nuquo - Formerly HylianEngineer
Formerly HylianEngineer

Sup, I like telling people happy birthday. Also leave a song recommendations in my inbox or asks. I like doing you listen to mine I listen to yours. Don't expect a very timely response.

45 posts

Nuquo - Formerly HylianEngineer - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

A: Repost with your flag. *posts bi flag*

B: No clue where you're from but i'm British. *reposts British flag*

A: *Reposts with American flag and bi flag simultaneously*

C: It's a state flag?

D:* Reposts with Irish flag and lesbian flag simultaneously*

C: Ireland has states?!?!

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1 year ago

Here. The only art thing I'm going to make in probably a while.

Here. The Only Art Thing I'm Going To Make In Probably A While.

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1 year ago

Has anyone ever prepared so much for a something like a group project. Then went early the day of. Only for you to need to use the bathroom urgently minutes before the thing actually starts. You know you'll be in the bathroom for a while. You can already imagine the professor thinking you didn't care about it. Cause that sucks.

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1 year ago

A: *Downs a cup of coffee while surrounded by empty cups*

B: That's a lot. How's your heart rate?

A: *Checking as the number keeps increasing* says maximum.

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1 year ago

Please get a profile picture... The placeholder is setting of my bot fight or flight instinct

Please Get A Profile Picture... The Placeholder Is Setting Of My Bot Fight Or Flight Instinct


1 year ago

I want to put the jokes I make here on a comic/show/something one day. Some of these are already with characters in mind, but it's with a colab with either one of my mutuals here or someone else. I don't want to spoil something like these 2 characters are going to be friends in the future.

1 year ago

FYI Credit-

For header:

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1 year ago

A :*Is stretching*

B: "Why are you stretching?"

A: "I'm trying to get an ass"

C: "Why? You already have B."

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1 year ago

FYI, if someone here messaged me, but I can't see it.

2 years ago

"I brought you into this world and I can take you out."

"Bold of you to assume that you can undo what you've done."

2 years ago

Come on guys... Haven't you learned your lesson that what we're seeing is not as it seems by now.

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2 years ago

You probably just suck at it. Git gud.

Puki worst type of person go


2 years ago

Also, name change.

2 years ago

A: So what happened?

B: The virus is in your immune system? ...You don't look worried.

A: Well, it is "immune".

B: ...

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2 years ago

I should of left some freshmen classes for my senior year.

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2 years ago

Level with me.

Not giving up the high ground that easily Anakin.

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2 years ago

"I'm going to sleep like a baby."

*Screaming/crying in the middle of the night*

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2 years ago

Person A sucks at sports.

A: How do I dodge it.

B: Act like you're trying to catch it.

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5 years ago

The worst part of taking hard classes is that a week after celebrating that I passed the class and finals my brain starts telling me that is was a lot easier than I made it out to be and that I bearly made any progress.

5 years ago

***Taking a test***

**Chapter I'm struggling with**

*5 points each;10 questions*

Me: I did OK... Maybe I can make up points in the other chapters.

**Chapter I'm good at**

Me: :)

*1 point each;3 questions*

Me: :(

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