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Hello! Can I Request Hortensia/Clanne Pairing Where Hortensia Gets REALLY Jealous Whenever Clanne Is
Hello! Can I request Hortensia/Clanne pairing where Hortensia gets REALLY jealous whenever Clanne is getting hit on by some girls?
I'm Not Jealous!
Series: Fire Emblem.
Characters: Clanne and Hortensia.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.

Hortensia was jealous even if she wouldn't admit that to herself. But the fact was Hortensia was jealous but why was she jealous? I mean, after all, today seems to be going amazing!
Well until THAT happened like the other members of the Divine Dragons army Hortensia was in the Somniel. She was taking a stroll around the Sommiel admiring the beautiful weather. She then overheard two people talking.
One of these voices Hortensia recognized was her sweet prince Clanne! Of course, this got Hortensia in an even better mood, and rushed to where the voices were coming from. However, then she saw something she wished she could have not seen.
Some girl was flirting with her sweet prince! Who did this girl think she was? Did she not realize the Princess of Elusia? Did she not realize she was in a relationship with Clanne? She would need to teach this girl a lesson!
A pout formed on Hortensia's face as she rushed over to Clanne and the girl. She wrapped her arms around Clanne in a defense way. "I am Princess of Elusia! Princess Hortensia! Who are you? You must be a witch trying to trick my prince! Away with you!"
"But-" The girl started to speak but then was caught off by Hortensia! "Away!" The girl decided to give up and leave both Hortensia and Clanne alone.
Hortensia was glaring at the girl not taking her eyes off her until she left her field of vision. "Uhm Hortensia?" Clanne spoke looking at Hortensia who still had her arms around him. "Who was she? What was she saying?"
Hortensia spoke still annoyed from the scene that she had witnessed. But in truth Hortensia was worried. She was very worried that the girl could take Clanne away from her.
"She was no one I promise she just approached me and started talking to me. I wasn't sure how to respond to her." Hortensia now let go of Clanne looking him in the eyes. "That's right she better be no one! After all, you are the president of my fan club! And you are also my sweet prince!"
Hortensia spoke confidently with a smile. "That's right I am and I always will be I'll be your prince Hortensia and you are my princess," Clanne spoke as he hugged Hortensia lovingly and Hortensia hugged him back with a big smile on her face.
loyal-to-the-end liked this · 1 year ago
darina-le-winter liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Nabateaprodigy
Please may I have a Fairy tail comfort and fluff scenario of when you (Gray's younger kind twin brother now an adult *he is a ice mage but he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic* and he is Juvia's husband and he is a loving father to Greige Fullbuster who is now five years old*) clearly have had a nightmare about that job you went on and it was concerning when Juvia woke up to realise that you weren't in bed with her. You were apologetic for making your wife worry about you when you realised that she came into the kitchen and you were sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of herbal tea..you were reluctant to open up about it but Juvia promised to listen and so you told her. The job you went on (Juvia knew full well of the job)...it took six months and you thought that you would never make it safely home to your family and the job itself involved clearing out an enemy fortress..that took five months and that last month was spending a month in hospital after sustaining some serious injuries and you actually required a blood transfusion. (That S class job was almost 3 months ago now)..admittedly Juvia had something to tell you as well..Greige had been having nightmares about losing you (his Papa) recently and obviously it had been the first time you had been away from him for that long when you were on that S class job request 3 months ago..speaking of the devil himself when you realised that you sensed that Greige was up when you and your wife turned around to face your little boy who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen *you and Juvia stopped hugging each other when you realised that*..he had that kind of expression on his face that basically told you that he have had another nightmare again..you knew exactly how it felt to have nightmares about losing people. You made Greige feel better about his nightmares when he told you what it was about when you gently picked him up in your arms so that he is on your lap, facing you and you promised that you will never leave him no matter what..he is your son and you told him that you love him dearly..no matter what people said..you are honest with your words and you meant every word you told Greige when you gave him eye contact and you love your wife and your little boy dearly.
(The nightmare that Greige had was of you telling him in a nasty way that you would never love him and so on).
*Greige Fullbuster in the Photo*

Talk to Me
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Juvia and Greige.
Genre: Comfort/Angst.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.

Rolling over in bed Juvia felt an empty spot beside her. "Darling?" Filled with worry Juvia got out of bed in search of you.
The sound of a door could be heard opening. Looking up from where you were sitting you saw Juvia enter the kitchen. "Darling, are you alright? Why aren't you in bed?"
Juvia spoke with concern as she moved to the kitchen counter to prepare some herbal tea for you. "I don't want to talk about it you'd think less of me if I said it." You spoke hanging your head in shame not wanting your wife to think less of you.
"Oh darling now you know that isn't true! I love you and I could never think less of you so please talk to me I'm here for you." Juvia spoke with love and reassurance as she finished making your tea setting it down next to you.
"Thank you Juvia it means a lot it does." After taking a sip of the tea and taking some time to collect your thoughts you spoke again.
"It's just about the S Class Quest I took on all by myself when I really shouldn't have." Juvia's eyes widened she knew all too well about that quest you took on. For three long agonizing months, you were away on that quest.
Over those three months, Juvia was in a constant state of worry. Worried for you your safety and if you would even come back alive to her and Greige. It was torture but Juvia put on a brave face for herself reassuring him that you would come home.
"I just... I just had a nightmare about the quest I was on. Afraid that I would die afraid that would leave you alone afraid I'd never get to see your smiling face again. I was just so afraid Juvia."
Tears start to fall from your eyes Juvia moves from her seat to your side wrapping her arms around you in a hug. "Don't worry darling it's okay you're home and I'm here with you. Everything will be okay I promise."
You put your arms around Juvia in a hug as you cry into her shoulder. You missed her you missed her so much. You were so happy to be home with her again.
It was the sound of a door opening. "Papa?" Rubbing his eyes with a blanket in his arms it was your son Greige in the doorway. It seems he had woken up but why?
You and Juvia stopped hugging as Griege walked over to you. As he got closer you picked him up and set him on your lap. "What's wrong little guy? Why are you up at this time?"
You spoke trying to play off what had happened before Griege entered the room. "I've been having scary dreams about you Papa." This surprised you why would he be having nightmares about you?
Just then Juvia spoke "Darling ever since you left for that quest three months ago. It's been the longest Griege has been separated from you. He began having nightmares that you might not return home I reassured him that you would come home safe but the nightmares would persist."
"Oh, Greige..." You hug him protectively not letting go. "Losing someone it's a dreadful thing some move on but others don't. But no matter what as your father I'll be here for you from on I'll be here to support and protect you. I'll be here when you need me because I love you and I couldn't be more proud to call you my son."
You smile happy to be home to be safe again. Happy to be home with your wife and child. You were just happy being in the arms of your wife and child.
Please may I have a Fairy tail fluff scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother who is now an adult and he is Juvia's loving husband and he is a ice mage who is slightly stronger than Gray at it and he is a member of Fairy tail and Juvia is his wife) and Juvia obviously knew that when you and Juvia were on a job just to earn money.. Your children, Greige Fullbuster (your seven year old son) and Sophia Fullbuster (your 1 year old daughter) had been under the watchful care of your brother and Fairy tail and for the last few hours..some of the Fairy tail members had been eagerly repeating their names to Sophia (much to Greige's confusion)..hoping that she would say her first word and it would be a lie if Juvia or you (Juvia's husband who is Gray's younger twin brother *he is an adult and a ice mage but he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic*) didn't see the sight as bizarre (when you two came back from a job to the guild and Greige happily greeted you both when he ran up to you and Juvia and then Greige told you what was going on when you asked) of a bunch of guild members on their knees around a year old infant who was sitting on the play mat as the guild members eagerly repeated their names. Sophia was definitely grateful at being rescued from your guild mates when she reached up for you and you picked her up..
You weren't expecting for Sophia to say "Daddy" as her first word but it definitely brought tears to your eyes a bit at the first word being your name..it was a touching sight for everyone else.
https://youtu.be/Y7VpC9xmoF0 (Sophia's first word go to 0:22 for that)
First Word
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Gray, Juvia, Greige, and Lucy.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.

You and Juvia had just finished a quest and now returning home. But before the both of you did you went to the Fairy Tail Guild first. As both you and Juvia had asked your guild mates to babysit your children.
Of course, they were more than happy to babysit them! Of course, you went to Gray about this first and Lucy had also offered to babysit your children. Currently Gray and Lucy were with your youngest child Sophia.
Griege was also with them however confused about what the both of them were doing. Well, what were they doing? Currently Gray and Lucy were trying to make Sophia say your name!
"Daddy come on Sophia say daddy!" Gray spoke happily hoping to get her to say your name. "Mummy! Say, mummy Sophia!" Lucy spoke as she tried to get her to say Juvia's name.
Gray and Lucy were trying to get Sophia to say your Juvia's name as a surprise as what you surprise for when you both returned from the quest. Speak of the devil both you and Juvia walked through the entrance of the guild. Both you and Juvia had seen Gray and Lucy around Sophia wondering what was going on.
You walked over to your son Greige as he greeted both you and Juvia. "Hey, son what are Lucy and Gray doing?" "I'm not sure Papa both Lucy and Gray have been saying 'mummy' and 'daddy' to Sophia.
You and Juvia had caught on to what was going on here and smiled at it. By now both Gray and Lucy had noticed that you and Juvia had returned. "Oh hey, what did you return?"
Gray spoke as he turned to face you with a smile. You gave him a handshake as you responded to him. "Just now actually how has Sophia been?" You asked, "Oh just lovely she's been an angel!" Lucy responds with a smile.
"Good I'm glad to hear that!" You respond to her as you approach Sophia with a smile. "Hello angel how have you been?" You spoke as you as you picked her up.
"Daddy!" Sophia spoke with a smile on her face. "Her first word!" Juvia spoke happily her eyes shined with sparkly. "Her first word! You said your first word!" You said happily as the others gathered around celebrating Sophia's first word.
Please may I have a Fairy tail embarrassing scenario when Happy and Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster accidentally walked in on you (Lucy Heartfilla's older sister who is the same age as Gray Fullbuster *she has the same magic as Gray but hers is slightly stronger* and she is a member of Team Natsu and a member of Fairy tail and she is Gray Fullbuster's girlfriend) changing..you were not expecting for Gray or Natsu to walk in on you in your bedroom when you were practically half naked in your apartment that you brought outright next door to Lucy. You seized your books and threw them at the boys with surprising accuracy when you screamed at them to get out...and they were having a hard time dodging them when they did exactly what you said. They apologised to you for walking in on you like that after that drama was over considering that you were looking rather miffed at the intrusion *you were dressed thankfully* as they sat at your kitchen table with tea right in front of them...you didn't give them copy of your keys so they could barge in whenever they wanted (it was only for emergencies)..Natsu and Happy looked worse off than Gray (you let Gray Fullbuster off lightly considering that he is your boyfriend) and Natsu certainly was covered in bruises from being hit by your books.
https://youtu.be/3vIVip3qCvo (go to 0:23 of when you start screaming*)
Uninvited Guests
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Natsu, Happy, and Gray.
Genre: Crack/Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Female.
Notes: Gotta say the link for that clip you sent was funny LMAO. Seriously got a good laugh out of me I'll have to consider watching Fullmetal Alchemist!

It was an extremely warm day even for an ice wizard like yourself. The heat was practical making you melt! You were at the Fairy Tail Guild and the heat was just getting to be too much for you.
You didn't decide to tell Gray as you be back soon you just needed a change of clothes. As the clothes you were wearing were making you sweat from the heat. Since it was so warm you decided you should use the pool at the guild so when you returned you'd have your swimsuit with you.
After some more time, you've finally returned home with relief washing over you. Now you can finally get a new change of clothes! You decide to wear an outfit that your younger sister Lucy had bought for you it would be great to wear on a day like this.
You had left the door to your bedroom slightly opened you didn't bother closing it as you were home alone anyway or at least you thought you were. You began to remove the clothing you had been so you could put on your new outfit. Although while you were doing so you almost felt like there were multiple eyes on you.
You looked around your room and you looked over to your now fully open bedroom door. Only to see Natsu, Happy, and your boyfriend Gray looking at you in complete surprise. You then let out a scream which could only be described as blood curdling.
And then full chaos broke out in your bedroom as you began throwing things at the boys. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?! GET OUT!!!" You screamed in pure embarrassment as you began to throw all manner of things at the boys. Pillows, books, stuffed animals, etc. Anything that you could get your hands on was going in their direction.
"Oh! What's in here? Are these your panties Y/N?" Happy spoke with a giggle as he took some of your panties out of the drawer. "DON'T TOUCH THOSE HAPPY!" You screamed as you threw a pillow directly in his face.
"We're sorry! We're sorry!" Natsu and Gray spoke in unison as they scrambled to get out of your room. Objects were still being thrown in their direction as they made their way out. They ran down the stairs and into the kitchen deciding to wait for you there.
It seems the pillow you threw at Happy seems to have knocked him unconscious. Oh well, at least he couldn't see you which is for the best to save you some embarrassment.
After calming yourself down from that... You got changed into your new outfit. Taking some more time to freshen yourself up you grabbed a swimsuit and Happy before descending the stairs and entering the kitchen. Of course, as you expected there was an awkward silence.
I mean what could you say after that? You weren't sure yourself but you still needed to say something. "Well...first of all how did you two get in here? I swear I remember locking my door."
"The key under the pot next to your door your extra key that is. We were worried about you after the quest and because of this heat. So we wanted to come and check up on you."
Gray spoke hanging his head in shame. Or embarrassment? You weren't sure honestly it could be one of them or both.
"Ah well thank you for the explanation daring that clears things up for me." You spoke with a blush on your face which could be seen on the faces of the boys as well. Still flustered you weren't sure what to say to continue but you decided it's best to move on and forget about this.
"Alright boys get up it's time to head back to the Guild! We're all going to have a pool party! Except a water fight and I won't lose!"
"You're on!" Gray spoke. "Bring it!" Natsu spoke as they both rose from the seats with a smile on their faces. "Okay, but last one there is a rotten egg!" You spoke running out of your home with a smile on your face as the boys chased after you.

bowlear....... 🎀🐉🎀

Thinking about maybe making pins hmmmm 🤔