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834 posts
These People Broke In And Stole Items Such As Statues And Legal Documents And The Police Did NOTHING.

These people broke in and stole items such as statues and legal documents and the police did NOTHING. They STOOD THERE AND TOOK SELFIES! How does a peaceful BLM protest get gunned down and tear gassed and these people escape unscathed? Where’s your “law and order” now? #trump #trumpsupporters #donaldtrump #riot #riots #terrorism #terrorists https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwJD_LpLW-/?igshid=1oqwlcocicqup
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So I started singing Sweater Weather in the middle of history without realising my mic was on. Excuse me while I die of embarrassment. #sing #singer #singing #sweaterweather #sweaterweathercover #history #historylovers #class #historyclass #school #schoolgirl #zoom #zoomclasses #zoommeeting #online #onlineschool https://www.instagram.com/p/CJocJKeJT8w/?igshid=171vmeht43nrz