I Need To Write Something So Thats What Yall Get
I need to write something so that’s what yall get
I genuinely love the idea of post apocalyptic world healing. Humans have dwindled to manageable amounts, communities thrive and all is well. Cars are rarity and mostly utilised as tools. Animals have taken over most of the planet and skyscrapers have crumbled down. With some courageous travelers looking for supplies in the rubble. Peace.
No need to “work” I mean of course there’s work to do but 9-5 jobs are gone and people handle things at their own pace. Accessibility is made important as it allows for easier access for everyone, it makes life simpler. Arts and crafts would have a new rise.
Of course techology isn’t bad but it’d be simpler, safer and more useful. More targeted at farming, electricity (warming, water etc.), hygiene. Maybe a form of communication but why bother at this point. If you wanna see the world go off and wander alone or with your buddies. It’s as safe as it can be (so not that safe but idc).
Just an utopia of peace and healing. Because progress should be used for advancement of society and not for gain.
localteenagedumpsterfire liked this · 2 years ago
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Ooohhh shimny, its mine now

⏝⏝⏝ Luniastelle ; A gender connected to all things about the Moon and space , Crystals and caverns , Kindness and friendliness. A gender that is the personification of the Moon’s connection to Earth in the way it pulls it’s tides and keeps it’s balance.
Belated birthday gift for @lwuvicidal! May we always be the Earth && the Moon ♡

[No spoons for ID]
Dream i saw
So basically I was at my hometown walking casually. A chill sunny summer evening. Walking along a very specific spot/track and suddenly i get the spike of adrenaline that something’s wrong. I get a call or call someone and start yelling at them. Then I hear the planes. I yell at my friend? Idk if i even knew the person with me. But we started running as i’m on the phone screaming at them soemthing along the lines of “We’re not out of here yet you fuckers!” “Wait!” And then we cross the road only to hear a whistling sound behind us and a loud bang. I don’t even look behind cuz i know what it was.
Then another one. Another. We are able to run past the three bombs but fourth one gets us as we’re running and my friend gets out of breath. I turn to face them only to hear the whistle and see the bomb fall next to her. I woke up in cold sweat. I remember hearing the explosion as I woke up.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such vivid dream/nightmare.
Maybe I want to tohch the stars in your eyes while you’re gazing into the unknown. To know the love and hatred burning. Burn me to the ground. As I was born of hatred and mistakes. Foolishness of children. But as I burn, I burn like Icarus did when he fell from the skies his wax wings melting. I burn like the first star in this existence, bright and for a short while. In itms eternity of being a change being such a small part of its life. I burn. And I warm up.
Like the winter has passed that brings me down each year with what they call seasonal depression but for me it isn’t seasonal. It’s just easier to hide during summer when you can hide in the shadows to avoid burning but I lit up in flames the second I saw you, the second your eyes looked away and the instant you touched me. I burnt away all I was and all that is left is you.