nuquo - Formerly HylianEngineer
Formerly HylianEngineer

Sup, I like telling people happy birthday. Also leave a song recommendations in my inbox or asks. I like doing you listen to mine I listen to yours. Don't expect a very timely response.

45 posts

Why Does It Take Me 20 Minutes To Get Somewhere When I'm Late, But When I Try To Be Early It Takes Less

Why does it take me 20 minutes to get somewhere when I'm late, but when I try to be early it takes less than 3 minutes with a water and restroom break in between and I have a surplus of time I could of used on work.

  • mostleemorethansmut
    mostleemorethansmut liked this · 2 years ago
  • daily-dose-of-dopamine
    daily-dose-of-dopamine liked this · 2 years ago
  • incep-t-i-o-n-blog
    incep-t-i-o-n-blog liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Nuquo

6 years ago

I want to cosplay as James and kidnapp anything Pikachu related. ( maybe if I make some friends as other members( If I somehow make a girlfriend who wants to dress up as Jessie)) Or just dres up as a grunt and steal Pokemon plushies or something.

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6 years ago

Smash bros ultimate

If both theories ofthe main villans represent something of sakurai (ex:masterhand being the creator) are true. Then maybe taboo succeeded in making him get rid of his toys. Except he couldn't bring himself to get rid of kirby.

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6 years ago


Leaves fall down. So does your skin. SKELETON WAR!!!

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5 years ago

I don't usually reblog but...

Odd: If spiders were the size of cats, would they be less or more scary?

Odd: On the one hand, they wouldn't be able to get into your house as easily.

Odd: But on the other hand, once they're in there, ohhhhh boy.

Odd: Oh boy.

6 years ago

"Natural" Imagine Dragons in my head.

*Epicly goes as if reaching for something* "I'm gonna make it... !!!" * grabs orange instead of artificial flavor* "NATURAL!!!!!!!!*

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