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Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Funny Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Sister Age 13 *she Is A Ice
Please may I have a Fairy tail funny scenario of when you (Gray's younger sister age 13 *she is a ice mage but she is slightly stronger than her brother at ice make magic and she is a member of Team Natsu and a member of Fairy tail and Gray is raising her alone*) were still affected by the rival potion that Juvia accidentally blew in your direction and Gray and Team Natsu were called into the music shop by the owner because you saw the music instruments as your rivals (that was where you went..) and you were destroying the instruments..and it would be a lie if Team Natsu didn't see the sight as bizarre as hell.. when you destroyed a guitar singing that song about destruction and How lovely that Gray owed the owner 50k for the damaged instruments. *hint of sarcasm*. It was one hell of a struggle for Gray to practically haul you over his shoulder when you kept on shouting about the music instruments being better than you and stuff..and Natsu and Erza having to take the instruments out of your hands before you damaged any more of anyone's stuff while Lucy and Wendy were apologising to the customers for the sight and mentioned about the potion.
It was rather problematic when you saw Happy as your rival now..
https://youtu.be/bXkhRVh2Byc (that was the song that you were playing and singing..rather weirdly)
Musical Mishap
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy.
Genre: Fluff/Crack.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Female.

After the disastrous day before the Fairy Tail Guild was in search of rivals among themselves. There was one person for whom the effects of the rival potion had not yet worn off. That would be you Gray's younger sister and you were in search of a rival.
Yes, a rival while everyone had been confused and forgot of the events of the day before. The same could not be said for you as you were out in the streets of Magnolia in search of your rival. Just then you finally found your rival!
Which was a music store full of instruments... "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YOU WILL BE MY RIVAL!!!" You yelled furiously as you charged into the music store.
"Ah hello, how can I help you-" Before the owner could even finish speaking you immediately began destroying the musical instruments. "ICE MAKER HAMMER!" Ice gathering in the form of a hammer appeared before you as it swung down destroying the musical instruments before.
"NO! MY PRECIOUS INSTRUMENTS!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" The owner tells out in terror. As he rushes out from behind the counter to try and stop you. He noticed the Fairy Tail Guild mark on your arm.
He then immediately contacted the Fairy Tail Guild. "Get some of your Guild members down here! One of them is destroying my store!" The owner spoke to Mirajane.
Mirajane then informed Team Natsu of what was going on and sent them out to the store to stop you. When they arrived they almost couldn't believe their eyes! Was that you destroying some music store? After recovering from the brief moment of shock they immediately took action.
But before they could it seems you had one more surprise in store for them. You picked up a guitar and began to sing. "Pain and suffering, pain and suffering I hate skies so blue I want rain and hail and lighting to bring the thunder to!"
You then finished your little performance by smashing the guitar against the floor. Once again Team Natsu was completely stunned by how you were acting. However, after a moment they recovered and took action to stop you.
Erza grabbed you and pinned you against her chest while holding onto your arms. "Y/N get a hold of yourself!" Erza yelled still in shock at the way you were acting.
"No! Erza these instruments are my rivals! Look at them thinking they're better than me! I must destroy them!" You spoke as you completely had frozen another instrument you were holding.
Gray then rushed over taking the instruments out of your hands. "That's enough Y/N! You can't go destroying these instruments because they're your 'rivals.'" Meanwhile, Lucy and Wendy could be seen apologizing for the actions of their friend Y/N.
Erza had managed to hold you over her shoulders and was beginning to leave the store then turned to the owner. "I apologize for the actions of my friend Y/N. Please send the cost of repairs to the Fairy Tail Guild and we will deal with them from there."
Erza spoke as she left the store soon followed behind by her friends. By this point, you had now passed out. Team Natsu had many questions on their mind but they would have to wait until you would wake up.
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More Posts from Nabateaprodigy

Ganglöt doodle

me when the umineko ost
Hello! Can I request Hortensia/Clanne pairing where Hortensia gets REALLY jealous whenever Clanne is getting hit on by some girls?
I'm Not Jealous!
Series: Fire Emblem.
Characters: Clanne and Hortensia.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.

Hortensia was jealous even if she wouldn't admit that to herself. But the fact was Hortensia was jealous but why was she jealous? I mean, after all, today seems to be going amazing!
Well until THAT happened like the other members of the Divine Dragons army Hortensia was in the Somniel. She was taking a stroll around the Sommiel admiring the beautiful weather. She then overheard two people talking.
One of these voices Hortensia recognized was her sweet prince Clanne! Of course, this got Hortensia in an even better mood, and rushed to where the voices were coming from. However, then she saw something she wished she could have not seen.
Some girl was flirting with her sweet prince! Who did this girl think she was? Did she not realize the Princess of Elusia? Did she not realize she was in a relationship with Clanne? She would need to teach this girl a lesson!
A pout formed on Hortensia's face as she rushed over to Clanne and the girl. She wrapped her arms around Clanne in a defense way. "I am Princess of Elusia! Princess Hortensia! Who are you? You must be a witch trying to trick my prince! Away with you!"
"But-" The girl started to speak but then was caught off by Hortensia! "Away!" The girl decided to give up and leave both Hortensia and Clanne alone.
Hortensia was glaring at the girl not taking her eyes off her until she left her field of vision. "Uhm Hortensia?" Clanne spoke looking at Hortensia who still had her arms around him. "Who was she? What was she saying?"
Hortensia spoke still annoyed from the scene that she had witnessed. But in truth Hortensia was worried. She was very worried that the girl could take Clanne away from her.
"She was no one I promise she just approached me and started talking to me. I wasn't sure how to respond to her." Hortensia now let go of Clanne looking him in the eyes. "That's right she better be no one! After all, you are the president of my fan club! And you are also my sweet prince!"
Hortensia spoke confidently with a smile. "That's right I am and I always will be I'll be your prince Hortensia and you are my princess," Clanne spoke as he hugged Hortensia lovingly and Hortensia hugged him back with a big smile on her face.
Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when Lyon was sneaky enough to take pictures of you (Gray's younger brother who is the same age as Wendy *he has ice make magic which was slightly stronger than Gray's and he is a Fairy tail wizard and a member of Team Natsu*) and Wendy when the both of you were asleep together with Asuka in the middle who was also asleep after a babysitting job which involved watching Asuka in the Fairy tail Infirmary and you weren't impressed when you woke up wondering who the heck was taking pictures. It made quite a sight in the Fairy tail guild of a young boy (you) trying to reach for those photos as Lyon held the pictures high above his head..you actually bit Lyon on the hand and aimed a good hard kick at his privates which made him let go of the pictures in pain..and you took the photographs and ripped them to shreds within seconds..you were owed an apology big time for being woken up like that..Gray did warn Lyon that it wasn't a good idea to try and wake you up as a joke but he didn't listen..you valued sleep and you can't actually go back to sleep now after Lyon woke you up..you were grumpy as hell.
Kinda funny scenario..and it is a Platonic relationship between the male reader and Wendy..*they are only children*
Rude Awakening
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Wendy, Gray, and Lyon.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
Notes: This is a platonic fic!

The sound of a camera can be heard along with a flash just a second after. Waking up from your nap you had looked to see who was responsible for the picture. But before you could they had already left the infirmary with the door still open.
You were currently in the Fairy Tali infirmary as Bisca and Alzack had asked you and Wendy to babysit their daughter Asca. After playing some games with Asca the three of you had fallen asleep in the Infirmary. A couple of hours had only passed and it seemed like Bisca and Alzack were still out on the request.
After taking some time to wake yourself up you also decided to wake up Wendy to tell her what has happened. "Wendy! Wendy! Wake up someone has just taken a picture of us!" After calling her name you also gently shake Wendy awake.
"Huh? What?" Wendy spoke waking up from the nap the three of you were having. "I swear it happened, Wendy! Someone came into our room and took a picture of us! Come on we have to find out who did it!"
You say heading towards the door of the infirmary. Asca had not yet woken up so you decided to let continue sleeping. "Right let's go!" Wendy spoke following you out from the infirmary.
Now in the main Hall of the Fairy Tail Guild, you were looking around for anyone suspicious. Unfortunately, you have not gotten a good look at the person who took a photo of you. So for now you'd have to ask around for who could have taken the photo of you three.
You spot your older brother Gray eating some food so you decide to ask him first. "There's my brother Wendy let's ask him he might know something!" Wendy nodded in response as she followed you to ask Gray about the photo.
"Gray! We've got something to ask you!" You shout out to him as you run up to the table he is eating his meal. "Hey, little guy how's it going? What's the question you got for me?"
"Me, Wendy, and Asca were sleeping in the infirmary. But I was awoken by the sound of a camera and it's flash! Do you have any idea who could have taken the picture of us?"
He pauses a moment before giving a response to the two of you. "Yeah, little guy I know it was Lyon. He's been coming over to the Guild more as if late to try and win Juvia's heart... He thought of a good way to impress Juvia would be by playing a prank on the both of you. If you're looking for him he's at the entrance of the Guild."
"Thanks, big bro! Come on Wendy let's go and talk to Lyon!" "Right!" Wendy responds as she follows you to the front of the Guild. If you were being completely honest you were a little annoyed and angry at Lyon for what he had done.
But you'll ensure he'll get the payback he deserves! "Hey! Lyon!" You yell out as you and Wendy approach him at the entrance. "Ah well if it isn't Y/N and the adorable Wendy what can I do for you?" Lyon responded although a little nervously.
"I know you're the one who took pictures of me, Wendy, and Asca!" You yelled in an angry tone at him. "What I did no such-" Lyon was cut off as you well... Kicked him in his private area.
As he crouched on the ground from the pain you took the chance to dig around in his pockets. You found what you were looking for which were the photos of you, Wendy, and Asca. You then tore all the photos of you three to shreds.
In the background, Wendy could be heard giggling at your performance. Meanwhile, Carla could be heard scolding you for your behavior.

idk if i already posted it but yeah... umineko moms are hot