Snk Reiner - Tumblr Posts
Attack on Tuition
An Attack on titian Modern College au
Sorry if it's too American, I’ve only ever lived in America so that’s all I know.
Let’s start off with the main three Eren, Mikasa, and Armin
So in high school, Armin got a job at a Starbucks inside a target, eventually, Mikasa decided that she also needed a job and Armin told her they were hiring at his work so they then worked together, they are often the only two who work during their shifts.
They still have these jobs when they move to a college close to their hometown. By now Armin is a shift manager of Starbucks. And Eren has realized that he needs a job and his friend always talks about their job so he tries to get a job at the same place.
Eren tried his best but he ended up works at target instead of Starbucks in target. He hates that he has to wear red, he thinks it’s a stupid color and that being a target cashier is the worst job.
He spends his break at Starbucks complaining that he doesn't get to work with his friends
Back to Starbuck pair. Armin often works the cash register because he's better around people while Mikasa makes the drinks. Armin actually attracts some people, he's the cute barista at Starbucks that you think likes you back( he doesn't).
Even older women see Armin as the cute barista and try to flirt with him. he plays along for tips and is afraid that if he doesn't they'll Saturn Karen on him. I've actually thought of a small scenario that has 100% happened
Older divorcee soccer mom who is also a regular
Armin: Good afternoon Karen, how can I help you today
Karen: Oh I guess it is afternoon Armin, I'll have my regular for the kids, and I'm gonna try something new, any recommendations
Armin: Well of course are you looking for something bitter, sweet or maybe something fruit based
Karen: Definitely something sweet, do you guys have anything that is as sweet as you, I doubt it, your are just too sweet
queue Mikasa rolling her eyes
Armin: oh why thank you, I would suggest the strawberry funnel cake frappuccino
Karen: Well if you’re suggesting it then, of course, I’ll try it.
Mikasa: Armin I don't know how to make that yet
Armin: oh well ill make her order, just finish ringing her up
Karen looks back to the cashier, after checking on her children and getting her credit card out.
Karen: Oh where'd Armin go
Mikasa: He's making your drinks for you. I can finish ringing you up ma’am
Karen: Well you don't have to take that tone with me I was just wondering
Mikasa: *sigh* Sorry ma’am, what size would you like that frappuccino, and will that complete your order
Karen: A grande and Yes that's all for today
Mikasa: Your total is --.-- ( idk)
Karen: that's outrageous, it’s normally less than that
Mikasa: well today you ordered something different
Karen: but I got a small size than normal so it should cost less than normal
Mikasa: well the frappuccino cost more than your regular drink because there more ingredients along with it being a special item
Karen: well it shouldn't be that high
Mikasa: would you like me to edit your order, maybe change the size of something
Karen: no ill just pay for this, and you should smile more and talk nicer, people will like you better that way, like Armin.
Karen pays for her drinks and goes to sit and wait. Mikasa now avoids the cashier job as best as possible.
Moving on to Ymir and Historia
Ymir and Historia went to the same high school.
Ymir’s parents were both military and moved a lot, at the end of 8th grade they moved to a small town, where they stayed for four years/ till Ymir graduated.
This small town was historians home town, and she had never gone far out of the county her town is in.
In high school the two meet and fall in love, becoming high school sweethearts.
in junior (11th grade) year the two already plan to move in together after graduation. But things go amiss when Historia is forced to go to an ivy league college across the country and Ymir, doesn't have the grades or money to follow her.
the two break up and don't stay in touch. It’s too painful for the both of them to only be friends.
Ymir takes a year before going to college, earning money for the future, she applied to as many as she could, and by some fate ended up at the same college as Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Reiner, Berthold, and Annie.
She becomes close with these people, and eventually builds a band with 2 of them, as much as she didn't expect or want she was in a band with Eren and Berthold. Ymir is a bass player and singer and she needs at least 1 guitar player along with a drum player, and Berthold was the only person who wasn’t just decent but surprisingly amazing at the drums. While Eren tried to be a drummer thinking it was cooler. But he has no talent as a drummer but when Ymir asked if he already knew how to play an instrument he plainly explained that he plays guitar, and she had him play and as much as she disliked it, he was better than the other guitar players she was looking for.
Also, Mikasa will sometimes help with duets or background vocals. And later on, they meet Annie and she becomes their second guitarist.
So Ymir’s band has started to grow some fans and historian finds out about this band and watches a video only to find that the leader and singer is her ex. Historia still loves Ymir and now that she knows that there is a way to see her again she had to try. so she researches the band’s upcoming shows, and plans a way to get plain tickets without her parents knowing it’s too visit her ex.
She decides she wants to surprise Ymir so she doesn't tell her.
Historia watches Ymir and her band performs, she’s so enthralled by Ymir and the love that she feels for her. shes doesn't even realize the songs are mostly about her.
At the end of the show, Ymir is sitting at the bar ( not drinking) when a short blonde female approaches her, started flirting. the short blonde isn't Historia but Historia can see and hear this interaction. So when Ymir not so kindly rejects the girls by saying
"I’m not interested girlie"
Historia hears a flirtatious tone behind Ymir’s voice, the same tone that Ymir used to use on her. So Historia doesn't approach her, she just leaves, realizing that she has no claim to Ymir.
the truth is Ymir put no flirtatious tone behind that sentence, her flirtatious tone and serious tone are basically the same, Historia was mistaken.
Ymir only realizes that Historia was at one of her shows a few weeks later when she receives photos ( that were taken of the band and crowd for future posters) and recognizes her ex-girlfriend in the crowd. She is unsure how to feel, she was happy but also disappointed and angry that Historia never approached her
Oh also Jean, Connie, and Sasha all went to the same high school but Connie goes to a fancy private college that's less than an hour away from jean and Sashas collage, jean and Sasha make fun of how he has changed ( he has elbow pads on all his sweaters).
that's it for now and I made a playlist of what I think Ymir’s band sounds likes
Ymir and the Cadets link!!!
There’s one of Reiner as well 💀

Why's he holding a pint
My Home

“Yknow, my village isn’t that far from here.. I could sneak out if I try.” Connie muttered boredly.
”My hometown is close too..” Sasha mumbled as her hand rested on her face. “They told me not to come back until I was normal.”
”They told me I was too puny to become one. Look at me now, I was in the top ten at the Training Corps. Takes a genius to become one.” Connie said.
”What about you Y/N? You’re from a village around here.” Bertolt asked as he kept looking at Y/N and at the chess board.
”Well, my parents passed away after my brother was born so it’s really just us two and a few others from my village.” Y/N explained.
”Oh.. im sorry to hear that Y/N. Sorry.” Bertolt stuttered embarrassed.
”It’s alright, I miss them at times but my brother doesn’t remember them. I had to step in for him but ever since I left for the military, the others have been taking care of him.” Y/N said.
”If you want Y/N, Connie. I can help you guys sneak out. Don’t you find it strange that we’ve been out on standby but we’re not even allowed our gear? We can use that time to leave.” Reiner said as he moved his chess piece.
Suddenly the whole scene unfolded as Sasha claimed to have heard footsteps, to which Nanaba came through the window to rush the cadets out and onto horses.
”The Titans came from roughly the SouthEast, anyone know that terrain?” A captain asked.
”That’s where my village is, please can we go there.?! I have to see if my village is safe, please!” Y/N pleaded. Watching the Captain hesitantly nod, Y/N and Reiner rode off, Bertolt following after them.
Reaching the village, Y/N looked around and saw not a single person wandering around.
”Caspian!” Y/N exclaimed as she rushed over to her old house. “Please be alive, please.”
Reaching the house, Y/N halted in her tracks as a Titan lay flat on its stomach and stared at her whilst crushing the house underneath it.
”Y/N, stay back!” Reiner yelled as he grabbed onto her. “You’re gonna get yourself killed! Imagine if that Titan could move, I would’ve lost you.”
”Reiner..” Y/N mumbled before tears fell from her cheeks and onto the ground as she turned to face him, his eyes widening at the sight of her.
”Y-Y/N.. did I grab you too hard? I’m sorry-“ Reiner said.
”Reiner what am I going to do? My brothers gone and so is the rest of my village!” Y/N sobbed out as she gripped onto his arms.
”H-hold on now. They could’ve survived, there’s no sight of blood or corpses so they could’ve escaped!” Reiner said reassuringly as he rubbed her back and pulled her into his chest.
“Really.?” Y/N asked as she sniffled and rubbed her eyes.
”Of course-“ Reiner began to say.
”Big…… si…ste….r.” A voice grumbled from behind. Turning to look behind, the same titan’s mouth was open and its eyes followed Y/N.
”Reiner, why is the Titan speaking.?” Y/N asked as she let go of him to turn and look at the Titan.
”W-what are you talking about Y/N? No ones said anything!” Reiner said.
”N-no.. it sounded so much like someone that I know. Reiner it really spoke! I could hear-“ Y/N began to frantically say.
”Y/N!” Reiner exclaimed as he gripped her shoulders and made him face her. “You’re too stressed out right now, you’re going hysterical.”
Suddenly Bertolt arrived and gathered their horses, informing them of no sighting of corpses or blood.
”See? No blood means they escaped.” Reiner calmly explained as he helped Y/N get onto her horse. They quickly rode off to meet with the others, Reiner and Bertolt talking amongst themselves.
”We can’t hide it from her for long, she’ll find out at some point.” Bertolt mumbled.
”I’m not having her live in fear for her whole life Bertolt. I’m keeping this a secret, she’ll come home with us. No, I still have to marry her, we’ll have a happy life together with children just how I always dreamed of-“
”Reiner.” Bertolt interrupted as the blonde turned to look at him. “You and I don’t have enough time left. We can get this mission done with and leave these Island Devils whilst taking Y/N and Eren.”
”Yeah.. we can do that.” Reiner said as he stared at the back of Y/N’s head.
Happy Birthday, Reiner Braun.
(I know it’s a bit late but my tumblr wasn’t working :< )

Suffocate me in those armoured tit pls
Long Distance Lovers

Reiner Braun x Female Reader
Sweat. That’s what Porco felt trickling his forehead and down his back as he shot up and sat against the bed frame. Rays of sunlight lit the room as he put on his shoes and walked to the warriors kitchen to see Reiner standing in front of the sink.
‘Great. This is probably the last person I want to see as of right now. Especially after that memory.’ Porco thought as opened the pantry.
“Morning.” Reiner said as he closed the tap and dried his hands.
“Hey.” Porco mumbled back as he pulled out snack bars, trying his best not to make eye contact. The two awkwardly sat at the table, waiting for others to arrive so they could start eating.
“You’re only gonna eat that?” Reiner asked, attempting to break the tension.
“Thanks for asking, shouldn’t you be worrying about your Devil Girlfriend.” Porco said mockingly as Reiner froze in his spot.
“I.. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Reiner replied as he kept a his head down.
“Cut the shit, Reiner! I should’ve known you’d betray Marley once you’d get to that Island.” Porco yelled aggressively. “I saw everything in that bitches memory. Filthy Devils the reason we live like this-“
Suddenly, Porco was being lifted into air as Reiner gripped his collar. Anger was clearly evident on Reiners face as his features stiffened.
“Now you listen here you, bastard. I allowed it the first time but if you call her a devil again, so help me I’ll rip out your vocal cords until you can’t regenerate anymore.” Reiner threatened quietly. “That woman was probably the best thing that appeared in my life and I don’t care if she was born on that Island, she’ll always be an angel compared to the rest of this shitty world.”
Porco breathed heavily as they maintained eye contact before Reiners eyes widened and suddenly dropped Porco gently so he’d stand nicely.
“Sorry.” Reiner said as he held his head in one hand.
“Tch. You’re crazy you are. Falling in love like that.” Porco mumbled as they sat back down.
“I don’t care if you tell the officals.” Reiner mumbled as he looked up at Porco. “If anything it’s the last thing I care about now-“
“Relax asshole. I’m not gonna have them pass down the armoured titan because of.. that.” Porco interrupted as he reassured the blonde. “Let’s just keep this between us.”
“Yeah.” Reiner replied. “Did you by any chance hear what we said?” Porco scoffed at his question as he leaned back and crossed his arm over his chest.
“Yeah, you damn hopeless romantic.” Porco mumbled before speaking up. “From what I saw, you gave her a rose before embracing her.” It stayed silent for a good few seconds before Reiner smiled and chuckled at the response.
“I remember that. That rose must’ve been thrown out after I revealed myself.” Reiner mumbled as Porco nodded silently. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away on Paradis, Armin sat next to a flustered (h/c) girl as he looked at her in shock.
“I didn’t expect you to see those memories, Armin.” Y/N mumbled embarrassed of what he saw. “I think Bertolt was the only guy who knew about me and Reiner.”
“Y-yeah.” Armin said, not wanting to reveal Ymir being present in the memory.
“What exactly did you see, Armin?” Y/N asked nervously as she looked up at him. “What memory did you see?”
“It was when he gave you a rose and uhh… showed you his love your physical touch.” Armin answered embarrassed as he recalled the hug and kiss in the memory.
“I remember that.” Y/N chuckled as she got up and walked to the window. “You dont mind if we keep this between us, right?”
“O-of course Y/N! I came to you first since I just thought I’d let you know.. I don’t know if it was right though. I feel like it’s made you uncomfortable with me.” Armin said.
“I’m not uncomfortable with you, Armin. It just caught me off guard.” Y/N reassured. “If anything I’m glad you came to me first.” Opening the window, Y/N grabbed a watering can and tipped it to put over the plants attached to the window. “If anything I feel bad that you kept it to yourself for a while.”
“I didn’t even realise you had flowers out near the window.” Armin mumbled as he got up and walked over to see a lot of roses.
“I’ve been growing them for 4 years.” Y/N said as a smile grew on her face before pointing at the biggest one in the middle. “That one. That one means the most to me.”
“Is it..?” Armin asked with yet another shocked look as Y/N nodded.
“That’s the same one that handsome idiot gave me.” Y/N said as she stared at the blooming flowers.
You want to practiceee? I got you baby. I demand reiner faced with a choice as to whether to stay with his gf (where the relationship are not approve by his family) or marry the lady his family choose for him. Apologize my terrible english tho
Decisions (Reiner Braun)

This what i'm talking about bby! lessgoo. Rating: Angst.... I guess. Paring: Reiner x poc!Femreader Tags/TW: !!!!!racial prejudice!!!, arranged marriage, slight domestic violence.
Plz note that my English is self taught and mistakes were made.
Her nails were starting to get blunt by the amount of times she tapped her fingers against the worn out wood. Her gaze was infinitely ahead of her, fixated on lively streets of Marley. Her view was contrary to how she felt. She saw freedom, happiness, pride. But now all Y/N wanted was to sink into the ground six feet under.
Two faces without emotions turned in on themselves. The atmosphere in the room was thick enough that you could almost taste it. His little apartment was plagued by silence, which chanted to him how terribly he had screwed up.
The sound of his lips parting to speak was enough to drag a sigh deep from her chest. He better not speak, she thought to himself.
“You should probably shave. Get a haircut--...” Every word rolling off her tongue was viscous, gleaming with hatred and disappointment.
“Stop.” Reiner’s brash voice sounded meek coming from the bed. He sat on the edge of it, head in his hands as he balanced his elbows on his thighs. “I-I don't know what to do now.” Y/N let out a breathy chuckle whilst ignoring the blade that shot through her heart. She turned on the chair, the summer light shone across her mocha colored complexion, drawing attention to her distinctive features. They were now eye to eye, broken expressions mirroring the other.
“You knew. You knew what you got into when we started dating. You knew you wouldn’t be able to give me more and---...” She didn’t want to cry. Not again. But here she was, tears brimming her lash line. “I-- No we had dreams, Reiner. You dreamt with me,” the first tear rolled down and his stomach churned at the sight. “We were fantasizing about baby names you---you dickhead!”
Reiner knew he had no right to speak so he stood up in an attempt to escape her gaze that was jabbing on him like a dull knife. He paced around the room, sucking the tip of his thumb with worry. Ways to rationalize his sinful actions flashed through him, numbing his mind for a few seconds. He didn’t realize that she was now on her feet too, following every step he made trying to make him look at her again.
“And lemme guess she’s white isn’t she?”
“Y/N!” Reiner stopped in his steps and turned to the shorter woman, eyes of fury blasting down. “This has been decided for us when we were fucking twelve years old that i’ll marry her when I turn twenty.”
“You don’t have to get defensive,” Y/N scoffed through tears. “Don’t you think I notice the stares, the whispers. Everyone knew!” Y/N stepped closer to him, looking up at the blonde man with wide eyes. “Everyone knows that if I were a white woman, we wouldn’t have this conversation right now. I wouldn't ruin the bloodline that way right?!”
Reiner avoided her gaze, turning his head to the side. His ears rang with an irritating beep, and the sensation of fighting back tears burned his entire face, beginning at his nose and moving up to his eyes.
“But If you think I’m gonna spend one more minute fighting for your love you're wrong. I’m not fighting for someone who never loved me.”
“Never loved you?” Reiner snapped and looked at her again. “I loved you, Y/N.”
“No, because if you really loved me--...”
“Don't even say that, Y/N--...”
“If you really loved me you would make the same sacrifices I did. You would not even think about choosing her or the ultimatum in general.” Her shrill yell was enough to shake even the smallest bones in her body and echoed through the empty corridors of the apartment complex.
“Please stop yelling, Y/N.” Reiner pleaded with frustration. “T-They are my family I- I can’t.”
Y/N roughly dried her tears, quickly vowing to shed a tear for this man ever again. Her heart thundered in her heart like a terrified bird flapping away from its prey. Sobs could be mistaken for wails of pain and right now, Y/N was in pain. She was hurt by the one she would love the most.
“What about my family huh, Reiner? I left them for you. I left my village for you and now--...I hate you,” A shaky wail escaped her and seconds later it turned into an icy-cold, horror movie-like scream. It all spilled out, and she had no means of stopping it. She chanted it like a prayer over and over again until that became the only words she could let out. I hate you.
“Shut up!!” Reiner roared, his dilated pupils gazing back at her, his bearded jaw tightening. The buildup had become too much and Y/N felt like she couldn’t hold herself in anymore. Before she even rationalized her actions she cocked her hand back and flung it right across his cheek.
Reiner hissed in pain as he brought his hand to his cheek, his cheek stung like a million pin needles dug in the surface. Reiner’s reflexes were strong enough for him to see the next strike. With a grunt he wrapped his hand around both of her wrist, hoping she’d stay that way. She was now a frantic lady, shouting and murmuring at the top of her lungs; I hate you.
“Baby,” he panted through tears, using his free hand to force her head upward. Tear filled eyes gazed at him.
"I'm gonna kill you so badly when you let me go." She whimpered, trying to sound tough despite the tears discretely trickling down her cheeks.
For a moment it became silent. Both swallowed each other's pants. He noticed how her tense frame lessened, something inside him told her that she wouldn't attack him again, so he withdrew his hands.
“I want you to be happy,” Reiner whispered as he wept. “You don’t deserve what would be coming to you, if we continued this.”
Reiner cupped her cheek and jaw, thick digits probing the nape of her neck. Bitten lips clashed onto hers, with passion and determination more than the millions they’ve shared before. Y/N absorbed his flavor on her trembling tongue. She had a hunch this may have been the last time she'd ever be able to feel this way. As they withdrew a thin string of saliva still connected them.
“I want you to go. Forget about me. Live the life you deserve and be happy."
Y/N let out a shaky breath. "R-Reiner."
"I'm sorry."
"We--... We can leave this town. Te-tell no one where we're going," she stuttered as she continued her endless muttering. "We- We can be happy together. We don't even have to get married right?" She was dreaming out loud, the same hunch in her lower belly reminding her that they would never come true.
"I've chosen her, Y/N. I have to listen to my family." Reiner said through a sob.
She took a step back, curls on her head bouncing as she shook her head in disbelief. This can't be happening. This is a nightmare. She reassures herself.
"Leave, Y/N." Reiner pleads in desparation. "Leave and forget about me."
Aight aight?????? What do you thiiiiiiink??? Angst is not my best thing to write.
Reiner Braun Relationship HC's
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Content: Pre-Marley Reiner x GN!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for S4 part 2 at the end.
Notes: Hi all! I'm currently in finals week, and don't have any motivation to complete requests until finals are over. So accept this short headcanon for a fandom I haven't written for in months. All characters are 18+ here.
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Reiner at first would push you away if he felt you were getting too close. He didn't need to get attached to you, you were just some stupid island devil...
However, as his trauma mounts and his mind becomes more and more shattered and, split, if you will...eventually you make your way in
Truth be told, Reiner has no idea what's happening. One minute he was pushing you away, the next, suddenly you guys are cuddling?
Although you do feel...nice...and warm...and you smell so good...
Reiner is smitten. You have him wrapped around your little finger.
He would do anything for you - dare he say he might ditch Bertholdt for you.
Gives you the biggest kisses, right on the lips in front of everyone. Mostly because he loves you, but another small part of him loves claiming you as his. Ymir already took Christa, he's not going to let you slip away too.
Reiner loves hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek, he also loves being dramatic and kissing your hand while he kneels in front of you
He loves laying his head on your chest at night as you run your fingers through his hair.
He loves how you treat him so nicely and he can see the love in your eyes when you look at him
He loves how he feels so secure in your relationship, in your arms, with you, etc. he wouldn't trade it for the world.
However, what he doesn't love, is how you look up at him with fear, anger and betrayal as Marco is being eaten by a titan thirty feet away from you.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Reiner Braun Relationship HC's 2
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Content: Post-Marley Reiner Braun x GN! Reader
Warnings: Simpage (from me), mentions of kidnapping, mentions of Marco, Zeke. Also slight suggestiveness at the end, but nothing explicit.
Notes: No S4 spoilers, even though this takes place in Marley. Anime watchers can read this 👍
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Okay so, a lot of this is going to be based off an rp between me and a friend you know who you are but I feel it's close enough to his character in S4, so bare with me
Reiner took you with him to Marley by force so now you're kinda stuck with him
If you can forgive him after the whole Marco/traitor thing, I would then this will be no problem for you
He's super serious in government meetings and anything pertaining to Titans and Paradis, but when with you he's anything but
Sometimes he needs to be held and told he's okay, sometimes he wants to take you out for a walk, sometimes he just needs your presence with him but don't talk to depends
I feel like he would tell you what's going on within the government and what's happened over at Paradis, even though he's not supposed to and you both could be killed for it
He only does that so you're in the loop and are safe. Although, since you'd be from Paradis, I doubt the government wouldn't make good use of you.
Reiner would do anything to make sure they wouldn't send you back over to Paradis, or make you fight again. Obviously this can only extend so far, unless you gain the favor of Zeke. But that's a discussion for another day.
Reiner would still like some PDA, or just being semi clingy in general, as you're one of his only lights of happiness. But he wants the PDA to be restricted to hand holding in front of Gabi and the others.
He's going to lean on you a lot more in Marley than he ever did in Paradis, and it might be a little overwhelming, maybe annoying, but he's a broken man and is just trying to make you happy while also trying to be happy himself.
He can get jealous pretty easily - he's always worried about losing you. So when he sees you with Zeke once you've gained his favor, he's going to start comparing himself and the older man. He's going to lash out at you and Zeke for it, but will really only beg for forgiveness from you. Please show him the wonderful ways of communicating problems.
When you're alone and you grab his tits chest, he might give you a confused look before letting you continue to mess with him. He doesn't understand your fixation with his chest, but if it makes you happy, they're all yours.
Reiner please give me a chance I beg of you
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Saw you were asking for requests 👀 so can I please have Reiner having his first time ever with female reader? You can be as explicit or vague as you want :) thanks (sorry if this is something you won’t do)
In the words of my boyfriend, "give me all the details, bitch"
Content: virgin!Reiner Braun x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors, DNI.
Notes: Smut under the cut, all characters are 18+. Also this is my first time writing smut in a while, so please forgive me lol
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Reiner slid off his shirt, expecting you to just continue to strip and not say anything. However, you proved him wrong when you stopped to gawk at his built frame.
"Reiner..." There were so many things you wanted to say. This man's physique had you near drooling, and you could see the V that dipped below the waist of his pants.
"What?" He spoke nervously, afraid you wouldn't like how he looked. "Do you...not like it?"
"No, you look...beautiful." You openly sized him up, looking him up and down. "Eye candy."
Reiner chuckled, albeit less nervous. He fully discarded his shirt to the side and made his way over to you, grabbing the hem of your shirt. "I could say the same to you, sweetheart."
He tugged your shirt off and stared at your chest. He discarded your shirt and placed his warm hands on your waist. He brought you close and kissed you on the lips, before trailing his fingers over your waistband.
You slipped your tongue into his mouth, making him let out a small noise. He found the button on your jeans and hastily tried to undo it. You could tell his nerves were running high, because he could barely undo the button. Breaking away from the kiss, you undid your own button and zipper. Reiner's face had a small pink tint to it, either from embarassment or your tongue entering his mouth.
You grabbed the back of his head and smashed your lips onto his, slipping your tongue back in. His hands attempted to pull your pants down, but you caught his hands and put them over your clothed breasts.
Your tongue wriggled and writhed in his mouth, dancing with his. He huffed through his nose as you overtook his mouth, and decided to begin roaming. He grabbed ahold of the hem of your bra and tried to lift them up. When they plopped out, he let out a small moan and began to pinch your nipples. Girls like that, right?
He was rewarded with a moan from you, and you pulled away making him whine. Swiftly, you took off your bra and tossed it to the side, wrapping your arms around his strong neck. "For a virgin, you sure know what to do."
"Yeah well...I'm just going with what feels right." Reiner gave you a smile, huffing between words.
You leaned back towards the bed, dragging Reiner with you. You laid flat on the bed and watched Reiner steady himself above you.
"Go on, play with them more." You bunched up your boobs with your arms.
Reiner looked nervous again. "Um..."
"You can put your mouth on them."
Reiner lowered himself and placed his mouth on your nipple, sucking on it slightly and using his tongue to swirl around it. You moan softly, one hand going to the back of his head. "That's can suck harder, y'know."
Reiner, as if on cue, began to suck harder. One of his hands travelled down your stomach and into your pants. Now that they were unbottoned and unzipped, your underwear was easy access. There he slipped his hand in, and down to your pussy, he used one finger to tease the entrance. You gasped at the sudden contact, and continued to softly moan. "Oh, Reiner..."
He popped off one nipple and switched to the other one, his other hand giving the free one some attention. His hand down south however, slowly began to insert one finger. You knew his fingers were meaty, but dear God they felt huge inside your pussy. You moaned his name again as he began to pump his finger in and out of you, and you couldn't help but wonder if Reiner really was a virgin.
He popped off your nipple and looked at you. "Yeah sweetheart? You like that?"
"I love it, keep going please Rei..."
He grinned. "I'm gonna add another finger, okay love?"
You nodded. "Please, please do."
He gently added a second finger, and you could have ascended to heaven if you wanted to. The stretch felt so good, you didn't know what to do with yourself. He pumped in and out of you, curling his fingers up slightly. Eren told him to do that, and with the way you grab the sheets, it seems to be working.
"Oh, Reiner..." You moan, one hand going down to circle your clit. It made you clench around his fingers even tighter, and he raised a brow.
"What are you doing?"
"Circling my clit."
His free hand waved yours away, he pulled your pants down more, and his thumb replaced your finger. "Like this?"
"Oh God yes, Reiner - like that!" You moaned, beginning to arch your back as the pleasure was becoming too much.
"Yeah? You gonna cum soon sweetheart?" He asked as he picked up his pace.
"I think so- oohh!" You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. A familiar coil was beginning to form in your stomach, something you tried to warn Reiner about.
"Rei, I'm gonna-"
"I know, puddin'. I know. I got you." He purred, picking up his pace slightly, making sure to keep pressure on your clit too as he circled it. You could feel your walls sucking his fingers in, hear the squelch your body made as he went in and out. And finally, the coil snapped.
You moaned loudly as your cum washed over his fingers. You huffed slightly, regaining your breath. He slowly pulled them out of you, and brought them up to his face. He was proud of himself - he made you cum for the first time.
He leaned over and grabbed a rag off of your nightstand that you had previously put there for this occasion, and wiped off his fingers. "You did so good for me, my love."
He leaned down and gave your forehead a kiss. He then pulled your pants down fully, and began to pull his down. "This okay?"
"More than okay."
Reiner gave you a smile before his dick flopped out, hard as a rock. He was big...but you had faith that he stretched you out properly. "So...I put it in now...right?"
"Yes, you do." You chuckled a little.
Reiner experimentally rubbed his cock over the entrance of your pussy. He shivered slightly - it felt so wet and warm, he wondered how it would feel on the inside. His tip caught on your entrance, and he thought he was gonna bust right then and there.
Slowly, he began to enter you, and it took his whole being not to shove it all in immediately. You sucked him in so nicely, so soft and wet and hot on the inside. His eyebrows began to crease, and he let out a small whimper.
"What's wrong?" You moaned out.
"You just fucking good..."
He finally sheathed himself completely in you, making him moan out softly. He had never felt anything more fucking amazing than he did right now. Your pussy begged him to move, tightening ever so softly around him.
"I'm gonna start moving, okay baby?" He groaned out, and before you had a second to respond, he pulled all the way out and slammed back in.
You moaned loudly, gripping the sheets below you at the sudden snap of his hips.
"God...I can't take it...!" Reiner whimpered before setting a fast pace. The squelches and skin slapping took over the room.
You moaned very loudly, for him, with him, as he pounded your pussy relentlessly. Reiner began to drool as he lost himself in you, loving how you squeeze him and milk him for all he's worth. He grabbed your legs and bent them so he could move forward with you. He had you in a mating press.
The lifting of your hips made him hit a sensitive spot within you, skyrocketing your pleasure. "Oh, ohhh Reiner! Please, please!"
"Please what- nghh...sweetheart?" He purred lowly.
"I want you to cum inside me! Please!"
He almost came at those words. He could feel it building up inside him. He panted and moaned as his dick got sucked back into you repeatedly. "Your wish is my command, puddin'."
Your tongue lolled out of your mouth, and you moved your head to the side. Reiner leaned down to kiss and bite at your neck, with the aim to mark you. He pulled away slightly to see your fucked out expression, and grinned. "Look so pretty like this. Could take a picture and keep it with me forever."
You couldn't form English anymore. Only vague sounds and moans left your mouth. He picked up his pace slightly, feeling his own coil begin to form. "Gonna cum soon."
"Me too..." You moaned, looking up at him.
He pumped in you a few more times before grabbing your hips and slamming you close, cumming deep within you. He let out a louder groan as he did so, and you let out a loud moan, clenching around him as he circled your clit to ensure you came with him.
He panted with you, both of you staying there for a moment. You smiled at each other before Reiner slowly pulled out. He reached over for the rag and cleaned you up before beginning to clean himself up.
"How was that?" You asked, huffing between words and sitting up.
"Fucking amazing, love." He smiled before leaning over to you and giving you a soft kiss. "Lay back down, let me take care of you, okay?"
• ───────────────── •
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

And, after 4 months, I finally got the motivation to finish this — (T▽T)
You can find closeups posted on my twitter account 💕
THE MANY FACES OF PRECIOUS BERTL 💕 hope you'll like it ❤ let me know what you think!
Edit: i hate the fact that I posted the instagram cropped picture instead of the actual picture lmao 😔 if you want to see the full picture and better details, you can find it on my twitter. Same @ ❤

Love a man who looks like he singlehandedly invented depression.
Reiner, I am going to put you in a little basket and take care of you like a 3-day-old kitten.