Sup, I like telling people happy birthday. Also leave a song recommendations in my inbox or asks. I like doing you listen to mine I listen to yours. Don't expect a very timely response.
45 posts
So My Bike Got Stolen...
So my bike got stolen...
More Posts from Nuquo
Smash bros ultimate
If both theories ofthe main villans represent something of sakurai (ex:masterhand being the creator) are true. Then maybe taboo succeeded in making him get rid of his toys. Except he couldn't bring himself to get rid of kirby.
How do you explain to someone that you weren't checking out their ass, I just look at the floor alot and sometimes It comes across as that.
Some guy just took one of my chicken nuggets and I don't know how to react.
I want to cosplay as James and kidnapp anything Pikachu related. ( maybe if I make some friends as other members( If I somehow make a girlfriend who wants to dress up as Jessie)) Or just dres up as a grunt and steal Pokemon plushies or something.