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1 year ago

Hello! Just wanted to ask what Fire Emblem games are you familiar with? Is engage one of them?

Also, can I request like character x character pairings?

Hello! I'm familiar with many of the Fire Emblem games and I've been a fan of the series for a few years. I'm familiar with Awakening, Fates, Echoes: Shadow of Valentia, Heroes, Three Houses, Three Hopes, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, and Engage.

I'll write for pretty much any character from any of these games so if you have requests just send them in! Yup, I'll do character x character pairings it can be either platonic or romantic. Just make sure you be specific about which one you want!

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1 year ago

I see. Thank you for answering my question!

Now, can I request Clanne/Citrinne fluff where Citrinne asks Clanne out on a date to go on a picnic together and watch some wildflowers? Also, Citrinne wants to confess her love for Clanne at the end of the date.

A Picnic and Flowers

Series: Fire Emblem.

Characters: Citrinne and Clanne.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: This request is so adorable!! I loved Clanne and Citrinne's support in Engage I'm happy to write for a request like this! Also apologizes this probably took longer than it should have.

I See. Thank You For Answering My Question!

It was another peaceful in the Somniel however somewhere in the gardens of the Somniel. One of the many residents was having a problem. That resident was none other than Citrinne. But what was this problem Citrinne was facing?

Well, recently Citrinne and Clanne had grown rather close. A friendship bloomed between the two of them after both tended to a wildflower that was in poor condition. However, Citrinne had concluded that her feelings for Clanne went beyond friendship.

She was in fact in love with the boy and had wanted to ask him out on a date. Citrinne had been going back and forth on whether to ask him out the thought of being rejected worried her! However, after a while of back and forth, she had the confidence to ask him even if he were to reject her.

With a picnic basket in hand, Citrinne had out to find Clanne. The idea she had for their date was wonderful! It would be a picnic surrounded by many wildflowers at their favorite place in the Somniel.

After some time of Citrinne walking around the Somniel, she had finally spotted who she was looking for. "All alright Citrinne you can do this! You've gone over this multiple times there's nothing to fear!" Citrinne spoke as she approached Clanne.

"Hello, Clanne do you have free time as of now? If so would you like to join me for a picnic in our favorite spot?" Citrinne spoke awaiting Clanne's response. "Oh, Citrinne hi! That sounds great I'd love to join you for a picnic!"

"Yes, Citrinne you've done it!" Citrinne whispered to herself. "Oh did you say something?" Clanne questioned. "Me? Oh no! Nothing! Now let us make our way to our favorite spot for our picnic." Citrinne spoke as she and Clanne walked side by side to their favorite spot in the Somniel.

Once they reached their location Citrinne placed down the picnic blanket. She then sat down along with Clanne and began taking things out of the basket such as food to enjoy their picnic. "Wow, Citrinne this food is amazing!" Clanne said happily.

"I'm glad you like it Clanne we do know each other quite well so I made sure to get some of your favorites," Citrinne spoke as she and Clanne sat together enjoying the food she had brought with her.

It was a beautiful day truly a wonderful day for a picnic the sun shines brightly in the sky and a cool breeze in the air. To top it all off Citrinne and Clanne were in their favorite spot surrounded by many wildflowers.

"Clanne I asked you to be with me on this picnic as there's something I wish to say to you," Citrinne spoke as Clanne's attention was now on her. "I love you Clanne and I have felt this way for quite some time. Even if you don't return my feelings I understand." Citrinne spoke now nervously awaiting Clanne's response.

"I feel the same way Citrinne and I'm happy to know you feel the same. I was wanting to tell you the same thing but seems you beat me to it haha." Clanne let out a nervous laugh now waiting for Citrinne.

"Oh, you have no idea how happy this makes me Clanne! I'm just so happy and I love you so much!" Citrinne spoke tears forming in her eyes from the joy she was feeling. "And I love you as well Citrinne," Clanne spoke as the two friends now lovers. Enjoyed their picnic together surrounded by their favorite wildflowers.

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1 year ago
It's Like This Game LOVE'S To Make Personal Attacks On Me. FIRST BRIDAL ANNA! NOW THIS?!?!? I Can't Do
It's Like This Game LOVE'S To Make Personal Attacks On Me. FIRST BRIDAL ANNA! NOW THIS?!?!? I Can't Do

It's like this game LOVE'S to make personal attacks on me. FIRST BRIDAL ANNA! NOW THIS?!?!? I can't do this they need to stop messing with me like this it's not nice.

But ngl I love them they're so cute I wanna pull for them so bad!!! My love for Anna knows no bounds this 100℅ my favorite harmonic duo in the game now.

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1 year ago

Hello! Can I request Hortensia/Clanne pairing where Hortensia gets REALLY jealous whenever Clanne is getting hit on by some girls?

I'm Not Jealous!

Series: Fire Emblem.

Characters: Clanne and Hortensia.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Hello! Can I Request Hortensia/Clanne Pairing Where Hortensia Gets REALLY Jealous Whenever Clanne Is

Hortensia was jealous even if she wouldn't admit that to herself. But the fact was Hortensia was jealous but why was she jealous? I mean, after all, today seems to be going amazing!

Well until THAT happened like the other members of the Divine Dragons army Hortensia was in the Somniel. She was taking a stroll around the Sommiel admiring the beautiful weather. She then overheard two people talking.

One of these voices Hortensia recognized was her sweet prince Clanne! Of course, this got Hortensia in an even better mood, and rushed to where the voices were coming from. However, then she saw something she wished she could have not seen.

Some girl was flirting with her sweet prince! Who did this girl think she was? Did she not realize the Princess of Elusia? Did she not realize she was in a relationship with Clanne? She would need to teach this girl a lesson!

A pout formed on Hortensia's face as she rushed over to Clanne and the girl. She wrapped her arms around Clanne in a defense way. "I am Princess of Elusia! Princess Hortensia! Who are you? You must be a witch trying to trick my prince! Away with you!"

"But-" The girl started to speak but then was caught off by Hortensia! "Away!" The girl decided to give up and leave both Hortensia and Clanne alone.

Hortensia was glaring at the girl not taking her eyes off her until she left her field of vision. "Uhm Hortensia?" Clanne spoke looking at Hortensia who still had her arms around him. "Who was she? What was she saying?"

Hortensia spoke still annoyed from the scene that she had witnessed. But in truth Hortensia was worried. She was very worried that the girl could take Clanne away from her.

"She was no one I promise she just approached me and started talking to me. I wasn't sure how to respond to her." Hortensia now let go of Clanne looking him in the eyes. "That's right she better be no one! After all, you are the president of my fan club! And you are also my sweet prince!"

Hortensia spoke confidently with a smile. "That's right I am and I always will be I'll be your prince Hortensia and you are my princess," Clanne spoke as he hugged Hortensia lovingly and Hortensia hugged him back with a big smile on her face.

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