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More Posts from Moonhope287
This is just so cute!! I just can’t believe you leave us with that cliffhanger. Well, not really, but still! I hope I can see their story more! I’m pretty much blown away. My first comment wow! Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I didn’t expect my vent to have had such a response haha. I’m glad you enjoyed it ^^ I’ll try to continue, I still have a few things I need to clear out of my system regarding my current living conditions *cough stupid apartment manager cough* Thank you again and hope you have a great day! 💜
Omg! Thank you! I know I'm sooo late to reply this. I didn't see any notifications (it was sent to spam and only saw this while clearing my email) for this and had given up on being able to join anything. >.< I apologise and thank you so much for the opportunity!
Acceptance Post #34

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- Your Galaxy-Team
When The Bell Rings
Pairing: YoongixReader (?) Genre: Slice-of-life, fluffish? (Yes, very overused but this is my comfort zone) Word Count: 2,229 Disclaimers: Lots of venting, angry reader and mentions of current pandemic Summary: Was it too much for you to have a day to rest? Just. One. Day (no pun intended, lol) Obviously, it was. After a long night of writing your thesis, you had been hoping to sleep in but the world, or more specifically, your fire alarm had different ideas for you. After living in this apartment for over a year, you were not going to tolerate things any further! Author’s note: So there’s definitely some, ok, a lot of my angst written into fic since this may, or may not, more or less have been how my day was. Unfortunately, as much as I wish for this to happen, my apartment manager isn’t this great. (Also, I really want to smash that fire alarm but I can’t, sigh.) Hopefully this fic brings you, who are reading this, some amusement just as much as it made me feel better about my day. I have a few more ideas about this, so when the opportunity presents itself I might add on? In the meantime, please stay safe and take care! “RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You immediately jolt upright from the bed. As much as you pride yourself on being able to sleep through almost everything, there were no such exceptions for the fire alarm. A glance at your phone tells you it is close to 2:30 pm. Great. You had fallen back asleep after your first alarm but only to be woken up by the fire alarm.
So if a fire alarm was ringing, why weren’t you more worried? Or at least scrambling to leave your room with your valuables packed in a bag?
Since this was not the first time it happened.
Or the second.
Actually, the number of times this had happened was more or less equivalent to the number of fingers on your hands.
Without a doubt, this problem was one of the biggest cons of the apartment you had moved into. When you first moved in, it had looked quaint, not small, and the location had been convenient, so you had immediately said yes. That, and also because, you couldn’t afford the rent of the other apartment you had first moved into when you came up to Seoul. Not to mention, it the only place recommended to you via a friend that matched your budget range.
The ringing stops and you heave a sigh of relief. At least this time, you had been in bed, which was the furthest place from the alarm. Previously, it had rung numerous times, on and off, while you were seated at your desk. It was a miracle you had not turned deaf or developed tinnitus.
As you groggily move about your room, the alarm happily goes off at least another three times. Great, this was turning out to be those days when it would not be just a one-off thing. You really would have to move elsewhere if you wanted to get any peace.
You look at your phone again, of course, no warning messages from the apartment manager. As usual.
He never bothers to explain or inform in advance if, or when, repair work was going to take place or how long it would take. Luckily, rules in Seoul had relaxed a little, and you could escape to a cafe for an afternoon again.
Suddenly, you realise with a groan, that it is Saturday which meant that the cafe you liked to frequent would close by 6 pm. That did not leave you with much time, not if were hoping to get more work done.
Coming to Seoul had been such a momentous life decision for you. However, once you arrived, the pandemic had struck too, which meant that you were pretty much indoors most of the time. No chance for you to explore the capital like you had imagined when you first arrived. Even worse, the problem of your fire alarm had started not long after moving in.
The first time the alarm rang, you had dashed out of your room. Heart racing, mind racing a mile a minute, you had hurriedly stuffed your essentials into a small bag. To hell with those tips about leaving your belongings behind. You couldn’t leave your personal documents behind. Who would be able to identify your burnt corpse then?!
However, as soon as you opened the door, you found yourself staring at an empty shared corridor. Where were the other residents on the floor? Surely, they could hear the alarm? It was most certainly not the lovely tinkling of a wind chime. Furthermore, with a fire alarm installed in every room, there was no way to avoid it while indoors. Hoping to escape the dreadful noise and leave before being burnt to a crisp, you dashed down the stairs.
Again, not a person in sight on this floor.
Where these people not afraid of being engulfed in fire and smoke? Just when you thought you were maybe hallucinating- was this a sign of cabin fever- a door clicked upon and broke you from your thoughts. A female resident had stuck her head in what you could only describe as mild curiosity, and that was when you saw it. The shocking bright neon yellow earplug firmly wedged into her ear.
You shake your head after recalling that first horrific realisation. This problem was either a common occurrence or something that happened before. Either way, for residents to continue going about their life so calmly despite the sonorous wail of that fire alarm was a sure sign. It was not the first, and worse, it was not going to be the last.
You groan at the sight of yourself in the mirror. You had worked till late after being struck by a stroke of inspiration for your thesis. The dark circles and puffy eye bags were not a good look for you. Plus, your hair was looking limp. All signs that you did not have enough sleep. Ugh, there was no way you could immediately head out to the cafe like that. You were very much in need of a shower.
Twenty minutes later, and you were in much better spirits. However, as soon as you stepped out of the bathroom, the fire alarm had enthusiastically greeted you- no less than five times. Yes, you were counting as you went about preparing to go out. You were so close, one step out the door and you would be free of this wretched noise. Alas!
Just as you were opening the door towards freedom, the alarm wails. Had you been in a better mood, you would have thought it to be lamenting your departure. However, the alarm beside your ear was anything but.
Seized by a sudden rage, you find yourself marching up to the seventh floor in search of the apartment manager. Yes, this was also initially, another one of the reasons why you had said yes that quickly to this apartment. The apartment manager and his family were staying on the top floor. Just one floor above you so you could easily get help should you have any questions or problems. Or at least, that was what he had promised you. Unfortunately, your text messages had fallen on deaf ears. He always left you on read despite the numerous times you had texted to complain about the fire alarm.
This was it. You had had enough. If you saw each other face-to-face, there was no way he could ignore you. Fuelled by the thought, you indignantly and loudly knocked on the door, outrightly refusing to acknowledge the doorbell, conveniently located beside the door. You were furious, and you needed it to be known. Jamming a doorbell was definitely not going to cut it.
At the fourth knock, the door swings open and luckily you pull your hand back in time; otherwise your knuckles would have made contact with him instead. You look up to see black hair messily pushed back into a grey beanie and porcelain white skin that could rival any vampire or any SK-II model. How could any adult have such flawless skin?
Tiredly, the man raises an equally pale hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. You take in his sleepy appearance dressed in a baggy all-black sweatshirt and sweat pants combo. And before you can stop yourself, you hear yourself loudly asking.
“Where’s the manager, and who are you?”
The stranger sighs and finally realising you are a resident, he straightens himself and greets you with a quick bow.
“I’m Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you...” He squints halfway through his greeting. “What is that noise?”
“Oh good, you realise it too, huh?”
No response, just several blinks. You sigh, no wonder why the landlord never bothered with your texts. You could barely hear the alarm for some mysterious reason on the seventh floor. Maybe the sixth floor was cursed.
“That,” and you pause for dramatic effect. “Is the fire alarm and since now you live here, I hope that you can turn it off.”
Yoongi, as he introduced himself just stares back at you again. “Yes, I can tell it’s the fire alarm,” he says with a brief nod, “but what makes you think I know how to turn it off?" He looks at you again. "When in fact, I don’t even know what tripped it off?”
His reply takes the words out of your mouth. So in response, you begin to remove your shoes. You mutter a quick, "Can I come in?" And despite his lack of a reply, you were already pushing your way into the room.
The first thing you notice other than the mysterious absence of the ever-enthusiastic fire alarm is the number of boxes lying all about the house. Was he the only one living here? The house was huge. While you had to share the entire floor with five other residents, this man had the entirety of the seventh level to himself. Also, where was the apartment manager?
You were very sure Yoongi wasn’t him. Granted, the first time you met the apartment manager, he was wearing a mask. However, the man was wearing a thick black pair of glasses which stood in great contrast to his bleached blonde hair. Yoongi was very much the opposite of the man you first saw. However, before you can ponder more on Yoongi's identity, you hear him from behind.
“So, what exactly are you looking for?”
Good question, what was it that you were looking for in this man's room?” Eventually, you spy a panel of switches out of the corner of your eye. Assuming that those controlled the fire alarm of the entire building, you head straight towards it. Luckily, for once, your guess was right. Something had triggered off the alarm on the third floor. You flick it off and heave a sigh of relief. Peace at last. You turn around almost screaming when you nearly bump chest first into Yoongi.
“Oh my g- Are you even human?! Don’t you make any sounds!”
Yoongi’s eyebrow lifts at your strange outburst. “I’m sorry for scaring you?” He clears his throat. “Like I was saying, I’m Min Yoongi, and in case you didn’t realise. I'd just moved in." He says gesturing to boxes littering the apartment. "Thanks for the warm welcome into this apartment too, by the way.”
You recall the way you so brazenly let yourself into the house and lower your head in a brief but apologetic nod. “Sorry, as you can tell, no one likes being disturbed by the fire alarm on a Saturday.”
“Yeah, I get that." He says with a nod. "I’ll keep an eye for it. Wouldn’t want any more residents coming here."
“Again, I’m really sorry about that.” You repeat with a slight blush. “Also, you needn't worry. I’m the only resident that will do this. No one else bothers about the fire alarm problem.”
“Huh, and why’s that?”
You respond with a shrug of your shoulders, “Happened way too many times for them to bother? They all invested in a great pair of earplugs? Who knows?”
You see Yoongi's lip briefly twitch upwards, and you are instantly surprised by how much warmer it makes him look. You ignore the tiny voice that also tells you how much cuter he looks because of that.
“Where is the manager anyway?” You ask again, hoping to change the subject.
“Yoonho? Ah, his family got worried about the situation escalating in Seoul. All of them have returned to their hometown.”
That was not the answer you had been expecting. “I see," You say, the uncertainty in your voice evident. "So why are you here?”
“Well, I needed a place to stay and Yoonho had asked me to replace him." Yoongi succinctly explains. “He also said that it isn't a difficult job, and it would leave me to myself. Mostly.”
You know that last part word had been directed at you, but you were done apologising. How many times would it take to appease this man?
“Oh, so does that mean you are the new manager now?”
“I guess?” Yoongi replies and you note how he had begun to pick at the sides of his thumbnail quietly.
You were probably making him awkward. What a great first meeting this was turning out to be!
“Well, then I hope that you will do a much better job than the previous manager because that fire alarm is getting on my nerves.” And with a firm nod, you add, "I do not want to have to smash it with my chair."
“Yeah, I’ll do my best.” Yoongi replies with a smile. You ignore the fluttering of butterfly wings in your tummy. Stupid butterflies.
“I better get going then, I wouldn’t want to impose on you further. Nice to meet you, Yoongi." You say looking at him in the eyes. "I hope we wouldn’t have to meet under such circumstances again.”
He nods as he walks you out to the door. Just as you are about to walk down the stairs, you hear him call out.
“By the way, what is your name? It wouldn’t be right if you know mine and I didn’t know yours, right?”
You can’t help the laugh that bursts forth. “It’s Y/N! Nice to meet you, Manager! I’ll be in your care from now on.”
As you walk back to your room, you can’t help but think how much better your Saturday has turned out.
Better To (re)Set Collection 1 - Friday the 13th
Friday. 2020.03.13
I tried, really, I tried hard not to rely on it. Honestly though, if anyone could do what I do, they would probably have more ambitious plans than mine. Like take over the world, win the lottery, stop the current pandemic, hide that Cristiano Ronaldo statue and the list goes on. Yet, I can’t even help myself.
Today, I walked into that cafĂ©. Yep, the one just down from my apartment, in my brand-new heels. Sounds silly, but hearing them clicking on the wooden floor made me feel really good about my purchase. Obviously, it didn’t last. Maybe I should have been warier on Friday the 13th...Â
The loud chiming of the golden bell on the door of your favourite café was nothing compared to the loud pit-pats of your heart.
"Welcome to The Daydream!" Came the equally loud and bright voice from behind the counter.
Immediately you feel the smile growing on your face. You walk forward in your best saunter, ignoring the slight wobble of your ankles or the pinch on your heels.
"Welcome back, Ms Y/N! Will you be having your regular or would you like to try our daily surprise today?"
"Why don't you surprise me today?" You reply, surprising yourself when you actually winked back.
Probably taken aback by what you just did, you swear his usual snappy replies takes a little longer than usual.
"Er- Sure thing! I have just the thing! Would you like whipped cream?"
"As I said, surprise me!"
You drum your fingers on the table, as you watch him prepare the drink from behind the counter. You had a good feeling and in your new heels, you felt invincible. Nothing was going to stop you today.
"Here you go, one Sunshine Daydream with whipped cream."
You look at the drink, a bright lemon yellow mixed with swirls of dark blue and topped with a generous amount of fluffy whipped cream. It really looked as beautiful as its namesake.
Just as you take out your card to pay, he cuts in, "This one's on the house."
You look up completely taken aback. When you had said, "Surprise me", you were not hinting at a free drink. That definitely wasn't your intention at all. Unsure what to do, you hastily mumble your thanks reaching for your drink just as he reaches out to pass you your drink. At the unexpected skin contact, you immediately release the drink and found yourself abruptly turning a 180 to face the exit.
Maybe it was because you turned too fast, maybe it was because you weren't used to your heels, maybe it was because you had panicked, again. Whatever the reason, you suddenly found yourself prone on the floor, the wind completely knocked out of you and a throbbing ache from... somewhere.
Just as you were contemplating if it was better to lay still and wait for the ground to swallow you whole or crawl out the exit, an unrecognisable, high-pitched sound came from behind. Before you could turn around to discern it, you feel something cold and sticky trickle down your back and you involuntarily shriek at the sensation.
"Oh m..! Ms Y/N I- I'm so sorry it was an accident! I didn't mean to, you just suddenly an-and the drink flew out of my hand and- are you alright!?!"
A warm arm wrapped itself around your waist and the world instantly righted itself.
"I'm so so sorry,” He continued, “I have a spare set of uniforms. You can borrow mine first if you need it and there's a clinic nearb-"
Despite the sincere wish to help you, you obstinately refuse to look him in the eyes.
"Just tell me where the toilet is and I'll be fine."
He rushes to escort you down to the washroom, but you politely and firmly decline his repeated offers.
You hobble down to the washroom, ignoring the cold, wet patch sticking to your back and feeling glad that you had at least kicked off those devil incarnate heels. Once you get to the bathroom, everything will be alright.
You give yourself a once-over in the mirror. Ok, no bruises on the face, hair an absolute mess and despite the complete and utter annihilation of your pride. You were going to survive. Sadly. With speed you didn't know you possessed, you lock the door and turn off the lights. Now there was only one thing on your mind. 7:30am. The time you had woken up this morning.
With that last thought, you take in your darkened surroundings and close your eyes. Just as soon as you had closed your eyes and remembered the sound of your alarm waking you, it was done. You open your eyes and find yourself in your wardrobe. Ignoring the throbbing of what you identify to be your right ankle, you dive face down straight into the safety of your bed. Well at least, now you know you wouldn’t be wearing those heels for a while. Or maybe just heels.
Thank you!! đź’ś and a happy 2021 to everyone!

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