Reiner Braun X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Strangers (Part.1)

Strangers (Part.1)

Reiner Braun x fem!Reader

Season 3 Spoilers and Season 4 light spoilers You and Reiner use to be a couple until you found out he was the Armored Titan…

Time line is going to be ever so slightly altered for the next part.

Third Person Pov

"How could you Reiner?" You cried out to him trying to keep yourself balanced on the tree branch below him.

"What do mean, if you're talking about why I took you, it's simple. I love you and I just couldn't leave you to die along side these devils." Reiner spat in disgust as his eyes lingered on your shaky from below.

"Devils, how could you ever think we are devils?" You questioned him

"I'll tell you more when we get back to my home town. It will all make sense when we are there." He answered you looking hopeful

"You assholes are gonna pay, you hear me!" Eren screamed from behind you waving his severed hand like he was going to punch Reiner.

"Shut it you two, it's not like we can do anything right now anyway. See those titans down there?" Ymir questioned as you looked down to see dozens of titans looking up twords you. "Even if we could, we'd have no chance of escaping. Plus Y/n isn't one of us so she'd die easily especially sense you ain't got your ODM gear." She soke sounding rather disinterested.

"Ymir is right, we'll leave at nightfall when the titans are sleeping." Reiner spoke scanning the three of you. Ymir started talking to them, but you blocked out her words trying to focus on calming down and not losing you head. You picked up on a few words an phrase in particular caught your attention.

"We'll get Christa and then we'll go, I can't leave her here!" Ymir pleated which caused your anger to spike.

"Ymir what the hell!" You shouted walking towards her as her limbs grew back.

"What, I have nothing here except Christa and Reiner and Bertholdt have a future. This place will be dead soon any way, don't you want to live!" She screamed at you walking closer

"Calm down you two! Y/n hear me out." Reiner pleaded jumping down from the tree branch he was standing on. "Y/n please, everyone here will die and the last thing I want is for you to die with them. My hometown is special and there are so many things that I want to show you. Sights that you'll never be able to see, I can show them to you. Please let me take care of you in a place I know you'll be safe. I love you." Reiner declaired with pleating soft eyes that would normally make your heart melt.

"I'd rather die here with them than live a lie with you." You spat as frustrated tears began to form in your eyes. Depsite the fact that you loved him too and the very idea of departing with him shatters your soul.

"Go to hell!" Eren screamed jumping at Reiner hitting him across the face multiple times until finally Reiener hit him so hard that it knocked him out cold. Reiner began panting looking at you silelently telling you to follow him.

"Reiner look, it's the scouts!" Bertholdt yelled in in desperation gaining Reiner's full attention.

"Shit, looks like commander Erwin is a lot smarter than I thought." Reiner yelled jumping down twords you. "Get on my back sweet heart we need to go." He asked you holding out his hand. Part of you would like nothing more than to hold his hand and feel his body against yours. Except now he had betrayed you and your friends and there was no way in hell that you were going to let him take you, Eren, or Christa. So you took a page out of Eren's book and punched Reiner too. You were a lot better than Eren at hand-to-hand combat and this was the only thing you could think of. His nose began to bleed heavily and despite his best efforts, he was not as fast as you. You hit him anywhere you could thinking that if the fight lasted long enough the Scouts could get to you faster. However, your actions came to a painful halt as Bertholdt punched you in the back of the head knocking you out cold, just like Eren.

Reiner grabbed your unconcious body and securly held you to him with as much gentelness as he could. He hated seeing you so hurt and broken and vowed that no matter what he'd do whatever he could to make up for all of the mental strain he put on you, after all, he did love you. After some time flying through the forest, he turned into his titan form after handing you over to Bertholdt. He jumped down as Bertholdt and Ymir, who also assumed titan form, landed on his back after she went serching for Christa. Ymir then took her from her mouth causing Christa to cough.

Reiner ran as fast as he could trying to outrun the scouts, but they were too late. Commander Eriwn, along with a massive horde of titans, scouts, and MP's were coming twords them. All Reiner could do was brace for impact as he protected you, Eren, and Berthold underneath his armored hands and pray that Ymir was holding onto him tight as he smashed his way through the titans. And as scout by scout and titan by titan came at him trying to get you and Eren. Despite their best efforts, the scouts took you, Eren, and Christa back and Reiner had lost you and the coordinate. All he could do now is protect Berthold from the titans trying to eat them as he watched you being taken away from him on the back of Erwin Smith's horse.

Operation To Retake Wall Maria…

“You’re not going cadet.” Captain Levi commanded as you were getting ready to join your friends to retake wall Maria.

“Forgive me sir, but why the hell not?” You questioned him with clear anger.

“Calm down, Commander Erwin thinks you’ll be a liability. We already know that Reiner and Bertholdt wanted to take you back home with them. So it’s safe to say that they’ll try again. We simply can’t have that.” Levi reasoned

“Wouldn’t I be useful then, Sir?” You yelled still angry and confused at the situation.

“No, no offense to your skill but Erwin said so. That’s final cadet I don’t want to hear anything else about it.” He spat walking away from you because he didn’t want to continue arguing with you.

You were so furious at the commander but you knew deep down that he was right. That you would confront Reiner despite saying otherwise because what he did to you was unforgivable and you needed to know why. You desperately needed to know why Reiner was a Titan and what the hell he meant by “home town.” You needed answers and you only prayed that the scouts would be victorious so that you could receive some.

A few days later…

The scouts came back as they reetook Wall Maria. However, the casualties made it seem like thee was no win whatsoever despite the people of the walls rejoicing. Especially the people of Wall Maria as they would now be able to go home, including you.

The commander had died which made Hanji the new commander of the Scout Regiment. You were shocked to say the least, but you were glad that your friends survived. You asked Captain Levi about Reiner and Bertholdt and he told you what happened to them. Hearing that Armin nearly died and it was between him or the commander as to who would be come a Titan brought tears to your eyes. It was such a cruel choice and one that should have never have happened. Both should and deserved to live in your mind. Yet you remembered that this world is cruel and unfair. However, now with this victory the Scouts would now be able to venture further outside the walls than they ever have. You were excited to see the ocean and potentially see the world beyond. Little did you know about the dangers and hatred lurking not too far from your island home…

Three years later…

Three years without him. Three years of resenting him and hating him. Long nights filled with cries and nightmares from that day. Reiner was your rock and someone you always thought you could rely on. A lot of people throughout those three years thought that you were somehow a Marley spy, but that was soon forgotten as Hange made a public announcement about it. You needed answers for everything but more than anything you just wanted to see him, talk to him, and hold him. Because above all else, you still loved him.

You were now a high ranking official in the Scout Regiment. Your intelligence and experience helped you land the position. Especially with the recent developments with other countries. You had helped Hange and other become more diplomatic. While maintaining the idea that your island is still dangerous.

Now here you were on a boat, disguised as a tourist with a few friends and other me members of the regiment. You were tasked on getting intel on Marley. And so here you were feeling the wind blow your hair as the salty sea air filled your lungs. You felt peaceful despite the aching feeling in your heart. As Marley was Reiner’s homeland and there was a small chance that you would see him and that terrified you. You tried preparing yourself for it even taking to the commander on what to do if you should see him. But no amount of preparation could ever prepare you for the experience that lies ahead…

Strangers (Part.1)

Thanks so much for reading💜 I apologize if the first part isn’t the best. I have better plans for the second one. Including flashbacks and more angst.

Please feel free to like, comment, request, and reblog.

Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE to see my master list.

•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Tags :
9 months ago
Strangers (Part.2)

Strangers (Part.2)

Reiner Braun xfem!reader

Three years later and you finally meet him again. But this time as strangers. Will you reconcile?

Angst, mentions of trauma and death. Reiner has low self worth. Talk of suicide, blood, and violence. Fluff, happy ending…

Reiner’s Pov

It’s been three years to the day since the day I lost her. Every moment I’ve spent has been filled with memories of her. Her scent, touch, and voice fill me with sadness and regret. I need to see her, but she’s so far from me now. The future is so unpredictable now and war has been upon Marley for some time. I wonder what’s she’s doing. What she looks like now and how beautiful she’s gotten.

I stared at the sea, the very one that separates us. Wishing she were here to see what I see. Wishing I were holding her hand here, making her laugh, telling her jokes. But I’m not, and she’s not here. I’m scared I’ll never be able to see her again or hear her sweet voice calling my name.

“Damn it all.” I sighed breathing in the salty sea air. I was trying not to think of her anymore as I could feel tears beginning creep.

I began walking along the docs admiring the markets and people around me. I had no where in particular to go as it was my day off, which was rare. There were so many people out today and I found myself accidentally bumping into a few. My head was fuzzy as I tried to push my emotions back once more. I wasn’t looking where I was going this time and bumped into someone and made them fall to the ground. My thoughts came back to me and I focused on the person I accidentally shoved.

“I’m so sorry are you okay.” I said frantically not looking at their face still. I grabbed their hand as I pulled them up. I locked eyes with them and suddenly the whole world stopped. The very air from my lungs had left me and the tears that I was trying so desperately to hold back were starting to fall. As the very person I have needed, loved, and desired was right in front of me and I had just bumped into her.


Your pov

One hour earlier…

We finally docked onto Marley dressed as ordinary people because if even one person caught wind that there were enemies on this island, then all hell would break loose. Truthfully, the only reason we were here was to see the other side of the sea. For me, I came to see him. I needed to, my whole body craved it. I hate him, at least I think I do. I love him, but I know that I shouldn’t. Or should I?

Once we left the boat, we were each given time to explore. Levi instructed us to all meet by the woods by sundown as that’s where we’d be staying. He also suggested to go in pairs, but I was on a mission, one more important than anything else. I needed answers and I needed them from him. One hour later I somehow made it to a market filled with people and things I’d never seen before.

“Damn it all.” I sighed walking through a large crowd.

Despite my mission, I was simply awestruck by these people. Many of different faces than I had seen on my island. They were beautiful and it felt nice seeing so many happy people together. I thought about him walking through these very streets. Had he come here often? Was he even interested in markets? What was he doing now? All of those thought plagued my mine and made me feel hazy. Something shiny caught my eye and I turned to look at it from a distance. However, much to my bad luck, I wasn’t paying attention and got thrown off my feet by what felt like a ox.

“Ouch.” I whispered feeling the wind leaving my lungs slightly.

“I’m so sorry are you okay?” The rather familiar voice spoke out in concern.

And just as I was about to respond the figure grabbed my hand and began pulling me to my feet. Once I was balanced, I looked up. Shock waves shot through my body as the very persons I had sought out was right in front of me. The person I loved more than anything was right in front of me more handsome than he was when I lost him…


Reiner pov

“Y/n.” I whispered. “Are you real?” I asked not truly believing the breathtaking sight in front of me.

“I hope so.” She responded giving me a smile.

“Hi.” I said awkwardly 

“Hi.” She whispered

“How… how are you?” I asked her after a few moments of simply staring at the woman I loved.

“Relieved.” She replied as a year left her eye.

“Me too.” I admitted. “Y/n, you’re so beautiful.” I whispered breathlessly losing myself in her magical eyes.

“Thank you.” She whimpered as more tears left her.

“Here, please.” I told her as I reached into my coat pocket, taking out a clean handkerchief and handing it to her. As I did, our hands brushed slightly making me let go of a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.

“Oh thank you.” She said quickly as she wiped her tears.

“Wanna go somewhere more private?” I asked her hoping she’d say yes.

“Yeah, as long as you don’t try anything mister.” Y/n joked chuckling a bit as I laughed too.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.” I joked back.

“I hope so.” She spoke in a hushed whisper and I could tell she meant to say that to herself so I didn’t respond back.

“I have a good spot on the beach that should be pretty private.” I told her.

“Do you take all of your girls there?” She joked nudging my shoulder slightly. I missed this. I missed her. I just hope that I can find the perfect words to say to her.

“Nah, just you.” I replied seriously looking at her for a moment as we walked side my side to the beach.

“Good.” She smiled

After a few moments of walking and small talk, we made it to my spot. I helped her down to this small cave that most locals didn’t bother going to as it wasn’t as exciting as the rest of Marley. It was a peaceful little cave that was about 6 feet wide and 10 feet long. At the very end of it, you could see the water rising and falling. The sounds of the waves crashing echoed through the spot making a private conversation possible.

“It’s beautiful here. Good spot there Reiner.” She complimented looking around the sea cave. “As beautiful as it is, I need to speak to you about not so pretty things. But I think you know that.” She told me seriously looking straight into my eyes.

“I agree. What do you want to speak about. I promise to tell you anything you’d like to know.” I reassured her.

“Who are you?” She asked simply.

No one’s pov

“My name is Reiner Braun. I’m a warrior of Marley and I’m the holder of the armored titan.” Reiner replied seriously as he stood to the wall of the cave.

“Is see. Who else are you?” You questioned him trying to assess him.

Reiner stilled for a moment trying to decipher the right words to say and what you meant in that very moment.

‘Who am I?’ Reiner thought to himself

The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but was really just a few minutes. Reiner had forced himself into an internal conflict with himself at your question. He hasn’t really given who he really was much thought for a long time. He thought he knew, he thought that after the battle at Wall Maria, that he knew who he was. However, with you standing right in front of him after so many years apart, he began questioning everything once again. He took a deep breath letting the salty sea air fill his lungs. He then looked into your eyes giving you a pained, but loving look as the words he needed finally came to him.

“Y/n… I’m not just Reiner Braun, Warrior of Marley. I’m also…” Reiner paused for a moment. “I’m also a man so desperately and completely still and utterly in love with the woman who stands in front of me. And with everything that I have and everything that I am. I’m so sorry for everything that I put you through on your island. For every death, every shitty memory you have because of me, for all of the people I’ve hurt. All I want is to die because of it I know I deserve to suffer for all f the shit I pot you and everyone else through. But I’m not sorry for falling in love with you. For wanting to be with you and for all of the years that I’ve spent missing you.” Reiner admitted as he began sobbing at all of the memories that he had.

“Reiner…” you sighed fresh tears beginning to spill. You couldn’t think of what to say as the confession that you wanted to hear but weren’t sure you are going to receive was just announced by him.

All you could do in that very moment was warp yourself around him. All you could think was to hold him. Your anger was overlooked my your intense love for this man, for Reiner Braun. You held him so tightly against you not wanting to let him slip away once again. You felt him stiffen slightly but hold you just as tightly. You felt him nuzzle into your hair.

“Oh Y/n, baby, I’m so sorry. I love you.” He spoke desperately feeling free that he was able to tell you the words he’s been waiting years to finally say once more.

“I missed you.” You admitted feeling anxious about saying it back but knowing you needed to. You turned your head up looking into his honey colored eyes and finally spoke the words that you were needing to say. “I love you too. I never stopped.” You told him still holding onto his muscular body.

“Good.” He whispered giving your forehead a affectionate kiss.

“You really hurt me though Reiner and despite the years apart, I’m still hurt.” You said feeling the pain you had felt for the last three years come back however a little less this time.

“I know, and I understand if it will take you time. Just know that I’ll wait as long as you want because you’re worth everything y/n.” Reiner says holding you against him once more.

“Thank you, I think I might have to go soon. But please let me stay here for a little while longer.” You pleated.

“Darling, you can stay here until time itself comes to an end.” Reiner spoke seriously

“Good, because I never want this feeling to end. And I promise you will see me again.” You said kissing his chest.

“I’m looking forward to it, Y/n…”

Strangers (Part.2)

Thank you so much for reading💜This is the last part of this. Although I might and a prequel to this short series about how these two met and how they feel in love.


Please click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.

Please feel free to like, comment,follow, request, and reblog.

•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•


Tags :
1 year ago
Forgot To Post This Here, So Here It Is Now. I Really Am So Proud With How It Came Out.

Forgot to post this here, so here it is now. I really am so proud with how it came out.

Reiner has me in his clutches since season 1, I'm not even complaining. He's babygirl

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2 years ago

Reiner Braun Relationship HC's

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Content: Pre-Marley Reiner x GN!Reader

Warnings: Spoilers for S4 part 2 at the end.

Notes: Hi all! I'm currently in finals week, and don't have any motivation to complete requests until finals are over. So accept this short headcanon for a fandom I haven't written for in months. All characters are 18+ here.

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Reiner Braun Relationship HC's

Reiner at first would push you away if he felt you were getting too close. He didn't need to get attached to you, you were just some stupid island devil...

However, as his trauma mounts and his mind becomes more and more shattered and, split, if you will...eventually you make your way in

Truth be told, Reiner has no idea what's happening. One minute he was pushing you away, the next, suddenly you guys are cuddling?

Although you do feel...nice...and warm...and you smell so good...

Reiner is smitten. You have him wrapped around your little finger.

He would do anything for you - dare he say he might ditch Bertholdt for you.

Gives you the biggest kisses, right on the lips in front of everyone. Mostly because he loves you, but another small part of him loves claiming you as his. Ymir already took Christa, he's not going to let you slip away too.

Reiner loves hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek, he also loves being dramatic and kissing your hand while he kneels in front of you

He loves laying his head on your chest at night as you run your fingers through his hair.

He loves how you treat him so nicely and he can see the love in your eyes when you look at him

He loves how he feels so secure in your relationship, in your arms, with you, etc. he wouldn't trade it for the world.

However, what he doesn't love, is how you look up at him with fear, anger and betrayal as Marco is being eaten by a titan thirty feet away from you.

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

Tags :
2 years ago

Reiner Braun Relationship HC's 2

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Content: Post-Marley Reiner Braun x GN! Reader

Warnings: Simpage (from me), mentions of kidnapping, mentions of Marco, Zeke. Also slight suggestiveness at the end, but nothing explicit.

Notes: No S4 spoilers, even though this takes place in Marley. Anime watchers can read this 👍

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Reiner Braun Relationship HC's 2

Okay so, a lot of this is going to be based off an rp between me and a friend you know who you are but I feel it's close enough to his character in S4, so bare with me

Reiner took you with him to Marley by force so now you're kinda stuck with him

If you can forgive him after the whole Marco/traitor thing, I would then this will be no problem for you

He's super serious in government meetings and anything pertaining to Titans and Paradis, but when with you he's anything but

Sometimes he needs to be held and told he's okay, sometimes he wants to take you out for a walk, sometimes he just needs your presence with him but don't talk to depends

I feel like he would tell you what's going on within the government and what's happened over at Paradis, even though he's not supposed to and you both could be killed for it

He only does that so you're in the loop and are safe. Although, since you'd be from Paradis, I doubt the government wouldn't make good use of you.

Reiner would do anything to make sure they wouldn't send you back over to Paradis, or make you fight again. Obviously this can only extend so far, unless you gain the favor of Zeke. But that's a discussion for another day.

Reiner would still like some PDA, or just being semi clingy in general, as you're one of his only lights of happiness. But he wants the PDA to be restricted to hand holding in front of Gabi and the others.

He's going to lean on you a lot more in Marley than he ever did in Paradis, and it might be a little overwhelming, maybe annoying, but he's a broken man and is just trying to make you happy while also trying to be happy himself.

He can get jealous pretty easily - he's always worried about losing you. So when he sees you with Zeke once you've gained his favor, he's going to start comparing himself and the older man. He's going to lash out at you and Zeke for it, but will really only beg for forgiveness from you. Please show him the wonderful ways of communicating problems.

When you're alone and you grab his tits chest, he might give you a confused look before letting you continue to mess with him. He doesn't understand your fixation with his chest, but if it makes you happy, they're all yours.

Reiner please give me a chance I beg of you

• ───────────────── •

Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

Tags :
1 year ago

Saw you were asking for requests 👀 so can I please have Reiner having his first time ever with female reader? You can be as explicit or vague as you want :) thanks (sorry if this is something you won’t do)

In the words of my boyfriend, "give me all the details, bitch"

Content: virgin!Reiner Braun x fem!Reader

Warnings: 18+ Minors, DNI.

Notes: Smut under the cut, all characters are 18+. Also this is my first time writing smut in a while, so please forgive me lol

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Saw You Were Asking For Requests So Can I Please Have Reiner Having His First Time Ever With Female Reader?

Reiner slid off his shirt, expecting you to just continue to strip and not say anything. However, you proved him wrong when you stopped to gawk at his built frame.

"Reiner..." There were so many things you wanted to say. This man's physique had you near drooling, and you could see the V that dipped below the waist of his pants.

"What?" He spoke nervously, afraid you wouldn't like how he looked. "Do you...not like it?"

"No, you look...beautiful." You openly sized him up, looking him up and down. "Eye candy."

Reiner chuckled, albeit less nervous. He fully discarded his shirt to the side and made his way over to you, grabbing the hem of your shirt. "I could say the same to you, sweetheart."

He tugged your shirt off and stared at your chest. He discarded your shirt and placed his warm hands on your waist. He brought you close and kissed you on the lips, before trailing his fingers over your waistband.

You slipped your tongue into his mouth, making him let out a small noise. He found the button on your jeans and hastily tried to undo it. You could tell his nerves were running high, because he could barely undo the button. Breaking away from the kiss, you undid your own button and zipper. Reiner's face had a small pink tint to it, either from embarassment or your tongue entering his mouth.

You grabbed the back of his head and smashed your lips onto his, slipping your tongue back in. His hands attempted to pull your pants down, but you caught his hands and put them over your clothed breasts.

Your tongue wriggled and writhed in his mouth, dancing with his. He huffed through his nose as you overtook his mouth, and decided to begin roaming. He grabbed ahold of the hem of your bra and tried to lift them up. When they plopped out, he let out a small moan and began to pinch your nipples. Girls like that, right?

He was rewarded with a moan from you, and you pulled away making him whine. Swiftly, you took off your bra and tossed it to the side, wrapping your arms around his strong neck. "For a virgin, you sure know what to do."

"Yeah well...I'm just going with what feels right." Reiner gave you a smile, huffing between words.

You leaned back towards the bed, dragging Reiner with you. You laid flat on the bed and watched Reiner steady himself above you.

"Go on, play with them more." You bunched up your boobs with your arms.

Reiner looked nervous again. "Um..."

"You can put your mouth on them."

Reiner lowered himself and placed his mouth on your nipple, sucking on it slightly and using his tongue to swirl around it. You moan softly, one hand going to the back of his head. "That's can suck harder, y'know."

Reiner, as if on cue, began to suck harder. One of his hands travelled down your stomach and into your pants. Now that they were unbottoned and unzipped, your underwear was easy access. There he slipped his hand in, and down to your pussy, he used one finger to tease the entrance. You gasped at the sudden contact, and continued to softly moan. "Oh, Reiner..."

He popped off one nipple and switched to the other one, his other hand giving the free one some attention. His hand down south however, slowly began to insert one finger. You knew his fingers were meaty, but dear God they felt huge inside your pussy. You moaned his name again as he began to pump his finger in and out of you, and you couldn't help but wonder if Reiner really was a virgin.

He popped off your nipple and looked at you. "Yeah sweetheart? You like that?"

"I love it, keep going please Rei..."

He grinned. "I'm gonna add another finger, okay love?"

You nodded. "Please, please do."

He gently added a second finger, and you could have ascended to heaven if you wanted to. The stretch felt so good, you didn't know what to do with yourself. He pumped in and out of you, curling his fingers up slightly. Eren told him to do that, and with the way you grab the sheets, it seems to be working.

"Oh, Reiner..." You moan, one hand going down to circle your clit. It made you clench around his fingers even tighter, and he raised a brow.

"What are you doing?"

"Circling my clit."

His free hand waved yours away, he pulled your pants down more, and his thumb replaced your finger. "Like this?"

"Oh God yes, Reiner - like that!" You moaned, beginning to arch your back as the pleasure was becoming too much.

"Yeah? You gonna cum soon sweetheart?" He asked as he picked up his pace.

"I think so- oohh!" You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. A familiar coil was beginning to form in your stomach, something you tried to warn Reiner about.

"Rei, I'm gonna-"

"I know, puddin'. I know. I got you." He purred, picking up his pace slightly, making sure to keep pressure on your clit too as he circled it. You could feel your walls sucking his fingers in, hear the squelch your body made as he went in and out. And finally, the coil snapped.

You moaned loudly as your cum washed over his fingers. You huffed slightly, regaining your breath. He slowly pulled them out of you, and brought them up to his face. He was proud of himself - he made you cum for the first time.

He leaned over and grabbed a rag off of your nightstand that you had previously put there for this occasion, and wiped off his fingers. "You did so good for me, my love."

He leaned down and gave your forehead a kiss. He then pulled your pants down fully, and began to pull his down. "This okay?"

"More than okay."

Reiner gave you a smile before his dick flopped out, hard as a rock. He was big...but you had faith that he stretched you out properly. "So...I put it in now...right?"

"Yes, you do." You chuckled a little.

Reiner experimentally rubbed his cock over the entrance of your pussy. He shivered slightly - it felt so wet and warm, he wondered how it would feel on the inside. His tip caught on your entrance, and he thought he was gonna bust right then and there.

Slowly, he began to enter you, and it took his whole being not to shove it all in immediately. You sucked him in so nicely, so soft and wet and hot on the inside. His eyebrows began to crease, and he let out a small whimper.

"What's wrong?" You moaned out.

"You just fucking good..."

He finally sheathed himself completely in you, making him moan out softly. He had never felt anything more fucking amazing than he did right now. Your pussy begged him to move, tightening ever so softly around him.

"I'm gonna start moving, okay baby?" He groaned out, and before you had a second to respond, he pulled all the way out and slammed back in.

You moaned loudly, gripping the sheets below you at the sudden snap of his hips.

"God...I can't take it...!" Reiner whimpered before setting a fast pace. The squelches and skin slapping took over the room.

You moaned very loudly, for him, with him, as he pounded your pussy relentlessly. Reiner began to drool as he lost himself in you, loving how you squeeze him and milk him for all he's worth. He grabbed your legs and bent them so he could move forward with you. He had you in a mating press.

The lifting of your hips made him hit a sensitive spot within you, skyrocketing your pleasure. "Oh, ohhh Reiner! Please, please!"

"Please what- nghh...sweetheart?" He purred lowly.

"I want you to cum inside me! Please!"

He almost came at those words. He could feel it building up inside him. He panted and moaned as his dick got sucked back into you repeatedly. "Your wish is my command, puddin'."

Your tongue lolled out of your mouth, and you moved your head to the side. Reiner leaned down to kiss and bite at your neck, with the aim to mark you. He pulled away slightly to see your fucked out expression, and grinned. "Look so pretty like this. Could take a picture and keep it with me forever."

You couldn't form English anymore. Only vague sounds and moans left your mouth. He picked up his pace slightly, feeling his own coil begin to form. "Gonna cum soon."

"Me too..." You moaned, looking up at him.

He pumped in you a few more times before grabbing your hips and slamming you close, cumming deep within you. He let out a louder groan as he did so, and you let out a loud moan, clenching around him as he circled your clit to ensure you came with him.

He panted with you, both of you staying there for a moment. You smiled at each other before Reiner slowly pulled out. He reached over for the rag and cleaned you up before beginning to clean himself up.

"How was that?" You asked, huffing between words and sitting up.

"Fucking amazing, love." He smiled before leaning over to you and giving you a soft kiss. "Lay back down, let me take care of you, okay?"

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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