Rex - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
More Rex Because I Have It Bad For This Cute Asshole

More Rex because I have it bad for this cute asshole

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2 years ago
The Tiny Shorts Did Not Survive

The tiny shorts did not survive 😔

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2 years ago
Nope, Still Drawing Him

Nope, still drawing him

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1 year ago
Theres A Lot To Love

There’s a lot to love <3

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11 months ago
Rexxy Has Had One Too Many Drinks

Rexxy has had one too many drinks 🥴

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3 years ago
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount
Hey. Lets Check You Out, Come Here. That Was A Close One, Pal. Looks Like Were Gonna Live. The Amount

Hey. Let’s check you out, come here. That was a close one, pal. Looks like we’re gonna live. The amount of nitro in that - there’s no way we should’ve survived that blast. Something’s not right.

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2 years ago
Hudson & Rex Fanart Piece For Our Secret Santa Event On The H&R Discord Server.

Hudson & Rex fanart piece for our Secret Santa event on the H&R Discord Server.

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1 year ago

That gif of Charlie throwing the knife is living rent-free in my brain 😍

Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits
Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits
Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits
Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits
Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits
Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex Provides A Distraction And Charlie Throws A Knife At The Shooter + Charlie Hits

Hudson & Rex 6x04: Rex provides a distraction and Charlie throws a knife at the shooter + Charlie hits the shooter's hand when he tries to enter the room.

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1 year ago

Finally some Charlie whump! 😍

Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased
Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie Gets Tased

Hudson & Rex 6x05: Charlie gets tased

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1 year ago

Fives: We need to distract these guys. Echo: Leave it to me. Echo: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Anakin & Rex: *immediately begin arguing*

Rex: What's gone wrong, Fives? Fives: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. Rex: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling? Fives: Well... There’s a crisis.

Anakin: *sees someone doing something stupid* Anakin: What an idiot. Anakin: *realizes it's Ahsoka* Anakin: Wait, that's MY idiot!

Ahsoka: I hate to disagree with you, but- Anakin: Please, you love to disagree with me. Its your favorite thing to do.

Anakin: Wanna hear some dark humor. Rex: Yeah, I love dark humor. Anakin: Alright. Anakin: *Turns off the lights* Anakin: Knock knock. Rex: Turn the damn lights back on.

Rex: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Fives: Mine just says "Fives no." Rex: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.

Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single speeder bike. Fives, with Echo and Rex behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Fives: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Fives: Cody FUCKING FELL OFF!

Rex: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.

Echo: Fives! Rex got that thing on the control panel working! Fives: Wow! That looks pretty impressive. Echo: Yeah! Fives: Any idea what it does? Echo: Not a clue.

Cody, answering his comm: Hello? Rex: It’s Rex. Cody: What did he do this time? Rex: No, it’s me, Rex. It’s actually me. Cody: What did you do this time?

Obi-Wan: Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults! Anakin: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best? Obi-Wan: Obviously. Now, Ahsoka, pass the shovel.

Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent. Fives: I choose to waive that right! Fives: *screaming*

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Yugioh characters and how I think they would stand on the Flat Earth argument:

Started the online thread with “Is the earth flat? Let’s discuss. 🤨🤨”: Atem, Pegasus

Pretends that they believe the earth is flat to make others extremely upset: Joey, Mai

Argues with Flat Earthers online about how stupid they are and genuinely gets frustrated: Seto, Ishizu/Isis

“Guys it’s not that serious”: Tea, Grandpa Muto

Likes to read the argument: Yugi, Odion, Yami Malik, Yami Bakura, Mai

Gets convinced by the trollers that the earth MIGHT ACTUALLY be flat: Tristan, Mokuba

Actually believes the earth is flat: Marik/Malik, Wheevil, Rex

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3 years ago

Our favorite boy in blue!

Our Favorite Boy In Blue!

i had fun making this, the fun ended when the colors in my computer didn't look the same as the ones in my phone, that's why it looks so gray :(

anyway i did my best lol

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The fact that Rex is the one who shows even an OUNCE of concern for Ahsoka's immediate wellbeing while Anakin does not is uh. Pretty telling about them both.

Rex. Literal child soldier trained from birth to place exactly zero value on his own life and has never known a normal life or real kindness growing up. Rex is the one who thinks they're going too far and that Ahsoka needs a break.

But Anakin, whose training would've been a lot kinder and inclined to allow him to take the breaks he needed, doesn't even give a shit about what this "training" is doing to his student.

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5 months ago
Cody Needs A Break But Like Not Too Much Of A Break Its Just Not Good For Him

Cody needs a break but like not too much of a break its just not good for him

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4 years ago

Oh my god! Order 66 in the Clone Wars! Hell ... But most of all Rex! My poor baby boy!

Oh My God! Order 66 In The Clone Wars! Hell ... But Most Of All Rex! My Poor Baby Boy!

His hands were shaking and he was crying. He told himself to fight against Sidious' command. He didn't want to hurt Ahsoka. He probably was like a prisoner in his own body fighting against the inhibitor chip. I know the Sith were evil but letting the 501st hunt down their former commander. That's far beyond evil! That's a whole other level!

Oh My God! Order 66 In The Clone Wars! Hell ... But Most Of All Rex! My Poor Baby Boy!

Guys, do you see the hurt in his eyes after the chip is removed? I never ever want to see this look in any clones eyes ever again! I'm crying. How could they do this to the clones, my precious baby boys? I know Star Wars is all about Ani and later Luke, Leia and the gang saving the universe but in all honesty I would rather have the cheesy happy end they all deserve. I just want happiness for those who deserve it. It's just not fair!

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