👋🏻Just sharing my random thoughts & writings here ^^ BTS ARMY; OT7 Masterlist | Fic Recs
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This is just so cute!! I just can’t believe you leave us with that cliffhanger. Well, not really, but still! I hope I can see their story more! I’m pretty much blown away. My first comment wow! Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I didn’t expect my vent to have had such a response haha. I’m glad you enjoyed it ^^ I’ll try to continue, I still have a few things I need to clear out of my system regarding my current living conditions *cough stupid apartment manager cough* Thank you again and hope you have a great day! 💜
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Proud doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings. Just so happy for them and so amazed that they could pull themselves back up and even give back so much. 역시 방탄소년단이네. 이제 빌보드 가수 팬이 됐는데 진짜 신기하고 자랑스러럽다. 우리 끝까지 걸어갑시다. 보라해요~
BTS credits fans for Billboard Hot 100 win, hopes to perform at Grammys
K-pop super group BTS on Wednesday thanked its global fans for pushing its latest single “Dynamite” to the top of Billboard’s main singles chart, making the band the first South Korean artist to achieve the landmark feat. “I want to thank ARMY for making such a great achievement possible. I think it was possible because I met such great members, Big Hit Entertainment and its staff and ARMY,” Jungkook said during an online press conference held in Seoul. ARMY refers to BTS’ global fan base. The singer added, “It’s a great honor to leave such a milestone during my lifetime. Yesterday was my birthday. I’m grateful for receiving such a big gift.” Member Jin also said he was excited after hearing the news. “We made the song ("Dynamite”) just to purely enjoy it with fans. I was happy because it led to such a great result.“ On Tuesday BTS debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s main singles chart with its latest single "Dynamite,” becoming the first South Korean singer or group to achieve the feat. Previously, the highest-charting South Korean artist ever on the Hot 100 was solo act PSY with his 2012 viral hit “Gangnam Style,” which peaked at the No. 2 spot. The only Asian to make it to the top of the Hot 100 in the past was Japanese singer Kyu Sakamoto with “Sukiyaki” in 1963. BTS also shared its next goal: to perform onstage at the Grammy Awards in the United States as a stand-alone act. “We performed at the Grammys in a collaboration. This time we would like to perform as a stand-alone act,” Suga said. In January, the septet teamed up with American rapper Lil Nas X and took the stage at the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards ceremony, becoming the first South Korean artist to perform at the prestigious American music event. “Receiving an award would be great, but that really isn’t possible just with our own will but requires help from a lot of people,” Suga added. The group also won four awards at the MTV Video Music Awards – Best Pop, Best Group, Best Choreography and Best K-pop – on Monday for “ON,” the lead song for “Map of the Soul: 7” released in February.

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Up In The Clouds
Pairing: TaehyungxReader Genre: Fluffish? Lots of musings Word Count: 2,008 Disclaimers: Allusions to death, mentions of war and weaponry. Character smokes and talks briefly about losing the will to live. Also a significant age gap between both characters Summary: It is the summer of 1929 and the cursed, infamous pilot, V, is looking for his plane to be repaired. He knows there’s only one place he can count on for a decent repair. It is the summer of 1929, when you make up your mind to help out your grandfather at his mechanic workshop. Little do you know who you are about to meet. Author’s note: I just had to write this down since Tae’s birthday is a few days away and I have been itching to write..! But I just couldn’t caught wrap my head around the ideas that I had. After I watched Porco Rosso for the first time, I just knew I had to write something inspired by it. If you haven’t watched it, I really do suggest it. It was really unexpectedly light-hearted and funny. Great if you are stuck at home like me or in need of a few giggles. Just to clarify too, V refers to his cursed form and Taehyung is before his curse took place. I neither mention what the curse is what he transformed into. I leave that to your imagination. Also, happy early birthday Taetae! ^^
You roll over onto your side yet another time, and you know you did not mistake the soft sigh that escapes his lips this time.
"Can't sleep?" Comes the now all too familiar rasp of his voice. The strangely calming scent of tobacco mixed with the salty sea breeze enters your nostrils.
"We have to get up early later, didn't I tell you that sleeping late does nothing for your looks?"
You open your eyes and look at him as he carefully sorts through the ammunition he had previously purchased. He throws yet another bullet on the sand.
"Should have known that they were mixing in rusty bullets with good ones if they were selling it that cheaply." He grumbles under his breath, and a puff of smoke rises into the air with it.
You observe him longer. Previously, V had told you he was uncomfortable about your staring, but he didn't say anything if he was bothered. Perhaps, he was too preoccupied to notice.
You sit up in your sleeping bag and take in the sights around you. You had not imagined returning from America to help your grandfather with his repair shop would end up like this. You, on a deserted island, resting next to the most famous seaplane pilot. He was the best. There was no doubt about it. If only, to you.
"V" was what people called him. It stood not just for victory, but some said it was because he had escaped unscathed from combat five times.
His grumbling about how he would no longer return to the same place for ammunition makes you chuckle. You look at the crimson seaplane resting behind him on the beach. An immense sense of pride wells up inside.
You had been so excited to touch an actual plane when he drove up to your grandfather's mechanic workshop. He was not convinced that you were capable enough when your grandfather had explained that your father and uncle no longer helped him. He was about to leave when you stormed in and demanded that he gave you a chance.
It was indeed, stubborn and even rude of you to behave that way towards someone you had just met. But it could easily be your first, last, and the only opportunity as a young female to work on a plane. And, surprisingly enough, you managed to convince him.
"Relax Y/N," he suddenly says, and his eyes look to where his plane stands. "I'll take care of her well. You did a great job. Now it's all up to me."
You feel yourself smiling harder at his praise. V was so different from anyone you had ever met that it was just so easy to be swept up by his charms. You weren't sure why you had behaved that way. Perhaps, it was because V had entrusted the repair of his precious plane to you. Maybe it was because of the thrill and responsibility borne from your first repair or just the man himself. Either way, you didn't bother to analyse why. You just knew you wanted to around him. The loud thumping of your heart whenever he was nearby only furthered affirmed your thoughts. And that was how you found yourself packing your bags on the very night V mentioned the possibility of cutting his intended three weeks' stay short.
The very next afternoon, he had announced that your entire family was in danger. He was being followed and had no choice but to leave immediately. However, your sudden announcement shocked him too. You loudly declared that you were going with him.
Of course, he had refused you. He tried to tell your family that you were too young to be travelling alone with him. He tried to convince your grandfather that bounty hunters' affairs were not for the likes of someone as innocent as you.
However, no one seemed to listen. And you had only responded by hauling your luggage onto the crimson plane. You were also pretty sure V had a soft spot for you since shortly after, he begrudgingly told you to remove one of the machine guns. More sitting space, he had sullenly pointed out.
"Quit smiling like that while looking at me." V suddenly huffs. "Looks creepy."
You stick your tongue out at him. Childish, you know, but it best conveyed your thoughts. He sighs at your reaction.
"And you said that you were mature enough to come along."
"Says the one who stuck his tongue back out." You immediately retort, not caring if you sounded rude or that V could easily be 15 years your senior. You weren't too sure of his exact age because of his mysterious curse. You just knew that you had to be by his side. If insisting that you were the only one who could maintain his newly repaired seaplane was your way in, then you were grabbing it. Not to mention, you could finally see the world from atop a seaplane. These were all temptations too great to ignore.
He raises his arms overhead, taking a short break from his task. "Sleep Y/N." He repeats in a gruffer tone.
You are about to respond to V with rude huff when an idea strikes you.
"Tell me a story then."
He finally turns to take a good look at you. The sight of your bright, eager eyes looking back at him softens his resolve and along with it, the thought of maintaining his distance from you. You had surprised him when you insisted that you were best suited to repair his plane. Your actions spoke volumes about your love and passion for aircraft despite your young age and lack of experience. And that was it. That was what made him say yes. Swept up by your enthusiasm, he had nodded along at all your plans. He had even surprised himself when he walked up and gave you suggestions about the blueprints you had carefully drawn up.
During his entire stay at your grandfather's workshop, V had found it hard to take his eyes off you. He thinks it could be your resolve, youth and pluckiness. But thanks to that, he had gotten several warnings from your grandfather, "Don't even think about it."
Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts, and V blinks in your direction.
"A story?"
"I'm not a babysitter." V huffily responds and resumes his task of sorting out the ammunition. The following day would be the dogfight, and he had to prepare for it. He almost groans when he thinks of how rash you were earlier on. Not only had you agreed to the fight, but you also agreed to be part of the bet. Should he lose, you would go to the other party. That, of course, was unacceptable.
Was it a matter of pride for him? Maybe it was that constant replay of your grandfather's voice in his head? "Don't you think about it." Or maybe because the thought of losing you was more than uncomfortable to V. Whatever the case was, losing was not an option.
"Oh come on," You insist, voice pitching a little higher as you attempt to gain his attention.
"No," V insists a little louder. However, he can't help himself when he sees the slight disappointment flash in your eyes. "... especially not when people forget their manners."
He knew he was way too soft on you. You sit up a little straighter and edge yourself forward as he begins his tale.
18-year-old Taehyung grinned back at his friend's thumbs-up from his right. They were heading towards what was to be their second flight as fighter pilots in the airforce.
Unfortunately, they had flown straight into an ambush, surrounded by enemy planes from all sides. Taehyung watched in horror as his comrades were coldly gunned down, their planes nosediving into the lands below. All around was the smell of gasoline, smoke and fire. Yet, by some terrible luck, his airplane remained intact.
He flew straight on, hoping to shake off his pursuers. There must have been at least three behind him. A group of clouds appear a distance ahead and Taehyung and in need of some cover, guided his plane towards it.
As he breathed a sigh of relief, he only felt weariness seep deep into his bones. Was his best friend even alive? He took another deep breath. It was time to let go, he thought. Taehyung had no more strength left to continue.
Just his body tipped forward, Taehyung was overwhelmed by a strange sensation. A bright light was shining from out of nowhere, and he could not resist the urge to open his eyes. What was going on?
Suddenly, Taehyung looked out of the plane only to see a neverending stretch of blue sky. The beauty of it all was so breathtaking he could only sit and stare. When he looked up a glimmering ribbon of silver winked back at him. And with that, he took off towards it, filled with a curiosity to look at it in closer detail.
As he drew closer and closer, Taehyung gradually noticed the rumble and roar of engines. And, as if back in the war he had escaped from, enemy aircraft had surrounded him once again. This time though, Taehyung found himself devoid of any fear or panic. It seemed to be that way for them as they too, flew towards the silver ribbon, like moths to light.
He was almost able to discern something when Taehyung spotted the outline of his best friend's plane. The thrill was immediate. He wanted to shout; do anything that would get his friend's attention. However, over the roar of engines, his voice could not be heard.
He recognised the sounds before anything else. Above him were a myriad of planes flying in a swarm, their behaviour akin to bees. Taehyung could see now that his friend was now flying way too high. But before he could grab the control stick to follow, the white light reappeared, flooding his vision and washing away everything before him.
When he reopened his eyes, there was no one else around him. His plane bobbed gently against the sea waves. As Taehyung looked up again, he felt a tear roll down.
"It wasn't your time yet..."
At the tone in your voice, V blinks and looks back at you.
"I guess?" He says, slightly awkward at relieving his story for the first time. "It could also have been hell that I saw you know?" You only nod in response, asking him to continue.
"For a long time, I thought it was a sign that I was to fly alone, forever."
"It was a wrong sign then." You interrupt with a cheeky grin.
At the quirk of his eyebrows, you swallow back the urge to laugh. "Well, you have me as a stowaway on your plane. So like it or not, you won't be flying alone now."
V laughs heartily at your statement. This was only something you would say, and the tears trickle down as he laughs harder. You, however, do not see the reason for his laughter and fold your arms. With a cough, V regains his composure.
"There, my story is done. You do your part now."
And with the finality of his tone, V goes back to rifling through the box of ammunition. So engrossed is he that he does not see you slip out of the sleeping bag. He tenses when he feels a warm breath against his left cheek.
"Anyway, I'm glad you came back," You finally say in a whisper. "Because I like you."
And suddenly V finds himself unable to breathe. Doubly so when after greeting him "good night", you also give him a gentle peck.
When he finally looks back at you, your eyes are already closed, and you have drifted off into a deep slumber. He gently touches his cheek, finding it warmer than usual and his left-hand stays there for a long time.
Pairing: JungkookxReader Genre: Supernatural themes with a hint of fluff Word Count: 1,428 Disclaimers: None Summary: You have a gift and you knew it was up to you to use it. No one would believe you and you knew from experience it was a waste of time convincing them. The new school you transferred to unsettled you greatly and you were sure it had to do with what was in the basement. Now, if only you could be left alone to do what you did best. Slaying. Author’s note: I was inspired and had to write it down before it got away. This was a mixture of stories. Inspired by I Kill Giants, the anime, Gokusen and the drama School Nurse’s Files.
Jungkook adjusts his backpack as he eyes the students walking about the new school he had just enrolled in. However, this was not new to him. He had moved around so much that changing schools were no longer daunting.
Looking up, he sees the signs and knows he has to head to the principal’s office to introduce himself. He checks the signs again when he sees someone in a white coat rush past him. He's not sure why but he doesn't fight it when his feet take him in the same direction as the quickly retreating figure.
You, however, you are too engrossed by your surroundings to notice who was now following you. Cursing softly under your breath, you veer down a less frequented hallway and take the stairs two at a time. The signs were all there, yet you had chosen to ignore them. Now you had to pay the price.
You walk towards the locked door. Your hand instinctively reaches for the key deep in the pocket of your white coat. Thank goodness you had the sense to duplicate it. At least you no longer had to find excuses for the janitor.
“Y/N noona..?”
You jump back, narrowly avoiding hitting the speaker on the head with your weapon. The voice, however, did not belong to anyone you recognised. Probably a new student, you thought. You let out a breath you hadn't realise you were holding and relax your grip.
“You’re new aren’t you?" Why aren’t you going to see the principal? Lessons are about to begin."
“It is you!” The student replies and his entire being exudes joy. “I can recognise that umbrella from anywhere.”
You bristle at his words. This umbrella was a blessed weapon. How dare he! You are so affronted by his words that you ignore his overtly familiar tone with you.
“It doesn't matter what I’m holding." You can’t help the biting tone of your reply. "Go to the principal’s office now.”
Meanwhile, Jungkook could only feel that same giddiness that he only ever experienced around you. Every birthday candle and shooting star became a fervent wish to see you again and now you were in front of him. It took him every ounce of effort to stop himself from hugging you.
You looked at the strange giddy expression on his face, and you couldn't help but think maybe you should enquire about his state of health.
Jungkook curled into himself tighter. The boys took a step closer, the circle around him tighter than ever. Jungkook held back a sob. There was nowhere to go or anywhere to hide. He hated it, hated being the new kid in the neighbourhood but he had no choice. It was his father’s job that required his family to move so often. He missed his friends and his teachers at his previous school.
The sudden shout of pain surprised Jungkook, and he looked up. There was now a girl much older than himself standing and watching. The tallest of the group rubs the back of his head before glaring at her.
Jungkook thinks the girl would be intimidated by the glare, but she only takes another step forward. “You boys better scram or else."
The tallest boy stops rubbing his head. "Or else what?" He sneers, unimpressed by her threat.
The girl pulls out something from behind her. "Or else, I'll make you wish you had never been born.”
At the sight of something in her hands, the boys turn and walk away. Who cares about the new boy anyway? There were others they could have fun with.
Jungkook looks up, he wants to thank her but she has already walked away.
“Hey, wait up!”
“Go away," She shouts back. "I have no time for babysitting.”
Ignoring the ache in his legs, Jungkook does his best to catch up. She had a head start but Jungkook is a fast runner and he almost catches up a rainbow-coloured umbrella slung across the girl's back. Lost in his thoughts about the random object, he almost runs right into her back.
“Look here,” The girl huffs, obviously unamused at being knocked in the back.
“I am on a mission and you are slowing me down.” She pushes her messy bangs away from her eyes.
“A mission?” Jungkook replies. “Can I help? I’m excellent at seeking!”
Despite Jungkook’s excited expression the girl just rolls her eyes. “Great, but no matter how much you use those large bunny eyes of yours, you will be of no help.”
“I don’t have to explain it to you.” She says with a huff. “Besides, you are too young for this.”
“Am not!” Jungkook asserts. “I’m four and my mummy says I’m a big boy now.”
The girl just laughs at his answers, continuing to walk away from him. Cheeks flushing slightly Jungkook indignantly shouts, “Well, you're just a kid too!"
Jungkook is shocked that she did stop. She walks back faster than expected and looks down at him from her full height. She's nearly one and a half head taller than him.
“I am almost ten,” Comes her scathing reply, “So shut it, kid.”
This should have scared him but instead, Jungkook finds himself more intrigued than ever. “I’m Jungkook. I just moved here. What’s your name?”
Blinking back her surprise at his response, the girl bites her lips to keep from smiling back. This boy was braver than she thought.
“If I give you my name, will you promise to go away?”
It’s amazing how Jungkook’s eyes seemed to grow wider. But before he can hear her name, she turns and sprints away.
“Co-come back! You haven’t told me your name!”
Now a distance away, Jungkook just eyes the older girl in her bright red coat and umbrella slung across her bag as she waves back at him. “I need to find more mushrooms. If you are still here tomorrow, you can ask me then!”
And of course, Jungkook was there the next day, the day after and the day after that. He always went back to where he first met you. After a while, you finally divulged your secret. You told him that you were on a mission to eliminate creatures that threatened the world.
Anyone hearing that would have laughed but Jungkook clung onto every word you said. It didn’t matter to him your hair was never brushed, your nails constantly blackened with dirt and your shoes covered in grime and mud. He had decided that you were cool and vowed to himself that he wanted nothing more than to help you.
Sadly, all good things had to come to an end. And it was the end of that summer that Jungkook found himself sobbing as he told you through tears he had to move away again. You had merely chewed on your lower lip then wiped his tears and snot with your shirt.
It was only leaving when you came up running to his house. You surprised him. He didn’t think you would bother to find out where he lived.
“Here.” You say, roughly shoving something into his palm then closing his fingers around it. “Keep it. It’ll protect you when I’m not around.”
It was only later in his dad’s car did Jungkook realise it was the white bunny pin that you had always fastened to the front of your coat. Your favourite pin.
“Did you hear what I said?” You question again, waving your hand this time for good measure. This student was taking up too much of your time. “I said go to the prin-”
“I heard you the first time, Y/N noona,” Jungkook smoothly replies. “And no, I want to help you.”
You just stare back at him. What a stubborn boy. “Go away, you don’t know what you are saying. You are just a...”
“Kid?” Jungkook finishes and suddenly you realise he’s no longer standing opposite but right in front of you. Since when had he closed the distance like that? “I dare you to finish that sentence, noona.”
You suddenly note the height difference. He stood almost two heads taller than you. You really wished he wasn’t standing so close now, the uncomfortable feeling in your chest was quickly becoming intolerable.
“Like I was saying,” Jungkook says with a smirk before stepping back. “I'm excellent at seeking and want to help.”
You look at the determined and earnest expression on his face and suddenly the face of a certain plucky four-year-old many summers ago comes to mind.
Better To (re)Set Collection 1 - Friday the 13th
Friday. 2020.03.13
I tried, really, I tried hard not to rely on it. Honestly though, if anyone could do what I do, they would probably have more ambitious plans than mine. Like take over the world, win the lottery, stop the current pandemic, hide that Cristiano Ronaldo statue and the list goes on. Yet, I can’t even help myself.
Today, I walked into that café. Yep, the one just down from my apartment, in my brand-new heels. Sounds silly, but hearing them clicking on the wooden floor made me feel really good about my purchase. Obviously, it didn’t last. Maybe I should have been warier on Friday the 13th...
The loud chiming of the golden bell on the door of your favourite café was nothing compared to the loud pit-pats of your heart.
"Welcome to The Daydream!" Came the equally loud and bright voice from behind the counter.
Immediately you feel the smile growing on your face. You walk forward in your best saunter, ignoring the slight wobble of your ankles or the pinch on your heels.
"Welcome back, Ms Y/N! Will you be having your regular or would you like to try our daily surprise today?"
"Why don't you surprise me today?" You reply, surprising yourself when you actually winked back.
Probably taken aback by what you just did, you swear his usual snappy replies takes a little longer than usual.
"Er- Sure thing! I have just the thing! Would you like whipped cream?"
"As I said, surprise me!"
You drum your fingers on the table, as you watch him prepare the drink from behind the counter. You had a good feeling and in your new heels, you felt invincible. Nothing was going to stop you today.
"Here you go, one Sunshine Daydream with whipped cream."
You look at the drink, a bright lemon yellow mixed with swirls of dark blue and topped with a generous amount of fluffy whipped cream. It really looked as beautiful as its namesake.
Just as you take out your card to pay, he cuts in, "This one's on the house."
You look up completely taken aback. When you had said, "Surprise me", you were not hinting at a free drink. That definitely wasn't your intention at all. Unsure what to do, you hastily mumble your thanks reaching for your drink just as he reaches out to pass you your drink. At the unexpected skin contact, you immediately release the drink and found yourself abruptly turning a 180 to face the exit.
Maybe it was because you turned too fast, maybe it was because you weren't used to your heels, maybe it was because you had panicked, again. Whatever the reason, you suddenly found yourself prone on the floor, the wind completely knocked out of you and a throbbing ache from... somewhere.
Just as you were contemplating if it was better to lay still and wait for the ground to swallow you whole or crawl out the exit, an unrecognisable, high-pitched sound came from behind. Before you could turn around to discern it, you feel something cold and sticky trickle down your back and you involuntarily shriek at the sensation.
"Oh m..! Ms Y/N I- I'm so sorry it was an accident! I didn't mean to, you just suddenly an-and the drink flew out of my hand and- are you alright!?!"
A warm arm wrapped itself around your waist and the world instantly righted itself.
"I'm so so sorry,” He continued, “I have a spare set of uniforms. You can borrow mine first if you need it and there's a clinic nearb-"
Despite the sincere wish to help you, you obstinately refuse to look him in the eyes.
"Just tell me where the toilet is and I'll be fine."
He rushes to escort you down to the washroom, but you politely and firmly decline his repeated offers.
You hobble down to the washroom, ignoring the cold, wet patch sticking to your back and feeling glad that you had at least kicked off those devil incarnate heels. Once you get to the bathroom, everything will be alright.
You give yourself a once-over in the mirror. Ok, no bruises on the face, hair an absolute mess and despite the complete and utter annihilation of your pride. You were going to survive. Sadly. With speed you didn't know you possessed, you lock the door and turn off the lights. Now there was only one thing on your mind. 7:30am. The time you had woken up this morning.
With that last thought, you take in your darkened surroundings and close your eyes. Just as soon as you had closed your eyes and remembered the sound of your alarm waking you, it was done. You open your eyes and find yourself in your wardrobe. Ignoring the throbbing of what you identify to be your right ankle, you dive face down straight into the safety of your bed. Well at least, now you know you wouldn’t be wearing those heels for a while. Or maybe just heels.