Trans Comics - Tumblr Posts

[Begin image description: comic with 4 panels. Panel 1- Title: “Progress Report.” A transfeminine person named Riri undressing in a dressing rooms looks in the mirror in surprise, saying “I have boobs now!”
Caption: coming up on 6 months on HRT, I’ve already noticed some big changes.
Panel 2: 2 people are shown wearing backpacks. The first is a male presenting person looking worried, Riri pre-transition. Dark tentacles spill out of their small backpack, representing anxiety and depression. The second figure is Riri post-transition, femme- presenting and looking calm. They have a bigger backpack with the dark tentacles contained.
Caption: I cry a lot more, but I can handle my emotions so much better, instead of letting them crush me.
Panel 3: post-transition Riri, teary eyed, is in a pose implying they just stopped clutching the sides of their head. Stormclouds roll away in the background. Behind Riri is a line of test tubes, with a new sparkling pink chemical just added to the lineup. Riri says “Oh” in relief.
Caption: It feels like I finally got that one missing chemical my brain chemistry has always needed… my noisy, restless brain can finally calm down.
Panel 4: Riri smiles and hugs themself in blissful euphoria. A bandaid is on their tummy.
Caption: I was so nervous to start HRT, but I feel so much more connected to my body and my emotions now. I love the me I’m becoming. End image description]

The most ambitious crossover of all time! Honored to table alongside @brooke2valley at Pride in Panels in San Francisco!

Made a little comic. Sorry for being inactive for so long. More post coming soon.

Voice dysphoria be like

I HAVE REDRAWN THIS please reblog this version instead.
This is a positivity post, it’s not meant to invalidate others. If your experience of being trans differs from mine, that’s perfectly fine, you’re still trans. Please do not bring discourse on this post.
Edit: this post has gotten a lot more attention then I ever imagined and I couldn’t be more thankful. This is the most important thing I’ve ever made and I’m glad people are seeing it. One addition I wish I made is to not shit on people who say that we were born trans because the “born this way” things is definitely true for a lot of us. Anyway thank you all relogging and liking.

New comic time.

Another comic from your boy, this one’s a little sus. It’s been a long 2021.
My uterus is haunted

Rad Queers: Edie Fake from Graham Kolbeins on Vimeo.
Thank you, Anya Davidson, for the great recommendation of Edie Fake’s “Gaylord Phoenix”! It’s a great complimentary text to “Black Hole” in its themes and it’s also really gorgeously illustrated. :)