Gyarados - Tumblr Posts

Magikarp and Feebas are so similar, and yet their evolutions are a world apart, one known for ferocious rampaging and other known to calm down others with its beauty and positive energy. Almost like Yin and Yang!
You can get this design on T-shirts, hoodies, journals, mugs, etc. at my Redbubble~!
Click here for the 1st version (Gyarados) and here for the 2nd version (Milotic)!

This may my best friend @kikaigaku and I, have started the challange to draw every water type Pokémon like a mermaid! Here my part for the first generation!
Second generation | Third generation | Fourth generation | Fifth generation | Sixth generation

Sixth generation mermaids (plus the megas) are here! Like always the missing Poké-mermaids will be drawn by @kika-ila! ✨
First generation | Second generation | Third generation | Fourth generation | Fifth generation
Reasons why: I love Magikarp!
First of all: Magikarp is adorable.
Second of all: it has a really awesome evolution! I mean, first it’s all like “I’m so weak! :(” But then once it evolves into Gyarados, it’s all like “Rawr! I’m gonna eat you after I fire my LASEEER(Hyper Beam)!!!!!”
Third of all: It is adorable when it uses splash!
And finally: It’s mega evolution is amazing! I liked how, when Mega Gyarados was revealed, Nintendo decided to put its Mega Stone near a fishing hut! Very convenient! :D
Why are people so mean to Magikarp? 😭
Leave them alone, they're just vibing until they evolve! 😭

Credit goes to OnduRegion (Twitter) “No, I refuse to call it X!”
Tragikarp and Gyarabones (Water/Ghost)

Pokemon team for day 2! I love them all lots
I lost my father to Pokemon Go and I regret so many life decisions. I’m the one who told him about the game. I’m the one who initially encouraged him. What have I done?
Now he starts every phone call with a Pokemon update. He gets all the names wrong and asks me what a Dragonite is called every time he brings up the “fat fighting orange dragon”
It’s gotten so bad he’s started watching the anime on Netflix. Help.

Tragikarp and Gyarabones (Water/Ghost)
Look at all them shines!! All of them were random encounters to!! The revaroom and Gyarados are outbreak shinys. Shiny Cyclizar was my first Masuda hunt in scarvi and got him after only 77 eggs out of the 90 i had😅. The roaring moon (Crescent) was a shiny I hunted with the help of an herba mystica dragon sparkling power 3 + dragon encounter power 3! 151 encounters in 30 minutes and BOOM there he was, I love him, he's my baby 🥺🥰

I have a shiny Sawsbuck to but for some reason hes not in winter form anymore so I boxed him :(
Apparently, tumblr didn't know about the eel pit.
can someone please tell me what the fuck I just saw