128 posts
Yo! Im Still Here.
Yo! I’m still here.
Long time no post, eh?!
Forgive me! Life has been busy. I can’t even give all the details about what happened during the summer ‘cause there’s just way too much to mention in a blog post. (And this is a blog post, right? It’s definitely not a short story, hahaha.)
Hope you all like this new design. Thanks to Kevin, Amanda, and Kayla for the resources.
I will bring back the graphic challenges soon. I just have to do some things behind the scenes first.
More Posts from Numbersofthesky
Are you afraid of the dark?
I hope not, ‘cause this layout is just that. I’m finally writing a post of the site’s new look that’s been up for quite a while now (maybe the whole month?). To those that have commented on it, thanks for your positive feedback, but huge credits go to Kevin (header) and Ciara (template). I wanted a layout that was dark to sort or represent October & Halloween without being “cheesy” or super obvious that that’s what inspired the new look. I’m really satisfied with how this looks although I’m not a fan of The Weeknd. His music is alright and so is his voice. I just can’t listen to it for too long. Something about his falsetto sounds weird to me. Also, I don’t get his hairstyle at all. It’s definitely unique and original, but what statement is he trying to make with it?! I highly encourage you to see the original design on Kevin’s site; also, this design inspired the color scheme that I chose. All four colors directly come from the design itself. Interesting, eh? I definitely plan on changing this layout when November hits. Until then, enjoy this one. Au revoir!
Wow, it’s been five months...
since my last blog post here!
First off, Happy Holidays! I hope this season brings you grand amounts of joy and peace. Ik I need it after this whirlwind of a year. I’m not going into details here ‘cause I’ve already posted about it on another blog. Anyway, Life has been great overall and it has had its hiccups here and there, but this year (which is coming to a close soon) has been memorable for sure.
To answer your question, Alaina, the “world of fitness” is going really well. I actually have a Fitbit Flex 2 now, so I’m able to keep track of so many things now, specifically how active I am. (I’m getting an average of 15,000 steps each day and I’m burning about 3,000 calories each day.) My job is physically demanding but totally worth it. I mean, I get paid to stay fit and to work out. There really isn’t a “loss” in this situation, haha.
Moving along to this blog, I’ve reused a Christmas design. The header is being reused and the template comes from Roma. Thanks for the positive feedback that you’ve all given me so far about it. It’s not fancy at all, ‘cause I wanted something simple and I was just lazy and didn’t want to spend time creating something fancy (hence why I’m reusing this header). I don’t think I’ll bring back the graphic challenges at all. No one in the site world or graphic design world seems to be doing them anymore, so maybe graphic challenges are dead now? Idk, but that’s what I’ve seen. What do you think? Bring them back or leave them dead?
Now, this is completely unrelated to anything else that I’ve written above. This whole new Tumblr ruling about NSFW content no longer being supported on this platform doesn’t bother me at all for the following reasons:
I don’t have a NSFW blog.
I agree with Tumblr that there are MANY other places to post adult content online (i.e. Flickr, Twitter, Blogger, etc.), so it’s not really censorship, technically.
At the end of the day, IT’S NOT REALLY A BIG DEAL. At least it isn’t to me. To the writers and artists who make a living posting NSFW artwork or literature, I send my condolences and I see why y’all are upset.
The staff of Tumblr decide what they want on their platform. POINT BLANK PERIOD. Arguing against their decision is futile, unless all Tumblr users unanimously stand against their decision.
Maybe you don’t care about or agree with my point of view, but I thought I’d share it just like other Tumblr users have shared their own opinions. At the end of the day, I’m still going to use Tumblr. I have no issues with this platform, and, if I decide to leave, I’ve already got other blogs that are up and running.
If you read this entire blog post, then kudos to you. It’s very long. Feel free to drop a comment in the commentbox. See you next time, blogiverse.
Some Issues
Somehow, I can’t use any custom Tumblr themes on this blog anymore, so I’m stuck with using a regular Tumblr theme for the blog but a custom theme for the pages.
I don’t really know how to fix this issue and I’ve got to do some research to figure out how to fix the issue. Until then, enjoy this interesting Tumblr theme.
Affiliates, please don’t delete me. You’re still listed on here.
It’s getting closer!
And I’m almost there, I’m almost there
People down here think I’m crazy, but I don’t care
Trials and tribulations, I’ve had my share
There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now, ‘cause I’m almost there
...and that’s the truth! I’m so close to graduation and it’s unreal! I’m literally one month and one week away as of today. Classes are almost done and finals are soon approaching, but I’m almost there! I’m almost at the finish line. I’m almost at the poing where I can say, “I did it!” I’m almost at the point where I can hang my college degree on the wall proudly and hold my head up high.
No lie, school and work have been keeping me busy. Most days I’m super tired, but I keep pushing on. I just keep swimming. I just keep moving ahead....because one day I’ll be able to look back and say, “It was all worth it in the end.”
Life has been treating me well and I hope you can say the same!
Until next time,
Current Life situation
Body: Dude, take a break! You're wearing me out.
Mind: Keep pushing! You can do it! You got this!
Heart: I know it's hard, but don't give up.
Life: I stay busy. You know that.
Me: I'll eventually take a break (when I'm asleep or when I'm dead).