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Ideals Of Chaos

Ideals of Chaos

1. To use Chaos Science, magick, myth, mind and psychology are your tools, use them well! Use them as you Will and as you Might. Create, Invent and become Joyful. Imagination will guide and inspire us. This ideal is one that has already been explored in depth by many, but it is still a vital part of our journey. Pioneering ideas in the field of magick itself have been on the rise, but it is important to keep on trying and testing new ideas. To discover the tools that suit the individual best is partly an initiation into the world of Chaos/Khaos and beyond. Not just this, but to keep finding new methods for the individual to practice, and to not become too satisfied or complacent with the methods already learned and achieved. Stagnation is Sin. 2. To live Chaos By which we live the chaotic life, ride the waves and chase the storms, but never become consumed by its fire. The words chaos and life together conjure a common image. A ‘rock star’ lifestyle; a short, fast life – a life dominated by money, drugs, sex, or all of the aforementioned, and while it is admirable to live one’s life as they wish, it is not admirable to be dominated and ultimately destroyed by its vices. To live according to Chaos/Khaos does not mean to be disorganized and self destructive. All that is required is a sense of alertness to one’s own surroundings. We must be aware of the veritable upheavals and slippery slopes life constantly presents to us. At the same time, we must not seek to avoid them by stalling and changing how we wish to live. Denial does not equate enlightenment. We must face the oncoming perils with a feral grin on our faces. Embrace the danger, squeeze it, ride it, beat it, fuck it. Overcome it and reign supreme. Never let it control you – you are the Mage, you are the Shaman: You are the Master of your own creation. Denial is Sin. 3. To be Chaos By which we seek to Improve, Destroy, Create, Evolve and reach the next level of our never ending Potential. We are Chaos, we behave like Chaos. We rewrite the rules – we ARE the rules. The path belongs to us. To be as Chaos, to be it, to truly become a personification of it is a constant journey. It will never end. You will not reach a state and stay there – you will keep moving, you will keep learning, and you will keep evolving. To not do so is to deny the very essence of Chaos and all it stands for. You have at your disposal Infinite Potential, for within Chaos resides all possibility. Would you be so foolish to reject that? Would you rather find your little corner and be so comfortable? If so, you were not meant for this. Once you embark upon this quest, there is no turning back. You will move in all directions – no secret shall be safe. It will never be easy; it was never supposed to be. But it shall inspire you, and it will be the most delicious, painful, wondrous thing you have ever experienced. Let the others stay behind and worship/mourn their faiths and their slave gods. Turn the corner – turn the page. The path unmapped has much to offer. To not walk it is Sin.

-DKMU “The Assault on Reality”

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Suggested Reading

Suggested Reading

Threshold Theory Energy Work Fundamentals The Subtle Body Spell Design Spell Dictation Sigils: How-to Intro to Gnosis Anchors

Suggested Reading

What is a Spell Circle?

Spell circles, while they aren’t necessary, are a tool that is used as a focal point for a working. They are also very helpful in aiding in headspace via the implementation of aesthetics. Spell circles are technically hypersigils, or a complex sigil that is typically constructed of multiple sigils in tandem. They are typically constructed of three parts: Incantations, foundations, and root sigils. They are used in a ritual format, typically with each practitioner having a standardized approach to using them for spell work. 

How do they work?

A spell circle is similar to a sigil in the way that there is an incorporation of intention, energy, passion, and focus in their creation. Spell circles operate most effectively within the energetic model or something adjacent. The psychological model will be entirely ineffective; at least as I have prescribed their creation in this article. They often contain sigils as well as some other elements that serve to connect the circle to the overall working. These elements include incantations, words, phrases, symbology, geometric/organic designs, numerology, etc. 

Incantations, words, or phrases can be said out loud as part of the working (provided that doing so doesn’t break gnosis), or written out and burned into ash and incorporated into the working through that process. Though they can also be incorporated in other ways as well. As an example, you could write a song and record it and have the tablature or staff wrapped around the perimeter of the spell circle. You could then listen to the song while casting your spell using it as a centerpoint of your gnosis.

The other elements of a spell circle are used to enhance the threshold of the root sigil or purpose. Each additional element adds a node, or correspondence, to the threshold of the spell. Doing so helps refine the accuracy and potency of the working. 

Designing a Spell Circle

If you have experience working with sigils, then designing a spell circle can be pretty easy. I highly recommend using programs like procreate to make these, or drafting tools! Freehanding them can be quite difficult without any experience with technical drawing. I use my tablet to draw them digitally and then trace them onto a burnable substrate such as paper.


An incantation is a phrase that is said that astutely states the intent of the spell. It is important to have this memorized, if you use them. Without having them memorized, using them will pull you out of gnosis by disturbing your focus. Incantations are like the thread that binds the spell circle to the rest of the working, especially if you use other tools, sigils, etc. When I construct my spell circles, I use the pronunciation of my sigils as the incantation, which are all aspects of a conlang that I developed. This can be seen as a sigil chain. So long as the incantation is written somewhere on or near the circle, then it is capable of being connected to the burning of those sigils via the incantation. I find that having the incantation encircle the root sigil is the most aesthetically pleasing for me. 

Suggested Reading
Suggested Reading

Root Sigil

This is a sigil that is at the core of the circle. It should represent the base goal of the spell. This sigil is connected to the rest of the circle via the Foundation(s). Like all sigils, it is important that it is drawn while channeling its meaning through your mental state, emotions, and subtle body to be most effective.To create them, I will draw the enclosing circle first before drawing a grid within it. This grid is then used to ensure that the root sigil is centered and scaled appropriately. The sigil is always the first part that I draw. Here are a few examples of sigils I have used for spell circles:

Suggested Reading
Suggested Reading


Foundations are simple designs that each have their own correspondences. Some foundations use numerology to derive their meaning, others are given their meanings based on how they interact with the root. The foundation(s) used should also align with the purpose of the spell; but more specifically, to describe the means of manifestation of the spell to some degree. They can also be used to expand the context of the root sigil, ex. Whether it is intended to be a blessing or curse. I am always sure that when I draw them in the grid, that they appear to be a part of the sigil, yet also behind it by having the lines stop and continue any shapes that are a part of the sigil, like circles, triangles, and squares. Here are a few foundations that I use:

Suggested Reading

Associative Symbology

These symbols are things I don't really implement in spell circles myself, but include things such as astrological symbols, alchemical symbols, magical alphabets, color, and imagery. These symbols are typically incorporated in equal distribution around the circle in radial fashion, but can also be used in other configurations. The number of symbols can be implemented with numerology in mind as well. Colored line-work can also be used to further the correspondences. Imagery such as pictographs can also be used, following similar implementation as other symbols. 

Suggested Reading


Spell Circles can be used for all sorts of workings, typically in a ritualistic fashion. However, they may also be used as passive sigils, meaning that they are placed and affect a specified space gradually over time. If they are used in this fashion, they will need to be revisited and charged periodically. When using a spell circle in a ritual, place them underneath the central spell elements such as cauldrons, candles, bowls, etc. Please use discernment. Fire safety is of the utmost importance. Once the spell is in motion, use the incantation that connects the circle to the working. I highly recommend rehearsing your incantation until it is memorized so that your spell’s effectiveness isn’t hindered. I highly recommend placing a spell anchor onto your spell circle as well so that there is a direct medium holding it. This way the spell can be recharged, broken, or altered as necessary.

Ritual Closing & Disposal

As part of closing any working, it is important to close off all energy that is connected to the working other than the anchor. Part of this is disposing of the spell circle in a responsible manner. This can be through responsibly burning it and burning the ashes, burying the spell circle itself (Provided it is on a biodegradable medium), soaking it in water to dissolve the ink and then cleansing the medium, or if it is drawn on a dry-erase board you can just erase it and cleanse it. When burying the ashes of your working, try to use your discretion as to which direction it is buried relative to your sleeping place or place of casting. 

Identifying a Spell Circle

A few popular designs for spell circles have been misidentified in the past, specifically those of John Dee, who was a prolific cryptographer. These designs have a lot of the hallmarks of spell circles; however, they are enclosed with 72 latin letters, which don’t have any magical or mystical correspondences, but are very common in encryption wheels, and then are encoded through biblical reference. The influence his work had was very substantial in the development of spell circles and their design. While his encryption circles can be used for magic, like any other design drawn through intention, passion, and gnosis, it is obvious that it was not intended as such given the historical context of his life. 

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