Erik | Male | Skier/ Artist/ Gamer/ Competitive Rifle Shooter | Transsexual | Testosterone enjoyer since 24/03/2022 | ✡ | Central Asian + Russian | Religious | Splatoon/ Hotline Miami/ TF2/ Breaking Bad fanboy | Creator of Undertale: Fratricide
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Noplaceofhonour - No Highly Esteemed Deed Is Commemorated Here

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More Posts from Noplaceofhonour
Mfw reblogging my own art again xd

Mfw medic gaming
ok I saw that anon you got that said you should accept being queer and not hate your body and all that crap, and I just wanted to send you a message bc thats a really incredibly shitty thing to say! I’m also a binary ftm transsexual and you absolutely do not have to call yourself queer and you aren’t “””sucking up to cis people“”” or whatever! Some of us just want to be MEN and that is absolutely fine, regardless of how people like that anon think trans people should be. Im happy to see you standing up for yourself and your identity, and I hope they didn’t make you feel bad about it!
It wouldn’t make sense to accept being queer since I’m not queer. I’m trans and I accept that, but trans in my case doesn’t equal queer. I don’t think the anon meant any harm but telling a transsexual that he’s “sucking up to cis people” cos his identity isn’t woke enough is cringe. No hate to the anon though. I don’t do things for the comfort of people around me when it comes to my transition. The reason I don’t use the term queer is because my whole life I’ve felt a sense of community with cis guys, specially cishet guys, and since I was able to come out early I feel like my experience as a teenage guy isn’t that different from theirs. Sure I am trans, but I don’t feel like I’m “other” when compared to cishet guys. I’m not denying that I’m trans (well I am stealth but my medical business is my own and I get to chose who I share it with), rather that it’s an aspect that doesn’t define me nearly as much as some people think it should. Also, not all trans people wanna stand out against cishet society and that’s fine. We as trans people don’t exist for the sole purpose of being flip offs to cis people. I just want my dick and a gf and to live my life man. That’s not to say I wont stand up against transphobia or let myself get bullied by cis people, but that I don’t see myself as part of the queer movement.
In memory of the countless Jews, PoC, LGBT and disabled people muredered at the nazi death camps

Fallout doesn’t have races. Not in the same way that something like LOTR does. People aren’t born supermutants or ghouls, they become supermutants or ghouls after being exposed to enough radiation/ FEV. And they aren't even presented as evil, they are presented as people. In FO3 there’s a whole city of ghouls who just live peacefully and don’t bother anyone. There are evil ghouls, good ghouls, ghouls in lost of different factions. Similarly, in Fallout NV, there’s a town full of supermutants. In FO3, there’s a companion called Fawkes who is a supermutant who only sticks around with you if you have good karma. And I’m struggling to think of any “good race” is Fallout who is presented the same way that say, the Elves are presented in LOTR. Look, I’m mixed race myself I know that racism in media is a huge problem and I’m not a fan of personality traits being assigned to races like they are in DND or LOTR. I’m not saying the Fallout franchise is perfect and admittedly I can only talk about FO3 and NV because I haven’t had the chance to play any of the other games in the series. But I think to say that Fallout does the “good race bad race” thing isn’t really true.
Just in case you were wondering: any piece of media that creates “good” and “bad” races (Skyrim, Fallout, LOTR, D&D, etc), is racist. Any piece of media that presents a single “good” member of an “evil” race, or in which the “evil” members of a race far outnumber the “good” members, is racist. Any piece of media that uses the fact that the evil races are permanently and unchangingly evil - even though there may or may not be exceptions! - to justify the genocide and extermination of that race, is racist.
This is not a Watsonian argument. The relative goodness or evilness of a good or evil race, in that piece of media, is irrelevant. The fact is, if you write a story that pits two different races against one another, and one is deemed good and one is deemed evil, that is racist.
These feel like home.

Christophe Jacrot (French, b. 1960, Paris, France) - En Dessous de Zéro (Below Zero) series, Norilsk, Siberia, Russia, Photography