Azleea Ameera | Malaysian 🇲🇾 | 21 years old | 7th June 2003 | High-functioning ASD and ADHD | Professional modern and traditional artist
974 posts
Thomas Billinton Sketch No. 1
Thomas Billinton sketch no. 1

After I draw Sonny's parents, I'm myself drawing the first two sketches of Thomas Billinton. There are four scenes on each sketch:
Thomas with his visible vest and armband
Thomas in his casual outfit (jumper with collared shirt)
Thomas in his pajamas
Thomas without his vest, jacket, armband and necktie and an oxygen tube inserted in his mouth and rushed to the hospital by an ambulance
Thomas with a nasal cannula in his nose while resting.
Thomas in his hospital pajamas.
Thomas' chest tightness due to his asthma
Thomas with his nose bleeding
misspeppermint2003 liked this · 3 years ago
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