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Literally No Proshipper Who Isn't Actually An Abuser Using An Online Community Would Ever Say These Things.
Literally no proshipper who isn't actually an abuser using an online community would ever say these things. These are just your bad faith mocking interpretations of actual statements.
Celebrities have every right to feel uncomfortable with 'violent incest porn.' That's why the people who write it do, and should do, their best to ensure that it never leaves fandom spaces. With any RPF there's a general rule of not directly involving the people it pertains to. So for example; writing RPF on AO3, where the celebrity would actively have to look for it to find it. We already have statements from multiple celebrities recognising that content exists, but also that it exists within certain spaces and the celebrities voluntarily stay out of those spaces.
Minors having sexual fantasies is literally part of sexually maturing. The difference is that no adult should be personally, physically involved in these. Every single person with the capacity to has had sexual fantasies as they approach or go through puberty and learn more about sex. As a thirteen year old I used to have fantasies about Big Time Rush. As an adult I now have fantasies about aliens and monsters and fictional men and famous people who don't even know I exist. Its normal. Thoughts are normal. The only actual concern is when minors announce them in public spaces where adults are present or when adults try to engage with minors about their thoughts and fantasies. Literally any psychologist will tell you that its both normal and healthy for minors to have sexually-oriented thoughts and curiosity.
I would absolutely, without question, rather that a person writes porn on a fanfiction website than that person trying to make actual contact with a minor or creates that content in spaces less equipped to ensure the minor does not see it. For example; if someone writes it on AO3, the minor physically has to go looking for it. If someone writes it on Twitter, there are next to no functions that properly separate that content from the minor. Again, that minor has every single personal right to feel uncomfortable with the concept of that content existing. But it will always exist, and its both better and safer for it to be given separate spaces to exist than for it to just float about in the wild. If that minor is a public presence, the adults in their life need to take on better responsibility for safeguarding them.
People like you will make posts like yours and also think you're in the right.
And you have the right to think that. But it doesn't mean you are.
Proshippers will be like:
"yeah it makes celebrities uncomfortable that people write extremely violent porn of them and their relatives but that doesn't mean it hurts them 🥺 sexual fantasies are good for minors even when it's grooming/incest fetish content 🥺 you're such a puritan 😡 if the real life minors people are writing porn of are uncomfortable then they should just get over it 😡 it doesn't hurt them 😡"
And genuinely think they're in the right
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More Posts from Myfandomrealitea
we are in a media literacy crisis
By the way, being anti-censorship means I believe you should have a space to speak your mind and create content, not that I am obligated to give you my space to speak your mind and create content.
Creative freedom in the 911 fandom will get you sniped on sight by a Madney blog.
I'd actually really like you to tell me where you think Billy should've, or in fact even could've gotten help from. And not from the standpoint of a modern fan watching a historical-setting TV show with therapy and modern concepts of psychology and sociology at your finger tips.
I'm talking about where does an abused, bipolar, isolated, terrified victim living in an era where beating your kids is discipline, stuck in a backwater town full of snotty teenagers and gruff men in their fifties, get help?
Therapy in the eighties was for war vets, alcoholics and depressed housewives. The cops were just as likely to beat you up as your abusive parent. A town like Hawkins was unlikely to have any viable professional options for therapy outside of some underqualified school counsellor. Much less anywhere an 'orphaned' almost-adult with no money and no other family could go.
Billy is a complete stranger to anyone in Hawkins, so its not even like he has any foundation of trust or respect or loyalty to rely on.
Billy realistically has no money (the moment he eventually gets a job he's possessed and killed anyway), nowhere to go, no support system, no understanding of himself, no resources.
And lets not forget; the first person to know about Billy's abuse left him behind, the second watches him get abused, and the third routinely believes he deserves it and is frequently, even if unintentionally, the cause of it.
Telling people that Billy should've just helped himself, or asked for help, is like telling a homeless person to just 'stop being homeless.'
Fandom confession blogs are an instant block for me because 99% of the time they are solely created to create and fuel fandom drama and intra-community arguments.
"I just want to give people a space to speak honestly!"
No. You want to watch people argue with each other and spew controversial opinions that cause even more arguments. You're peddling conflict as entertainment.