myfandomrealitea - My Fandom Reality
My Fandom Reality

Welcome to my fandom reality. A discussion, debate and discourse blog based on fandom spaces and experiences.

643 posts

Just Know That All The Time You Take Typing Out Huge Hate Rants On My Posts Is Wasted On Me. It Takes

Just know that all the time you take typing out huge hate rants on my posts is wasted on me. It takes me less than 10 seconds to delete it and I never think about it again.

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More Posts from Myfandomrealitea

1 year ago

people have GOT to be more comfortable with some spaces not being about them. sometimes spaces are not for you. sometimes you will be told you cannot enter a space because it’s not for you. or you cannot bring a friend because a space is for you and not for them. that’s ok

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1 year ago

Just read an amazing post about ship discourse in the Genshin fandom

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1 year ago

You'd think if antis were so normal and okay they wouldn't be sending rape victims CSEM and constantly having to argue against literal laws that contradict their claims, but hey. The posts proshippers make are totally just for our own sake, right?

youd think if pr0sh1pping was so okay and normal they wouldnt make constant posts trying to reassure themselves that its totally not gross???

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1 year ago
I Did, I Can, And I Will Continue To Do So For As Long As Your Intention Is To Simply Spout Nonsense

I did, I can, and I will continue to do so for as long as your intention is to simply spout nonsense accusations and baseless arguments that don't actually further any discussion or have any point beyond you completely ignoring the basis of a post and using it as a sounding board to claim that fanfiction is equal to actual pedophilia. Lurking on a post and commenting aggressive, petulant, false information is not something I am willing to entertain.

I'm also going to refer you to this post.

In regards to it 'not being very anti-censorship of me'; in the radical sense, no, it might not be. But your little whining vent is both nothing that hasn't already been said and nothing I am obligated to provide you with a space to say. I removed your comment because unlike some of the other opposing comments on the post, it had nothing of value to add.

If you have something of actual significance, consideration or value to say, or if you'd like to have an actual discussion about each of our views, the available information and evidence, and the basis of the post, then by all means. I'm here.

Otherwise, you're perfectly welcome to make your own post in order to sound off your opinion.

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1 year ago

omg so true about the 911 thing!! don’t they get exhausted?? I’m certainly exhausted by seeing them blast fics they don’t agree with continuously

I can honestly say its reached the point where if I see a discourse post about 911's fans and fan content, I know its a Madney blog before I even look at the URL.

Its perfectly fine to generally disagree with what someone has written, or to dislike what they have written. But the solution to that is to simply move on and not read it. Everyone would happier that way.

Fanfiction is like food. Its personal. Everyone has different tastes. If someone is eating food or making food you don't like, you are under no obligation to eat it and you certainly have no right to demand that they stop cooking/eating.

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