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Character Thoughts 02: Judith

Character Thoughts 02: Judith

Does anyone else hate everything the character Judith did on Vikings? Cheats on her husband, neglects her child, KILLS HER SON! I think it would of been more interesting if Hirst included actual history in his show. He should of given Aethelwulf a love story with Osburh and had children by her , and then have her tragically die in childbirth. Echbert needs an alliance with Northumbira  so he still has Aethewulf marry Judith.

I feel like it would of been more interesting if Alfred being illegitimate was kept a secret and Echbert found out and took advantage of it. 

Another way it could or gone was the historical route and have Judith marry her stepson, Aethelbald. That could bring drama to the show.

“ In 855, King Æthelwulf of Wessex made a pilgrimage to Rome with his youngest son Alfred, who was about six years old. On the way back, in 856, he stayed at the court of Charles the Bald. Back in July, on the way to Rome, Æthelwulf negotiated his marriage with Judith,...  Shortly after the death of Æthelwulf, the new king, Æthelbald, married his stepmother. By agreeing to this marriage, Judith may have tried to avoid the usual fate of dowagers - a nunnery “-wikipedia

- Then again I am a Christian so it could just be my bias against how Hirst wrote the show. Anyone’s thoughts?

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More Posts from No-confidence-to-write

Thinking about how harald finehair escaped from prison despite being chained up and guarded not once but twice, one of those times disappearing in the middle of a hostile army camp and the other time simultaneously coordinating astrid’s kidnapping, and on another occasion he was imprisoned he somehow managed to make himself king of norway. I don’t like it but I respect it.

Yandere Nametag: Ubbe

Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?

- He is willing to share you with others. If you want Torvi or Hvitserk to join, that no problem (as long as you love him the most. You’re allowed to be with family or friends as long as they do not interfere with your relationship.

Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

He will never hurt you (unless your into that). You are to be protected above all others!  he has no trouble killing any man that may (or may not)  pose a threat to you.


Yandere Nametag: Ubbe

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

He’s pretty much an open book. He goes to you to vent and express his worries. To him you are his soulmate, and don’t soulmates share everything?

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#walking into a trap with confidence 

King Harald returns to Kattegat

They did Sigurd dirty.

Character thing - Sigurd please if you don’t mind

i totally don’t! (actually thank you for giving me the oppertunity to talk about this boy)

favorite thing about them

sigurd is very different from his brothers in SO many regards. he is romantic, he plays the oud and he is apparently far more empathetic or at least capable of reading a person? like hvitserk and ubbe have stepped on ivar’s toes by accident. sigurd knew ivar’s insecurities. he didn’t step on ivar’s toes as much as he really took aim. and yeah that kind of means that you have to be able to think from the perspective of someone else. i do not believe that sigurd was right with the conclusions he drew, but that’s another story

least favorite thing about them

i do think sigurd is fairly capable of feeling situations, but he is a little too simplistic in his conclusions of them. which i think is a testament to his youth. he is also very idealistic. it’s hard for me to say that i really dislike that about him as a character because i think this actually creates tension and makes him interesting, but it would be the thing i would dislike as a person

favorite line

im fairly bad at remembering lines, but i think you know in general all he says to ivar is just very clear cut. this boy knew how to form the perfect sentences to piss ivar off and in that sense they are very beautiful.

brOTP favorite platonic relationship

this will be an unpopular opinion, but actually ivar and sigurd are very interesting because they mirror each other to some extend and then are very different in other regards. they both spoiled brats, far more so than ubbe and hvitserk, and at the same time they have really different. ivar adores his parents, sigurd resents both. they are both quite sensitive. i would not say they are good for each other, but they are interesting in regards to each other.

alternative, hvitserk and sigurd both carry the “i dislike my parents” - banner and  i think some sort of bonding must’ve happened there, even if not on screen.

OTP favorite romantic relationship

canon is pretty bleak, so let’s go to history. blaeja and sigurd is just a very good concept because it actually channels a lot of sigurd’s simplistic views, while also playing on his strengths. and i just for one would’ve loved to see that happen.


nothing that is widly accepted or popular.

random headcanon

two things: sigurd loved his mother dearly and this is the very reason for his strong reaction and anger. he tries to tell himself that he hates her, but it doesn’t make it easier for him. he went also with the idea that his mother didn’t love him bc it was far easier to accept this than the idea that she loved him, but was just incapable of giving him the love he needed or wanted.

sigurd plays the oud because it’s something that no one else in his family does. he chose it specifically because it’s not associated with ragnar in anyway. it was his way of choosing his own path.

unpopular opinion

turning sigurd into this rage demon who hated ivar and just went against him for no reason is a very simple way of looking at a very complicated toxic family dynamic. the problem is not solved here by saying that ivar was right or that sigurd was right. aslaug should’ve separated them. it shouldn’t be normal for two brothers to just always fight each other and for one of them to get so angry as to try and attempt to kill the other. a lot of shit went down before we even got to see them as young adults and discussing who is in right or more problematic does not deal with the issue itself. sigurd should’ve gone with björn as well. he shouldn’t have been in the situation he was and this is one thing i actually blame aslaug for cause damn… why did she let it go so far?

song i associate with them

sad: The Ancestor - Darlingside

less sad: Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats

favorite picture of them

i take “odin has just come up to me and looked me sternly in the eye as i realize that i really have to avenge my father i guess”


(source: x)

Great Writing!

🔥 + Bindings for Harald? 😌

The battle was hard-fought, hard-won, just not for King Harald’s men. They bring him in chains to have an audience with the queen who laid him low. He sits on hands and knees before the wooden throne, waiting to learn what will become of him and his fighters. Yours is a face Harald has not looked upon in many years, and he cannot hide his surprise when you sit before him —a lone queen widowed many years ago and a woman he once, no still, loved. You cannot let him go without punishment. It would risk the faith your people have in you as their ruler. But not all punishments need be carried out publicly. Free of his shackles, Harald’s kiss is just how you remember, fervent and desperate. His hands are rougher though, and there are more scars on his chest and arms than had been in the past. He lets you push him back to the bed and climb atop him, but the feel of something soft wrapping around his wrists, binding them so he cannot touch you. He has traded iron for silk, but this is a punishment he will happily endure.

[send me a 🔥 and a character name and/or prompt word and I’ll write a spicy headcanon]