fan of good music and good people; BTS, NCT, Stray Kids, Day6 drabbles and stuff i guess
100 posts
7 Days Of Halloween: Final Update
7 Days of Halloween: Final Update
With Kookie’s story, we officially bring 7 Days of Halloween to a close. This was the most fun I’ve had writing in a long time, and I’m glad I got to share it all with you guys. I want to thank every single one of you for the love and support you’ve shown for the fics, I greatly appreciate it, more than you could ever know. I hope everyone had a great time and I hope I did all of your bias’ justice. Though I’m sad to see it end, I’m thinking I might do this again before the year is up (🎄), but maybe with a different group (*cough*Day6*cough)👀 And for one last time, Stay Spooky everyone💜

Gif not mine
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I Could Use A Hug (Uni!Yoongi Oneshot)
1. “Can you please come and get me?”
4. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?”
20. “I could really just use a hug right now.”
Pairing(s): Yoongi x Reader
Genre: University!Au, fluff
Warnings: insomnia, allusions to depression, signs/symptoms of depression and/or anxiety (if you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to seek help)
Word Count: 2.3k words
The thrum of rain drops pelting every surface around you dulled your senses and fogged your aching mind. You could barely see two feet in front of you, the darkness surrounding you only broken by the sparse light of the street lamps that became farther and fewer the longer you walked.
You weren’t sure how long you had been walking, hell, you weren’t sure where your feet were taking you anymore. All you knew is that you couldn’t lie there and pretend like everything was alright; like your mind wasn’t tearing itself apart bit by bit for seemingly no reason, and no matter how much you wanted to believe that closing your eyes and forcing it all away would work, in the end, it never would.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had slept, really slept, and the nightmares in your head seemed to enjoy their slow torment of you from the inside out.
You’re friends would tell you you’re in your head too much; your parents that it’s stress and lack of a proper routine. None of them seemed to dig deeper, try and see that you’ve tried every solution you could think of to fix their idea of the problem, and that none of them worked.
Then again, why should you expect outsiders to know all the answers when you can’t even pinpoint the why yourself.
So instead of staring at your ceiling and letting your mind run rampant with negative thoughts that feed off your sleep-deprived brain, you decide that taking a walk in the pouring rain at 2 a.m. alone would distract you from everything going on in your consciousness.
Only now, sitting on a rickety bench on the side of some street you’ve never heard of, illuminated only by the blinking bulb of a street lamp 20 ft away, you realize that there is no way to outrun this. And, honestly, your exhausted from running this marathon alone.
Wiping away the rain streaming down your face, that may nor may not have been mostly tears that you hadn’t even known had started spilling, you take out your phone to stare at the screen.
3:45 a.m.
“I shouldn’t bother him.” You whisper to yourself, although you bring up your contacts and push the one your looking for anyways. As you hold the phone to your ear, the dial tone ringing through your mind, you curse yourself for being so thoughtless.
How dare you call him when he’s just trying to sleep, knowing he’s probably been up late working, and expect him to drop everything for you. He probably won’t even answer the pho-
“Hello?” A raspy voice cuts through your intrusive thoughts and it takes all you have not to breakdown right then and there. You knew he’d already be worried by the time and nature of the call, no need to add in your hysterical sobbing.
“Y/N? Hey... are you okay?” Yoongi asks, and you can tell he’s getting more worried by the second, and you need to hurry up and find something to say before he panics.
Clearing your throat and taking a deep breath, “Can you please come and get me?”
You hated the way your voice cracked and how needy you sounded, having half a mind to just tell him it was a joke or something and hang up.
You hear him shuffling around, no doubt getting dressed and grabbing his keys, already one foot out the door.
“Of course, where are you?” His voice is soft, calming, and despite the weight it lifts off of your shoulders, you can’t help the pang of guilt that rumbles through your chest for dragging him into your bullshit all the time (though he’d tell you it’s not bullshit and he’s happy to help).
Your eyes dart around your surroundings, trying to find an indicator to your location, spotting a street sign a few yards away, relaying the information to Yoongi.
After a few seconds of what you’re assuming is him getting in his car and trying to figure out exactly where you are, he clears his throat, “Alright, stay there, I’ll be there in, like, 15 minutes...20 minutes top,” And then hangs up the phone to begin the journey.
Slowly tucking your phone back into your pocket, you discover that the rain pelting down just a mere few minutes ago has died down to a light drizzle. It’s a cool evening, but not uncomfortably cold, though you felt so numb right now you doubt you’d have noticed otherwise.
Left alone to your thoughts once again, counting down the seconds till Yoongi would arrive to save you yet again from yourself, you can’t help but let your thoughts wander to the first time you met him.
You hadn’t been quite the mess you were now, freshly out of high school, entering uni and the real world with a blind sense of optimism that would soon be crushed under the immense weight of classes and college life that you’d been naive enough not to wholly consider beforehand.
Yoongi had already, as he likes to say it, “cracked the code” of university life, handling the stresses of student life with ease. Knew exactly what classes to take and avoid, which professors he could swindle, what work he could get away with skipping, and avoided campus social life like the plague. As far as he was concerned, this shit was a breeze and he’d be out before he knew it, degree in hand and job secured through suckering some admin for sweet connections.
He’d never guess he’d get swept up in your steep downward spiral into oblivion when he bumped into you, a happy-go-lucky freshie, that night he decided to let Hoseok drag him to some random new student event in the music hall despite his aversion to such poorly planned social nightmares. In all honesty, he would’ve just ignored you if you hadn’t asked him, quite honestly, where you could get a shot of whatever made him so “incredibly apathetic and disinterested.”
No one had ever really approached Yoongi in the 2 years that he’d been there, except for Hoseok and a few other guys that frequented their shared dorm, let alone a girl. He’s not sure if it was your blind boldness or your Arcadian demeanor that drew him in, but he won’t lie that he’s glad it happened, because you ended up being the best friend he never knew he needed (and the same goes for you.)
Yoongi was there through finals, bad blind dates, terrible roommates; everything. That kind of friendship also came with a front row seat to watch as your mental health deteriorated, with no sure fire way to help you, and it killed him inside.
Soon life was filled with insomniatic episodes that could last for days, a bad caffeine addiction, and an impending sense of doom looming over your shoulder every second of every day, and Yoongi felt like the only thing he could do was watch it all unfold. He was scared of saying the wrong thing, pushing you further into the black hole you edged closer to, and he didn’t want to lose the closest friend he’d ever had.
He quickly learned that just being there and listening when you needed it was the one thing you needed, and he happened to be pretty freaking good at it.
You’ve been up for 13 hours straight working on the exact same assignment? Let’s take a break and watch your favorite movie.
You’re roommate kicked you out again because she can’t deal with you being up for 3 nights in a row? Crash at my place and we can cuddle (which ultimately puts you to sleep, even if just for a little while most nights).
You’re crying for the 5th time today and you have no idea why? I’ll put on some calming music and crush you in a bear hug until you have no more tears left to cry.
Yoongi didn’t need an explanation or any answers, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. Admit it or not, he’d come to love every single piece, every inch, every molecule of you, and he hated to see the person he loved in pain.
So getting an S.O.S. call at 3 a.m., knowing that in your weakest moment you needed him and only him, sleep didn’t mean anything to him anymore, in fact nothing else did. You were his top priority and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
And so there he was, in his pajamas and a sweatshirt, hair sticking out in all directions, on his way to a random street across town in the middle of the night with only one thing one his mind. You.
He could tell by your voice that you’d had a rough night, considering he’s been present every other time, and he know the signs when he hears them. The fact that you’d gone so far, alone, in the dark, scared him; you’d never done anything quite so reckless in the time he’s known you, and the the fact that you weren’t in the right state of mind had him picking up the pace, urgent to get to you as quickly (but still safely) as possible.
Yoongi learned early on that even though you had a calm and serene attitude, you took things to heart easily, and the more that piled on you, the harder time you had digging your way out. You were very good at hiding how negatively things affected you, and you always put others before yourself, even when the only person desperate for help was you.
He didn’t really understand how someone so in tune with others feeling and emotions, could be so blind to her own. Sometimes you’d even skip meals working yourself into a frenzy, but still manage to scold him for not eating the proper amount of meals per day.
Sometimes, he thought, it was as if you didn’t see yourself as a living, breathing, person that needed everything you were so willing to give to others. Whether you were selfless or stupid, that was a debate for another time.
Turning down the right street, he finally caught a glimpse of the girl he’d been looking for. Your hair was soaked, along with your clothes, and you stared off at the road with an empty look in your eyes. Parking and shutting his car off, Yoongi hopped out and approached you cautiously, shrugging off his sweatshirt as he went.
Your mind finally broke from it’s thoughts to see Yoongi handing you his sweatshirt. When you didn’t reach out to grab it, he quickly moved closer, pulling it over your head and helping your arms through. When you were situated in the warmth of it, the familiar smell of him flooding your senses, it was then that you finally woke up and looked him in the eyes.
You could tell he was tired by the slight discoloration under his puffy eyes, but the emotion that swirled through them was one you had seen him wear quite often when these things happened; sadness.
Without saying anything, he slowly reached out, taking your frail, chilled hand in his, rubbing it to bring back some warmth. You smiled slightly, though tears still spilled from your eyes.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” He asked, continuing his ministrations, searching through the storm that raged on in your eyes.
You shrugged, a long, exhausted sigh escaping your lips.
“Not that long.” You lied, and he saw right through it, not only because he could tell by just looking at you, but he knew it’d had to be significantly longer than usual for this sort of thing to occur.
When you looked back at him, he continued to burn through your facade with his gaze till you broke.
“Like... 6...6 days.”
There was a short silence between the two of you as everything sort of sank in. It wasn’t unlike you to survive on a few hours of sleep, or maybe go 2-3 days without it, but never this long. Why didn’t you tell him beforehand? Why didn’t he notice?
“You know,” he begins, bringing your attention back to his face, which softens as he takes in just how tired and sad you looked, “if you need help, any kind, I’ll be right there for you.”
You’re a bit surprised by his statement. You know you’ve been in a bad state for a while, and he knows it too, but the topic of getting help outside of the two of you hadn’t really been discussed. Not that you were opposed to it, it just never crossed your mind.
Your silence seemed to worry him, making him add, “if you want, whenever you’re ready, and if you’re not, well, then that’s okay too....because I’m here for you, not matter what, and-“
Your light giggle breaks him from his tangent, and his mouth turns up in a half smile when he sees you wipe your eyes and turn to him, the life seeming to slowly trickle back into your eyes again.
“Are you sure?” He asks, slight worry etching back onto his face even though he tried his best to remain as composed as possible for your sake. You nodded, and he gripped your hand tighter.
“Ok, when do you want to-“
“We can figure that out later.” You interrupt, the fatigue cutting through the bit of energy you seemed to gather just being in the presence of the most important person in your life.
He senses you fading, and lifts his other hand to rub your back.
“You know what though?” You say, causing him to tilt his head in question, awaiting your response.
“I could really just use a hug right now.” And without any hesitation, you’re wrapped tightly in his arms, face buried in his chest as his lips place a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you, you know that right?” You mumble into him, and you can feel his body shake a bit with his light chuckle.
“I love you too, now let’s go home.”
This is my first attempt at a short prompt imagine type thingy, hope you all enjoy, and if you find any mistakes or have any questions, let me know! Feel free to message me for requests, I’ll try my best to answer if I can! I have lots of drabbles, imagines, and fics planned for this blog so stay tuned!
My Last Hope (Clairvoyant!Taehyung x Spirit!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, Angst
Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of insomnia, death, murder, stalking, POV switching
Word Count: 7K
Running. Faster. Take the stairs three at a time. The crash of glass. A loud bang. A puddle of blood.
Taehyung awakens with a start, chest heaving and a thick layer of sweat causing goosebumps to break out across his sweltering skin. He’s disoriented, gaze hazy and not catching on anything to focus and ground him. He’s panicking. Rubbing furiously at his eyes and slowing his breathing to a steady rhythm, he sits up in his bed and peels the comforters away from himself. The light peeking in from his window helps him fix his attention and he remembers that he’s in his room, safe and sound. Just a dream.
A few hours later and dawn is stretching across the sky, lighting up Taehyung’s apartment as he marks another tally in his journal. That’s the 15th time. Nothing’s changed, no break in the days, it’s all the same. Rickety steps. Broken glass. Blood. But what does it mean?
After making himself breakfast and staring off into space for a good twenty minutes, he decides it’s a good enough time to start work. Working from home was the only way he could, somewhat, get anything done. Too many distractions flooded the outside world, too many things that catch his eye and his alone. In the safety and comfort of his own abode, at least he wouldn’t get weird stares when he spent too long searching for a glimpse of something not really there, or straining to hear something no one else could.
Taehyung spends what he would say as a good hour of being ‘productive’ before he starts getting that weird sensation again. The one that tingles from his toes, up his spine, and into his head. The one that makes him feel full of static and like everything around him is alight and spinning.
Drawing his eyes away from the screen ahead to survey his surroundings, he tries once again to pinpoint the cause of his discomfort. There has to be something causing this, there is no way that this is just a normal thing now. After his efforts come up dry, he goes back to his laptop, ending his work to just blindly search the internet to try and shake it off.
As if to make this strange feeling worse, Tae finally looks at what he’s been searching for the past twenty minutes, and it leads him to an address of a house. An old, abandoned, familiar house.
His blood runs cold. Flashes of his nightmares course through his vision, and he has half a mind to close the laptop, put it somewhere far away from him and lock himself in his room.
“Maybe I’m still asleep,” he murmurs quietly, taking a few mere seconds to collect his thoughts and calm himself down. But instead of dropping everything and moving on, he delves deeper into the place. Built in the early 1800s, abandoned a few years prior to the present, and about to be demolished by the end of next month. Nothing seemingly out of the ordinary, and Tae has plenty of experience with that.
Yet, something about it still pulls him in, beckons him to dive even deeper, until it’s almost 3 a.m. the next morning and his eyes glaze over so bad he can’t see straight. His head lolls back and he finally starts to fall asleep.
Crash. Broken glass. A scream. Blood. Tae shoots from his chair so fast it tips to the side and both come tumbling to the ground with a loud bang. His neighbors probably hate him already with the number of times he’s awoken in the night screaming when the nightmares began.
He rubs his sore side and sits up with a loud sigh. A quick glance at the clock hanging on his wall says noon, and he’s grateful he got at least a few hours of semi-peaceful slumber. Even after his nap, however, he still feels that tingling sensation at the back of his neck.
When he looks back up at the picture of that house on his laptop, the feeling grows until it’s coursing through every fiber of his being and he can’t just ignore it anymore. If he’s being honest, Tae does that a lot. When it all becomes too much for him, his preferred course of action is to pretend it doesn’t exist. If only things were ever that simple.
Pencil scratches haphazardly across paper as he takes note of the address in his journal. Now, trespassing in some creepy rundown house all the way over on the east side of town is not what Taehyung would call a good time by any means, but it sounds better than a lifetime of nightmares and static nerves. Sometimes the best way to face a nightmare is head-on and hopefully he can keep his.
That night, as Taehyung drives away from the familiar buildings that make up his block in favor of the desolate rural houses that make up the east side, that feeling inside his body seems to grow. However, it was no longer an uncomfortable, static feeling, more like, a fuzzy warmth he didn’t know he was capable of.
If his intuition has taught him anything, it was that this is a sign he’s finally doing something right, and he rarely gets those.
Driving at night made him a bit uncomfortable, not going to lie, but he didn’t have much of a choice. The house was too far to walk and he wasn’t sure if he’d even make it there if he walked alone. In the dark. At night.
Taehyung is prone to giving himself anxiety he surely doesn’t need, he argues it’s one of his many charms. When he finally pulls up to the house, well, he actually parks a block away so it wouldn’t be too suspicious, he starts mulling over all the possible outcomes of tonight.
99% of them end poorly.
Just as he is about to put the key back into the ignition and give up on his dumb theory, the feeling overwhelms him to the point he feels sick. He flings his car door open and heaves himself out onto the concrete, sure he was about to vomit.
It takes him a second to collect himself, pushing off the ground to come to a wobbly stand.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go.” He’s not sure why he’s addressing the feeling as if it were another being, it’s just this sense he gets that it’s trying to tell him he needs to buck up and do it already.
Great, so even mystical forces are calling him out for being a coward, awesome.
Brushing himself off, he stalks to the back of his car, grabbing his bag and a flashlight out of the trunk and starts towards the house.
The closer he gets, the creepier everything seems to get. The paint is peeling off the siding, broken windows haphazardly boarded up. As he ascends the few steps up to the porch, each one creaks in a different pitch, adding a terrifying soundtrack to the night.
Taehyung stares at the door, falling slightly off its hinges and debates whether it was right to go in or not. It’s not like he was invading anyone’s privacy, nobody had lived there in years.
His hand slowly reaches out to grasp the door handle, the cool metal of it contrasting the burning of his skin. He’s not just nervous, he’s terrified.
He’d never investigated his feelings before, and none of them had ever been quite as strong as this one. He was worried if this would make his affliction worse, or if this was all going to be some trap.
Again, Taehyung was mildly paranoid, but for good reasons.
A loud creak sends a shiver up his spine as the door swings open, the gust of air it created sending some dust and cobwebs into the air.
His head shoots from side to side, making sure no one was watching him before he enters the house, careful of his steps.
The inside of the house didn’t look as old and battered as the outside; in fact, it looks pretty normal aside from the ominous white sheets covering a few pieces of furniture and the spiderwebs making their homes in every corner.
Despite his fight or flight response telling him to book it back to his car, he pushes himself to keep going, looking around as if he were searching for clues for something.
Maybe he was?
Taehyung does his best to check out both the first and second floor, not so much investigating, more so just trying to occupy his mind so he didn’t freak himself out,
Upstairs he found a room at the far end of the hall that connected to a balcony. The room itself was nice, as nice as any abandoned house could be. The walls were a soft light yellow, intricate filigree detail, a vanity at one side and a bed at the other.
He felt almost cozy in the room, something he hadn’t felt in any of the others. It was significantly less creepy and as his eyes roamed over every inch of the place, it felt almost familiar to him somehow.
The door to the balcony overlooks the backyard, a roaring river cutting through it, woods at the other edge.
He watches the water rush and splash violently over the rocks and sees a small patch of dirt eroding at the bank. He’s not sure if it’s the air or the sight that makes him feel so cold. There’s a small set of stairs that lead from the balcony back down to the first level, so he takes each one cautiously and hops to ground.
As he is about to head closer to the strange patch of dirt and grass washing away, he hears the distant roar of sirens, shaking him to his core.
Taehyung books it back to his car, throwing his bag and flashlight in and tearing away from the sidewalk as quickly as he can.
It doesn’t even matter that they might not have been for him, something in the pit of his stomach said something was very wrong and he wouldn’t stick around to find out.
Taehyung passes the cop car on his way out of the neighborhood, tensing up every muscle in his body. The officer doesn’t slow down or go after him, so he figures he’s in the clear. It’s not like he was doing anything super illegal anyways, right?
Tae is long gone when the officer arrives at the house. He’s been here before, right after the accident. He wasn’t happy to be called back after a neighbor called in a possible vandal. He was already in the area, though, and decided he’d humor them.
The officer does his rounds, checks the house, the front yard, the basement.
It’s when he heads back out toward the river, the same bank catches his eye. Just to be safe, he gets closer, but the closer he gets the weirder things get.
There, at the edge of the bank, the mud washing away into the water, he sees a bone.
This just turned into a crime scene.
Taehyung wants to sleep in, he deserves it after the shit he put himself through last night. There’s this nagging feeling trying to wake him though and after fighting with it for too long, he decides it’s just not worth it anymore.
Sitting up, long yawn escaping as he stretches his limbs out, his eyes catch on the remote on the sodden table in front of him. He reaches out to grab it, flicking the TV on, it opening on a random channel.
Seems normal enough, but Tae never watches TV in the morning.
It’s when his eyes read the words ‘Missing girl’s body found’ on the ticker across the bottom of the screen, he pales, turning up the volume to hear the story.
“News sources say the body of 22 year old Y/F/N Y/L/N, who went missing 5 years ago, has been found in the backyard of her childhood home.”
The shot cuts to the scene unfolding behind the reporter, the house from last night as clear as day on the screen. Taehyung thinks he actually feels his heart stop beating. He’s sweating buckets, goosebumps easing across every inch of his skin. He can’t breathe.
“You know, I really wish you had found me first dummy.”
Taehyung jumps out of his at the presence of an unknown voice right next to him, plummeting to the ground with a loud thud.
There you sat, on his couch, head in your hand, staring at him like he was being dramatic.
“Who the hell are you? How did you get in my house?” His questions come out as short gasps, figuring he really was in the middle of a heart attack or something. He was dying, that was the only plausible explanation.
“What, you’ve never seen a ghost before ‘Ghost Whisperer’?” Your sarcastic comments don’t phase him, he’s still too stunned about everything happening he’s not sure what to do.
“I’m going crazy, aren’t I?” He says it more to himself, but you take it as an invite to comment.
“No, you’re no crazier than you were yesterday or any other day before that.”
He scoffs, rubbing his elbow that bashed against the edge of the coffee table when he fell, “Yes I am, obviously, since I’m seeing,” he points to you, not actually looking at you, scared of what could happen, “you, and you’re apparently a-a-“
“Ghost. Spirit. Apparition. A dead person.” He finally looks at your face and just stares for a second taking and processing the information.
“Right,” is all he can muster.
You stand up and walk over to the TV, crouching down and staring at the scene, your body being pulled from the earth by the river. If you could feel pain or sickness, you’re sure you’d be thoroughly feeling them right now.
You’re hand slowly comes up to the screen, finger pointing to the body bag strapped to the gurney as it’s rolled out of your yard and into an ambulance, “That’s me.” You’re telling him, but your also telling yourself.
Taehyung doesn’t know what to do. First of all, there’s a fucking ghost in his house. Second, there’s a dead body at the house he visited last night. Third, there’s a fucking ghost in his house.
Taehyung has seen crazy things before, but never a full-bodied apparition like you. What does one say to a ghost as they watch their body be found? Can you comfort a ghost? Did he want to comfort you?
In all honesty, it took everything Taehyung has in him to not piss himself he is so freaked out.
You turn back around to face him, “Do you know why I’m here, Taehyung?”
His eyes widen, “You know my name too? You just show up in my house like you know me?”
You roll your eyes, walking over to him, trying not to be too offended when he scoots away. You crouch down next to him this time, “I’ve been with you for a while, actually, I just didn’t have the capacity to do this,” you gesture to your ‘body,’ “until now apparently.”
He leans a bit closer, intrigued at your revelation, “What do you mean you’ve been with me for a while?”
Before he can move away, you shoot your hand out to rest on his shoulder. He suddenly gets that overwhelming tingling sensation again, but it’s so much stronger now.
You pull your hand away when you see the realization on his face.
“Wait, have you been, like, inside of me this whole time.”
Another eye roll, “No, I was not inside of you, more like floating around you, simply put.”
You both sit there in awkward silence for a few seconds, before he runs his hand through his air exasperatedly, “So what now?”
Your eyes widen in excitement. Now you’d finally get a chance to understand why you’ve been stuck here for so long.
“You are going to help me figure out how I died.”
“You have to.” You feign a pour and push his shoulder. Tae ignores you, pretends he can’t hear, feel, or see you.
It’d been two days since your abrupt appearance, and in those two days you’d sufficiently annoyed the shit out of Tae. There was no way he was getting involved in an open murder investigation.
“The cops will figure it out, go annoy one of them.”
You step in front of him, blocking his way to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.
“You’re the only one that can help me, I already told you that.” A huff escapes your lips when he pushes past you, your arms folding across your chest as your attention follows him.
“Nope. You’ve got the wrong guy, I’m not helping you.”
“Why not?” Leaning across the counter, you catch him roll his eyes, making your agitation grow.
“Because I can’t.”
“Maybe someone murdered you for being so goddamn annoying,” Tae whispers to himself over his mug, but you still hear it, pushing away from the counter to approach him.
“Why are you such an asshole?” He smirks, finding it funny when you got so riled up.
“Why are you so annoying?” Oh, if you could muster up enough energy to physically slap him, you would.
Turns out full body projecting is harder than you thought, and while you’re glad you can at least do that, you wished you could touch things again.
The only thing you can do is sigh, turning away from him, “It’s not like I had a choice of who can see me or not.”
You’d spent years wandering alone in limbo, an in-between, roaming the earth with no guidance. You couldn’t remember anything about what happened, except for a few small things long before it.
There was no light, no pearly white gates and angels to welcome you to heaven. There was no fire and screaming like hell. You were just there, in your house, surrounded by people but no one could see or hear you. If it was possibly, watching your family live on without you would’ve killed you again.
You’d spent years trying to find one person, just one, to acknowledge you, but you’d always come up empty.
Then you came across Tae. It was when he spent more time out in the world, before he let the things he could see drive him to hole up in his home. You’d sensed another spirit in the area, and tried to locate it, to maybe have someone or something to talk to.
You saw Tae, staring in the direction of the energy source, but you couldn’t see what he was looking at. He looked scared.
You approached him, forgetting he was a living being and you were not. It was when you lay your hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and he reacted, you’d realized you’d found the one person who could feel you.
You’d stuck around ever since, and as your energy grew (you may or may not have been borrowing some of Tae’s), you influenced him more and more until he’d decide to go to your home.
Since you had no memory of how you died, you figured that’d be a good place to start looking for answers on how to pass on.
Taehyung was the only tether you had to the living world, whether you both liked it or not. You’d spent too long wandering around and you were done. You wanted answers, you wanted to be at peace.
You let yourself dissipate into the air, figuring it was more trouble than it was worth to use up your energy on fighting with him. You just needed some time to yourself, and figured so did he.
When he watches your figure disappear, he can’t help the guilty feeling crawling up his throat as the coffee slides down. It was just all so much to take in right now and with the investigation, a murderer on the loose, and you, he felt overwhelmed.
He knows it’s just as hard on you, though, too, and wishes he’d been more sensitive.
Taehyung was always good at saying the wrong things.
After his comment, you’d been more distant lately, and whether he liked to admit it or not, he kinda liked having you around, even though you were annoying as hell.
Taehyung has been on his own for so long, he had forgotten what it was like to have a friend, and while you were dead, he thought a ghost friend was better than no friends.
So, even though he didn’t like nor know what he was doing, he decided he’d at least look into what happened 5 years ago.
“Yes, I’m fine, I’ll be home in, like, 10 minutes.” You hang up on your mom, knowing that she’ll probably reprimand you once she sees you, but you were too excited to care.
You’d stayed after school to help the Art Club decorate for their Halloween fundraiser this weekend, and the President asked you if you’d like to dress up and work the haunted house with him.
Kim Namjoon is many things, but forward was not one of them. You cool accepted, even though you were jumping up and down on the inside. The Kim Namjoon was asking you to hang out Saturday night. It was like a dream come true.
Your walk home was filled with going over all the different ways the night could play out, your lovesick mind always ending it with you both kissing and living happily ever after. Cliche, but you couldn’t help it.
As you rounded the corner to your block, you felt uneasy, like you were being watched. Calmly looking over your shoulder, you sand your surroundings for eyes. The street was pretty empty, though, save a few parked cars and the rare one heading down the road.
You shake your head, waving away any paranoia and keep going.
What you didn’t see was the familiar red car parked down the road from your house, it’s occupant’s eyes following your every move.
That night, after a lighthearted scolding from your mother, you help her wash the dishes from dinner, your dad placing a kiss to the tops of your heads before retiring to his office for the night. He worked a lot, but you couldn’t hold it against him, he was a good dad.
Bidding your mother Goodnight, you retire to your room to wash up and start the pile of homework that had grown on your desk.
As you tackle what you can with your fluffy pajamas giving you strength, you get that weird sensation of being watched again. You turn your head to stare out the door to your balcony into the backyard.
Creeped out and tired as hell, you draw your curtain, turn the light off, and go to sleep.
Saturday came quicker than you could hope, the excitement over your costume and your date/not date with Namjoon skyrocketing your mood.
Joon had met you in the hallway before school let out on Friday to ask you if it was alright if he picked you up, to which you quickly said yes. He told you what his costume was earlier that week, but when he’d asked about yours, you said it was a surprise.
You kept it classy but cute and chose something that you knew and Namjoon would appreciate. You couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he showed up at your door.
You walked home again that evening, the feeling of being watched lingering through the whole walk. You were bothered, but you didn’t want anything to spoil your mood.
In retrospect, you should’ve said something.
The last thing you remember is going to a haunted house with Joon, something happening, and walking home.
Then, nothing.
End Flashback
Tae’s research into the known details of your disappearance came up short. The only thing he could gather was that you were on your way home from a school event but never showed up.
The police told your parents that at your age, it was normal for kids to just disappear for a few days.
After 3 days, they started a missing persons search.
Weeks of looking came up with nothing.
The investigation started out as possible foul play, but after some evidence was unearthed, it turned into a runaway.
No criminal evidence found, no new details or leads, and the case quickly went cold.
To the town, you were just another teen runaway.
Your parents fought hard for justice, knowing there was no way you’d run away, but the more time passed, the more tired they got. Funds dried up, people made horrible clamping about you and your family, and they didn’t know how to fight anymore.
They lost their only daughter and no one seemed to care.
In the end, they sold the house and moved as far away as they could.
The hope that they’d find their daughter alive diminished until it no longer existed.
Taehyung felt a sorrow he’d never known before. How could something like this happen to anyone?
From his point of view, it looked like the only ones who took it seriously were your parents.
How could the authorities brush away someone’s life like that?
You’d been with Tae for so long, you could tell the changes of his emotions, and a pang of sadness shot through you that felt familiar.
Despite still being mad at him, you appeared behind him, looking over his shoulder at the screen of the laptop to see article after article about your disappearance. Then, focusing on Tae, you the smallest tear slide from the corner of his eye.
Your arms reach out to wrap around him, phasing right through him but he can feel your presence.
Eyes squeezed tight, you wished you could feel him, not just to comfort him, but to feel comfort yourself. All you could do, though, was try.
“I’m sorry I was a jerk.” Tae doesn’t turn from the screen to address you, he just closes his eyes, focusing on the static feeling from your ‘touch.’
“I’m sorry I was annoying.” He cracked a pathetic grin, finally turning when you had pulled away.
He sticks his hand out, offering it to you to shake. You look at him confused, knowing you can’t grab it, but he just waves it up and down until you stick your hand out and put it near his.
You imitate a shake and a giggle escapes your lips, “What was that all about?”
“I’m going to help you find the truth.” Your eyes shoot open, locking on his. There is no hint of sarcasm, just pure determination.
Taehyung was going to help you find peace if it was the last thing he did.
It was what you deserved, what your parents deserved, and he wasn’t going to let anyone brush you aside again.
“Are you sure this guy can help, Tae?” You whisper, trailing behind him as he heads deeper into the building.
Taehyung, before his affliction took over, had actually had friends of his own before. One, a few years older, had become a detective a few years back, at least, that’s what he’d heard.
Yoongi was a serious guy, and he had a passion for finding justice, and Tae knew he was just the man to aid them on their investigation.
Taehyung was realistic. He knew there was no way he’d be given access to the new evidence or the open murder investigation.
He needed someone on the inside, someone who knew the game and how to play, but could still be trusted.
So, he emailed Yoongi, very vague just in case, and he’d offered to meet Tae today in the old warehouse they all used to hang out in when they were teens.
Here you were, standing exactly where Yoongi had agreed upon, when Tae hears footsteps.
Yoongi approaches carefully, seeing his old friend right where he told him to be.
He wasn’t going to lie, he had absolutely no idea what Taehyung could possibly call him out here for, and his email didn’t help.
Having not seen him in years, Yoongi goes in for a simple handshake, but Tae goes straight for a hug. He missed his hyung, more than he’d thought once he actually saw him.
Yoongi wasn’t ever one for physical contact, even when they were younger, but he knew there must be an important reason for meeting, so he let the kid hug him.
“Thank you for meeting me Yoongi, sorry I haven’t kept in contact these past few years.” Tae feels guilty for shutting his friends out, but he didn’t know what else to do, they’d never understand.
Now, he needed at least Yoongi to.
“It’s okay, we all got busy. So, why are we here?” Yoongi wanted to get down to business, he didn’t like idle chit chat.
“Right. This is going to sound crazy, but I need your help solving a murder.”
He’s surprised to say the least. At first, his mind jumps to Taehyung being involved in something serious, but he knows his friend well enough to know he’d never commit murder.
“Why are you investigating a murder?”
Tae rubs the back of his neck, growing more uncomfortable by the second.
“I’m just going to be honest with you. Don’t laugh, and please, hear me out.”
Tae waits for the elder to oblige before beginning.
Once he goes through all the nitty-gritty details, he can tell by the look on Yoongi’s face that he doesn’t believe him. Tae looks from Yoongi to you, then back again, and wonders how the hell he’s supposed to prove himself.
“Taehyung, it’s not funny to waste people’s time.” Yoongi turns to leave, and Taehyung starts panicking. Yoongi was his only lead, as if this didn’t work out, he wasn’t sure what else he could do.
You can tell the situation is turning sour, so you figure the best way to prove Tae is telling the truth, is to prove you’re there.
You search your surroundings quickly, finding a piece of pipe on the ground. You grab it, mustering up all the energy you possibly can until you actually feel it in your hands.
You push away the excitement and focus on moving it. Slowly, you drag it over until you’re blocking Yoongi’s exit.
He stands there, staring at the seemingly floating pipe, and is wondering if he’s lost his mind.
You take the opportunity to write your name in the dirt as bets you can. You’re growing weaker, but you finish it and the pipe drops to the ground.
Tae watches your form dissipate into the air again, afraid you’d disappeared, but he feels your presence at his shoulder again, so he relaxes.
Yoongi, on the other hand, is staring at the dirt, frozen, mouth gaped wide, and pale as a ghost.
“Believe me now?”
Yoongi followed Tae back to his house and they start their dive into the case.
Yoongi is able to get his hands on some of your files, both new and old, and the two of them start a board to piece the puzzle together.
The only problem, they have no idea where to even begin.
You go over the events you remember with Tae as best you can, Tae filling in Yoongi and then adding new information to the board.
You stare at it, your picture idly in the center, pictures of everyone you knew around you, as well as crime scene photos, news clippings; everything.
The longer you stared at it, the more frustrated you got. Yoongi and Tae’s leads kept coming up empty and they were no closer than when they first began.
“Are you sure she’s telling us everything?” Yoongi questions Tae, and you scoff, even though he can’t hear it. Tae looks at you with a smile, before turning back to Yoongi and nodding.
“Apparently.” Tae, even though he was finally helping you, didn’t lose his joy in antagonizing you, but you had your own fun so it was only fair.
You’d hide his things, or phase through him because he said once it felt weird, so you’d do it just to annoy him. Annoying Tae became your new favorite thing.
“Didn’t she say she felt like she was being watched when she was walking home?” Yoongi turns from his puzzled stance towards the board to where Tae was staring, figuring it was you.
You nod, and Tae relays it to him.
“How long had she had that feeling?”
You had to think about it. So many years had gone by, it was harder and harder for you to recall memories from your past. Bringing up so much at once, now, though, was helping them resurface.
You remember the feeling starting around 4 months before the incident. You’d been to a party one night when the cops showed up to send everyone home. It was when you were escorted to one of the cars that you first felt it.
After that, it’d only gotten worse, but you weren’t sure how to bring it up to your parents, or if you even should. It wasn’t like you could prove it, it was just a feeling.
The harder you thought, the more memories flooded.
You tried to picture every instance in your mind as it happened. The party, after practice, the dance, fall festival, these were all the times you could remember it happening.
After the first month, it started happening when you were at home. You could see yourself in the moment clearly, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find any connection.
After Tae relayed all of this to Yoongi, he just stood there staring at the board for a while. Tae grew tired quickly, leaving the room to make some coffee, and you followed.
“I’m sorry I’m not much help,” you admit, face turning down in a frown. You hated that you couldn’t remember that night or what had happened to you. It wasn’t fair.
Tae turns to you quickly, sympathetic smile on his lips, “It's not your fault, we’ll figure this out, I promise.” He holds his pinky out to you, causing you to smile, bringing yours up to lay next to his.
It was simple gestures like this between the two of you that made you almost feel like you were alive again.
Tae is about to say something when Yoongi shouts for him to come quick. You both sprint into the living room, seeing Yoongi circling something in every crime scene photo frantically.
“What do you see in all of these photos?” He asks, even though he already knows the answer. Tae takes a closer look, you just behind him peeking around his shoulder. You see the faint image of the same man in every single picture.
He’s not close enough to quite make out, but he’s definitely in every single one. It’s eerie, the man standing just outside the frame, staring at the scene. It sends shivers through you, well, as much a shiver as an entity can feel.
“There’s the same guy in every picture!” They both exclaim together, clapping hands together in the air. Yoongi and Tae finally had a lead.
Tae turns to you, “Do you recognize him?” You stare at one as hard as you can, but the image is too fuzzy for you to know for sure.
“I don’t know,” is all you can offer. Tae looks a bit disappointed, but it doesn’t last long, Yoongi offering, “We can get these enhanced so she can have a better look.”
With that, they call it a night, well, you call it a night, while the boys continue, too excited to stop any time soon.
Yoongi decides it’d be better to stay with Tae until they can figure this out.
A knock on Tae’s door at 5 a.m. has everyone in the house scrambling.
Yoongi is the first to get presentable, opening the door to two local officers.
“What can I help you with officers?” He says, gritting his teeth. Local cops were a bane in Yoongi’s existence. Nothing against the position, he’d had to go through it himself, but nowadays, he remembers just how incompetent and cocky they can be.
“Is Kim Taehyung here? We’d like to ask him a few questions about his whereabouts the night of October 19th.” Yoongi is about to ask them why the hell that was necessary when Tae comes up behind him.
“I’m Kim Taehyung,” he says, trying to sound confident but failing miserably. When they brought up the night he’d visited your house, he knew things were about to go down.
“Were you at this address that night?” One officer shows the address along with a picture of the house to Tae, to which he shakes his head.
“I drove through the neighborhood to go see a friend, but that’s it.”
Tae didn’t want to lie, but something in his gut told him the truth would end a lot worse.
The officers look from each other back to him.
“We have a witness account identifying you at the house that night, sir.” Tae thinks he’s done for, but Yoongi comes in with a quick save.
Luckily, Tae had brought Yoongi up to speed on everything, so he knew he could set the perfect alibi.
The officers don’t look too convinced, but they leave. Yoongi shuts the door and Tae releases the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in.
“That one officer looked familiar.” You say, popping up behind Tae, causing him to jump. He swears one day you will actually kill him.
“Which one?” Yoongi questions, walking into the living room, the both of you following suit.
“The taller one with the dark hair and mustache. I’ve seen him before.”
Yoongi takes this information from Tae and scours the board. His finger shoots out to one of the photographs.
“That’s him,” he says and then gestures to the figure next to him. It clicks in everyone’s mind that the man next to the officer is the same man in the rest of the pictures.
“You don’t think...” Tae starts, everyone taking glances at each other in silence.
“We might have just found a rat.”
“You can’t just bring him in without reason!” Yoongi yells as the officer escorts Tae out of the building and into the car.
He ignores Yoongi, taking Tae away.
Yoongi follows pursuit in his own vehicle.
After a few hours of interrogation, Tae exits the police station, finding a furious Yoongi in the lobby.
“What the hell did they want?” Yoongi shouts, storming after Tae. Tae just gets into Yoongi’s car and slams the door.
It’s not until they get home that Tae shares.
“That cop from the photo, he tried to get me to confess to being at the house that night.”
Yoongi runs his hands through his hair, clearly exasperated, while you watch on in silence.
“Did you tell them anything?”
Tae scoffs, “Of course not!”
The room goes quiet, tension thick in the air.
Yoongi is worried their investigation is blown.
Tae is worried your murderer will get away.
You’re worried for your new friends’ well-being.
“Let’s just stop.” You say, eyes trained on the floor below. Tae shoots up from his place on the couch, looking at you in disbelief.
“No way, we’re so close, I can feel it.” He says, approaching you.
You look up at him, lips curling down, “I don’t want anything bad happening to you.”
Tae isn’t sure what to say. He’s too invested in this to let it go over a little scare with the police. This was bigger than all of you knew, and he couldn’t let your chance at peace slip away over him.
“I did learn something new though.” Tae turns away from you to address Yoongi, ignoring your wishes for him to stop.
“I saw that cop talking with a guy that looked just like the photo guy when I was leaving. They were whispering and looking around all suspicious.”
All of a sudden their off on theory tangents and you’re too exhausted from worrying about Tae to stick around.
Yoongi is finally able to enhance one of the photos a day later, enough to get a clear look at the mystery man.
When you finally look at his face, it’s like opening Pandora’s box.
That night, after the haunted house, Namjoon offered to drive you home, but an emergency came up.
You told him it was no problem and instead of calling one of your parents, you decided to walk home.
You enter the part of town that had few houses with far stretches of woods in-between. You were spooked, but there was nothing to do about it, so you kept going.
A red car pulls up next to you, a familiar face, the officer, through the window offering you a ride.
You accept even though your whole being is saying that something isn’t right.
There’s someone else in the car you didn’t notice before.
He never takes you home.
You’re standing there, shaking, eyes wide in fear and Tae can sense the overwhelming terror coursing from you.
“Are you okay?” Tae asks, concern taking over his body.
“He offered to drive me home...Tae.. he never took me home.” You sob, falling to the ground. Tae goes to comfort you but remembers he can’t. He can’t touch you. He can’t hold you as you fall apart. He can just watch.
Yoongi is standing there, utterly confused, but when he sees his friend drop to the ground, he stops what he's doing.
Tae stares at you, hurt evident on his face, guilty he can’t help you, and then looks up at at Yoongi.
A tear slips out of one of his eyes, but it’s not from sadness, it’s from anger.
“Those bastards are gonna pay.”
When you finally remembered, your energy had completely depleted. Tae couldn’t see or feel you and he was growing more worried by the second. He didn’t let that stop him from helping Yoongi go back to the house to search for evidence.
When they pull up, they see a car parked outside.
Your killer is here.
Tae tries to rush at him, fury telling him to beat the living shit out of him. Yoongi holds him back, keeping him in the car until the man leaves. He manages to snap a few pictures for evidence, and reminds Tae that if he does anything stupid, it’ll ruin everything.
After a few minutes pass, another car pulls up. This time, your parents step out of the vehicle, staring at the house they once called home. They look tired, like they haven’t slept in days.
He bets they never thought they’d be back here, let alone to bury their daughter.
They wait till they leave, finally leaving the vehicle to search.
Coming up with nothing, Yoongi offers to go back to his office and try the resources there.
Weeks go by, the local authorities slowly leaning towards another cold case. Yoongi and Tae, however, are hot on the trail.
Yoongi was able to use his clearance to look at the evidence the police filed away. There, he was able to draw connections to you and the man. Multiple witness statements had been disregarded when it came to a familiar looking man seen around your school and on your path home.
The evidence was quickly piling up, and it was firing up the boys.
The match to set the whole thing ablaze? Tae found a connection between you, the man, and the cop you recognized.
Turns out your father had filed a complaint against the town for the man showing up in your backyard one day. The cop to address it? The same one. The suspect is the cop’s younger brother who has a history of stalking underage girls.
Yoongi was right in his opinion on local cops, the bastard was covering it all up, probably even helped him.
Going to his superiors, Yoongi was able to get jurisdiction over your case.
The greatest day in Taehyung’s life was watching the two men get taken away in handcuffs.
Your parents invited both Taehyung and Yoongi to your service, and you gave Tae the okay to go.
He stood with you at your casket, closed considering the amount of time and decay your body had gone through.
He cried that day, more than he ever had before. Not just because he was burying a friend he never truly got to meet, but because you finally got the justice you deserved.
Tae throws his tie on the couch when he get home, entering the living room, plopping down to rest against the back of it.
You just stand before him, watching him breath, his eyes closed.
You walk forward, leaning close.
As Tae opens his eyes, he sees your figure close, and then feels the sensation of lips on his forehead.
You poured all of your strength into this final goodbye. You could feel the warmth of his skin as your lips pressed to his forehead, leaning away to see him staring in shock.
He reaches out to grab your hand as you back away. His fingers graze yours, and you both feel the sensation of physical contact.
“Thank you Tae, for everything.”
You finally passed on.
He cried for the second time that day.
Years later, Taehyung is back in town. It’s the anniversary of your death, and he wanted to visit. His right hand is wrapped tight around one much smaller than his, his left arm holding another tiny figure close.
He knows the path to your stone by heart. When they approach, he stops just before it, staring at the words. He lingers over your name and smiles.
“Daddy, where are we?” The little one lets go of his hand and instead holds the small bouquet of flowers close to him.
Taehyung looks down at the little boy and smiles, patting his head.
“I want to introduce you to my old friend.” He says, gesturing forward, the little boy taking the bouquet and setting it down by your stone.
He sets the youngest at his feet, dropping to sit down in front of your headstone, gathering his children in his lap.
“Do you want to hear the story about how I met my best friend?”
This. Is. a rollercoaster of emotions my guys. I’m sorry I had to do it to you, but I did. Honestly, I’m overly proud of this one, like, it may be my favorite. It is my favorite. Hope you guys enjoy a little cry fest over Tae, I know I did. Also, a birthday shout out to @arxsu, I hope you like it! Our little Kookie gets Halloween, so get excited. Stay Spooky!💜
Follow The Light (Warlock!Yoongi x Wisp!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Explicit language (a tad), brief mention of cheating and death, P.O.V. switching, that’s about it
Word Count: 9K (oops)
It wasn’t every day that Yoongi was visited by an unnerved stranger with nothing but revenge on their minds. Well, it didn’t use to be, but ever since he took that idiot’s offer to help him get revenge on a cheating girlfriend in exchange for some monetary compensation, it seems that’s all he could attract nowadays.
In fact, he can’t even remember the last time someone came in for something as simple as an herbal remedy, or maybe a spell to keep flowers from wilting, or hell, even just to say hi and see how he was doing.
He couldn’t hold it against anyone though; his friends were off far away with lives of their own to attend to and the strangers coming and going all seemingly had worse things to worry about than the feelings of the town warlock.
If he’s being honest, vengeful souls looking for a quick fix were better than no interaction at all. It’s when he’s alone in that dark house with his thoughts and demons that scared him the most, so any company is good company in his mind.
The only problem is, revenge comes with a price, and the darkness doesn’t just come for the seeker, it comes for the creator as well.
Yoongi is not unfamiliar with treading the line between good and evil, in fact, it’s a balancing act he’s been doing his whole life. Every action has either good or bad consequences, and those are tripled when you’re using magic.
At first, it was easy to make the right choice, stay the path of light, deny the darkness, and keep the peace. However, as he grew and learned the truth of the worlds, he realized nothing was as simple as it all may seem on the outside.
It was much easier (and fun) to take a walk on the dark side sometimes. Dark magic had less rules, less strings attached, at least, that’s what Yoongi first assumed.
Turns out, the price of black magic is much higher than he thought, and Yoongi has racked up an enormous tab.
Now it was a daily internal battle to keep his demons at bay, and honestly, he’s fucking exhausted. Should he give in to the temptation of the darkness, or should he fight to follow the light? If he thought about that question one more time, he swears he’d have a stroke.
Yoongi was honestly done with wondering what if, he wanted answers and he wanted them now. Maybe that’s how he found himself wandering a path not often taken, searching the woods for an answer, a sign, anything.
If anyone saw him right now, they’d think he’s crazier than they already do. What kind of all-powerful warlock wanders the edge of town for a sign of the right path? Answer, the stupid kind.
Yoongi shakes his head, the corner of his mouth turning up a bit, “If the boys could see me now.”
He knows they’d have a field day. The ever-so wise and sure Yoongi, asking the universe for guidance? Hysterical.
Yoongi was the type of guy who fronted that he knew all the answers, when in reality, he didn’t know a damn thing. He could fake smooth confidence, but it was a different story actually trying to have it.
But he couldn’t let his reputation deteriorate, not when it was one of the only things keeping him afloat. If people lost their confidence in him, he’d lose his livelihood.
He was the scary warlock who lives alone at the edge of town who solves people’s vengeance problems. People seeking revenge wanted the worst of the worst, so that’s what Yoongi provided.
To be honest, Yoongi took walks more often than he’d care to admit. It wasn’t just to look for a sign, but to clear his mind, calm his soul, and keep the negative thoughts at bay. It is harder to do good when you are consumed with bad. To keep on the line, he took the time to clear himself of some of the negative energy.
The woods were a place of solitude. Nature, the sounds of life bustling around him helped him center himself. It was the only time he left the house, and he liked getting away. He likes watching the clouds roll by, the leaves rustle in the wind, and feel with cold air against his skin. It was these things that made him feel almost human, like he was just a normal person living a normal life.
It gave him a break in the constant tug of war, one that he desperately needed to keep a somewhat sane mind.
Yoongi followed the dirt path at the edge of the wood, hands in his pockets, eyes following the line of trees. It was late October and the colorful array of leaves gave him something interesting to look at instead of the ground.
He thanked the spirits that he’d decided to bring a scarf with him, winding it around his neck to ease the chill that seeped from his veins into his bones. Not to say Yoongi didn’t like the cold, he actually much rather preferred it over the heat. Sweaty Yoongi = Grumpy Yoongi.
The surrounding area took on an illuminated cast as the sun began to sink into the horizon. Sunsets were great, but in his opinion, when the stars begin to glitter in the dark abyss of space, now that was truly a beautiful sight.
He was amazed at how bright these little things could shine when enveloped by such a thick darkness.
Stars gave him hope.
Feeling a wave of calm rush over him as the night takes over, Yoongi pauses a second to breath. The air was magical at the shift between day and night. He could feel the surge of energy in every fiber of his being. It was what being alive felt like.
But just as Yoongi felt complete and utter peace, a new, unfamiliar feeling crept its way in. He could sense something was there, something he’d never encountered before. His sense of peace was replaced with uneasiness; a feeling that set him on edge and ruined his good mood.
‘Why does something always have to ruin my serenity?’ He thinks to himself as he cautiously scans the surrounding area. Yoongi is really hoping it’s nothing serious, because he doesn’t have the energy for a fight right now, or ever for that matter.
He’s about to brush it off as a minor bout of insanity, when he catches a glimpse of light disappear down one of the old trails in the woods.
Adventure is not Yoongi’s forte by any means, and he’s definitely not one to chase a mysterious figure into the dark woods at night. He wants to keep walking, forget it and go home.
His legs even start carrying him away, yet when he comes upon another trail, he sees that same glimpse of light disappear into the darkness.
“I’m seeing things. I’m totally just seeing things.” He whispers to himself, rubbing his face harshly in his hands as if to wake himself up. He keeps walking.
It’s when he stumbles upon a third path that he finds himself standing his ground, staring out to see if it would happen again. He stays still for a few seconds, but sees nothing.
“I knew it.” He turns to keep walking home, but this time sees the light in his path. It stays still for a moment, mirroring him, and if he squints hard enough, it almost looks like...hair?
With no other choice, he slowly trails after it, the light keeping its distance but almost beckoning him forward.
It’s almost like it wants him to follow it?
A few minutes pass, and Yoongi becomes impatient. He wants to know what the hell this thing is and what it wants: now.
He picks up his pace, but just as he gets close enough to make out a figure, it suddenly disappears.
His eyes blink rapidly, mouth agape. Standing frozen, staring at the spot this thing was before it disappeared. Yoongi had never encountered anything like this in all his years, and let me tell you, he has seen some weird shit.
But never had he seen something as strange as this. A light that beckoned him forward only to disappear. The craziest part? He swears it looked like... a girl.
It’s an incessant knocking that draws Yoongi from his slumber. If it wasn’t for that, he’d probably have stayed in bed all day. He’d been pushing himself harder these past few weeks, and magic drained him of every ounce of energy he had.
Rubbing his eyes to rid them of the sleepy haze, he waves his hand, sending his clothes to him, quickly dressing as he descends the staircase. A loud freak escapes a loose floorboard, but he pays no mind to it.
As soon as he approaches the door, he knows who’s waiting for him outside, letting out a long sigh before turning the knob. He doesn’t even have time to greet the intruder before he’s already pushing his way inside.
Too tired to deal with pretty much everything, a quick wave of his hand sends his guest gliding right back to the open doorway, shock overtaking his features.
Yoongi would like to say he doesn’t use his powers to control people very often, but he definitely does because people often do stupid things Yoongi doesn’t appreciate.
One being storming into his house like they own the place.
“You Satanist bastard! You ruined my life, you hear me!” The man screams in Yoongi’s face. Most people would’ve shrunk back at the level and harshness of his words. Yoongi stood there, face void of emotion trying to block out the words to avoid hearing loss.
Ah, the best part of the job, unsatisfied customers. While Yoongi is incredibly good at what he does, he’s not incapable of making mistakes. Sometimes things don’t work out as planned, but in most cases, that was customer error, not Yoongi’s.
As the man continued to throw insults left and right, Yoongi searched his mind far and wide for recognition of the man and what his service was. Knowing what they asked for made it easier for Yoongi to deduce whose fault it was when things go wrong.
After a few seconds, it pops in his head, and he tunes back into the scene unfolding before him.
Red covers every inch of the man’s face, but Yoongi overlooks that to finally speak out.
“You came in last week, a memory spell, wasn’t it?” He stays silent, the man taking in heavy breaths after his outburst.
“You wanted your wife to forget your unfaithfulness, correct?” Yoongi knows without a shadow of a doubt this was true. He tried to make it a habit of keeping track of things he sells and who he sells them to, just in case. Information like this came in real handy during times like these, and he was grateful his memory had actually held onto this particular order.
The man nods furiously, “Yeah, I did, and you said it’d work. A few days later, she doesn’t even remember her own name!” He’s shaking, fists balled up at his sides, eyes turning glassy.
“All of a sudden she couldn’t remember how to speak, or eat, and I found her-“ he chokes back a sob, tears dripping down his face, “I found her face down in the backyard, she was dead, dammit. Dead!”
Now this threw Yoongi for a bit of a loop. Never had something as simple as a forgetfulness spell ended in something as serious as death. In fact, when death came about during magic use, it was more times than not the human’s fault, not the magic.
Before he could question the man further, there was swift whistle through the air as the man’s fist landed sharply into Yoongi’s jaw, sending his head reeling to the side. As he lifted his hand to hold his injury, the man suddenly took off, most likely scared Yoongi would use his magic to retaliate.
Did he want to? Of course, there was no better feeling than sending an asshole flying after daring to lay a finger on a warlock like Yoongi. Retaliation was one of the pleasure Yoongi took in making many enemies, because the adrenaline that coursed through your veins when you used magic in such a way was a fucking rush.
However, Yoongi was too sidetracked by the fact that something he had created had led to an innocent woman’s death. First she’s cheated on, then void of everything she’s ever learned, and then suddenly she’s dead. She’d done nothing wrong.
Yoongi had.
Turns out, not only does black magic have a high price, it also can be highly unpredictable, especially when not in the right frame of mind. After so many dark spells, overuse of his magic, and fighting with himself, Yoongi had been left vulnerable to malpractice.
His carelessness cost someone their life.
This time Yoongi didn’t take a scarf to keep warm. He opted for a flask of whiskey instead to warm himself from the inside out, though the guilt building a fire in his stomach kept it warm enough as it is. Maybe that’s what he needed right now, to feel like he was burning.
He’d lost track of how long he’d been walking, but judging by the fact that he no longer had any idea of where he was, he figured either he’d consumed much too much alcohol, or he was very far from his normal path.
Not that he cared about either anyways. Alcohol dulls the sting of emotion while distance tries to leave it behind. Both of which sounded great to Yoongi right now.
Not one case had bothered him as much as this one. He was usually better at separating himself from his work, building a wall between his personal beliefs and what he had to do to keep on living. Once the spell, potion, hex, whatever it was, was out of his hands, it was no longer his problem.
Out of sight, out of mind.
And it’s not like Yoongi had never dealt with an upset customer or a violent one for that matter. He’s had his fair share of scuffles with pissed customers who didn’t read the fine print. Sometimes he actually enjoyed it, standing his ground and belittling the idiots who start things.
It wasn’t everyday he got a chance to prove how cunning and powerful he was, so he really took advantage of it when it happened.
This hit differently though. It’s like the darkness inside of him liked the taste of death on its tongue, which greatly contrasted the sick pang of guilt Yoongi felt. His demons were bloodthirsty, and this may have been the tipping point. After the man had left, Yoongi spent a solid 10 minutes trying not to vomit from the tearing of his insides as his two sides fought over the feeling.
Murder took Yoongi’s line and crumpled it up in its hand, tossing it into oblivion. He could feel the evil inside of him seeping into his veins, reveling in the news that Yoongi had made a grave mistake.
One that could cost him his light.
The devil doesn’t care about intention, he only cares about results.
And the result was blood on Yoongi’s hands.
He takes another swig from the flask, a slight sway in his step as the alcohol really settles in. He should be scared that dulling his senses could make it easier for the darkness to take hold, but he figures he’s probably already screwed, so bottoms up.
Looking around him to get a feel for where to head, Yoongi stops all together.
While the whiskey sure does make it hard to focus, it’s not to the point where he could hallucinate. And he’s definitely seeing a little light flickering at the edge of the woods.
After taking a second to collect himself as much as he can, he takes a step forward, keeping his sight on the glow.
It seems to glow brighter, edging him on, and he can’t stop himself as he lunges forward, chasing after it like a dog after a rabbit.
Yoongi’s mind warns him that he could scare it away, make it disappear, but the light only moves faster, further into the woods, almost like a game of tag.
Alright, if this thing wants a race, fine, he’ll give it one. Maybe it’s the alcohol giving him liquid courage or rock bottom feeling that his life couldn’t get any worse than it already is, but he’s flying through the trees, swerving and dodging limbs, after the little light.
The sober, sane part of his brain is kicking himself for how ridiculous he looks right now, but the rest of him doesn't give a shit. His filters gone and walls down, he was going to find out what the hell this thing was if it killed him.
Yoongi hates to admit it, more than happy to put the fall on the alcohol, but he was tiring quickly and the light didn’t seem like it was giving up anytime soon. So, no matter how badly his lungs and limbs ached, he pushed forward. He wasn’t going to let it get away this time.
Minutes that felt more like hours passed, when the light stopped just before a large opening at the edge of the tree line.
Tired as hell and dizzy from the whiskey sloshing around in his stomach, Yoongi heaves himself to a halt, resting his hands on his knees as he leans forward, trying to catch his breath.
That, needless to say, was more than enough exercise for Yoongi for one lifetime, maybe even two.
When his heart rate had returned to a safe pace, he peeked up between his fringe at the place he saw the light stop. It took a second for his eyes to adjust, but he could finally see what he was chasing after, and despite his efforts to dismiss what he thought was an insomnia-induced hallucination, he really did see the figure of a girl.
She was standing at the edge of an old fountain, back facing him. He wasn’t sure if he should be proud or terrified for the fact that he was also right about the light coming from her hair. It wasn’t as bright as before, but it cast a soft glow that mesmerized every atom of Yoongi’s mind.
Yep, this was definitely something he’d never seen before.
Yoongi collected himself, even straightening his clothes and hair, not that he was trying to impress her or anything, he’s just a gentleman is all.
As he went to take a step forward, he found himself unable to move his feet. He was scared she’d disappear again. What if this was his last chance to uncover the mystery and he blows it?
What if this is his sign?
Just as he was about to pull it together and go for it, she turned her head, a smile visible even in the dark of night. He stepped forward, cautiously, and when she remained constant, he took that as an okay to proceed.
The closer he got, the more features of the girl he discovered. The color and flow of her hair, gently swaying in the night breeze. The curve of her cheeks, her smile pushing them high, a red tinge blossoming at the apples.
She didn’t look at him, but he could see the frame of her eyes, soft and wide, cute.
For a creature of which Yoongi knew nothing about, she looked seemingly human, save for the whole glowing hair thing. Her outfit was simple and warm, smothering her small frame in layers to stave off the cold.
If he had seen her in any other setting, he might’ve given her a second glance, maybe even indulged in some light conversation. He couldn’t deny that she was pretty, but the fact that she is running around the woods at night, seemingly taunting Yoongi to follow, made him leery.
He knew of other mystical beings, from simple to complex, but he’d never come across something like her before. He’d tried, after the first sighting, searching his library for a book on moving masses of light. Of course, he always ended up with nothing.
Learning she actually was a she and not just a ball of energy or something, only further complicated things.
What in the hell is she?
“I like the woods at night,” she says, voice soft and light from not being used. Yoongi stops next to her, looking up from the ground to her, but she remains focused on the fountain ahead.
“It’s quiet and peaceful,” she lifts her gaze to him, smile growing, “the perfect place to think.”
He’s not sure if he’s to respond or stay quiet, so he opts for the latter and turns back to the fountain, placing his hands in his pockets to avoid swaying them like an idiot like he does when he’s nervous.
Yoongi hears her take a deep breath, releasing it and then speaks again, “So many paths to take, yet they all led here.”
Yoongi finally takes a second to survey his surroundings, and he indeed sees several other trails all leading to the fountain. When he looks at the thing, he notes the vines wound around the edges, leaves caked in the bottom, and only the lightest of trickles coming from the top.
It was pitiful, honestly.
“Do you believe in fate?” Her question addressed to him startles him. His mind almost tricked him into thinking this was all just a figment of his imagination, but when he turned to see her waiting for his answer, he feels a cold sensation in his hand.
Her fingers wrap gently around one of his own, holding it softly, and he looks back up into her eyes, smile still present.
Clearing his throat, he turns his attention back to the fountain to avoid showing how pink stained his cheeks grew. He’d never really had many intimate interactions with girls, or anyone really. He’d preferred solitude in the relationship aspect. He didn’t really trust others, and found keeping up with humans and their emotions rather exhausting.
The only friends he’d ever had were the ones he’d met when he was younger. The seven of them used to stir up trouble any chance they could get.
Now that they were older, though, most of them moved on to other things, from starting families, to stable jobs, to traveling the world.
Yoongi was the only one who remained in the same place, following the same path in an endless circle, repeating every day just the same as the last.
He didn’t know how to break free from it, or if he even wanted to.
After standing in silence for a while, Yoongi realizes he still hasn’t answered her question.
“I guess,” he states, hoping it will satisfy her, but she holds her ground, waiting, so he continues, “I mean, do I think we all have a destiny we can’t outrun, then sure. And, we’re here, right now, for some reason, so maybe?”
She releases his hand to settle at the edge of the fountain, looking out into the woods, almost searching for something.
Yoongi is about to ask her what she’s looking for when she speaks before he can get the words out.
“I can sense something in you.” She says, soft smile gracing her lips, eyes moving to look at him, as if actually seeing something inside of him.
Rubbing his neck as he circles her, dropping down to rest on the edge next to her, he sighs, eyes dropping to the ground.
“Yeah, well, I’m kind of a bad person, you’re not the first person to come to that conclusion.”
Yoongi doesn’t lift his eyes from their spot trained on a leaf settled on the ground. He does, however, feel her turn towards him, feels her hand as it comes to rest on his knee.
Slowly, he looks up and meets her eyes, seriousness swirling in them though her mouth stays curved upwards.
“It’s actually quite the opposite Yoongi. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how you learn from them that matters.”
It was like time had stopped; everything around him had frozen in place and he couldn’t tear his eyes from hers. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard her right. How could she, let alone anyone, possibly see anything but evil in him, especially if she knew what he had done. He could feel it in himself every day, and by the way people gossiped about him, he knew others could too.
And how had she known his name?
She removes her hand from his knee to clasp them together in front of her, “So, what and how will you change?”
After that, he avoided answering you by grilling you instead; you could tell he was startled by your revelations. You liked the mystery, though, so you’d offered him no answers and disappeared into the night before he could object.
It probably wasn’t fair, no, it definitely wasn’t fair, but it sure was fun.
You’d woken up with the sudden urge to visit a place you’d never heard of. Leaving on a whim, you found yourself in a small town with an abundance of hiking trails and the story of an evil warlock surrounding it.
The whole thing felt eerily familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten a feeling so strong it carried you away from home.
In reality, there was no true home for you. You moved around so much, no place was ever permanent, but that was just how your life worked.
You couldn’t ignore destiny.
So here you are, waking up in a little inn on the east side of town, wondering if you’d go to him this time, or continue to let him chase you.
You figured he’d be pretty shaken up after last night, especially considering how intoxicated he’d been, and decided you’d take the initiative.
Packing a small bag for the journey ahead, you quickly showered and got dressed, locking the door behind you and heading off.
You’d known the first time you heard about him that he was the reason you were here.
You didn’t show up in a strange place on a whim just for fun, it was more like, work.
Since you were little you’d been given the task of guiding others to their fate. It started off with little things, because as a child you didn’t truly understand what fate even was. As you got older, the tasks became higher stakes. You’d had some charges that refused to believe, and it pained a small part inside of you knowing there was nothing you could do.
Sometimes, people just needed to figure out their path on their own. When they needed a little extra help, that’s when you came in.
You were here to help Yoongi find his way, and from the second the feeling sparked within you, you knew it’d be more difficult than the rest.
You hadn’t even really met him and you knew he’d be a tough nut to crack.
You did, however, sense his desire to find the right path, so you had hope this wouldn’t end in a total lost cause.
Still, as you trekked your way across town in the direction the innkeeper said he lived, you couldn’t help the nervous tick growing inside of you.
You hadn’t worked with many magical folk, and if his reputation precedes him, then Yoongi is as powerful as they come. Humans were one thing, they could easily be persuaded and helped into understanding.
Warlocks were an entirely different story. Most witches and warlocks pride themselves on knowing everything there is to know about all the worlds. So when a force beyond their knowledge comes in to guide them, they have a hard time releasing the reins.
No matter how difficult this would be, you were determined to give it your all. Yoongi has something incredibly beautiful inside of him and you want to help him find it.
This is the case that would change your life.
You just knew it.
The hangover was worse than any he’d encountered before. Alcohol and startling revelations create quite the nasty combo. It hit Yoongi like a K.O. and he was sure this is where he would die.
In his bed.
Same clothes from last night.
It’d be one hell of an obituary.
What he wasn’t expecting at 8 a.m., just when he finally fell asleep, was a knock on the door. It was softer than the one from yesterday, but it was a pain in the ass nonetheless.
He got up, not even bothering to fix his appearance. He was too exhausted and grumpy for that, and he wanted to make sure whoever was bothering him at this hour could tell.
He took the stairs two at a time, swifter than someone with a hangover should, but let’s blame that on the magic.
Yoongi doesn’t even grab the door handle, he just flicks his wrist and makes the door fly open, hitting the wall behind it so hard, some bits of the plaster break off and fall to the ground.
“This better be good or else-“ and he’s suddenly wishing he could take all of the theatrics back, because he definitely did not think it’s be the beautifully mysterious girl from last night knocking at his door.
He almost forgets that your the reason he’d gotten no sleep last night, but as quickly as his face turns red from embarrassment, it shifts to a shade of aggravation.
It was almost sad that you could tell the difference between the colors, having seen it so many times before.
He stormed off into the kitchen to make himself some coffee to wake himself up, and you stand in the doorway, not exactly sure what to do.
He hadn’t invited you in, in fact, it looked like quite the opposite.
Before you could apologize and walk away, though, your body is pulled forward, the door swinging shut behind you.
This should be interesting.
“Why are you here? Don’t you have woods to wander and people to scare?” He yells from the kitchen, not bothering to come to you, instead beckoning you to find him.
What a reversal of roles.
You take cautious steps forward until you find yourself in the little kitchen, dimly lit by skylights and a door leading out into what looked like a greenhouse.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, it was incredibly homey, something you didn’t expect from Yoongi.
“Well?” He sighs, pulling you from your survey of the room. He takes a sip from the mug held tight in his hands, the steam rising softly and enveloping his face.
“I thought I’d switch it up, come to you this time.” He chuckles into his mug, amused that this was actually happening. It wasn’t just some weird dream he’d conjured in the depths of his mind.
No, this was all really happening.
After the initial silence radiating between the two of you as you both tried to figure out where to go from here, Yoongi beckoned you through another doorway, leading to a quaint sitting room. You sat down in the large sofa across from a beat up chair, which Yoongi took his place in.
“Ok, so, you’re here, I’m here, now what?” He seemed impatient. It was probably the lack of sleep, which you could see in the discoloration under his eyes.
“I think the best course of action is to tell you the truth and go from there.” 9 times out of 10 you’d never tell your charge the truth of why you were there. It usually just complicated things and drew them out longer than they needed to be.
Most times you’d just pose as a random character introduced in their life, subtly guide them where they needed to be, and get out of there.
You knew that this was to be treated differently, because Yoongi was different, so you thought he’d appreciate a little honesty.
“Alright, I’ll bite.” Yoongi takes a big swig of his coffee, sets it down on the stand next to him, and leans forward, elbows on his knees. He was genuinely curious as to what you’d drop on him, but he was also still dealing with the repercussions of copious amounts of alcohol mixed with insomnia, so he didn’t exactly seem all that interested.
That didn’t stop you from going forward anyways.
“My name is Y/N, I’m a guide. I help people toward their fate. It’s kind of my thing.” You say, albeit a bit cocky, but you were proud of what you did.
You see the corner of his mouth turn up, but continue, “I’m here to guide you, help you back on track.”
That sends him into a fit of laughter he has a hard time trying to contain. You sit there, staring at him, not sure how to react.
Was he laughing at you or the whole thing?
Yoongi calms himself when he sees the discomfort paling your face. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad, it was just so fucking ironic that he’d been feeling a bit lost and the universe throws him, what, some supernatural spirit guide?
It’s just too hilarious.
“So,” he starts, wiping his eyes as his laughter dies out, “You’re here to get me on the right path?” You nod your head and he has to try really hard not to bust out in another fit.
“What’s so funny about that? I’m serious Yoongi.”
He stops, “And is that how you know my name, Y/N? Some magic man in the sky gave you a prophecy about guiding me towards the light and now you’re here?”
You jumped up, red tinging your ears and flowing into your cheeks. How dare he make fun of your job. This was serious business and he was treating it like some kid’s fairy tale book.
You turn on your heel to storm out, but your body stays frozen just beyond the doorway as Yoongi follows after you.
“Wait, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m just kind of an asshole when I’m tired.”
You ignore his apology, turning to face him, closing the distance, your finger pointed threateningly in his face.
“Do not use your magic on me.” Yoongi pales, lending away from you in retreat, and watches as you open the front door, slamming it behind you.
Some more plaster flies to the ground.
He insisted on following you all the way back into town, keeping at a safe distance, though, in fear you’d reprimand him again.
You didn’t pay him any mind, stomping your way back, posture making it blatantly obvious you were pissed. Maybe Yoongi didn’t have anything good in him at all, maybe he’s not meant to be saved. Maybe you didn’t want to help even if he was.
You hear his footsteps suddenly pick up pace, and he’s now beside you, not too close, but close enough he can feel the anger radiating off of you. Once again, he’d gone too far.
You didn’t feel like going back to the inn, let alone letting him know where you were staying, just in case, so you opted to wander around for a while to blow of steam. After a while, your anger dissipated, and much to your surprise, Yoongi made quite good company.
He stayed silent for the most part, except when showing you different places as you walked. He’d point out little things about the town and watch as you discovered new things, in awe of the place.
There were many things that were different here places you’d been before. With so many lost souls in larger areas, you tended to surface in cities, finding person after person to guide.
This place was so small and secluded, it was like a little paradise. Tiny mom and pop shops, a cute park with a playground, a little bridge over a calm river settling at the center.
It was peaceful.
As you explored, you let yourself fall into casual conversation with Yoongi, swapping stories of childhood and life in general.
You’d hate to admit it, but you were actually starting to feel the warmth from the good in him again. Now you’d definitely have to help him, not that you weren’t going to in the first place, you just liked to make empty threats when you were upset.
Night quickly snuck up on the two of you, but instead of parting ways Yoongi offers to make you dinner to make it up to you.
“It’s the least I can do, I was a dick.” He rubs the back of his neck and you smile, nodding to accept his offer.
“Yeah, you were.” Yoongi smirks at you, and you just walk by him, back to his place. He quickly catches up and you both walk in peaceful silence.
You were growing on each other.
Dinner was simple and quiet, but a nice quiet, one that made both of your souls feel warm and content. He bids you goodnight and you make your way back to the inn, thinking partially of a plan on how to help Yoongi, and partially of the way his face lights up when he smiles and the sound of his laughter.
This job is turning out to be more than you thought it would be.
The following weeks are filled with various activities and tasks to help Yoongi find his way. You start off with the simple things, like tidying up his house, getting his things organized, finding him a proper routine to follow.
He’s hesitant at first, his things were all where he liked them and change wasn’t something he enjoyed, but if you were there to help him, he guesses it isn’t that bad.
Watching Yoongi haul boxes of books, candles, and herbs was a hilarious sight to see, but you didn’t patronize him too much.
You could tell what little tidying he did was done with magic, so forcing him into manual labor was a foreign concept, and one that brought plenty of whining.
It would be good for him to take a step back and remember the human part of him, and tapping into that required a break from the magic.
Eventually, he got into the rhythm and focused on the task at hand instead of focusing all his energy on pouting, and, while you found his pout quite adorable, you were thankful he was finally taking you seriously.
Even though the little things did help get Yoongi on track, he still felt the darkness in him growing, and it was starting to kill his hope.
Every time he looked at you, smiling as you organized his potion recipes or laughing when he dropped a box, though, it pushed all of that evil away and replaced it with a warm fuzzy feeling Yoongi had not been privy to before.
When his friends were around, he felt light and happy, but this was different. This was something sweeter, something more complicated.
Was he...falling for you?
Yoongi didn’t want to dwell on that thought, reminding himself you were only here for a job and that was it. He’d be nothing more than a customer to you, and Yoongi knew all about that type of relationship.
Once you were done helping him, you’d be on your way and he’d be left with nothing but the receipt. There was no room for getting attached.
Yoongi did, however, let himself indulge in some harmless flirting while you were here. It couldn’t hurt, and he liked knowing your smile after a silly pickup line was because of him.
Believe it or not, meeting you opened up a whole new side of Yoongi, and he was growing fond of it.
You talk to him, listen, annoy him, help him. You do so many things for him outside of what he would consider part of your job.
He liked that you pulled him from his dependence on his powers, even if carrying heavy ass boxes up and down the stairs on his own was hell. Doing things the ‘human’ way distracted him from the storm inside.
It made his life a little simpler.
“Alright, I think that’s enough for today, what about you?” Setting the duster down on the counter, you turn back just in time to see Yoongi plop the box he was carrying down on the floor and collapse on the couch.
A giggle escapes your lips, watching him huff a big breath, blowing his fringe all over the place, his cheeks bright red from the exertion.
Yoongi doesn’t even bother to open his eyes as he reclines back on the couch. He’s physically drained and while he doesn’t want to show it in front of you, he doesn’t have the energy to do anything else.
You didn’t mind though. You knew it’d be a change, finding the right path always was, and you admire the amount of effort he put in.
You make your way over to the couch, falling down next to him, mirroring him as you let your head fall back on the cushion. The couch was old, but hell was it comfortable. Now you knew why he enjoyed sprawling out across it all the time.
Closing your eyes, you let silence take over the air, enjoying the peace and tranquility of each other’s company. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were as well, not noticing how Yoongi peeked one eye open to stare at you.
He mapped your face in his mind. Every detail, from the curve of your lips, to the frame of your nose, all the way to the curl of your lashes. He could stare at you forever given the chance.
When you let out the smallest, softest sigh, the best of his heart increased ten-fold, and he found himself smiling like an idiot just watching you breath.
In a perfect world, he’d lean in and kiss you, and you’d kiss him back, and then you’d live happily ever after.
This was not a perfect world, however.
This was reality, so he’d enjoy the view while he can, at an appropriate distance.
Eventually your eyes opened, turning your head to meet his. You just stared at each other for a while, not saying anything, scared it’d ruin whatever moment you were having.
You thought you saw his head start to move forward, snapping you quickly from your daze.
Clearing your throat, you speak up, causing him to pause, “It’s getting pretty late, I should probably head home.”
That was the last thing Yoongi wanted. He watched as you stood up and began gathering your things.
He felt the sudden urge to use his powers to stop you, to convince you to stay, but he stopped himself. You’d warned him against using his magic on you, so he figured if he wanted this to go right, he’d have to do it the old fashioned way.
He leaps up, taking your bag from the hook it hung from right before you could grab it. You looked at him with a smirk, about to tell him to stop messing around, but he just stares at you, a look of pleading spreading across his face.
“Or you could stay?” Your eyes widen a bit; he’d never been this forward before. You knew there was something brewing between the two of you, no matter how professional you tried to be. There was just something about him that reeled you in; it sent shivers down your spine and felt like butterflies in your stomach.
You’d never taken such a liking to a charge before, but he didn’t feel like a ‘client’ to you. He was more like a best friend, the person you could come to with anything, could lay your heart out to.
He became warm and familiar and all you wanted to do was spend time with him, get to know him, maybe even love him.
You’d spent so much time helping others, you’d neglected yourself and your own needs. If others had paths, you surely did too, right? There was no way, no timeline or universe you could fathom in which Yoongi didn’t fit into yours. He was the only thing you felt sure of.
You knew, however, that there was a possibility that you were not on his, and that after he found his way, you’d be gone and on to a new soul.
You didn’t want to think about leaving Yoongi behind, the possibility of never being able to be like you were now scaring you more than anything else ever could.
Your job wasn’t one you could just quit, and love only complicated everything.
You could enjoy it for now, but it could be nothing more.
Setting Yoongi up to only get hurt in the end would not be an option.
“I don’t know...” you sigh, your own internal battle raging on. If things went too far, you’d never be able to forgive yourself.
“Hey,” Yoongi says, grasping your hand in his. The warmth from his hand envelops yours, soothing your warring mind, “It’s dark out and I don’t want you to go back alone. Plus, you’d just have to come all the way back tomorrow, so if you’re already here, we can get more done, right?”
The hope that illuminates his face is what ultimately convinces you to stay. He quickly sets up the couch for himself, offering you his bed, which you decline but he insists anyways.
He puts on a movie and cuddles up with you on the couch to help you both fall asleep.
Halfway in, your breathing slows to a steady rhythm, your head resting on his shoulder.
Yoongi is about to get up and carry you to bed, but as he shifts, you snuggle closer, burying your face in his chest. He opts instead for leaning back and letting you use him as a pillow. He wraps his arms gently around you, pulling the blanket on the arm of the couch over the two of you.
He doesn’t know how the movie ends, falling asleep not long after you both get comfy. It was the best night’s sleep he’d ever had, holding you in his arms gave him the most peaceful sense of security.
You both slept in well past morning wrapped in each other’s arms.
The more time spent with you, the harder Yoongi fell for you, until every time he saw you, he couldn’t resist the urge to entwine your hands or place a quick kiss to the top of your head.
The more time you spent with Yoongi, the easier it was to let yourself get swept up in the romance of it all. It became a natural occurrence, the skin-ship between the two of you, earning its place in your routine.
The tasks set to help Yoongi find his path turned into domestic activities you shared together, enjoying each other’s company. Checking out of the inn a week or two ago, Yoongi had lent you his spare bedroom so you wouldn’t have to make the trip across town every day.
After the first week, the spare bedroom became spare once more as you decided snuggling up next to Yoongi in his room was the only way you’d be able to get any sleep, not the Yoongi was complaining.
There was never an awkward moment between you two since then, it was almost like you’d lived together your whole lives.
You wake up, obviously before Yoongi, and make a pot of coffee and some breakfast every morning. Yoongi usually smells the food and makes his way downstairs a few minutes later, jointing you for the meal. Your routine has become a joint effort to make each other as happy as possible.
You’d earn a point for every time you made Yoongi a cute egg and bacon smile for breakfast, and he’d earn one for every time he helped you wash the dishes.
You’d earn one for every time you’d surprise him with a quick peck on the cheek and he’d earn one every time he holds you tight and kissed your forehead.
All plans of keeping your distance was promptly thrown out the window long ago.
You’d shared your fears of leaving with Yoongi, and he’d assured you he would never let that happen.
You wouldn’t tell him, but you had your doubts. You couldn’t stay just because Yoongi didn’t want you to go, and there was no physical way possible you knew of for him to keep you with him.
You were pulled by a force not even you fully understood, and disappeared at the end of the job without a trace usually. When you show up to the next soul, your precious soul moves on, forgetting you were even there.
Despite believing Yoongi would come to forget you and move on, you still decided to give everything you had to him while you could.
You wanted to feel love, be loved, but most importantly love Yoongi. You felt it in your bones that this is what you were meant to do, love him with every fiber of your being no matter how long you had.
Yoongi felt the same way. He was perturbed that he couldn’t help ease your mind or find a way to help you stay. You’d helped him so much in the months he’s known you, and he couldn’t imagine living even for a minute without you.
Not knowing anything about who or what was behind your job aggravated him. The fact that you didn’t know either yet could still be taken away from him at any moment without a choice didn’t seem fair to him at all.
He wanted to find your ‘boss’ and make them let you stay with him, or at least try to help them understand that he needed you.
The only thing he could do for sure, was hold you tight and love you with all his might, because the only thing he knew he could give you was himself.
Yoongi couldn’t even remember what it was like to live before he knew you. He credited you for making him a better person, but you knew he had it in him all along.
Every day was filled with so much laughter, so many smiles, and so much love, that the darkness in him had suffocated; the black flame snuffed out.
As he leans in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you wash the dishes from this morning’s breakfast, he realizes you’d shown him the light inside of him was still alive, and even helped it burn ten times brighter. He was excited to wake up every morning, knowing he could wake up next to you.
Yoongi, after the first week of meeting you, had decided to put the vengeance business to rest, and went back to making simple, safe potions for mundane things. He’d dotted all of his ‘i’s and crossed all of his ‘t’s and he felt so good because of it.
People no longer gossiped about the ‘evil warlock in the woods,’ but rather referred to him as ‘Yoongi, the nice boy attached to Y/N’s hip,’ which he much rather preferred.
When the two of you wandered through town, whether it be a grocery run or a romantic stroll, people would offer a smile or a small wave instead of side eye.
Yoongi was finally living his life; truly living.
Yoongi slowly walked to stand behind you. You felt his hands slide from your hips to wrap his arms around your waist. A smile forming as he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, placing a small kiss to your shoulder.
But the sweet feeling was quickly replaced with one you knew all too well. One you had been dreading.
Setting the dishes in the sink, you turn around and Yoongi’s face pales at the sight of your scared expression.
His grip around you tightens.
“It’s time isn’t it.” He said it more as a statement, and you couldn’t help the tears quickly forming in your eyes. Yoongi quickly wipes them away, nuzzling your nose with his to soothe the ache as much as he could.
As soon as he came to the realization that you’d changed his life, he understood what that meant. Now that he was on the right path, it was time for you to go.
He wanted so badly to let tears escape, to hold you so tight they couldn’t take you away. He wanted to scream at the universe, how dare it take away the only thing he cared about.
Yoongi didn’t do any of that, though. He wanted to stay strong for you. There was nothing he could do but hold your hand, kiss you softly, and tell you it was going to be okay.
“I love you. I always will.”
And just like that, you were gone.
Yoongi stood in the kitchen, alone, and finally let a few tears slip down his cheeks.
The universe probably expected Yoongi to fall apart after you’d left, then forget you all together. Hell, he expected that himself.
He couldn’t disappoint you though and he knew that this wouldn’t be the end.
You’d become such a huge part of his life, that even the universe couldn’t strip you from his memory. You are his soulmate, and he is yours, and that’s a bond that can't be broken.
You’d taught him an important lesson about fate, and he knew you were his.
So, he didn’t break down, fall into the darkness, and waste all the effort you’d put into him.
No, he held himself high, and smiled knowing you were out there, somewhere.
He’d broken free from his old cycle of life and dedicated the new one not only to loving you, but loving himself as well.
The universe could throw whatever it wanted at him, he was done taking it lying down.
This life was his, and he wanted to share every bit of it with you, the person who showed him just how much he deserved it.
He doesn’t care how long it’ll take, he’ll find you.
After all, you can’t outrun destiny.
My main man Yoongles’ story is out ya’ll. Honestly, this one was the most difficult for me to finish, don’t know why. Again, came out longer than expected, but I think that'll be a theme from now on. Still love how it came out though, sorry it’s not exactly the happiest of endings, but hey, they can’t all be! Hope you guys like it, and if you find any errors, let me know (there are probably a lot, I suck). Anyways, thank you all for the support of this “series” so far, it means a lot! Enjoy!
7 Days of Halloween-BTS: Moodboards and Teasers

Music To My Ears (Jin x Siren!Reader)-Read Me
Jin never really took much interest in any of the girls within his co-Ed dorms. Rather, if he was going to find a late night companion, he’d much rather find one he can easily avoid after. Y/N is just a seemingly normal girl trying her best to make it through university without any mishaps. College on its own? A nightmare. College without a voice? Hell on Earth, with the amount of drunk frat boys calling you a prude or stuck up for not talking to them alone. What happens when you let your guard down and someone discovers your secret? Are you ready to face the music?

Follow The Light (Warlock!Yoongi x Willo’wisp!Reader)- Read Me
Path of night or path of light? To be or not to be is the nagging question that haunts Yoongi’s every waking hour. Being a warlock is troublesome as it as, add in that fine line between good and evil, and you’ve got yourself an all out internal war. Yoongi can’t spend another minute trying to figure out which way is right. If only someone could give him a sign? Enter some mysterious girl with glowing hair and a habit for disappearing before he can get to close that beckons him to follow. Can this life get any weirder?

The Heart Grows Fonder (Namjoon x Dryad!Reader) - Read Me
Why in the world did Joon think joining the Botany club would be a good idea? I mean, sure, he loves nature and plants and everything green, but come on! He can’t keep a plant alive for a few days, let alone keeping one throughout the entire semester. And why did the club president even assign such a weird task, why not a cool field trip or something? Maybe all Namjoon needs is a little help from the girl with the green thumb that, funnily enough, lives above the flower shop next to campus. I don’t think the flowers are the only things blossoming here.

Love Heals All (Hoseok x Elf!Reader) - Read Me
Whether you’re a magnet for disaster or are just really good at fixing things, is up for debate in Hobi’s mind. It’s not that people are prone to getting hurt around you, it’s just you’re the best person to be by when injured, for the fact that you seem to have some kind of magic touch for healing things. The first time, Hobi just thought it was a coincidence that you happened to be there for his dancer that sprained her ankle, and was suddenly back to normal in a day or two. But after getting hurt multiple times (he insists he’s just caught Joon’s clumsiness, he DID NOT do it on purpose to see you), he knows something’s up. Now that you’re back for class to keep an eye on him, he can finally get to the bottom of things. It takes two to tango.

Sweet Serendipity (Jimin x Faerie!Reader) - Read Me
Jimin only hated two things in this life. The fact that Jungkook never. answers. his. damn. phone, and his loud, rude, obnoxious, absolutely infuriating neighbors. ‘One of these days,’ he thinks, ‘I’m gonna march over there and give them a piece of my mind.’ Two months pass and Jimin is sitting on his couch when he realizes ‘those idiots next door haven’t made a peep since Monday...and it’s FRIDAY.’ All sneaky attempts at finding out why prove fruitless, until he hears other tenants talking about the strange girl that moved into the apartment next to him. Curiosity peaked, ALL-SYSTEMS-INVESTIGATE-ENGAGED, but this one turns out to be quite the allusive character. That is, until Jimin starts noticing small gifts left on his doorstep. Maybe this new girl will bring warmth to this cold complex?

My Last Hope (Clairvoyant!Taehyung x Ghost!Reader) - Read Me
It all started with the nightmares. Rickety steps. Broken glass. Blood. Taehyung couldn’t count how many sleepless nights he’s had since they started on his fingers and toes combined. No matter how hard he tried, it was no use; he’d wake up in a cold sweat, heart racing, and it was always the same dream. What could it all mean? Deciding to trace his night terrors to the source, Tae finds himself at an abandoned building on the east side of town, but comes up empty handed. Breaking news the next day, a girl’s body is found...by the river behind that same house. As if to prove his belief in coincidence wrong, strange things start to go on around Tae, and suddenly a ghost that looks just like that girl is following him around scolding him for not finding her first. Only way to get her off his back? Help her uncover what truly happened the night she was murdered.

I Feel For You (Werewolf!Jungkook x Empath!Reader) - Read Me
Spooky things go bump in the night in this small town...only thing is no one seems to be aware of it. Jungkook is your average high school heartthrob; popular, cute, kind, athletic...except he’s not. You’d take one look at him and expect him to have all of those things and some to spare, but he’s so reclusive and introverted, no one really knows anything about him, except that he can be a bit of a hothead sometimes. Y/N is the exact opposite; popular, sweet, everyone’s friend, exactly what you wouldn’t expect from the girl who runs away every time someone gets hurt, or disappears when there’s a fight. The only other thing that is so strange about her is her interest in Jungkook. She seems to see right through his exterior and into a part of him he’s never shown anyone before, except those in his inner circle. Maybe what they need to grow is each other. Only question now, are they helping or hurting each other in the process?
Hey Guys,
Teasers and Moodboards out, hope you are all getting ready for 7 Days of Halloween. I’m super excited to get these stories done and out for you all, and I hope these teasers give you a glimpse into something you’ll all enjoy. All pictures in the Moodboards are not my own (if anyone knows any of the origins of them, feel free to comment the owners to give credit). Keep a lookout for each story’s post on the intended due date, something wicked this way comes.
P.S. who are you most looking forward to seeing?💜
The Heart Grows Fonder (Namjoon x Dryad!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, Ultra-mega fluff
Warnings: Explicit language (barely), almost murder of a plant, slight mention of seasonal depression, P.O.V. switching, not a lot of warnings, it is Joon’s after all
Word Count: 6K
Dying. First it was just a leaf or two falling to the edge of the windowsill. Then suddenly the green color began to fade to a dull brown. It’s leaning too, almost ready to topple over and give in to the sweet release of death. Namjoon wishes he could indulge in the same right now.
How on Earth had he killed this poor, innocent plant, in the mere three days he’s had it? Namjoon didn’t even want to think of how utterly embarrassing it was going to be to walk into that meeting on Thursday with the corpse of his plant cradled in his hands.
He could hear the president gasping while the other members try to stifle their laughter.
“What did you do to it?!?” He’d say.
“I don’t know-it had light an-and I watered it every day!” Joon would plead, ears tinged red as his embarrassment slowly choked him.
Joon rubbed the back of his neck, a long sigh escaping his lips as he stared at the corpse of a plant sitting on his windowsill.
“What am I going to do?” Joon tore his eyes away from the crime scene to check the time on his watch.
5:30. He turned back to the window and noted the sun slowly lowering to the edge of the horizon, colors just beginning to debut across the sky. He had so much to do and there seemed to never be enough time in the day to get it all done.
He again took a pained glance at his poor plant and wondered how he was going to explain this to the club. If we’re being honest, it was Joon’s fault for joining this stupid club in the first place.
In retrospect, he thought it’d just be a nice, calm place to indulge in some light conversation about plant-life, something Joon had always been interested and infatuated with.
How was he supposed to know the president was going to force them all to become plant parents for the entire semester.
Now, only three days after he was given the role of ‘father,’ he’d somehow managed to murder his ‘child.’ And the worst part is he’s not even sure how the hell he did it!
After throwing himself a three minute pity party (two minutes longer than usual), Joon decides there’s gotta be something he can do to save himself from the embarrassment of admitting his incompetence in two days, so he grabs a jacket hanging from his door, carefully picks up the poor, lifeless bastard, and heads out.
Joon knows there are a few plant nurseries on the other side of town, but he doesn’t exactly want to make that trek so late at night, especially when he’s only got his bike to get him there.
Instead, he wanders aimlessly, trying to find something, anything, that can help him out. Would it be considered lying if he just bought himself a new plant and tried to pass it off as the original? Would they even be able to tell? If they caught him, he’d be twice as embarrassed, so he takes that thought and promptly punts it out of his mind.
A few minutes into biking while fighting with himself, he sees a bright neon sign hanging cheerfully down the street despite the night slowly enveloping everything in darkness. The words Flower and Shop drawing his attention and decides at the very least he might be able to get some advice on the plant or even some sympathy from a random stranger.
Both sound pretty good at the moment, so he locks his bike to the nearest street light and heads towards the door.
He takes a deep breath, checking to make sure the little guy is still in his pocket, and prays that the door doesn’t have one of those stupid little bell-Ring!
He tries not to cringe too hard, of course he always jinxes himself, and looks around to see if anyone heard him come in. It was bad enough he’s pretty sure he’s the only person out at this hour in this part of town, but he’s a grown-ass man looking for help for his dead plant.
This is a new level of pathetic he never knew he’d reach.
When no one approaches him, no signs of life anywhere but the flowers decorating every inch of the store, he smiles to himself as he looks back down at his pocket, “looks like you’re not the only thing dead around here buddy.”
“Can I help you?” He shoots around, his heart jumping into his throat when he hears the voice behind him.
“Jesus-you scared the shit out of me.” He says, hand jumping to cover his heart, trying to calm himself down. He takes a proper look at you, a small, soft looking girl, probably a foot and a half shorter than him, heat causing redness to bleed from the tips of his ears across his face.
This tiny ass girl nearly gave him a heart attack. Now he had reached a level of pathetic he didn’t even know existed.
You stood there, waiting for an answer, and like he suddenly regained the ability to speak, he clears his throat, “Um, yeah-I mean, maybe? I have,” he pulls the plant from his pocket, losing a few more leaves in the process, and holds it out to you, “this plant, and it’s dying.”
He sees the way you cringe when he pulls it from his pocket, looking from him to the plant, then back to him.
“I can see that.” The corner of your lips turns up, your words causing Namjoon to lose his train of thought in the stead of his complete and utter humiliation, so you continue, hoping to relieve him a bit.
“By the discoloration and the rate it’s losing its leaves,” you pluck one from the poor thing to prove your point, “you’re probably over-watering it.”
Looking at the rapidly fading plant, you can instantly tell it’s drowning. You want to hold it in your hand, tell it it’s going to be okay, and nurse it back to health yourself, but that wasn’t exactly an appropriate course of action right now.
It made you crazy sometimes how people could just treat their plants like objects. They were living things that needed proper care and attention, and it hurt to see them on the brink of death due to human ignorance.
You didn’t want to assume this guy didn’t really care. Obviously it’s just a plant to him, like they are to most people, but he is here, showing it to you and asking for help.
He looks at the lifeless mass in his hands and then at you again.
“Is there any way to fix it? Like, bring it back, or something.”
Reaching out to take the plant into your hands, he releases it over to you, fingers brushing one another’s before gently wrapping around the pot. You lift a finger to graze over the few remaining leaves and stem.
You could feel the small trace of life still coursing through its veins. It might take some time, but there was definitely a way to bring this baby back. Of course, it just needed your special touch to jump-start things.
“I think so, follow me.” You start towards the back of the shop, and with the man behind you, you softly caress the leaves again with a little extra mph, circle the dirt around the roots with your index finger, and whisper a few encouraging words for only the plant to hear.
Just like magic, you feel the life force growing, a bit of green already seeping from the base of the plant up.
A smile breaks out across your face and you pull a new pot from under the desk as you round to the opposite side, the man stopping opposite of you to wait for further instructions.
You carefully re-pot the little plant, pulling out some plant food to mix in with the new, dry, soil, and spritzing it with a bit of water to help it settle in.
The whole time, Namjoon is just watching in both awe and nervousness. He wasn’t sure if any of this would actually work, 100% sure he’d have to deal with the humiliation of messing up on a freaking club activity. Much to his surprise, in the few minutes you had the plant, it seemed to spring back to life faster than he could snap his fingers.
He didn’t know too much about the intricacies of plant care and management, but he did know that plants don’t bounce back that quickly...right?
The rationalist in him figured this was normal plant behavior, that maybe this type of plant had a faster healing rate or whatever; any explanation that made logical sense.
The skeptic in him reasoned that it had nothing to do with you, that people could not magically heal anything and he was just being weird.
But the wonderer in him couldn’t help but question if what he was seeing was something that couldn’t be explained within the realms of logic. Maybe this was something extraordinarily unfathomable. Maybe even magical.
As if coming to his senses, he mentally kicks himself for even entertaining the thought and finds himself once again not paying attention to the girl who just addressed him.
“Sorry, what?” You roll your eyes, used to people zoning out when it came to directions of proper plant care. You push the plant as well as some extra plant food, soil, and a piece of paper towards him.
“Your plant should be fine now that it’s in dryer soil. These,” You point to the paper, which he lifts to his face to read the writing intricately scrawled across it, “are some simple instructions on how often to water, repot, and feed it.”
He looks over the paper, taking in the new information and storing it in his mind, though he’ll probably have to tack up the note so he’ll actually remember what to do. Stuffing everything else into his pockets, he reaches for the plant, but you quickly pull it away from him.
He’s confused, obviously, but you just shake your head.
“You are NOT shoving this poor thing back in there.” Releasing his breath with an airy laugh, he rubs the back of his neck, gesturing towards the front of the store where his bike is still tethered to the light.
“I don’t have anywhere else to put it.” Your face contorts as you think for a solution, looking around the store. A small basket and some rope catch your eye, and suddenly an idea shoots into your mind.
Without enlightening him on your plan, you grab the supplies and usher him to grab the plant and follow you outside. You stop in-front of his bike, paying no mind to his questioning looks and sounds.
Wrapping the rope around the front and handlebars a few times, you feed it through a few holes in the basket and tie it securely to his bike. Wiping your hands and admiring your work, you look up at him, finally understanding your vision.
He places the plant safely in the basket and you take the hair scarf that was tied around your head to neatly stuff it around the plant to cushion it in place.
He goes to grab it and return it to you, but you stop his hand with yours, his eyes shooting to yours at the contact. You quickly drop your hand and shake your head with a smile.
“It’s safer that way, don’t want this little guy getting thrown around.” Namjoon can’t help the smile that spreads across his face.
“But it’s yours, how can I return it?” He’s nervous now, and he knows how stupid he sounds. You can come back and bring it to her dumb-ass.
You giggle, a blush appearing on his cheeks at the sound.
“Guess you’ll just have to come back to see me then.” You smile at him, and oh boy does his heart start racing at the fact that you’re smiling and flirting with him. He wasn’t imagining it, right? This beautiful girl, who saved him from a lifetime of embarrassment, is actually flirting with him?
His smile only grows, nodding his head as he unlocks his bike and grabs the handlebars.
“I guess I will.”
Silence. Not uncomfortable, no, calming, soothing, perfect. The only sounds you both can hear are the chirping of crickets and the beating of your hearts. The cool night air contrasting to and soothing the heat of blushing cheeks.
“So, I guess I’ll see you, then?” You say after a moment.
He doesn’t want the moment to end, but he also doesn’t want you to think he’s ignoring you again.
Turning his bike around, preparing to take off, he nods, “Absolutely.”
You don’t say anything, and he gets ready to leave, swinging his leg over and resting it on the pedal.
“Wait!” You shout, louder than you had meant to, and now it’s your turn to get embarrassed. He only offers a reassuring smile, waiting.
“My name’s Y/N...by the way.”
Y/N. A beautiful name. It fit you so well.
“Namjoon.” He says with a grin so wide, his cheeks push his eyes almost closed.
Another second of silence and you return to the door, resting a hand on the knob, turning back to Namjoon.
“Goodnight Namjoon.” Your voice is soft, like a whisper so only he could hear.
“Goodnight Y/N, and thank you.”
And just like that, he’s off.
His ride home is filled with thoughts of you.
You head back in and close up shop, and as you walk up the steps to your apartment on the second floor, you thank your lucky stars you gave Mr. Chen the night off and decided to stay up a bit later than usual.
The soft silky fabric grazes his palm, feeding it through his fingers delicately, savoring the feeling. It might be weird, but it reminded him of you; soft and delicate. The pattern, a bold geometric mess of bright colors, reminded him of you as well.
Namjoon had only just met you, yet he felt as if he’d known you for years. You were so carefree and nonchalant with him that he couldn’t help but feel drawn to you; close to you.
You spoke to him as if he were an old childhood friend you hadn’t seen in a while. It made him want to spend time with you, get to know you, let you get to know him.
He wasn’t a stranger to talking to girls, he’s had his fair share of silly little romances here and there. He knew how to tell if there was something there, and boy, did he more than feel it the other night with you. He felt it, saw it, heard it, tasted it, every single one of his senses were tingling with anticipation to know every inch of you.
You not only saved him from embarrassment at the meeting, you sparked something in him he had never felt before. He didn’t know exactly what to classify it as, considering you had only just met, but the intense urge to see you again, and again, and again, spoke volumes to the fact that this was not going to be some silly little friendship or romance.
This is important, something life-changing, and he was more than ready to dive in and see where you’d take him, if you’d take him at all.
Even though he is incredibly sure there is indeed something between the two of you, there is a nagging part of him that can’t help but be terrified that this feeling was just his. You were just being nice to a customer and that was all.
Joon breaks from his thoughts, holding the scarf in his hand as he swivels his chair around to stare at the objects you’d given him in his windowsill. His plant was flourishing, growing better than it had when he first got it.
According to the club president, you’d given him some pretty high grade soil and plant food, but Namjoon knew that his plant’s success had more to do with your touch than the dirt.
It clicked in his brain that you didn’t even bill him for anything. That soil is apparently pretty expensive (in soil standards anyways), not to mention the food, and your time spent helping him. He never thought to pay you, and you didn’t charge him.
Was it because it just slipped your mind? Were you just being nice? Did you do it on purpose? Namjoon didn’t know, but he wanted to believe it was something more. Who would give free stuff to a stranger?
Joon decided he not only wanted to return your scarf, but to pay you for everything. He didn’t feel right about it, even if you did do it on purpose or to be nice. In the back of his mind, he knew this would also give him a way to talk with you more, in case he gave you your scarf back and that was it.
Namjoon wanted every chance he could get to spend even just a few more seconds in your company.
He booked it back to the shop in record time, anticipation flooding every inch of his being. Namjoon couldn’t wait to see you, touch your hand as he handed you your scarf back, hear your giggle when he inevitably says something stupid, but you insist it’s just cute.
Ugh, it was like playing a movie in his brain he never wanted to end. He didn't even really know you but he was so excited to get to.
He didn’t even bother locking his bike this time, setting up it up against the side of the building instead. It was when he finally stood at the door, hand reaching out towards the handle, his nerves caught up to him.
Before he could overthink it, he was through the door, ring of the bell sounding through the shop and causing him to jump a bit. He quickly settled and began surveying the room for you.
He thought he’d catch you behind the counter this time, it being normal shop hours, but he found a little old man in your stead. Namjoon tried not to show his disappointment in fear the man would see and get offended, but his face had already dropped before he could stop it.
As Joon walked up to the counter, the man smiled at him, “She’s in the back.” He waved his hand motioning Namjoon forward, but before he could ask the man how he knew that was what Joon was here for, he simply placed a single finger to his lips and turned back to his work.
Not going to lie, Joon was a little startled by the exchange, but took it as a sign and headed towards the back of the shop. At the back wall was a little door with a window in it that opened into a greenhouse of sorts connected to the building.
When he saw a familiar figure sitting at the long bench just beyond the door, he couldn’t help but pause to watch you.
You were smiling softly, looking down on a tiny green plant resting in a white pot. That smile nearly melted Joon’s heart into a puddle in his chest and he slowly reached out to grab the handle.
But just as he was about to open the door, he saw your lips move, almost like you were having a conversation with the little thing. Namjoon thought it was kind of quirky and adorable how much you seemed to love plants, but when he saw the plant begin to move, almost growing and waving before his very eyes, his whole being froze.
Did he-did he see that right? He blinked a few times, trying to wipe the image clear from his sight, but suddenly a small bloom grew from the top of the plant causing your lips to curl up in a big grin, clasping your hands together in awe.
Namjoon didn’t know what to do, what to think, how the hell would he know what to say? He had a hard enough time trying to talk to you without sounding like an idiot the last time, but after this? Was he crazy?
Joon quickly dropped his hand from the door handle, thinking it’d be best to come back another time when he wasn’t having a full blown mental breakdown, but the sudden movement caused the handle to creak.
Your head shot towards the sound and you instantly paled when you saw Namjoon standing at the door. Had he seen? What could you tell him?
Joon’s cover was blown so he decided to just rip the band-aid off and go in. He tries to hide the panic on his face as best he can, but you can tell something was bothering him.
“Hey,” was all you could offer him. You weren’t sure how long he’d been standing there, what he had seen, and if he would question you or not. And it wasn’t like this was something you could casually bring up to a person, let alone one you just met. ‘Yeah, so I can talk to plants and help them grow and stuff. Pretty cool, right?’ That would definitely be a one-way ticket to an institution, not to mention a total mood killer.
“Hey.” Joon doesn’t know if it’s his place to say anything about what he saw, what he thinks he saw anyways, and remembers the reason he’s here.
“I, um, brought you your scarf back.” Joon reaches into his back pocket, grabbing the delicate fabric and holding it out to you. Just like in his daydream, your hand reaches out slowly to take it and your fingers brush his. The feeling alone almost causes him to forget everything he had witnessed, but when your fingers pull away, taking the scarf with it, the image burns back into his brain.
An awkward silence slowly fills the void between the two of you. You don’t take your eyes off of him, silently studying him, trying to tell if he saw something he shouldn’t have. Joon, though, surprisingly, was pretty good at acting like it never happened, quashing your suspicions.
He takes a quick glance at the plant sitting before you on the bench, little yellow bloom happily sitting at the top of a leafy green stem, then turns back to you, “Cute flower, what is it?”
His curiosity in the bloom almost gives him away, but you figure he’s just trying to make conversation.
Turning back to the flower, you pick it up by the pot and hop off your stool, walking towards the shelves of flowers in the back of the greenhouse. Namjoon follows, watching as you carefully place it down among others similar to it, just different colors.
“Viola Tricolor, more commonly referred to as a Pansy,” Wiping your hands on your jeans, you turn back to Joon, “They come in all sorts of colors, but the yellow ones are my favorite.”
Joon can’t help but smile when you do, the way you talked about plants made your eyes light up and he liked seeing you look so happy.
You both wander back through the greenhouse, taking your time as you go, close enough to one another that your shoulder sometimes nudges his arm.
“Why the yellow ones?” Namjoon questions, looking down at you as you take quick glances at the plants you pass, just to make sure everyone was doing well.
“Hmm,” you ponder, drawing it out which makes Namjoon’s smile grow.
“Pansies are said to be the flower of freethinkers and the yellow ones specifically stand for happiness and positive energy. I look at them and they just make me smile, I guess.”
You peek up at Namjoon to see him looking forward, thinking over your answer with a grin plastered on his face.
He thought of himself as sort of a freethinker sometimes, and he likes that you have a similar mind to his in ways. Of course you loved them for the positivity, in Namjoon’s mind, you are the most positive person he’s met. You always look so happy and content, at least, all the times Namjoon has looked, and in the two days he’s known you, that was a lot.
“Cute.” He thought he’d said it in his mind, but when he hears a giggle escape your lips, he realizes he’s voiced it out loud and immediately flushes red.
His hand quickly finds its way to the back of his neck and a flustered chuckle escapes his lips, “I mean, they’re cute flowers, and that’s a cool reason to like them.” He could kick himself for how idiotic he sounded, rambling on.
You didn’t mind, though, in fact, you thought it was also rather cute.
Cuter than the flowers, but don’t tell them that.
“By the way, who was that guy behind the counter?”
After finishing up a few things around the shop, Namjoon had tried to pay you for the things you’d given him. It took him a minute to calm down when you told him it wasn’t necessary and instead suggested he could take you out for ice cream as repayment.
You didn’t officially say the word ‘date’ but in Joon’s mind, this was definitely a date.
You take another spoonful, savoring not only the flavor of the ice cream, but the time you were spending with him.
“Mr. Chen owns the place, he let me move into the apartment upstairs as long as I helped him with the shop.”
“So that’s why you were there so late.” Namjoon takes another big spoonful of his ice cream, careful not to make a mess and embarrass himself yet again in front of you. It didn’t bother him too much though, because hearing your laugh, even if it was at his expense, was worth it.
You nod, resting your dish on your knee, staring out at the bustling town before you from the bench you occupied.
The best place to get ice cream, you told Namjoon, was this little place in the heart of town, just a few blocks away from his school. Despite being so close, Namjoon had never been there, so he took your word for it.
It was a bit of a walk from the shop, so Joon brought his bike along just in case.
When you got there, you both were so overwhelmed by the amount of flavors to choose from, you let a few other people ahead of you while you decided. Eventually, you both settled on your respective favorites and found a bench to relax on while you ate.
Even though it was still early September, the air could get quite chilly at night. Add on the frozen treats, and you were practically shivering once the sun went down. Namjoon, ever the gentleman, noticed right away, shrugging his jacket off and dropping it around your shoulders.
He didn’t think much of it until he noticed the pink color on your cheeks, instantly sending the same color to blossom on his own.
The silence was comfortable, it made you feel like time had slowed almost to a complete halt and you were the only two people left on the Earth.
The street lights along with the cute rustic string lights that swung from shop to shop created the dreamiest atmosphere, it was almost like you were in a movie.
Once the both of you were finished, you started your journey back to the shop. A few minutes in and Namjoon could tell you were growing tired by the way your figure slightly swayed and bumped into him every once in a while.
He stops, pulling his bike forward and throws one leg over.
You were so lost in thought you almost didn’t notice him stop, but when you turned back to ask him what he was doing, he just patted the back rack of his bike.
Smiling, you carefully sit on the rack, wrapping your arms around Namjoon’s waist. You feel him tense up a bit at your touch, but when you lean your head to snuggle into his back, he relaxes and you head off.
The ride is so smooth and calm you almost fall asleep clutched tightly to Joon. Every once in a while, you peak one sleepy eye open to look up at him. He looked so focused yet so serene it was beautiful.
He is beautiful.
You let your eyes fall closed again, the cool night air blowing against your cheeks, Joon’s jacket wrapped around you to keep you warm.
His bike comes to a stop and you slowly open your eyes, the front of the shop coming into focus. You tear yourself away from Joon to stretch and then hop of the bike.
Namjoon just stares at you, smile bright as he watches you wake yourself up.
“Thank you for the ice cream. We should hang out again sometime.” You smile at Joon, hoping he gets the hint that you want to spend more time with him.
The tips of his ears turn red and his smile only grows, “Absolutely.”
This time, before he can leave, you push yourself forward, placing your lips to his warm cheek. You pull away and tell him goodnight, leaving with a wave as you shut the door to the shop.
Namjoon just sits there in shock. He lifts his hand to trace the place your lips had touched, still feeling their warmth after they were gone.
Once he was sure you were out of sight, he let his fist fly up in the air to celebrate, quickly collecting himself and starting off for the dorms.
You, however, had managed to see his victory celebration, causing you to laugh at how utterly adorable he was.
As you made your way up the stairs to your apartment door, you realized it was you who had something of his this time.
Settling yourself on your couch, you held the fabric of Joon’s jacket close to you, the subtle smell of him tickling your senses and making you feel incredibly warm and tranquil.
It was your turn to go to him this time.
That night was a real turning point for your and Namjoon’s budding relationship.
When you took his jacket back to him the next day, he’d given you a full campus tour before inviting you to his room to watch a movie. After that, you’d spent every spare minute you could with him.
In-between classes Joon would visit you at work, sometimes bringing you lunch to share. When you were off, you’d go see him at the dorm and laze around in his room playing games, watching movies, and just talking about anything and everything.
You made sure you both got out to walk enough before the cold set in, taking nice strolls through the park or through town. Sometimes Joon would wrap his hand around yours and you’d clasp it tightly, not looking at each other, but just enjoying the feeling.
After seeing how cute you looked falling asleep on his bike, he made it a point to take you somewhere on his bike every day. From the movies, to the shopping center, even to the lake one day so you both could skip stones before dark.
Namjoon was slowly taking over your heart, and you, his. How easily you fell in sync with each other just fell so incredibly natural, it was like the two of you were made for each other.
You hadn’t noticed right away, but he quickly became your best friend, a position you’d never filled before. It felt strange yet so nice to be able to confide all the good and bad to someone who truly cares about you.
While Namjoon has plenty of friends, he’d never been as close to someone as he was with you.
The way you made his heart race with just a simple smile, the way his palms start to sweat when you snuggle up close to him, the butterflies that erupt in his stomach when you laugh, it was total euphoria.
You both had been spending so much time together in the past few months, it was hard to miss when your mood started to fizzle as the winter season began.
It was like the light had been sucked from you, leaving you cold and weak, and Namjoon wasn’t sure what to do. You tried to act normal around him, but it was obvious you weren’t feeling right. After a few days, your energy had completely depleted.
Namjoon had to cram for finals, but when he’d call to check up on you, either you didn’t answer, or you’d tell him you were fine and he should focus on his studies.
That didn’t stop Joon from worrying about you, in fact, it just made it worse, to the point where you had to tell him not to come see you in fear you’d get him ‘sick’ even though you both knew that wasn’t true.
You just didn’t want to bum him out or distract him, and telling him the real reason behind your seasonal depression didn’t seem like an option just yet.
After two days, Namjoon couldn’t take it anymore.
You were wrapped up so tightly in your comforter you didn’t even hear your door open, only realizing when the side of your bed dipped that someone had come in. You peek your head out from under the covers and see Joon, a sympathetic smile on his face.
He reaches his hand out to run a finger down your cheek, softly caressing the side of your face. You lean in to his touch, closing your eyes and letting yourself enjoy the warmth that bloomed under his touch.
You knew he’d show up and check on you, after all, it wasn’t like you to stay cooped up in your apartment all day. After dodging his questions and concerns for a week now, you’re actually surprised it took him this long, but Joon was one to understand the need for space, and he wasn’t going to force you to open up when you didn’t want to.
His worries finally got the best of him and despite your insistence on being fine, he decided he’d just pop in real quick and see how you were doing. He knew you weren’t at your best right now, and he could only wonder as to what was causing it, but when he saw the little plant in the windowsill out of the corner of his eye, it clicked.
The little guy had been sort of forgotten since you hadn’t been over for a while, and he was definitely suffering. Namjoon remembered you telling him once about how some plants don’t do well during the winter months, even indoors.
A light bulb flashed in his head, remembering the events of the day he brought your scarf back, and suddenly he knew exactly what to do.
If his plant was feeling down, you must know how it felt, and he came up with the best plan to help.
So, he grabbed the little plant from its home in his window, wrapped it in one of his scarves instead of putting it in his pocket this time, and headed to your place.
Now that he was here, he could see the resemblance between you and the little plant. Pale, limp, and sad. It made him feel guilty for not coming to see you sooner, but all he could do was be here now.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” He can see it on your face, but he wants to hear your voice. You smile softly, sitting up from the bed and holding the hand that was previously on your cheek.
“I’m okay, just a little under the weather.” He noted the multiple layers adorning your body and wanted to just snuggle up to you right that second, but his plan had to come first.
“I brought you something, I need your help again.” He reveals the plant from behind him and you stare at it for a second, sympathy drawing a slight frown over your face.
You take the plant from his hands, a feeling of dejavu washing over you as your fingers touch, and turn your attention back to Joon.
“It’s because of the weather Joon, I don’t know what you want me to do-” He takes the plant from you to set it down on the stand next to your bed, grabbing both your hands in his.
Before you can question him further, he takes on of your hands and rests it at the base of the plant. It’s hard not to see what he’s getting at as he looks from the plant to you, content face smiling.
There’s a feeling of nervousness that suddenly washes over you. Chen was the only one who knew about your gift and sharing it with another person felt like a big step. If you were going to take it with anyone, though, it’d be Namjoon.
You close your eyes, mustering up all the energy you could even though your body felt drained. You feel the warmth tickle the nerves in your hand and when you peek your eyes open again, green seeps through the little plant, perking it right back up. You can feel the life coursing through it and it makes you feel better.
You felt more alive.
Namjoon just sat there with a smile, knowing this was what you needed to get back on your feet. Just one little win to remind you that life did not completely die in the cold, it just hibernated, waiting for better days.
You knew better days were coming too, knowing Joon would be by your side.
You go to turn back to Namjoon, to thank him for helping you out of your funk, but instead feel his warm lips press sweetly to yours.
This wasn’t the first time you had kissed Namjoon, but it felt so different from every other time. Like this kiss held new promises and would lead to new and better things. It was like your whole future together held in one intimate action.
Helping his plant made you feel good, but this kiss breathed the life right back into you.
The next day you decided to accompany Joon to the last Botany meeting of the semester. Holding his hand tightly in yours, you couldn’t wait to spend Christmas break together and every day after that.
He holds the door open for you, ever the gentleman, and the president looks up at the two of you. His eyes lock on you for a moment and then he directs his attention to Joon.
“Who’s this Namjoon? We usually don’t have guests.”
Joon only smiles down at you, holding the little plant in one hand, his hand in the other, and look back to the president.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
Fast forward a few years later and you and Joon are walking up to the front porch of your shared home after a warm summer night’s stroll. You pass the flowers that line the sidewalk and they seem to perk up in your presence.
Passing the large willow tree in your front yard, you grasp Joon’s hand a little tighter as he lifts them to place a kiss to the back of yours. You see both of your initials grown into the bark of the tree, which showed up after you moved in. Just recently, the beginnings of a third name starting to grow just beneath.
Your other hand goes to rest on your stomach, knowing what else was growing.
Oh my gosh,
Day 3 is out you guys, holy crap is this week flying by. Not going to lie, but so far, Joon’s is kinda my favorite (even though I say that about every one), but for real, I’m pretty proud of this one. This series has been a blast so far, and I hope you all are enjoying yourselves as well. Stay tuned the rest of the week for Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kookie’s stories. Love you all, and Stay Spooky!💜