she/they, bisexual | 20 | Multifandom blog | I post a lot of things | Requests: OPEN
332 posts
Sssoo :D
Sssoo :’D
I really really really loved your Seto Kaiba HC and I was wondering if we could get a part 3?
(Completely ok if you say no! ;v; I just stumbled upon your blog and really loved the way you wrote him!)
Take care and stay hydrated!!
I actually did make a part 3. It can be found here!
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piccolo when trunks told goku what was up and didn’t want anyone else to know but he already overheard cause he got satellites for ears

Reiner Braun Relationship HC's 2
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Content: Post-Marley Reiner Braun x GN! Reader
Warnings: Simpage (from me), mentions of kidnapping, mentions of Marco, Zeke. Also slight suggestiveness at the end, but nothing explicit.
Notes: No S4 spoilers, even though this takes place in Marley. Anime watchers can read this 👍
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Okay so, a lot of this is going to be based off an rp between me and a friend you know who you are but I feel it's close enough to his character in S4, so bare with me
Reiner took you with him to Marley by force so now you're kinda stuck with him
If you can forgive him after the whole Marco/traitor thing, I would then this will be no problem for you
He's super serious in government meetings and anything pertaining to Titans and Paradis, but when with you he's anything but
Sometimes he needs to be held and told he's okay, sometimes he wants to take you out for a walk, sometimes he just needs your presence with him but don't talk to him...it depends
I feel like he would tell you what's going on within the government and what's happened over at Paradis, even though he's not supposed to and you both could be killed for it
He only does that so you're in the loop and are safe. Although, since you'd be from Paradis, I doubt the government wouldn't make good use of you.
Reiner would do anything to make sure they wouldn't send you back over to Paradis, or make you fight again. Obviously this can only extend so far, unless you gain the favor of Zeke. But that's a discussion for another day.
Reiner would still like some PDA, or just being semi clingy in general, as you're one of his only lights of happiness. But he wants the PDA to be restricted to hand holding in front of Gabi and the others.
He's going to lean on you a lot more in Marley than he ever did in Paradis, and it might be a little overwhelming, maybe annoying, but he's a broken man and is just trying to make you happy while also trying to be happy himself.
He can get jealous pretty easily - he's always worried about losing you. So when he sees you with Zeke once you've gained his favor, he's going to start comparing himself and the older man. He's going to lash out at you and Zeke for it, but will really only beg for forgiveness from you. Please show him the wonderful ways of communicating problems.
When you're alone and you grab his tits chest, he might give you a confused look before letting you continue to mess with him. He doesn't understand your fixation with his chest, but if it makes you happy, they're all yours.
Reiner please give me a chance I beg of you
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

Resident Evil: Vendetta Chris is a litteral angel and I’m obsessed
Omggg- I’m SO happy u added Resident Evil to your master list?!!! ❤️❤️❤️😭
Lol thank you!! Feel free to request, lovely <3
God what if I want to go back to my DBZ phase I had when I was like 5 (I never really left the phase) with zero warning or masterlist