Ft Lucy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother who is now an adult and he is also Juvia's husband and Juvia is his wife and they have two children, their eldest son Greige Fullbuster age 8 and their daughter Sophia Fullbuster age 3 *Juvia is now Juvia Fullbuster because she took his surname*..Juvia's husband is a ice mage and a member of Fairy tail and slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic*)..were in charge of watching your children today considering that Juvia was on a job and you took your children to the guild considering that you knew full well how bored they would end up being if they were stuck at the house all day..you didn't expect for Sophia to wonder off to the women's Fairy tail guild bathroom (Greige Fullbuster and Sophia Fullbuster were drawing/colouring together at a small table near you so you could keep an eye on them and so that Greige could watch his baby sister) when you were talking to your brother about life and mostly about the children and jobs and politics..grown up stuff to put it simply. Lucy and Greige brought it to your attention when they wondered into the bathroom *Greige realised that Sophia had wondered off* to realise that Sophia have had flooded the girl's toilets with toilet paper..and you wasted no time in rushing straight to the bathroom to realise what Lucy was talking about when she and Greige led you there..(honestly..Sophia was a handful sometimes)..Sophia was giggling, thinking it was some sort of game and you could've sworn that you gained gray hairs when you understandably responded in a way an exasperated parent reacted when you saw how bad the flooding was..this was going to take a while to clean up *Greige was thankfully helpful enough by picking Sophia up and taking her out of the bathroom*


Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Lucy, Sophia, and Greige.

Genre: Fluff/Crack.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother Who Is Now An Adult

Earlier in the day you had been at home with your kids meanwhile your wife Juvia was out on a request from the guild. You'd figured that staying home with your kids all day without Juvia there would get boring. So you decided to take Greige and Sophia with you to the guild Hall.

All had been going well so far when you got there you got some coloring pages and crayons to keep Griege and Sophia entertained. However, while you were speaking with your brother Gray. You hadn't noticed that Sophia slipped off to the bathroom.

"How's life been going for you little bro?" Gray spoke with a smile on his face as he took a slip of his ice-cold water. "It's been going great! Me and Juvia have been very happy together. Our kids have also been wonderful and I couldn't be happier to have them."

You spoke with a smile on your face however just then a scream could be heard followed by your name. "Y/N! Y/N!" Lucy screamed as she ran over to the table you, Gray, and Griege were sitting at.

"What's wrong Lucy?" You spoke surprised by her sudden outburst. "It's Sophia! She's clogged all the toilets and they've overflowed!" She yelled in a panic while all you could give as a repose was. "Huh?"

Both you and Lucy rushed over to the girl's bathroom while Gray stayed behind to watch over Griege who was still drawing. Lucy had opened the door for you and inside a little Sophia could be seen throwing toilet paper around the the room. Giggling with a smile on her face almost as if she did nothing wrong.

At times like this, you wish Juvia was here as you felt like these kids were making you age more quickly. After recovering from the bizarre sight in front of you. You spoke with a stern voice to Sophia.

"Sophia Fullbuster." Sophia turned her attention to the entrance to the bathroom who had now just been made aware you and Lucy were there. She quickly hid toilet paper behind her back to make seem like she had done nothing wrong. "Uhm hi, papa..."

"Care to explain what has happened here?" You said as you walked towards her and crouched down to be at eye level with her. "Uhm I dunno papa it was like this when I got here." Sophia lied afraid that she would be in deep trouble.

"The truth please Sophia." You spoke a little annoyed and embarrassed by her. "It's the truth papa! I didn't do anything!" Sophia pouted as Lucy could be seen smiling at giggling at Sophia's actions. "It truly wouldn't be Fairy Tail without someone like this would it?" She spoke to herself as she smiled at the scene in front of her.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail fluff scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother who is now an adult and he is Juvia's loving husband and he is a ice mage who is slightly stronger than Gray at it and he is a member of Fairy tail and Juvia is his wife) and Juvia obviously knew that when you and Juvia were on a job just to earn money.. Your children, Greige Fullbuster (your seven year old son) and Sophia Fullbuster (your 1 year old daughter) had been under the watchful care of your brother and Fairy tail and for the last few hours..some of the Fairy tail members had been eagerly repeating their names to Sophia (much to Greige's confusion)..hoping that she would say her first word and it would be a lie if Juvia or you (Juvia's husband who is Gray's younger twin brother *he is an adult and a ice mage but he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic*) didn't see the sight as bizarre (when you two came back from a job to the guild and Greige happily greeted you both when he ran up to you and Juvia and then Greige told you what was going on when you asked) of a bunch of guild members on their knees around a year old infant who was sitting on the play mat as the guild members eagerly repeated their names. Sophia was definitely grateful at being rescued from your guild mates when she reached up for you and you picked her up..

You weren't expecting for Sophia to say "Daddy" as her first word but it definitely brought tears to your eyes a bit at the first word being your name..it was a touching sight for everyone else.

https://youtu.be/Y7VpC9xmoF0 (Sophia's first word go to 0:22 for that)

First Word

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Juvia, Greige, and Lucy.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Fluff Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother Who Is Now An

You and Juvia had just finished a quest and now returning home. But before the both of you did you went to the Fairy Tail Guild first. As both you and Juvia had asked your guild mates to babysit your children.

Of course, they were more than happy to babysit them! Of course, you went to Gray about this first and Lucy had also offered to babysit your children. Currently Gray and Lucy were with your youngest child Sophia.

Griege was also with them however confused about what the both of them were doing. Well, what were they doing? Currently Gray and Lucy were trying to make Sophia say your name!

"Daddy come on Sophia say daddy!" Gray spoke happily hoping to get her to say your name. "Mummy! Say, mummy Sophia!" Lucy spoke as she tried to get her to say Juvia's name.

Gray and Lucy were trying to get Sophia to say your Juvia's name as a surprise as what you surprise for when you both returned from the quest. Speak of the devil both you and Juvia walked through the entrance of the guild. Both you and Juvia had seen Gray and Lucy around Sophia wondering what was going on.

You walked over to your son Greige as he greeted both you and Juvia. "Hey, son what are Lucy and Gray doing?" "I'm not sure Papa both Lucy and Gray have been saying 'mummy' and 'daddy' to Sophia.

You and Juvia had caught on to what was going on here and smiled at it. By now both Gray and Lucy had noticed that you and Juvia had returned. "Oh hey, what did you return?"

Gray spoke as he turned to face you with a smile. You gave him a handshake as you responded to him. "Just now actually how has Sophia been?" You asked, "Oh just lovely she's been an angel!" Lucy responds with a smile.

"Good I'm glad to hear that!" You respond to her as you approach Sophia with a smile. "Hello angel how have you been?" You spoke as you as you picked her up.

"Daddy!" Sophia spoke with a smile on her face. "Her first word!" Juvia spoke happily her eyes shined with sparkly. "Her first word! You said your first word!" You said happily as the others gathered around celebrating Sophia's first word.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail funny scenario of when you (Gray's younger sister age 13 *she is a ice mage but she is slightly stronger than her brother at ice make magic and she is a member of Team Natsu and a member of Fairy tail and Gray is raising her alone*) were still affected by the rival potion that Juvia accidentally blew in your direction and Gray and Team Natsu were called into the music shop by the owner because you saw the music instruments as your rivals (that was where you went..) and you were destroying the instruments..and it would be a lie if Team Natsu didn't see the sight as bizarre as hell.. when you destroyed a guitar singing that song about destruction and How lovely that Gray owed the owner 50k for the damaged instruments. *hint of sarcasm*. It was one hell of a struggle for Gray to practically haul you over his shoulder when you kept on shouting about the music instruments being better than you and stuff..and Natsu and Erza having to take the instruments out of your hands before you damaged any more of anyone's stuff while Lucy and Wendy were apologising to the customers for the sight and mentioned about the potion.

It was rather problematic when you saw Happy as your rival now..

https://youtu.be/bXkhRVh2Byc (that was the song that you were playing and singing..rather weirdly)

Musical Mishap

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy.

Genre: Fluff/Crack.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Female.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Funny Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Sister Age 13 *she Is A Ice

After the disastrous day before the Fairy Tail Guild was in search of rivals among themselves. There was one person for whom the effects of the rival potion had not yet worn off. That would be you Gray's younger sister and you were in search of a rival.

Yes, a rival while everyone had been confused and forgot of the events of the day before. The same could not be said for you as you were out in the streets of Magnolia in search of your rival. Just then you finally found your rival!

Which was a music store full of instruments... "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YOU WILL BE MY RIVAL!!!" You yelled furiously as you charged into the music store.

"Ah hello, how can I help you-" Before the owner could even finish speaking you immediately began destroying the musical instruments. "ICE MAKER HAMMER!" Ice gathering in the form of a hammer appeared before you as it swung down destroying the musical instruments before.

"NO! MY PRECIOUS INSTRUMENTS!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" The owner tells out in terror. As he rushes out from behind the counter to try and stop you. He noticed the Fairy Tail Guild mark on your arm.

He then immediately contacted the Fairy Tail Guild. "Get some of your Guild members down here! One of them is destroying my store!" The owner spoke to Mirajane.

Mirajane then informed Team Natsu of what was going on and sent them out to the store to stop you. When they arrived they almost couldn't believe their eyes! Was that you destroying some music store? After recovering from the brief moment of shock they immediately took action.

But before they could it seems you had one more surprise in store for them. You picked up a guitar and began to sing. "Pain and suffering, pain and suffering I hate skies so blue I want rain and hail and lighting to bring the thunder to!"

You then finished your little performance by smashing the guitar against the floor. Once again Team Natsu was completely stunned by how you were acting. However, after a moment they recovered and took action to stop you.

Erza grabbed you and pinned you against her chest while holding onto your arms. "Y/N get a hold of yourself!" Erza yelled still in shock at the way you were acting.

"No! Erza these instruments are my rivals! Look at them thinking they're better than me! I must destroy them!" You spoke as you completely had frozen another instrument you were holding.

Gray then rushed over taking the instruments out of your hands. "That's enough Y/N! You can't go destroying these instruments because they're your 'rivals.'" Meanwhile, Lucy and Wendy could be seen apologizing for the actions of their friend Y/N.

Erza had managed to hold you over her shoulders and was beginning to leave the store then turned to the owner. "I apologize for the actions of my friend Y/N. Please send the cost of repairs to the Fairy Tail Guild and we will deal with them from there."

Erza spoke as she left the store soon followed behind by her friends. By this point, you had now passed out. Team Natsu had many questions on their mind but they would have to wait until you would wake up.

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4 years ago

Someone to understand

By: Muffindragon227

The truth was Natsu needed this as much as she did, he needed to talk about it, to confide in someone. He just never thought that someone would be Juvia.

Never thought I'd love a Natsu and Juvia friendly chat this much. 😍

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4 years ago

Aquarius: Just leave it to me. I'm used to handling this one. Go search for your other friends.

Lucy: *shocked*

Natsu: I'm not going. I'm still having fun with snake-Lucy.

Aquarius: *death glare* Huh?! I said GO!

Natsu: Aye!

Natsu runs away but stops and looks back..

Natsu: *looks at snake-Lucy* Snake-Lucy is still Lucy. So hurry up and come back to me us.

Flashes his signature grin.

Natsu: *turns back and runs* That was fun! Let's continue this sometime, Lucy! Later!

Aquarius: *turns to Lucy with a raised eyebrow* Ohh..? *looks at her body* I was gone for a while and now you've learned to seduce your man? Huh?!

Lucy: *covers her chest and flushes* He.. Uhh.. I.. it wasn't like that!!!

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1 year ago

Learning to draw anime Day 10.

It’s embarrassing but I’m quite happy with my progress. Still need to practice my lines and proportions a LOT. I was practicing with Mirajane at first but I had to reset my tablet and lost my progress. 😢 I thought she’d be easier to draw ‘cause of the lack of bangs… I chose this pose but I am not brave enough to do hands yet. Lol.

I’m glad I tried to do Lucy though - I was able to practice more curves.

I know I need more practice sketching but I’m excited to try out coloring next.

Good luck to me. 😅

Learning To Draw Anime Day 10.

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1 year ago

Tried coloring my 1st attempt at Lucy & drawing Happy!

Coloring is so much fun. Baby steps to progress!

Tried Coloring My 1st Attempt At Lucy & Drawing Happy!

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8 months ago

NaLu week!!

Day 1: Cuddling

NaLu Week!!

They fell asleep while watching some lacrima vision <33

Here's another version because I also really liked it

NaLu Week!!

I was looking forward to NaLu week this year but still never got the chance to prepare the art so I have no idea if I can post all of them on time :'))

However!! I solemnly swear that I will still draw each and every one of these prompts and post them sometime this year. Hopefully I can finish it :DDD

Happy NaLu week nalu nation 🎉

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4 years ago

headcanon that natsu traces lucy’s guild mark whenever he gets worried about her or has a nightmare about her getting hurt(he especially does this whenever he has a nightmare about future lucy) or just needs to reassure himself that she’s still there, with him, alive and safe.

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