Fairy Tail X You - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hidden Power

Hidden Power

It was just another day in the Fairy Tail guild hall Levy was studying, Reedus painting a picture, Erza eating some cake and then there was Mirajane at the bar serving food and drinks to the wizards of Fairy Tail. She was just finishing up and then would be free for a while in the afternoon. Just then her S/O entered the Fairy Tail guild hall looking for the lovely lady. "Hi, Mira are you finished yet? I was wondering if you were free and if we could walk around town together." A smile began to appear on Mirajane's face no matter how times she saw her S/O she couldn't help but smile. "Hello dear, it's a rare sight to see you here in the guild hall. But yes I have just finished up here and I think taking a walk through town would be wonderful." The face of her S/O was filled with joy "Ok then let's get going, Mira!"

Hidden Power

As the pair left the guild hall they were greeted by the lovely ray of sunshine "What lovely weather, for a walk around Magnolia today, just seeing the beautiful blue sky and sun makes me happy." Mirajane spoke as they walked down the streets of Magnolia she then looked over to her S/O who had an odd expression on their face. "Is something wrong dear?" Mirajane asked her S/O she looked over at them and they began to respond "I should have prepared a picnic it would have made this time together even more amazing!" Mirajane couldn't help but giggle "Oh S/O no matter how we spend time together for however little or long it may be I'll always enjoy our time together. Besides we can have that picnic later can't we?" Mirajane looked at her S/O with such love in her eyes it was clear to anyone she cares for them deeply. "Oh, Mira you'll make me blush! They were in fact already blushing as they hugged their girlfriend.

Hidden Power

Suddenly screams could be heard as the people of Magnolia ran to safety. "Help! Someone help us we're being attacked!" A citizen could be heard as they fled from the scene. Hoping some other Fairy Tail wizards would be nearby Mirajane waited for them to appear and take care of this. Of course, this wasn't the case. "Quickly dear get to safety I'll take care of this!" Mirajane said as she began to take off in the direction of the commotion. "But what about you Mira? You'll get hurt!" Her S/O said with fear in their voice Mirajane looked back at them with a hint of sadness on her face." "Don't worry it'll be fine I'll take care of it just go find somewhere safe," Mirajane said as she took off in the direction of the commotion. Still not fully convinced her S/O decided to follow closely behind their girlfriend not prepared for what they were about to see.

Hidden Power

When Mirajane finally arrived at the scene there was fire, people running away, screaming and wizards robbing shops. Before any of the other wizards could even speak she activated her magic and turned into her She-Devil form. Within a matter of seconds, Mirajane put out the flames and took down the wizards from the dark guild. When she stopped to take a breath she looked around and saw her S/O her heart immediately sank as she saw the shocked expression on their face. Mirajane was strong but she was afraid of what her S/O reaction would be to her magic.

She immediately walked over to them and began to apologise for scaring them but before she could finish her S/O began to speak. "That was AWESOME MIRA!!! You beat the crap out of those guys before they could even blink!" Her S/O said as they began to mimic some of her battle moves. Mirajane was stricken by the verbal affection as she pulled her dear S/O into a hug "Thank you S/O for standing by my side and loving me even after witnessing my demon form. Now, how about we go have a nice picnic together?" Looking into one other eyes arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace her S/O spoke. "Ok but if you promise to show me more of your magic!" Mirajane couldn't help but giggle "I promise S/O now let's go enjoy a picnic together!"

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2 years ago

Hello ! Can I request for a fluffy angel x male child reader ?

He got kidnapped by her for a ransom, but he get attached to her. He is often carried in her arms at 6 years old and likes the feeling of her leather gloves.

Angelic Care

Hello ! Can I Request For A Fluffy Angel X Male Child Reader ?

Anime: Fairy Tail

Character: Angel

Genre: Fuff

Proofread: Yes

Note: This is my very first request from someone and it's a Fairy Tail request! Ooh, I'm so happy I hope this is to your liking! I apologise if Angel is possibly out of character here but I tried my best. If this is not your liking send another request in and I'll try again for you!

Warnings: None

Hello ! Can I Request For A Fluffy Angel X Male Child Reader ?

"Please, please bring me back to my mama!" The cries of a little boy could be heard as he screamed and yelled at his capture. Her gaze went down towards that of the crying child who had not stopped since she took him. She was thinking of a way to calm the child and stop the tears from falling from his face and that is when an idea came to her.

"Now, now little one stop the tears, won't you? I promise as long as you are in my care I promise I will keep you safe. Now tell me what is your name?" She bent down to his level and began to wipe the tears from the boy's face. This seemed to calm the boy as he began to speak to her "M-my name is Y/N." The child spoke as he grabbed her hand and lay his cheek on her glove. Angel smiled at the action of the little boy "Now that is a lovely name indeed it suits you very well Y/N. Do you like my glove? It's very soft, isn't it? Now, how about you hold my hand and we get something to eat how does that sound?"

The face of Y/N began to light up as his tears went away and a smile could now be seen on his face. "Yes, yes! Please I would like to eat some food!" The child spoke jumping up and down while still holding her hand. "Aww, how adorable now hold my hand so you don't get lost. Oh and one last thing you may call me Angel."

Hello ! Can I Request For A Fluffy Angel X Male Child Reader ?

Ever since then little Y/N would be seen following around Angel wherever she went. If Angel was talking with someone Y/N could be seen behind her holding onto her glove because of shy he is around others. However, one day as they were walking Y/N suddenly turned to Angel and said "Up!" This caught her attention and Angel turned to face Y/N who continued to say "Up!, Up!"

She then bent down and picked him up and sat him in her arms. "Is this what you wanted? Aww, again you are adorable Y/N!" With Y/N in her arms, Angel continues to walk down the hallway with Y/N resting his head on her shoulders.

Angel reached the end of the hallway and opened the door at the very end of it. Was Y/N's room it had reached night sooner than she realised and she had to put Y/N to sleep. As she walked towards the bed she could hear a soft snore it was none other than Y/N who had fallen asleep in her arms. "Oh Y/N you are to cute for your good." She said as she gently put him in the bed. "Goodnight Y/N have sweet dreams and I will see you tomorrow." She said as she kisses Y/N on the forehead and stands up and walks out of the room closing the door behind her.

Hello ! Can I Request For A Fluffy Angel X Male Child Reader ?

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1 year ago

hey! I was wondering if you could write a rogue x male! reader about him comforting you whilst you are crying - or atleast really upset.

If you want, you can be specific about what the reader is upset about but I have no idea of what that should be.

thank you so much! sorry if it isn't specific enough <3

I'm here for you

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Rogue and Frosch.

Genre: A little bit of angst with comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Apologies this took way longer than it should have.

Hey! I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Rogue X Male! Reader About Him Comforting You Whilst You Are

Everything had just been going badly for you the entire day ever since you had woken up. From little things to major things in your day all of it had just been going wrong and it was stressing you out. No matter what you did it seemed today that anything just resulted in a bad outcome.

All you want to do was see your beloved Rogue however you weren't sure where he was. "He is most likely out with Sting on a job." You thought aloud. "Frosch thinks so too!" Spoke with Frosch they had not been with Rogue wherever he was but instead with you.

You appreciated them being with you despite Rogue not being there having Frosch. With you was begging to make you feel better already. Still, you couldn't help but admit you still wanted to see Rogue.

You had been with Frosch in your room for a while just trying to forget about your eventful day. But although you wanted to what had happened to you just kept playing in your mind over and over again. All you wanted to was forget about it yet you just couldn't.

Remembering what happened to you today was beginning to be too much for you. You couldn't stop the tears that fell from your face as you hugged Frosch closely.

Just then as it was beginning to be all too much for you a pair of arms wrapped around you. It was him it was Rogue you didn't even hear him come into your room at all. Rogue wasn't one for words and you knew this however he showed his love and appreciation with his actions.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for earlier but I'm here for you now M/N." He spoke as you relaxed into his arms. "Tell me what's troubling you M/N? Or if you wish just stay like this that's fine too." Rouge spoke again as he held you close.

"I'd rather not talk about but now that you're here I feel as if I could forget it all." You told him from your day you were tired just so tired. You closed your eyes as you began to drift to sleep in Rogue arms. "I'm sorry for not being here before but I'm here for you now. I'll always love and protect you M/N."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail request hurt to comfort fanfiction of when Juvia Lockser's male S/O who is Gray's older twin brother reassured Juvia that he still loves her no matter what when Juvia heard complaints from S/Os fangirls of how he could fall in love with a gloomy weather woman and stuff like that and it understandably greatly hurt Juvia's feelings judging by how the rain began to fall (S/O saw the situation and made the fangirls see sense that he loves Juvia and there is nothing that can change how he feels about her). S/O comforted Juvia afterwards..not caring if the rain will make him sick considering how long he spent looking for her. He still cared about Juvia..and he loves her.

(Juvia doesn't deserve any hate)

My Lovely Rain Woman

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Juvia and Gray.

Genre: Hurt to Comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Ahh omg just reading this request a little sad! I love Juvia with all my heart she's my favorite Fairy Tail character. It's sad to see so much hate for Juvia within the fandom. She's just a girl who's in love and who has no problem showing her love for the person she's in love with.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Request Hurt To Comfort Fanfiction Of When Juvia Lockser's Male S/O Who

Juvia was out doing some shopping in Magnolia when she overheard two girls talking. "How can a woman like that be with him? She's so gloomy!" One girl had said to the other. "I know right? There's also rain wherever she goes!

And don't get me started with all the affection she gives him. He can't get a moment to breathe without her holding onto his arm!" The other girl spoke in reply. In that moment it was as though Juvia's whole world began to collapse.

Was what they said true? Did what they say was how her S/O thinks of her? Then just as she was taking all of this I'm the girl spoke again. "Not to mention she can be so clingy and obsessive! Honestly, I do take pity on her lover."

"Clingy." "Obsessive." It rang in Juvia's head over and over overwhelming her. It wouldn't stop it's all she can think of now. It was beginning to become too much for her she started to tear up and began running home. On her way, she passed Gray who had notched how upset she was.

"Juvia!" Gray had called out to her but kept on running not stopping until she reached the comfort of her room. Gray knew something was wrong so he ran back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. As this was happening Juvia finally made it to Fairy Hills and ran straight to her room.

She immediately fell onto her bed crying about what those girls said earlier. The words felt like a knife to Juvia's heart and kept on hearing the words the spoke in her head. All of this was too much for Juvia as began crying harder from their words.

Just then Gray had finally made it back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. You were with Natsu and Lucy just talking about some jobs you should take. Gray ran up to you immediately to tell you about the state Juvia was in.

"Hey, little brother I just saw Juvia a while ago. She looked very upset I tried to call out to her to see what was wrong. But she just kept running for whatever upset her."

This was a surprise to you what happened? Where's Juvia? Is she okay? All these questions raced through your mind. But just then Gray began to speak again.

"I saw her running off in the direction of Fairy Hills. She's probably already made her way there. So I would go there first to look for her."

Gray spoke to you again and you immediately got up from your seat. You then began to race out of the Guild Hall to go see Juvia. On your way out you shouted to Gray thanking him for coming to you and telling you about Juvia. "Thank you, Gray!"

You were worried so very worried about Juvia. Nothing like this had happened before so you could only imagine how Juvia must be right now. You had finally made it to Fairy Hills now and made your way to Juvia's room as quickly as you could.

You finally reached her door and knocked gently. "Juvia? Can I come in?" No response but you can hear Juvia crying through the door. "Juvia? I'm coming in alright?" You spoke as you opened her door and entered her room.

There she was you saw her as soon as you entered the room. She was crying heavily on her bed. She didn't even look at you when you entered the room she just continued crying.

You approached and sat down on the bed next to her as you began to speak. "Juvia? What's wrong? Will you tell me what happened? I'm really worried about you."

You began to rub her back with your hand in an attempt to comfort Juvia. After a while Juvia's crying seems to have begun to slow down and she was taking deep breaths. Then after some more time, Juvia spoke to you about what was upsetting her.

"Darling, am I too clingy?" Juvia spoke and it surprised you as you didn't expect that. "What? No of course not Juvia why would you think that?" Juvia then sat up next to you.

"Juvia was out shopping earlier today and I overheard these girls taking. They said I was too clingy and obsessive over you darling." It hurts your heart to hear this but your heart hurt even more seeing how it was affecting Juvia.

You then pulled Juvia into a hug her head resting on your shoulder and your head resting on hers. "I would never think anything like that Juvia. I love you more than life itself you mean so much to mean and I care about you more than words can express. Don't listen to them Juvia what they said isn't true.

I love you just how you and nothing will ever change that." As soon as you tell her this Juvia's mood changes and you see her start to smile again. "Thank you darling I'll never doubt your love for me again. I love you so much." Juvia spoke looking at you with a smile on her face. "And I love you as well Juvia."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother *you know the rest about him including that he is a kind young man and he is a ice mage like his brother..and he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice mage and Juvia was now his wife*) were asked the awkward question about where babies came from and obviously you spat out your tea at your son's (Greige Fullbuster is your son) unexpected question and you were not telling your six year old son where babies came from literally..it was understandably awkward considering how the hell you were going to explain where babies came from to your son..Greige was understandably confused about it when you and your wife (Juvia Lockser is your wife) told him that Greige was going to be a big brother when Juvia found out that she was pregnant and you two were going to have a daughter (you and Juvia told Greige the pregnancy news yesterday).

Your loving wife, Juvia Lockser thankfully rescued you from an awkward conversation because you were getting rather flustered trying to explain in a way that was appropriate to a six year old boy (you knew exactly how babies are made but you are definitely not telling Greige that!).

You and Juvia are adults and married happily..and Juvia is now Juvia Fullbuster because she took your surname.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother *you Know The Rest About

*the little boy in the image is Greige Fullbuster*

Papa Where do Babies Come From?

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Juvia Lockser and Greige.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: Hmm don't really like how this turned out honestly. I mean I don't think it's awful but I think I could have done better. Also Greige going to be a little OOC here. I've read the 100 Year Quest manga but just couldn't get his personality right here so sorry about that.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother *you Know The Rest About

Today was just like any other day when you woke you saw your lovely wife Juvia. No matter how many times something like this happens you'll never get tried of the sight. You love nothing more than waking up seeing and Juvia laying next to you.

You put your hand on her cheek just admiring her as she slept. You could look at this sight forever and not get tired of seeing it. However, even though you wanted to do you knew you had to get started with your day.

"Juvia it's morning time to wake up." You spoke as you kissed Juvia on the cheek. Juvia then begin to wake up and you saw her beautiful blue eyes that you love so much.

"Good morning darling how did you sleep?" Juvia spoke rubbing her eyes as she had not fully woken up yet. "I slept well as always you know I sleep great when you're here with me." You spoke In response to her.

"That's good darling I'm glad you slept well. I suppose we should start our day now right?" Both you and Juvia now sitting up in bed and hold her. "Wish I could stay like this forever but we have to start our day. Greige might be upset with us if we decided to stay in bed all day."

Juvia laughed. "You're right he would be upset tho I would to see that cute face of his when he gets mad," Juvia spoke as you both got out and started getting dressed.

Juvia had finished getting before you so she went to check on Greige to see if he was awake or not. While Juvia was doing that you went to the kitchen and started to enjoy your food along with some time.

After some time your son Greige came into the kitchen and it looked like he had something on his mind. "Hey buddy what's up? You look like you've got something you want to ask me." You said to Greige as you drank some of your tea.

"Papa, where do babies come from?" Greige asked and you immediately spat out your tea and began coughing. "Papa, what's wrong?" Greige asked wondering why you had such a reaction to his question.

Your mind drew a blank as to how you should go about answering his question. You sat there confused unsure of what to say to him. But just then Juvia entered and saved you from the awkward situation!

"Oh, Greige you're a bit too young to know about that. But I promise I'll tell you when you're older. But I do have something to tell you. " Juvia spoke looking at her son happily. "What is it, Mama?" Greige said curious thinking about what his mother was about to tell him.

You stood up and walked over to Juvia as you kissed her and wrapped one of your arms around her. "You're going to be a big brother! Soon we'll be introducing a new person to this family your little sister!"

Juvia spoke happily that she could now finally tell Greige the news. "Me? A big brother?" Greige said in surprise to his mother.

"That's right buddy soon you'll have a little sister. You'll be a big brother to her make sure to keep her safe okay?" You said to your son.

Greige smiled running up to hug the both of you. "Yes, I promise I'll be the best big brother ever and protect my little sister!"

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail childhood fluff and tears scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother who is a sweet kid and all *he is a ice mage like his brother but his magic is slightly stronger than Gray's and this was long before he met Juvia and became her loving boyfriend*) first met Natsu when you and him were kids. Natsu found you crying alone by a big tree in Magnolia after you were made fun of for being kind and everything by the bullies. Natsu found you crying there when the Fairy tail guild was in a bit of frantic mode because you practically disappeared from the hall and Natsu..willing to help, actually managed to find you. You didn't know him because Natsu was a newcomer today which means he only joined today...and Natsu asked if you were alright when he stood in front of you. (Think of the scene from Naruto of when Ino had a flashback of when she first met Sakura and made friends with her when Sakura was crying alone because of her forehead ep 32). Natsu didn't think that your kindness was weakness or anything..and what he knew..the guild cares a lot about you enough to realise that you went missing.

No pairings in this..just Natsu becoming one of his friends like how the rest of the children around his age is..and bear in mind that you and Natsu met when you two were young children.

(I loved your last request by the way)

A Friendship of Fire and Ice

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Natsu Dragneel.

Genre: Fluff/Comfort.

Notes: This request is platonic. (Also I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed my last request!)

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Childhood Fluff And Tears Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother

It happened again it's almost every day now so you should come to expect it when it happens. Yet each time it does your left in stock and tears each time it happens. It happened before you went to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall today.

Your older brother Gray wasn't with you when it happened as he had left earlier than you. So you were all alone when it happened like each every time it had happened to you before. It was always the same kids that decide to pick on you almost every day.

You hadn't told your older brother Gray about this yet as you didn't want to make him worry about you. Yet this is something related to why those kids decided to pick on you. They would always pick on you for being "too kind" and sometimes they would even call you "weak."

That couldn't be further from the truth as your older brother Gray and many other wizards in Fairy Tail. Had praised you many times for your amazing ice magic. Yet it went in one ear and out the other for you as you didn't think what they were saying was true.

No thanks to those kids who had picked on you almost every day for a while now. Being "too kind" and "weak" was all that was on your mind for a while now. It had started to affect you greatly and everyone else could see that but they weren't sure when was wrong.

Your older brother Gray was especially worried out of anyone. He desperately wanted you to tell him what was wrong and why you had a sudden shift in your behavior. It seems hiding it wasn't any use as you had made even more people than Gray concerned for you.

That's something you didn't want yet the question of "What's wrong? Please talk to me!" Was all anyone had been asking you as of late. You didn't want to talk you didn't want anyone to worry about you.

So when your brother Gray continued to ask you couldn't take it anymore and decided to run out of the Guild Hall. This only made not Gray but a lot of the other Fairy Tail wizards even more worried about you. But you didn't care and you didn't care about where you were running to.

All you knew is that you wanted to be left alone and for people to stop worrying about you. Eventually after running around for some time in Magnolia, you came across a big tree. You decided to sit down with your back to the tree.

You curled up your legs and started to cry thinking about everything that had been happening to you lately. You weren't sure how much time had passed since you ran out of the Guild Hall. But you didn't care you just wanted to be left alone for now.

After some more time had passed you had heard some footsteps but you didn't bother to look up and see who it was. You didn't care either as you just wanted to be alone.

The person walked closer to you and then kneeled down to you. "Hey M/N what's wrong?" It was Natsu one of your good friends. Even though you and his magic are opposites you two are close and get along well with each other.

You looked to see him as you rubbed the tears from your face eyes red from how much you've been crying. "Nothing..." You respond to him your voice barely above a whisper.

"That's not true and you know it now tell me M/N what's wrong?' Natsu said as he moved to sit next to you. " It's just these kids Natsu they've been saying I'm weak and too kind. They've been saying this to me a lot lately. Do you think it's true Natsu? Am I too weak and kind?" You said looking at him with a sorrowful expression on your face.

"What?!? Of course not M/N! You're one of the strongest people I know! And there's nothing wrong with being kind okay? Those kids they're just jealous they're not as strong or as kind as you are. So don't listen to what they have to say okay? Because it couldn't be further from the truth me and all the other Fairy Tail wizards know that."

Natsu spoke as he stood up and extended his hand to you with a smile. You took his hand and stood up with him with a smile on your face as well. "See that's much better! This is the M/N I know!" Suddenly you heard a lot more footsteps coming toward you and Natsu.

It was all your other Guild mates Lucy, Gray, Wendy, and Juvia. All of them were running towards you worried about you. "M/N" they all seemed to speak in unison.

They gathered around you worried about you from what happened earlier in the day. But they soon relaxed however as they saw the smile on both your and Natsu's faces.

"Don't worry I'm feeling all better now thanks to Natsu!" You smiled and all your other guild members were at ease with this. "You know what this means right? A group hug!" Natsu said as you and all your other Guild members embraced I'm a group hug together.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail parenting fluff too scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother now an adult and he is married to Juvia Lockser who is now Juvia Fullbuster considering that she took his surname) came back home after a job that took longer than expected (you told Juvia on the phone that when you realised that) and it didn't exactly surprise you when you heard crying upstairs that belonged to your infant son, Greige Fullbuster and your poor wife was exhausted trying her best in trying to get him to sleep but Greige certainly wasn't having it today when you went upstairs *after you placed your bag on the floor* to Greige's room knowing exactly where the source of crying was coming from. You were Juvia's saviour when you came to help now that you are home..and of course you will..you are Greige's father and it was your role as a Dad to be a Papa to your son. You gently took your baby boy from Juvia's arms when you sat in a rocking chair opposite your wife as your son wailed in your arms. You vaguely remember a lullaby that your father sang to you when you were a baby when you couldn't sleep and you sincerely hope that this will work otherwise both you and Juvia were in for a long night. The lullaby worked wonders and how you remembered the lyrics was just lucky when you had your eyes on your son the whole time when you sang it and it definitely got Greige to finally sleep in your arms and you were clearly exhausted too when the tiredness caught up to you but you still had a gentle and steady hold on your son when you fell asleep with him in your arms..the both of you clearly looking peaceful.

https://youtu.be/FFIMtuFkUD4 (that is the song that you sang to your son, Greige Fullbuster to help him sleep)

*Greige Fullbuster is the boy in the photo*

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Parenting Fluff Too Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother

Troublesome Child

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Juvia and Greige.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Parenting Fluff Too Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother

You had been away on a job request you had taken from the Guild for a couple of days now. It had taken much longer than you had expected. However, you were now returning home after finally getting the job done.

You had called your wife Juvia that you would be arriving home soon. However, while talking with her you could hear your child crying. Juvia had told you that Greige had been non-stop crying for a while now.

Juvia wasn't exactly sure as to why Greige's behavior had changed recently. However, she suspected that it was because you weren't at home for a while. You weren't far from your home now so you would return to help Juvia with Greige.

After some time you finally arrived home to your lovely wife and son. You had knocked on the door to alert Juvia that you were home as you entered the house. After setting down your belongings you went to your son's bedroom.

Juvia was already in there trying to calm down Greige. Because of the job you had been away on this left Juvia to take care of Greige for some time. Juvia was tired from taking care of herself for a while.

She was happy to see you return home after being away for some time. "Hello, my daring I'm happy to see you return home safe and sound. " Juvia said as she kissed you and had Greige in her arms.

"Hello, love I'm happy to see you again. Why don't you go get some rest? I'll take care of Greige now so don't worry." You said as you took Greige out of Juvia's arms and kissed her. Poor Juvia looked tired from looking after Greige you wished you could have returned home sooner.

"Thank you darling hopefully Greige will be able to settle down now. You are my savior you know that? I'm going to get some sleep I'll see you later." Juvia said to you as she walked out of the going to get some much-needed rest.

You then turned your attention to your son Greige it looked like he had just finished crying before you arrived. "Now what trouble have you been causing your mother little man?" You said looking at your son who now had his attention on you.

You then went to sit on the rocking chair that was in Greige's room. It was something that always helped him sleep easier along with a lullaby. You began to rock in the rocking chair hoping to Greige at ease.

Surely after all that crying he had been doing he'd be tired just like Juvia. You knew Greige had a favorite lullaby that mostly Juvia would sing to him. "I might not be as good of a singer as your mama. But I'll sing your favorite lullaby how does that sound?"

You said looking down at Greige in your arms it looked like he had become tired. It shouldn't be too long before your son fell asleep. Even you were feeling quite tired yourself. After some more time, you began to sing his favorite lullaby to him.

"Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster's gone

He's on the run and your daddy's here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy."

Greige had now closed his eyes fully relaxing in your arms as you sang to him.

"Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy"

His breathing slowed as he had now gone to sleep as you sang to him. You were feeling quite sleepy yourself you might end up falling asleep with Greige in your arms while on the rocking chair.

"Out on the ocean

Sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

'Cause it's a long way to go

A hard row to hoe

Yes it's a long way to go

But in the meantime

Before you cross the street

Take my hand

Life is what happens to you

While you're busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy"

You had now felt sleep taken over you as you struggled to keep your eyes awake. But even still you continued to sing to your son.

"Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Darling, darling, darling

Darling Sean

Good night, Sean

See you in the morning"

Barely being able to get the last words out of the lullaby you had fallen asleep. Both you and Greige had fallen asleep in the rocking chair as you sang to him. Him comfortable in your arms as both of you slept.

Juvia had awake to see you not in bed with her. She was a little concerned since you had returned home yesterday. So where were you?

Juvia had gotten out of bed to see where you were. After looking around some of the rooms she found you with Greige in his room.

Both of you are still asleep from when you were taking care of him yesterday. Juvia looked at both of you with love and happiness wondering how lucky she had to be to deserve the both of you.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail embarrassing scenario when Happy and Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster accidentally walked in on you (Lucy Heartfilla's older sister who is the same age as Gray Fullbuster *she has the same magic as Gray but hers is slightly stronger* and she is a member of Team Natsu and a member of Fairy tail and she is Gray Fullbuster's girlfriend) changing..you were not expecting for Gray or Natsu to walk in on you in your bedroom when you were practically half naked in your apartment that you brought outright next door to Lucy. You seized your books and threw them at the boys with surprising accuracy when you screamed at them to get out...and they were having a hard time dodging them when they did exactly what you said. They apologised to you for walking in on you like that after that drama was over considering that you were looking rather miffed at the intrusion *you were dressed thankfully* as they sat at your kitchen table with tea right in front of them...you didn't give them copy of your keys so they could barge in whenever they wanted (it was only for emergencies)..Natsu and Happy looked worse off than Gray (you let Gray Fullbuster off lightly considering that he is your boyfriend) and Natsu certainly was covered in bruises from being hit by your books.

https://youtu.be/3vIVip3qCvo (go to 0:23 of when you start screaming*)

Uninvited Guests

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Natsu, Happy, and Gray.

Genre: Crack/Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Female.

Notes: Gotta say the link for that clip you sent was funny LMAO. Seriously got a good laugh out of me I'll have to consider watching Fullmetal Alchemist!

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Embarrassing Scenario When Happy And Natsu Dragneel And Gray Fullbuster

It was an extremely warm day even for an ice wizard like yourself. The heat was practical making you melt! You were at the Fairy Tail Guild and the heat was just getting to be too much for you.

You didn't decide to tell Gray as you be back soon you just needed a change of clothes. As the clothes you were wearing were making you sweat from the heat. Since it was so warm you decided you should use the pool at the guild so when you returned you'd have your swimsuit with you.

After some more time, you've finally returned home with relief washing over you. Now you can finally get a new change of clothes! You decide to wear an outfit that your younger sister Lucy had bought for you it would be great to wear on a day like this.

You had left the door to your bedroom slightly opened you didn't bother closing it as you were home alone anyway or at least you thought you were. You began to remove the clothing you had been so you could put on your new outfit. Although while you were doing so you almost felt like there were multiple eyes on you.

You looked around your room and you looked over to your now fully open bedroom door. Only to see Natsu, Happy, and your boyfriend Gray looking at you in complete surprise. You then let out a scream which could only be described as blood curdling.

And then full chaos broke out in your bedroom as you began throwing things at the boys. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?! GET OUT!!!" You screamed in pure embarrassment as you began to throw all manner of things at the boys. Pillows, books, stuffed animals, etc. Anything that you could get your hands on was going in their direction.

"Oh! What's in here? Are these your panties Y/N?" Happy spoke with a giggle as he took some of your panties out of the drawer. "DON'T TOUCH THOSE HAPPY!" You screamed as you threw a pillow directly in his face.

"We're sorry! We're sorry!" Natsu and Gray spoke in unison as they scrambled to get out of your room. Objects were still being thrown in their direction as they made their way out. They ran down the stairs and into the kitchen deciding to wait for you there.

It seems the pillow you threw at Happy seems to have knocked him unconscious. Oh well, at least he couldn't see you which is for the best to save you some embarrassment.

After calming yourself down from that... You got changed into your new outfit. Taking some more time to freshen yourself up you grabbed a swimsuit and Happy before descending the stairs and entering the kitchen. Of course, as you expected there was an awkward silence.

I mean what could you say after that? You weren't sure yourself but you still needed to say something. "Well...first of all how did you two get in here? I swear I remember locking my door."

"The key under the pot next to your door your extra key that is. We were worried about you after the quest and because of this heat. So we wanted to come and check up on you."

Gray spoke hanging his head in shame. Or embarrassment? You weren't sure honestly it could be one of them or both.

"Ah well thank you for the explanation daring that clears things up for me." You spoke with a blush on your face which could be seen on the faces of the boys as well. Still flustered you weren't sure what to say to continue but you decided it's best to move on and forget about this.

"Alright boys get up it's time to head back to the Guild! We're all going to have a pool party! Except a water fight and I won't lose!"

"You're on!" Gray spoke. "Bring it!" Natsu spoke as they both rose from the seats with a smile on their faces. "Okay, but last one there is a rotten egg!" You spoke running out of your home with a smile on your face as the boys chased after you.

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