myousa taught university art for a long time but she got tired. this is the art blog. grown-ass woman who makes art sometimes.
898 posts
The Sculpture Phase Of Weirdo Is Almost Finished. Im Just Finishing The Base. After That, Its Onto The

The sculpture phase of Weirdo is almost finished. I’m just finishing the base. After that, it’s onto the molds.
tithouktarine liked this · 8 years ago
nirdian liked this · 8 years ago
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More Posts from Myousa

Got some more wire, so more progress has been made on the Problem Sleuth/Midnight Crew figures. The armatures are made now, so now it's on to the next step. As a note, Snowman made me bleed terribly, the aftermath of which is self evident. I suppose that was to be expected.

An array of stuff on the work table.

A couple of Weirdo things in progress. The top one is an idea for a print and the bottom is going to be a figure. Weirdo is mine and she lives here: Weirdo Does Stuff

I am out of armature wire, this is such a pain. I added Snowman to the lineup, as I'd prefer to have 5 on each side.

Experimenting with graphite wash. Water soluble graphite is weird.