obsessedftshit - Obsessed ft Cartoons
Obsessed ft Cartoons

I think this will be a blog where I will be ranting about random cartoons I love and am obsessed with. Currently obsessed with Young Justice. My Instagram - @obsessedftshit My Wattpad - @obsessedftshit My A03 - @obsessedftshit

74 posts

Young Justice S1 Ep15

Young Justice S1 Ep15

Finally, Robin making some moves with the new girl Zatanna.

The way he jumped in and interrupted Megan to introduce himself. So cute.

Young Justice S1 Ep15

I forgot what she said but his smile is adorable.

Young Justice S1 Ep15

When Robin said that she has plenty of moves to show him (the villain) he realized he pulled a Wally and apologized but then Zatanna said she didnt mind. The chemistry is chemistrying.

Young Justice S1 Ep15

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More Posts from Obsessedftshit

11 months ago

I'm so happy Luka knows because now he knows y it was so hard and difficult for Marinette to date him.

One Gifset Per Episode Migration
One Gifset Per Episode Migration

one gifset per episode → migration

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11 months ago


I died when Robin so willingly gave Aqualad the role of the leader so he can face Batman 😭

Season 1 Episode 4, Drop-Zone.
Season 1 Episode 4, Drop-Zone.
Season 1 Episode 4, Drop-Zone.

Season 1 Episode 4, Drop-Zone.

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11 months ago

Not a Young Justice post but it's fine cause I need to rant my hatred about Lila Rossi from Miraculous.

So I've been rewatching S5 of Miraculous cause y not and I forgot how fucking annoying Lila is. I've always hated her since whenever she showed up. She was always controlling and manipulating people like it was her job. Words cannot express how much I fucking hate her.

Not A Young Justice Post But It's Fine Cause I Need To Rant My Hatred About Lila Rossi From Miraculous.

Urgh she's so annoying. But one thing I will admit is that I love how evil and fucked up she is cause she always ends up making people listen to her where they mindlessly believe her. Yes it's frustrating and I wanna throw my remote at the TV but like she's a good bad guy. I can't wait for her entry as Hawkmoth in s6.

Nah cause when Alya in one of the episodes didn't believe Marinette about Lila being a fucking psycho,I wanted to slap her. I wanted to slap the whole friend group cause they were all like "omg Marinette, Lila is so nice y do u hate her?" Or "uve always hated Lila forever but she's nice." Like bitch stfu u don't know ANYTHING. Even when Adrien was saying that Lila is a "pathological liar" Nino and Alya didn't listen. Like BITCH WHAT?!

I get headaches cause of Lila but I'm so happy that they all know about Lila after the whole Bathroom DIY stunt Marinette pulled with Sabrina. But srsly I hate everyone who didn't believe Marinette. The fact that everyone is friends with Marinette and they love her but they didn't believe in her enough to trust her word about Lila. Fake ass bitches.

Well that's it for the rant. I could say more but I'll end up cursing throughout the post so let's stop there 😭.

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11 months ago

Young Justice S1 Ep21

The opening scene had my jaw hanging. I gasped when I saw Black Canary kissing Connor but tbh I knew it was Megan but I was still so shocked. I laughed when Oliver started laughing and then Dina was shouting at him. Nah but Oliver and Dina's reactions were the same as mine.

Young Justice S1 Ep21
Young Justice S1 Ep21

Nah but when that bad guy showed how Megan actually looked like. I was in shock. I didn't expect her to be a monster. I thought she'd be bald like her uncle but nah she's a monster. Does that mean her uncle is also a monster?

Also the animation scared me. It's so realistic and creepy.

Young Justice S1 Ep21

Ok but I'm confused. In her real form is she the monster or bald like when she showed the others? I'm pretty sure she's the monster and just said to the others that she's bald cause that Queen Bee lady threatened Megan that she knows how she really looks like.

Young Justice S1 Ep21

Also side note, I hated how that Megan actress lady was acting with Young Justice. Like y tf was she complaining non stop about how they stopped the animals from hurting her and her son. Then she kept ranting about how the animals r supposed to do this and that like be fucking grateful u bitch. She was also being so rude to Megan and being all like "that was just a show" "I was acting" like girl there's a fan who likes u and ur being so rude like go kys. But then again, I liked how they showed that actors rnt always like their characters so it was like a reality check for Megan but I still felt bad.

And another thing, the fact that Magen named Superboy Connor after the show. NAAAH cause I was flabbergasted. Like in the show it was Megan x Connor now irl it's Megan x Connor like god damn. I was actually in shock.

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11 months ago

I hate Tumblr man. It took me 30mins. 30mins! Just to post the last post I did. It kept fucking crashing and all my writing kept getting deleted. I think I rewrote shit 3 times. Literally so annoying. I need somebody to fix the app. Like make it faster and better.

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