Religions - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

really recommend getting a partner with a different religion than you and very little knowledge of your religion because the opportunities for explaining things to each other are just exquisite

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5 months ago

A society worshipping queer (coded) gods wouldn't automatically make it an allysphere or any less queerphobic.

A society worshipping female deities wouldn't automatically make it feminist or any less misogynistic.

A society with a religion that breaks gender norms and encourages gender fluidity wouldn't automatically make it any less transphobic.

I know this is pretty obvious but some of yall don't get it (looking at those of you who keep saying "Ancient Greece was a gay paradise after learning a morsel of Greek mythology and history)

I'm saying this because I come from a country where the major religion is exactly like this. And yet...

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10 months ago

As a part of seeing the light of God in everyone, I believe that we Quakers have things to learn from all spiritual paths. Likewise, I believe that all may benefit from ours. Furthermore, I believe that we already hold in common many core principles.

I have learned to appreciate process, eventually moving towards process theology, from my Buddhist and Daoist friends.

I have learned about the multifaceted nature of God and that there are many equally valid paths to God from my Hindu friends.

I have learned a great deal about interpretation of the Hebrew Bible and repairing the world from my Jewish friends.

I have learned about other views of Jesus, as well as the gift of regular prayer and outward expression of faith from my Muslim friends.

I have learned about the necessity to question my faith from my agnostic and atheist friends.

Religious pluralism is important. I am not the arbiter of truth. I do not have unique access to the all-encompassing truth. People of all paths are my friends.

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2 years ago
When It Comes To Religion, Like A Deck Of Cards, There Are Many Choices!

When it comes to religion, like a deck of cards, there are many choices!

Some choose the ATHEIST card, others the BUDDIST card or ISLAM or CONFUCIANISM card, or a variety of others. There are MANY choices of what to believe, but which one is correct?

Whether we realize it or not, everyone picks a religion (or no religion) card, but what card should YOU chose and why?

Some believe all religions are the same and all lead to the same end, but just like in a card deck, all cards do not have the same value. While all may have their merits, there are some cards that are higher, and there is ONE card that trumps all other cards.

Which card is the right card? I don’t think a simple message like this can help you decide, but do this — there is ONE card that is the highest card that is above all others. As today’s Bible verse concludes, what you choose is what you will wind up serving — and that doesn’t mean just in this life, but also in the next.

It's your choice. Choose thoughtfully and wisely.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
The Story Of Religions!

The Story of Religions! 😒

Source - Pinterest

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 1)

I draw and paint seven Jewish characters, Bash and Dash, Ferdinand, Harold, Jeremy, Philip and Zebedee. Their religion must be Judaism and so I gave them Jewish surnames.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 1)

Philip Auernheimer - Jewish

Ferdinand, Bash & Dash Asner - Jews

Harold & Jeremy Refaeli - Jews

Zebedee Harold Winehouse - Jewish

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 2)

I draw and paint a picture of Sonny, Gina, Gabriela and Sigrid. Each one of them had raised in their faiths.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 2)

Sonny Erian - Orthodox Christian/Lutheran

Gina Sabadini - Roman Catholic

Gabriela Khouri - Maronite Christian

Sigrid Sudeikes - Lutheran

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 3)

I draw five female humanized characters from Thomas & Friends. Each of them had raised in their own religion.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 3)

Mavis and Frankie Papadimitriou - Orthodox/Maronite Christians

Emily Stirling - Lutheran

Rebecca Van Outen - Lutheran

Molly Ejnersen - Lutheran

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 4)

I draw and paint Ashima, Rajiv, Yong Bao and Hong-Mei from Thomas and Friends and Zak from TUGS. Each one was raised in his or her own faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 4)

Zechariah "Zak" Abdel Diab - Muslim

Yong Bao & Hong-Mei Liu - Buddhists

Ashima & Rajiv Bose - Hindus

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 5)

Three days later, I've been drawing and painting a picture of four international characters from Thomas & Friends. Each one of them is brought up in his or her own religion.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 5)

An-An & Yin-Long Huang - Buddhists

Noor Jehan & Abiar Modi - Hindus

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 6)

I'm drawing and painting a picture of Gina's twin brother, Gino Sabadini, who's a railway engine driver like her and their twin cousins, Vittoria and Vittorio Botticelli, who were both Italian Carabinieri officers.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 6)

Gino Sabadini - Roman Catholic

Vittoria & Vittorio Botticelli - Roman Catholics

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 7)

I draw and paint a picture of humanized Thomas, Percy and James. All three of them are raised in their Catholic faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 7)

Thomas Billinton - Catholic

Percival James "Percy" Avonside - Catholic

James Simon Hughes - Catholic

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 8)

I've already draw and painted a picture of humanized Edward and Gordon. They're both raised in their Catholic faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 8)

Edward Stewart - Catholic

Gordon Gresley - Catholic

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 9)

I'm already drawing and painting a picture of humanized Toby and Henry from Thomas and Friends. They're both raised in their same Catholic faith like Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon and Edward.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 9)

Tobias "Toby" Dawes - Catholic

Henry Stainer - Catholic

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 10)

I'm myself already drawing and painting the picture of humanized Mighty Mac from Thomas and Friends. In their engine form, they're both a conjoined Double Fairlie tank engine.

But in their humanized form, they're no longer conjoined and the only pair of fraternal-identical twin brothers who drove their own Double Fairlie engine. Even also they're both raised in their Catholic faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 10)

Robert "Mighty" & Ronald "Mac" Evans - Catholics

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 11)

After three days when I'm drawing and painting Mighty Mac, I'm also drawing and painting the picture of a pair of Scottish twin brothers, Donald and Douglas. Although they're both raised in a Catholic faith like the other railway engine drivers in the Island of Sodor.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 11)

Donald & Douglas McIntosh - Catholics

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 12)

I've already been doing my painting picture of Bill and Ben from Thomas and Friends. They're both talking to each other about Thomas, who had been seriously ill. Also they were raised in a Catholic faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 12)

William "Bill" & Benjamin "Ben" Atkinson - Catholics

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 13)

On St. Lucy's Day, I'm already drawing and painting a picture of Conrad and Natalie Explorer from Theodore Tugboat. They're both husband and wife and their real surname was Daniels. They're also raised in a Catholic faith.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 13)

Conrad Daniels "Explorer" - Catholic

Natalie Daniels "Explorer" (neé MacDougall) - Catholic

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3 years ago

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat humanized characters by religions (Part 14)

Three days after St. Lucy's Day, I'm completely drawing and painting a picture of Sonny's parents, Dr. Robert and Mrs. Louisa Erian. Dr. Robert Erian is a doctor of Wellsworth Hospital. Unlike the train drivers' mothers, Mrs. Louisa Erian is a Science teacher of Knapford Comprehensive School.

TTTE, TUGS & Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters By Religions (Part 14)

Dr. Robert Erian - Orthodox Christian

Mrs. Louisa Erian (neé Kristoffersen) - Lutheran

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