Hi, my name is Megan, I created this tumblr to help my anxiety. I may not post a lot but thanks for visiting anyway!
413 posts
Well Yes...but Not Yet

Well yes...but not yet
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More Posts from Not-playable-character

Very ~a e s t h e t i c~ cat, 10/10
Hi there, so I’m really sorry but I have lost all my passion for writing as of right now. I’ll try my best to do the requests I got but it might take a while. So as compensation I put my little notes I made for the unwritten stories under the read more. I might write them in the future but no promises
Just chattin
Heis showing off new invent
Sal introduce team mates
Just bro things
Their developing relationship
Growing closer over time
Miranda showing singns of mycter personality and remaining mutation *wings try to appear during emotional moments(
Elena worried
They work on it
Miranda gets control over wings
They kiss
Its weird
Miranda asks for elena to be baby daddy
Elena reluctantly agrees on the condition that she is in baby life
They eventually fall for eachother
Gud tims\
Salrandose (sal, miran, rose)
Miranda and elena being flirty (after dating before milena)
Rose bursts in scares them
Elena leaves
Miranda begins to work with rose on her poiwes
Sal volunteered to be the control subject
Rose has to gude him through an obstacle course with powers
Sal blindfolded rose gagged
They succesd, yay!
Donna has tp stay at winters place
Winters new house nearish to village (15 min ins)
They chat, talk about lords finding footing
Donna mentions her house is being remodlerd
Alcina says itl be good for her psyche
Says they are woking on being friends (she is closer to the daughters who are a similar age)
Alc and Karl cut all ties (kids can be in cointact tho
Donna and sal video call frequently
Hes happy
She ha[[y 4 him
Tea time, gud time
Reblogging with the AO3 link since I posted this at midnight and forgot to upload it to Ao3
Oh god I know its been an age and a half since I posted a story, BUT I finally finished my Alcina & Sherry fic! I don’t think its quite up to par with what I originally wanted but I’m satisfied with what came out. I hope you enjoy!
Keep reading
I just went to my computer to purchase nier replicant so I'd have something to do during the aftermath of the stupid hurricane only to remember I have no internet 🙃