fan of good music and good people; BTS, NCT, Stray Kids, Day6 drabbles and stuff i guess
100 posts
I Never Get Political, Especially On Tumblr, But This Has Been Sitting With Me For A While Now And I
I never get political, especially on Tumblr, but this has been sitting with me for a while now and I thought I might as well share. I will apologize in advance to anyone who does not appreciate this kind of post, I will be back to regularly scheduled programming afterwards, but I needed to get this off my chest.
DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion, PLEASE feel free to discuss and add in the comments, I love hearing different views and ideas; this is a safe space to constructively discuss.
Food For Thought:
With everything that’s been going on in the world, more specifically in America for far too long, I think it’s important to remember this: EQUALITY BEGINS WITH EDUCATION.
Public schools nationwide are constantly losing funding or getting their budgets cut, making it nearly impossible for children to get a quality education. Education is the key to EVERYTHING. No child, no matter their race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc. should be denied an equal right to a quality education.
Education is so so so important, and it’s so often looked over and disregarded. It is mandatory for every child to receive an education; you can’t be a teacher without an education, you can’t be an astronaut without education, you can’t be mayor, a congressman/woman, PRESIDENT without education.
If we want to bring the people of this country together, we need to start at the beginning. If every child, EVERY CHILD, was given the chance to an EQUAL, QUALITY education, children of every color, shape, size, etc. would grow up side by side and have access to the same opportunities.
So many POC live in areas where public school funding is almost non-existent. If we don’t start every child off with the same foundation, how do we expect them to ever be on equal ground?
So, if you can, raise your voice for equal and quality education. We need equal, quality funding for public schools nationwide. If you’re truly passionate about educating the people of tomorrow, pursue a career in education if you have the ability to do so. Children learn from what they see, hear, and are exposed to. You can make a difference!
We can argue, fight, etc. all we want as adults, and that can bring about some change, but the true change will be seen in our children.
Raise Equality. Educate Equality. We’re all human beings.
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More Posts from Neighborhoodmoonchild
A woman's fear is a negated reality. Women aren't afraid, they're paranoid. They watched too much CSI. They hate men and now think it's unsafe to be near a group of strangers. They had one bad experience, so what? They're hysterical. They're just high strung. They have nothing to worry about.
I am watching a bad movie, laughing over popcorn when the woman screams and the man stays calm and tells her she's imagining things. I am watching a good movie, and the woman is afraid while the man tells her to get herself together. I am watching, and the woman tells people: "this man is violent, and I am not safe", and people roll their eyes behind her, snickering in her wake. I am watching, and the woman gets a restraining order that does nothing and saves no one. I am watching, and I am afraid.
My coworker tells me he used to just walk around at night in random cities talking to random people, joining random parties. I said I could never. He asks - what is there to be afraid of?
What is there to be afraid of? If we started listening to women, the world isn't a safe one. It's easier, isn't it? To dismiss us all as being just messed up, making up stories in our head. Why bother? You know how women are. Always going to the bathroom with their friends. Always carrying their drink with them. Always making knuckled spikes out of car keys. Always checking the back seat. Always making something from nothing.
my blog is, and always will be, a safe place for people who are not confident in their english speaking abilities. you will never be judged or mocked here.
Prompt(s): “I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.”, “Were you ever going to tell me?”, “I just want you to be happy.”
Pairing(s): non-idol!Jungkook x Reader; mentions of Hoseok x Reader
Genre(s): Angst
Summary: Best friends don’t keep things from one another.
Warning(s): angst and tears, maybe unhealthy friendships?? (idk)
Word Count: 2.1k
“Jungkook, I swear, throw that pillow one more goddamn ti—“
When the soft plush of the pillowcase is suddenly all you can feel against your face, an unbothered laugh filling the small space of your apartment, you can’t help the exasperated sigh that escapes your lips.
Sitting on the floor surrounded by mountains of pillows, blankets, and snacks, you grip the pillow harshly to your chest, desperately trying to calm your rising temper as the doe-eyed boy crumples to the floor in a fit of giggles, loud and obnoxious.
It’s a sound you’d grown used to over the years of being best friends, unfortunately most incidents being at your own expense, but you were subconsciously fine with that if it meant making your best friend happy.
You raised a hand to smooth the now-stray locks of hair in disarray from impact-over-impact of the pillow bombs Kook had been tossing over the last half hour.
Why you bother to lecture him about manners and how hitting people upside the head with pillows when they’ve asked you to stop is rude, you don’t know. It always falls on deaf ears, and Kook has never been one to listen, to anyone.
Wiping the forming tears gathering at the edge of his lashes, he sends you a big grin, knowing that if he plays his cards right, you’ll forgive him in a few minutes and all will be as it was.
“Come on, y/n, lighten up a little!” You roll your eyes at his antics. It was always like this. Jungkook would do something stupid, dangerous, a little rude, or all of the above, he’d play it off as you being a ‘stick in the mud’ and eventually you’d give up and let him go about doing whatever he wants.
Sometimes it felt less like you were his best friend and more like you were his babysitter.
Don’t get it twisted, though, you love Jungkook more than anything. He’s been your best friend since God knows when. When bullies picked fights on the playground, Kook was there. When your first date ditched you freshman year, Kook was there. When your parents were fighting and you didn’t want to be home, Kook was there.
You’d practically grown up together and shared everything. Maybe that’s why you felt a swirling sense of guilt building in the pit of your stomach.
You’d never kept something from him before.
Rolling your eyes, you willed yourself to breath and calm down. You’d already been a little jumpy all afternoon, and the more you overreacted, the more suspicious he’d get.
Jungkook was no idiot, though, and he’d known the second he came over that something was up. It wasn’t unlike the two of you to have late night movie sessions, laughing, talking, and just being weirdos together, but something about this time felt off.
He wouldn’t say anything, though. After all, you both never kept things from each other and he believed that if something was wrong, you’d tell him. Perhaps that’s why he felt a bit guilty deep down. You would always tell him if something was going on.
“Fine, lets just watch the movie, okay?” You ask, tone showing some defeat, but Jungkook could easily play that off to the fact that he’d been pestering you all night to get you to say something, tell him the truth, yell at him, anything that wasn’t just this passive apathetic attitude you’d had all night.
As you leaned forward to pop the disc in the DVD player, what movie, you weren’t really sure at this point, but it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to watch the same few movies over and over again, you felt Kook scoot closer, dragging the heap of blankets along with him.
The hangouts weren’t for the movies anyways, they were more for relaxing and venting to the only people you both had to be honest to.
Previews began and you kept your eyes glued to the screen. You knew Kook was staring at you and it killed you inside knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep this up any longer.
Body heat creeping between blankets as he pushed even closer, only centimeters apart, and you finally turned your head to face him. Right there on his face, just as you thought, sat that quizzical yet knowing expression he wore whenever he knew you weren’t telling him something.
The heat rose to your cheeks and you hated the way the guilt licked at your throat, threatening to spill out in words you weren’t quite sure you were ready to tell him.
Instead of breaching that topic so soon, you opted to remain oblivious.
Turning your head back to the screen, you let a little sigh out, breathing in deeply to settle the nerves growing within you, “Kookie, stop staring at me like that. Watch the movie.”
Silence. Preview after preview played when you decide to look back again to see if the expression had changed. As your head swiveled to face him, you met his features only a breath’s width apart from yours.
It had you freezing in your spot, afraid that if you moved even a molecule, you’d occupy the same space, too close to stop something you might regret.
His eyes, narrowed and hard set on yours had you swallowing the lump that formed in your throat.
He knows.
“Jungkook, I-“ but before you could get he damned words out he had already pressed forwards, stealing them right out your mouth, lips pressed against lips.
All of a sudden you were too warm, too dizzy, too confused, and the only thing you could do was pull back, resting a hand on his shoulder to keep the distance.
His expression didn’t change, until he registered the panicked one you wore. As quickly as the kiss came, he was pulling back and chuckling halfheartedly.
“Geez, Y/N, calm down. I’m just messing with you.”
Your face didn’t drop the look you held firm, but your hand did fall into your lap, suddenly burned by the touch of his skin.
“Why would you do that?” Your voice is small, frail, like a thin pane of glass in a weak frame, and the tiniest disturbance would shatter you.
He didn’t look at you, rather, focusing on the screen ahead. The sound escaping your lips as you talked had him stiff. He fucked up.
“I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.” It’s short, void of emotion and he doesn’t even turn to look you in the eyes as you stare at him.
This was all wrong. How had everything gone so wrong so fast?
The only thing crashing around in your mind was the thing. That one thing you wanted to wait to tell him, but now it was ringing in your ears, the only sound you could hear.
It was out before you could stop it.
“I’m moving in with Hoseok tomorrow.”
So that’s why you wanted a movie night out of the blue. Come to think of it, this was the first time you and Jungkook had hung out just the two of you in a while.
He didn’t even register the lack of your personal belongings strewn about your apartment, or the two boxes sat to the right of your door.
He’d been too busy being excited to finally have some alone time with you that he’d been oblivious to all of the signs.
You were leaving him behind.
Not saying anything, Jungkook gathered his belongings and stood from his spot on the floor. You shot up to follow him, forcing the tears to stay in your eyes as you frantically thought of how to fix this.
This wasn’t how this was supposed to go.
Kook grabbed his shoes from the front tray, sliding them on, just as you got to the front door and grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt.
When he finally turned to look at you, the pain in his eyes had the tears fleeing yours. You ignored them as they flowed down your cheeks.
“Kook, wait-“
“No. I... I just. I shouldn’t be here.”
Turning the doorknob, he tried to walk through, but your hand latched to his sleeve kept him in place.
Another awful silence sat between you.
Cold night air seeped through the open door, clouds dispersed enough to see the pitch black of night peak through, little stars shining in the void of darkness. It was a sight you once fawned over, but now it sat cold, like a block of ice in your heart.
“Why didn’t you tell me... tell me before?”
It was something you always suspected could happen, non-platonic feelings blossoming over the many years you’d known each other. You’d entertained the thought of Jungkook being more than a friend once before, when the two of you were young and a little bit stupid and thought the world was yours for the taking.
But time had changed that, changed the two of you.
When you met Hoseok two years ago, the feelings that burst within you for him were some you’d never felt before. And Jungkook, well he was supportive of the whole thing. Said he seemed nice, and after they got to know each other, ‘if you’re gonna ditch me for anyone, I’m fine with it being him’ when you had to postpone ‘his time’ for your boyfriend over and over again.
Seems like things had once again changed.
In retrospect, he should’ve seen it coming.
“There’s nothing to tell, y/n.”
You dropped your hand from his sleeve, once again nursing the burning sensation from close contact. Of course, you thought, stubborn as hell.
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jungkook turned around as he stepped through out onto the porch. There was enough space between you now, and he felt safe enough to turn back, just to look at you one more time.
He took note of the way you held the hand that once held him. The tears tracking across your cheeks, red and puffy. The slight quiver in your bottom lip.
It tore his already shredded heart to bits. Pummeled it into the ground and stomped on it too.
He didn’t answer; didn’t know how to. He’d had years to tell you how he felt, had his chance to keep you when you asked him his opinion on Hoseok.
Hoseok. As much as he wanted to hate the guy, show up and beat the shit out of him for taking the only thing he cared about, he couldn’t. Hoseok was a great guy, the kind of guy you deserved. The guy that wasn’t afraid to tell you you looked beautiful, to bring you flowers for no reason, and kiss you under the moonlight. Hoseok was a great guy, and he got you.
He honestly, maybe even stupidly, thought you two weren’t that serious. Maybe he just refused to believe you were.
A pathetic smile plastered itself to his face, wishing to every power he knew that he would take it all back if he could.
“I just want you to be happy,” Jungkook whispers, voice low and strained from keeping his own tears at bay. This was it, and if he was going to do one last thing, he’d wish you the best. Because you deserve the best.
You took a feeble step forward, reaching out for a moment before pulling back.
You pulled yourself together enough to look him in the eyes, seeing the sparkle that usually sat within them clouded by the glimmer of tears. Mirroring his pathetic grin, you sniffed, wiping a few tears from your face.
“I want the same for you...”
Staring at one another, time seemed to freeze only for a brief second.
Before he could stop himself, Jungkook reaches a shaking hand out to brush against your cheek. The wet tears seeping into his skin made his body shiver.
You stood there, face subconsciously leaning into his palm, the warmth not as comforting as it had once been.
“I know.”
It was quick, and suddenly he was pulling his hand away, wiping his palm on his jeans.
You watched as he tore down the staircase and out into the parking lot. As he started his car and drove off, leaving you there.
Eyes gazing up to stare at the stars twinkling millions of miles away, you let the tears flow as hard as they needed to.
You were mourning; grieving over the loss of a friendship most people could only dream of.
For a moment, your mind pondered over everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have told him. Maybe you should’ve said something when you had the chance.
The thoughts disappeared into the night just as Jungkook did.
You both would’ve found out each other’s secrets sooner or later, would’ve gone through this hell at some point.
After all, you both never kept anything from one another.
I’ll probably be posting some little one-shots here and there in-between updates for ἀγάπη just because I have a lot of ideas and things bouncing around in my head and I suck at sticking to a single task, so...sorry in advance. But don’t worry, an update is coming soon!
ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη - Pt. IV

Pairing(s): Cursed!Seokjin x Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy Au, Fluff, Soulmate Au, Angst
Summary: “There’s a story whispered around here. One surrounding the beautifully carved statue of a man at the center of the town. Legend says that when the hand of his true love graces his palm, he shall wake from his cursed marbled slumber. It’s always been a silly old wives tale, until you give in to a friend’s dare.” (prompt idea from writing-prompt-s)
Warning(s): mild language
Word Count: 4.5k
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, …
taglist: @best-space-boy @maryelixabeth @mochimaw @yeontanismypresident @hannahantonette17 @ign-is @fanfuckingfic @koala-wonderland @suchgayaesthetic @dulcaet @anoynmoustumbler @annoyingpessimist @em-i-ay @tellmeyoulovemepls @btsficlibrarymex
~ if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, feel free to send me an ask! thank you💜
“I understand, sweetheart, we’ll talk again when you can.”
The guilty sigh you’d breathed out was louder than you’d anticipated, sending your body into a jerk response to cover the receiver. You didn’t want her to hear it, to hear you sound so exasperated. She didn’t need any more to worry about, not that there was any chance she’d remember any of this, let alone something as insignificant as a sigh.
“Alright, I’ll call again soon. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Finger pushing the end call button, you visibly relax despite the growing uneasiness inside. As much as it warmed you to speak with your mother, the more time passes on, the harder and harder it gets. Especially when you have to backtrack on progress you’ve made by pushing calls off until you figure out the other situation at hand.
Despite Mira’s assurance, you couldn’t keep pushing your Seokjin issue on her (even though she seems to be just as involved as you).
Coming to terms that you’d been wrong about the legitimacy of the statue story was one thing.
Having to now deal with the consequences, being a strange man now forever a part of your life and finding out that not only do things like magic and curses exist, but that your best friend is a witch and she’s the one who pushed you to ‘awaken’ the stupid statue that is now apparently your soulmate and is behind this whole ‘curse’ thing, and not only did she lie to you the whole time, but there’s some looming backstory you haven’t had the courage to ask about and there’s no way out, no waking up from this dream, and—breathe— maybe you have lost your mind?
Spending the last two or three days—time seems to blur together at this point— trying to figure everything out, so far has just left you with more questions than answers. The only thing you could focus on that wouldn’t drive you bat-shit crazy, was preparation.
Whether you liked it or not, accepted it or not, Seokjin was tied to you, and that meant you had to buck up and act like an adult. Tidying up the guest room was chore number one, which you’d spent too many hours going over and over again.
Should I use the blue sheets or the gray ones? How many pillows will he need? What about an extra blanket, he might get cold? What if he doesn’t like the wallpaper?
Agonizing over the little details, while painful, helped hone your mind in on something mundane. It was much better picking between sheet colors than trying to understand the intricate details of the reanimation of a Medusa-victim-esque curse.
Once the room was all set up, you’d realized just how disorderly the rest of the house was. Your many days in self-isolation made for a dingy atmosphere, and, not that you were trying to impress him or anything, you desperately needed to tidy up.
Another whole day was spent on doing just that, and now, on the third day, with nothing left to procrastinate on, you’d started the day with your weekly phone call to your mother.
Now that that was over, there was only one thing left to do.
Go get your soulmate.
You shrugged on a light jacket, the fabric tickling your arms as you smoothed it on. Looking in the mirror, you tucked a stray hair back behind your ear, making sure everything was in order. The deeper you looked at your reflection, the more details you could make out.
The dark circles making a home beneath your eyes, reminding you of the sleepless nights tossing and turning and thinking. The marks and lines blooming from the constant frown that had only now begun to fade; from the tugging and rubbing, running your hands over your face to wipe away the tears, the frustration, the anxiety.
In all, you weren’t in the most pristine condition but it was a huge improvement from days prior.
It would have to do.
The walk down the block to Mira’s was rather short, only a mile r so down the road, so you’d opted for leaving the door unlocked and started down the concrete path.
It was a nice enough morning; sun shining, birds chirping, flowers and trees swaying gently with the breeze. It was dreamy, the kind of atmosphere that begged you to put on a light cotton dress, pack a nice picnic basket, and lay out in the grass watching the clouds pass.
Days like these reminded you of your childhood.
The times spent rolling down grassy hills with your father while your mother laughed, catching crayfish in the stream and ending the day stargazing in the backyard.
It was a simpler time; back then. When love was enough and her dementia hadn’t shown yet; Dad was still here and everything was right.
So much time had passed since then, bringing with it so many changes.
You guess that’s the funny thing about life. One minute, it’s the simple things, peaceful and sweet, and the next, you’re alone in that same house reminding your own mother who you are over the phone every week and taking in a complete stranger.
Change happens, whether you expect it or not, and whether you want it to or not.
“Good morning! Jin decided he’d break out an old pancake recipe he had once ‘perfected,’ his words-not mine, for breakfast this morning, so I hope you’re hungry.” Mira’s spritely attitude helped ease the tension forming in your muscles. Dropping your jacket and shoes at the door, you followed her soft steps and the smell of bread toasting as it wafted through the hall.
A quick glance around showed an entirely new atmosphere in Mira’s home you’d never encountered before. While it was always cool and calm, it was now warm, bright, even more homey.
The sounds of batter frying in a pan, the soft buzz of the ceiling fan, and a gentle hum of a tune you’d never heard before had your mind drifting into a blissful peace you seldom visited these days.
Rounding the corner, the first thing to catch your eye wasn’t the soft sun rays peeking through the curtains of overgrown vines in the windowsill, but the back of a man putting his heart and soul into something as simple as breakfast.
Every twitch of muscle, sway of an arm, bob of his head, it was like he was casting his own spell, one that bewitched you without ever having to look in his eyes. The moment, though elongated as it seemed, was cut quite abruptly when Mira ripped her chair from the table and plopped down excitedly, causing the man to start and swing around.
His eyes found the source of the noise, earning a half-hearted irritated sigh and quirk of the left eyebrow, but then his eyes found the new presence in the room.
The way his gaze slowly lifted, taking in every inch of your being, had you fidgeting in place. You knew he meant nothing of it, at least not in the way you might have interpreted it, but that didn’t stop the slight heat rising in your cheeks when he finally looked at you in the eyes and smiled softly.
It was strange. All the pep talks in the world, the lecture you gave yourself on the way over on the propriety to follow with Seokjin, since he is still technically a stranger, none of it prepared you for the warm fuzzy feeling that blossomed within every cell of your being when he smiled like that.
No one had ever elicited that feeling within you, not once in your whole life, and suddenly, it was like the feeling of coming home after a long day of work. Like you were meant to be here, to see him smile at you and return the gesture. Like this is how every morning should be.
The nervous butterflies that had once made a cozy home in your stomach were silent, no longer stirred by the anxiety of the situation. If this is how you feel with something as simple as a smile, maybe living together and getting to know one another won’t be so bad after all.
“Good morning Seokjin.” It wasn’t like you to take initiative like this, but normalcy have been thrown out the window at this point. You just couldn’t help yourself because for the first time, you felt happy; simply happy.
His eyes shone just a bit brighter at your greeting, smile widening as he positioned himself to face you completely. Hair slightly mused and adorning an apron with a bit of flour strewn about, he bowed, ever so dramatically. The sight had your cheeks flaming again, not one to be used to such attention, but the feeling was made worse when Mira snorted in the background.
“You guys are something else, I have to say,” taking a breather in between her laughing and her words, Mira looked from you to Jin then back to you. Despite her taunting, you caught the lightest hint of a smile.
Breakfast that morning was indeed one of the best meals you’d experienced in a long time.
Living alone for so long had made for quick and lazy meals, sometimes even resorting to simply snacking all day. Your palette had been almost destroyed from the lack of flavor in your diet, and this breakfast, as simple as it looked, was a kick in the right direction.
True to his word, Seokjin’s pancakes were nothing short of perfection. Paired with fruit, toast, and lively conversation, you caught yourself feeling as if you were a part of a family again.
From the way Mira and Jin nagged each other, to the soft smiles and nudges as Jin waited patiently for you to try his food, it was all a sight you’d long forgotten was even possible for you to experience again. A feeling that you’d grown accustomed to living without, but now that you’d had a taste again, you weren’t going to let it go so easily this time.
“I’m just going to grab my bag,” Jin offered, jogging down the hallway to what you guessed was the guest room Mira had offered him while you sorted yourself out. Time had ticked down so quickly and suddenly you were faced with that anxious feeling fluttering around inside you as you waited for Jin to go home.
You’d been able to spend the day learning little things about him; simple things like how he likes to go to bed pretty early and wake up at the crack of dawn to cook breakfast so he could watch the sun rise.
Conversation had flowed easily between the two of you, only needing Mira to guide the flow a few times, but otherwise it was actually quite nice.
Obviously you still have a lot to learn about your new housemate, but this feels like a pretty good starting point considering the circumstances with which you’d been thrown together.
You hadn’t even noticed you were tapping your foot, wiping your increasingly clammy hands on your jeans, until Mira reached out and nudged your shoulder. Bringing your gaze up from its place on the weird crack in the hallway floorboards, you met Mira’s soft gaze. As calming as it could be, it also made you feel a bit pitiful.
“I’m nervous...” you started, eyes flickering between Mira and the hall, “but excited too.” A smile that was shared between the two of you, a quick nod of understanding, then padding of feet.
Seokjin made his way back to the huddle you’d formed at the front door and shared a grin, hand wrapped around the straps of a small knapsack full of the few things he had.
Mira had said that she had given him just a few things to make sure he’d fall back into routine and not feel totally helpless. It also seemed that she had kept a few things from their previous encounter in the past, giving them back to him now.
You weren’t going to lie, the curiosity of the story between them intrigued you to no end, but it just didn’t feel like the right time to ask him about it. Mira still refuses to hash out any details, and you weren’t about to bombard Seokjin with endless questions about his past, especially when the vibe Mira had given off about the whole situation seemed a bit tense.
All in all, it’s a subject you’d put a pin in and promised to revisit later when you felt it was your place.
“Ready to go?” It just seemed like a formality at this point, seeing as he already had his stuff together and apparently had been patiently waiting for you to come and tell him he was welcome to come home for a while now.
To come home. Home. That big old house that you’d grown up in had become just a house after Dad died and Mom went away. Now someone you’re only really acquainted with is coming in and disturbing your dynamic, but you can’t say that that is a bad thing. After all, you’d hadn’t thought of that place as a real home in a long time. Things really can change quickly.
To be quite honest with yourself, you’d easily fallen into a somewhat solemn routine. Doing your own thing, working from home, avoiding public gatherings, and keeping to yourself. At that point, being a recluse was quite natural to you, and you’d found a complacent comfort in that. Now faced with the prospect of starting fresh, joining society again, and becoming an active player in your life, the feeling was rapidly morphing from anxiousness to excitement.
Finding a friend in Mira was always something you chalked up to pure coincidence. You’d even actively tried to push her away many years ago, when wounds were still fresh and the dark tendrils of loneliness had you trapped deep within your own mind. It was a time when you thought you needed to be alone; deserved it.
But this, this crazy, unbelievable, impossible situation with Seokjin, this was fate. Destiny. Whatever you want to call it. A divine intervention to pull you out of the spiral you’d worked yourself into.
It’s taken you a long time to find your passion for life again, and you were still working on it with every coming day, but having others around to give you something to look forward to helps.
Being around someone like Seokjin, even with the minute knowledge you had of him, reminded you that maybe you do deserve to be happy, to rediscover the joys of life again. Struck with an overbearing urge to reclaim the time that’d been wasted away, you were no longer afraid of whatever the future may hold for you.
Maybe you were overthinking things, perhaps you’d been star struck by the pancakes, but a feeling deep in your gut told you that this was the turn around you needed.
A quick nod of his head and a grateful word to Mira, and you were now on your way home.
The sun just beginning it’s evening descent, sky painted an array of wonderful colors that had your mind thinking of how beautiful it’d be to sit in your garden and paint it to your heart’s content. Warm rays still basking the world in a golden glow, giving everything a soft and dreamy haze that made your whole body tingle.
It was a sight that made the event even more special in your mind. Funny, how for so long you’d fought the idea of bringing this man into your life, and now you couldn’t have asked for a better evening to do so.
Peeking a quick glance over at your companion, wanting to just check on how he was doing now that he was actually faced with staying with you for real, you weren’t prepared for the heavenly sight you found.
If you thought the trees and flowers looked beautiful bathed in sun rays, the only way you could describe Seokjin in this light would be ethereal. The way the golden tones brought out the unearthly shine to his face, the way his eyes sparkled like freshly cut gems, and how his hair softly swayed with the breeze, it was a breathtaking view. The most incredible thing you think you’d ever bear witness to.
When his eyes suddenly locked with yours, you’d become painfully aware of the fact that you’d been staring, a blush quickly rising to your cheeks. In an effort to play it off, you quickly cleared your throat and jogged forward to press your hand against the gate latch.
Thank goodness you’d been saved from an awkward conversation by the arrival to your newly shared abode, and double thank goodness Jin let it slide and didn’t decide to pester you about it.
That was another thing you learned quickly over the last couple of hours; Jin was definitely one to tease but never in a malicious way of course.
Guiding him in through the front door, you flicked the light switch next to the stairs as Seokjin slipped his shoes off. Looking around the space quickly, a new flicker of nerves set in.
‘What if he doesn’t like the house? What if he hates his room?’ Suddenly your mind was again racing a million miles a minute and you were scared he’d want to leave.
A brush against your shoulder caught your attention, eyes moving to see the large hand settle softly against your skin.
Seokjin smiled, making sure you really took the gesture in and understood what he was trying to do. Again, you were finding yourself wondering the full potential of a soulmate bond, as he easily calmed you with the simplest of gestures.
“Um, so...your room is upstairs, first door on the left,” the words were struggling to come out coherent, but you pushed along, “mine is the door across the hall. You can go put your stuff away and we can hang out, maybe start some dinner or something...” You were grasping at straws, trying to find something simple to ease the both of you into your first night living together.
It was awkward, at least in your mind. Reminded you just how long it’d been since you’d had any real meaningful human interaction like this, and you wished you’d tried harder to socialize beforehand.
He chuckles, probably sensing your struggle, wanting to ease your mind, “I’ll go put my stuff away and then we can make dinner together, how does that sound?” Again, it both intrigued and slightly annoyed you how smooth he was at directing your mess of an attempt at conversation.
He seemed too good to be true and that made you question just how someone like him could end up cursed in the first place. How could someone as seemingly perfect as him be your soulmate either? Every aspect of him seems so different from you in every way possible.
“Okay.” You hated how small your voice sounded, hated the way your thoughts ruined what started out as a nice day. You knew how ridiculous your were being, overthinking the simplest things and making mountains out of nothing.
Sending him a smile to reassure him you were fine, he ascended the stairs with a spring in his step. It was like watching a new puppy explore his surroundings or a child excited for Christmas Day. That smile quickly turned into a soft grin as he disappeared from your sight to find his room.
You made your way to the kitchen, finding yourself dusting a few things off and straightening a book up here and a magazine there. Padding across the wooden floorboards you decided to somewhat rethink your personal narrative for now.
Instead of soulmates, for the time being, you were just simple roommates. No pressure, no obligations, just two people living together and getting to know each other. Events leading up to this no longer mattered, the only thing that does is getting to know him and learning to live with another person again.
Easy, right? People get roommates all the time, so this didn’t need to feel any different.
Pulling out a few utensils and pans from the cupboards, you weren’t exactly sure what Jin would want to cook together, so you decided to wait for him until you got everything out.
Just as you were watering the tiny herb garden you’d started in the kitchen windowsill, which you’d neglected to do earlier and now the basil was looking a bit droopy, you heard the patter of footsteps down the staircase and enter the room.
“Is that room really for me?” Seokjin asks, voice a mix of breathlessness and disbelief. Turning your head to look at him and answer, you saw the hopeful look on his face. It was endearing, so much so you forgot what you were doing and spilled a bit of water on the counter.
Left hand snatching a tea towel from the drawer, you wiped the mess up and smiled at him.
“Of course. Why, do you not like it?” Considering the trouble you’d made for yourself agonizing over his room, you couldn’t help but ask him if not just to reassure yourself that you’d overreacted.
“I love it! It’s just...I’ve never had a room that big before,” When he averted his eyes, you caught the slight tint of pink dusting his features and it gave you a surge of confidence.
Finally you’d done something right.
“I’m glad,” you smile, “maybe sometime this week we can go into town and get a few things to make it your own.”
Jumping slightly, only to recompose himself as he crossed the floor to lean on the counter across from you, “Really? I mean, we don’t have to. I don’t want to be a bother or anything...”
The roles had reversed in such a short time, now Seokjin was the one tripping over his words. Thinking back, maybe the two of you aren’t as different as you thought.
The universe works in mysterious ways, Mira had once told you, so maybe you and Seokjin being brought together, albeit crazily, isn’t that hard to believe. Again, you had much more to learn about each other, but it’s nice to find a commonality between the two of you.
Right hand outstretched to softly wave him down from his ramble, you ease him out with another soft smile.
That was another thing you’d have to get used to with Jin around. Genuinely smiling.
“It’s no bother at all, this is your home now too.”
You hadn’t noticed his hand slide across the counter until the warmth radiated from his palm as he laid his hand over yours.
A simple gesture; an easier way to say thank you when words failed to express the gratitude correctly. It was nice, made you feel like you mattered in a way you’d never felt before.
Seokjin would bring about many firsts with you as you both learned to coexist together.
That night was spent experiencing the silly and sassy side of Seokjin. He suggested a simple chicken and vegetable dish the two of you could tackle together.
From the sarcastically annoyed looks he gave you when chopping the vegetables and herbs, “I said mince not mush,”- to the horrible yet charming jokes he cracked as he sautéed, showing you the proper way to hold the spatula and the pan, it was a blissful evening that went by all too quickly.
Seokjin finished drying the last dish you’d handed him, after arguing with you for a whole 5 minutes over who should do the dishes, and turned to you with a lighthearted sigh.
Hip set against the counter, you found yourself staring out the large bay window behind the sink out into the backyard.
The view of the mountains, stars shining bright in the sky, it was a sight you often took for granted. Finding yourself changing in all sorts of ways, this was another, remembering to find the beauty in the simplest things.
After a second or so, the burning of his gaze on you had you turning your head to face him. A simple smile that seemed to stretch on for miles and bring a youthful glow to his cheeks had you wondering if this was what life with Seokjin would be like.
Making dinner, soft smiles, lively conversation. It reminded you of your parents, back when they would dance around the kitchen to an old song you’d never heard of and stare at each other over a glass of wine like they’d never seen anything more amazing.
Maybe someday you could have a life with Seokjin just like they did. Someday love him like your mother loved your father.
“Thank you.” It was quiet, so quiet you thought for a brief second he might not have heard you.
A soft laugh passed his lips before he followed your gaze out to the scenery, “For what? I should be the one saying thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” You couldn’t help the slight blush rising to your cheeks, hoping it was dark enough in the dimly lit kitchen that Seokjin wouldn’t notice.
“Yes I do. You didn’t have to let me stay with you or accept me at all. You could’ve just said I was crazy and told me to piss off.”
The short giggle that came out was quickly hidden behind your hand, but Seokjin had already heard it and was determined to hear it again.
“Why are you thanking me?” He asks and you turn to look at him. A good thank you should always include eye contact, your father had once told you, no matter how incredible hard or awkward it would feel for you.
“I don’t know... for making this whole thing easier. I wouldn’t just let any old statue into my home, you know.” Another chuckle fills the air.
“You know, I’m starting to understand why the universe bound us as soulmates.”
“I’m glad it did,” he says and there’s that little sparkle in his eyes again that makes your heart race a little faster.
It’s silent, but not in a tense, awkward way. It was nice, peaceful and soon you were upstairs parting ways for bed.
Your hand grips the knob on your door, twisting slightly when Seokjin clears his throat again. You turn and exchange another grin.
“Goodnight Y/N.” It’s simple and as mundane as it gets, but it’s different in ways you can’t fully describe. It’s not the first time he’d told you goodnight, but this was the first time you wouldn’t be parting for long.
Every other goodnight left a mile or so between the two of you, now only a few feet and two slabs of wood lay in between. You’d wake up and he’d be there, just outside the door. Knowing this left a warmth in your chest.
“Goodnight Seokjin.” And with that, you made your way to your freshly made bed and collapse for the night.

Sorry this part has taken so long to get up, but I am officially done with finals, have an associate’s degree in hand, and am ready to write! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and trying to remain as calm and sane as possible considering the state of the world right now. If anyone needs to talk or anything, feel free to shoot me a message! I hope you all enjoy this part and look forward to the next installment! Again, truly sorry how long I’ve taken to get this to you all. I’m incredibly grateful for all of you and love you with my all my heart!
*hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
*gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
*heart is beating fast*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
*a cop walks by*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
*taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
*gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
*tripping over something*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me