religion.

An-An & Yin-Long Huang - Buddhists
Noor Jehan & Abiar Modi - Hindus