Why Can't The History Channel Do Actual History - Tumblr Posts

Character Thoughts 02: Judith

Does anyone else hate everything the character Judith did on Vikings? Cheats on her husband, neglects her child, KILLS HER SON! I think it would of been more interesting if Hirst included actual history in his show. He should of given Aethelwulf a love story with Osburh and had children by her , and then have her tragically die in childbirth. Echbert needs an alliance with Northumbira  so he still has Aethewulf marry Judith.

I feel like it would of been more interesting if Alfred being illegitimate was kept a secret and Echbert found out and took advantage of it. 

Another way it could or gone was the historical route and have Judith marry her stepson, Aethelbald. That could bring drama to the show.

“ In 855, King Æthelwulf of Wessex made a pilgrimage to Rome with his youngest son Alfred, who was about six years old. On the way back, in 856, he stayed at the court of Charles the Bald. Back in July, on the way to Rome, Æthelwulf negotiated his marriage with Judith,...  Shortly after the death of Æthelwulf, the new king, Æthelbald, married his stepmother. By agreeing to this marriage, Judith may have tried to avoid the usual fate of dowagers - a nunnery “-wikipedia

- Then again I am a Christian so it could just be my bias against how Hirst wrote the show. Anyone’s thoughts?

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