Halp Pls - Tumblr Posts
This is just so cute!! I just can’t believe you leave us with that cliffhanger. Well, not really, but still! I hope I can see their story more! I’m pretty much blown away. My first comment wow! Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I didn’t expect my vent to have had such a response haha. I’m glad you enjoyed it ^^ I’ll try to continue, I still have a few things I need to clear out of my system regarding my current living conditions *cough stupid apartment manager cough* Thank you again and hope you have a great day! 💜
Inspired by a real life fail.
Drabble. Inspired from life, as usual lol. Hopefully no one experiences this.
You had been tossing and turning all night. Summer this year was no joke. You thought wearing lighter, cooler clothing was the way to go but the heat was too much. Your air-conditioner probably gave fighting the heat too. You had only somewhat managed to fall into a light sleep one hour before your usual alarm. Not to mention, the overall feeling of stickiness from perspiring all night left you feeling disgusted.
As you made your way to work, a new notification pops up on your phone.
Boss: Morning. Meeting at noon regarding the new proposal. C U.
Great. Your workaholic boss had been struck by sudden inspiration and had been bombarding you with ideas the entirety of Sunday morning. You had looked through them but you knew how unfeasible and impractical they were. Not to mention, the additional unnecessary effort it would take to implement all those ideas. If you were running on a full night of sleep, you might be able to respond to your boss respectfully during the meeting. However, as of now, you were not even sure you could reply to this message cordially. Also what was with the last part of that message?
There was only one thing left to do. Text your sibling. They did not live too far from you or your office and their air-conditioner was definitely working. It was all they were bragging about over social media for the past week. Plus sleeping over meant that you could be distracted from unnecessary thoughts and worries. With your mind resolutely made up, you text your sibling.
Almost immediately, you get a reply. It normally took your sibling longer to reply and they were definitely not a morning person so they would not be awake even at nine in the morning. Another reason why you were seriously contemplating switching to a job that gave you more freedom and allowed you to work from home more often, like your sibling.
You read what you had typed.
You: Hey dude
You: It's way too warm at night in my room.
You: Can I crash over for the week?
And then your eyes flit up towards the recipient. Jeon Jungkook (BH Recruitment)
A second message pops up.
Jeon Jungkook: Morning.
Jeon Jungkook: Is this... Y/N?
Russian dolls got eliminated....
Allow me to play this sad flute music.....