Hi, my name is Megan, I created this tumblr to help my anxiety. I may not post a lot but thanks for visiting anyway!
413 posts
Hi There, So Im Really Sorry But I Have Lost All My Passion For Writing As Of Right Now. Ill Try My Best
Hi there, so I’m really sorry but I have lost all my passion for writing as of right now. I’ll try my best to do the requests I got but it might take a while. So as compensation I put my little notes I made for the unwritten stories under the read more. I might write them in the future but no promises
Just chattin
Heis showing off new invent
Sal introduce team mates
Just bro things
Their developing relationship
Growing closer over time
Miranda showing singns of mycter personality and remaining mutation *wings try to appear during emotional moments(
Elena worried
They work on it
Miranda gets control over wings
They kiss
Its weird
Miranda asks for elena to be baby daddy
Elena reluctantly agrees on the condition that she is in baby life
They eventually fall for eachother
Gud tims\
Salrandose (sal, miran, rose)
Miranda and elena being flirty (after dating before milena)
Rose bursts in scares them
Elena leaves
Miranda begins to work with rose on her poiwes
Sal volunteered to be the control subject
Rose has to gude him through an obstacle course with powers
Sal blindfolded rose gagged
They succesd, yay!
Donna has tp stay at winters place
Winters new house nearish to village (15 min ins)
They chat, talk about lords finding footing
Donna mentions her house is being remodlerd
Alcina says itl be good for her psyche
Says they are woking on being friends (she is closer to the daughters who are a similar age)
Alc and Karl cut all ties (kids can be in cointact tho
Donna and sal video call frequently
Hes happy
She ha[[y 4 him
Tea time, gud time
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Well yes...but not yet

Hi there.... I know its been an absolute age and a half but I finally wrote your request! I'm so sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy @k4jdesu
It was that time of the year again, the yearly Lord’s movie day. Moreau decided that it would be a great idea for family bonding, and so he would have someone to enjoy his favorite films with. Alcina vehemently refused to spend time in the reservoir, but at the dejected look on Sal’s face, she reluctantly said that they could use her opera room as a makeshift theater. That had been years ago, now she was just as excited for the day as Moreau, even if she never let anyone know.
“Alright friends, I brought a bunch of Disney films for today! We need something fun and lighthearted!” Sal said hobbling into the opera room arms full of tapes and DVDs. Alcina stepped over to him and lightened his load.
“I do hope you have some of the classics, they are clearly superior to anything these new age ‘animators’ could come up with.” She says placing the movies down next to the projector set up.
“Oh yeah of course you’d say that! Just because you saw it at the ‘picture show’ doesn’t mean they are the best. Not everyone likes those sappy princess movies. We have to watch one of the live action movies like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or the Davy Crocket movies.” Heisenberg argued back relaxing into one of the chairs. They continued to argue over the validity of their movie choices.
While they argued, Donna moved silently next to Sal, “Could we watch a musical? I always loved those.” She asked meekly. Sal thought for a few seconds before snapping his fingers and pushing Alcina away from the stack of films.
“This is the perfect film for everyone! It fits everyone’s desires and its amazing!” Sal proclaimed holding up a tape. The three other Lords looked closely at the cover.
“Mary Poppins?” Alcina questioned, “I haven’t heard of it, but I have no objections to this pick.”
“Yeah, same here at least it isn’t some ridiculous princess cartoon. Looks interesting, great pick Sal.” Heisenberg agreed.
Donna simply nodded her agreement with his choice and took a seat removing her veil so she could see better. Sal beamed at the others and did a small happy dance placing the film in the player and settling in to watch the film with his family.
After the film was done, Sal cautiously looked around at his siblings to judge their reactions. All of them had happy faces.
“That was quite a good choice Salvatore. I thoroughly enjoyed it.” Alcina said smiling at him and patting him on the head.
“For once the big lady and I agree, great choice.” Heisenberg said standing and stretching his back before grasping Sal’s shoulder and leaving for home.
Donna moved to hug Sal, “Thank you, it was amazing.” She whispered to him, leaving the room with a bow back to her hostess.
Sal was ecstatic that his family loved his movie, he bounced happily as he collected his films. Alcina handed him a basket for him to carry them with, “so they don’t get damaged. Also, would you mind if I kept Mary Poppins for a short time? I’d love to show my girls.”
Sal shook his head furiously, “Of course not! I would love for you to show the girls! I hope they enjoy it; this is one of my favorites.”
Alcina chuckled at his enthusiasm, “Thank you Salvatore. I’ll be sure to take good care of it for you.”
Sal skipped out of the castle and back to his reservoir happier than he has been in a very long time.
Question: take 2
Would anyone be interested in an original story from me? I feel confident enough to write it now that I have some experience and free time. I won't stop writing fanfics though just this on the side.
The idea is about a woman in the 1940's who wants to be a private detective but can only find work as a receptionist. It would follow her and her boss on cases (with some romance on the side between her and her roommate😏)
Im replaying Dragon Age inquisition and im still upset years later that my one true love Cassandra Pentaghast isn't romancable by fem inquisitors
The struggle of wanting to read cass/fem inquisitor fanfic but also wanting it to be your character not someone else's