obsessedftshit - Obsessed ft Cartoons
Obsessed ft Cartoons

I think this will be a blog where I will be ranting about random cartoons I love and am obsessed with. Currently obsessed with Young Justice. My Instagram - @obsessedftshit My Wattpad - @obsessedftshit My A03 - @obsessedftshit

74 posts

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

Young Justice S1 Ep23 part 1

So much happened in this episode.

First of all, is it just me who thinks that the spider villain dude at the beginning of the episode is like Spider-man? He's a literal copy of Spider-Man but a DC and evil version. Either way, his voice is so soothing. I couldn't help but fall in love with his voice. He showed up for 5 minutes and ate.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

Love the green duo 💚

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

I loved how Wally started reassuring Artemis that she is a real archer and that she doesn't need to feel as though she isn't. Ahhh my heart can't take these 2. I srsly need them to get together ASAP.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1
Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

When Cheshire showed up, I internally screamed cause I'm literally in love with her. Also I gasped so hard when she literally kissed Red Arrow. Like girl what?! But I loved it nonetheless cause it showed that whole evil x hero but like the one sided version where the villain likes the hero but the hero doesn't even tho deep down they know they do but won't admit it. Yeah it's a stretch cause I know Roy doesnt like her but there is definitely TENSION between them. Chesire took her chance and kissed him. Tbh idk who id wanna be. Roy or Cheshire? IDK!

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

Nah cause Artemis's reaction was exactly like mine

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

I love how these 2 keep pissing each other off and hating on each other. They give me sibling vibes.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

Nah when Zatanna gave the robot dude pants and said he needed pants I died 😭. So did that mean his robot dick was on display 🤔, probably.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

I need more of theeem.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

I loved how Kid Flash was defending Artemis. Everything was going so well until stupid ass Roy had to say that she gave them the wrong tracker to track. Like fuck u Roy.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 1

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More Posts from Obsessedftshit

10 months ago

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

The way Kid Flash started getting mad at her, I felt so bad for her cause she must've had her reasons man and she did. I get where Kid Flash is coming from but bro u don't know the whole story.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

He really hurt her man. He hurt me 😭. Y'd he have to say that?

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

"Well, nice going. What you proved is that you're insecure and selfish."

God damn. That hurt like a bullet.

Then he threw the sai saying that the real souvenir is that tracking piece cause Artemis tricked them like boy u didn't 💔.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

I forgot what Roy said but whatever he said, screw him. I like him but him constantly believing that Artemis is the mole is annoying me.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

I gasped when I found out that Sportsmaster is her father. It all makes sense now. Y Artemis was always mad at Cheshire. Because she's working with their dad. So technically her whole family r criminals except for the mom now but before she was. Nah but I'm scared she's gonna go against Young Justice since she already feels so insecure about herself and her dad said smth like "they'll let u go once Red Arrow is on the team." Like giiiirl no they won't.

Young Justice S1 Ep23 Part 2

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10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

I loved the conversation Wally and Nightwing had. The way Wally is worried about Artemis and is trying to talk sense into Nighing on how close that explosion was to killing them was unnecessary and dangerous. He's right. I feel like the explosion was too much. Connor and Nightwing almost died.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

And it's the fact that Aqualad took 3 more hostages in return for Lagaan. Like how does that actually make sense?

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

Is it just me or has Wally mastered? I feel like he has. The way he screamed that he didn't care about the souvenirs but for Artemis's safety had me giggling. That's actually so cute and adorable. I need a relationship like theirs.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

I want him to lean on me how he leaned on the desk.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

The way Wally shoved him down to the chair. Damn boy's pissed but I understand him. Artemis is lucky. So is Wally. They both r hot as fuck. Hottest couple so far in Young Justice.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

When Wally said that Aqualad might be a triple agent had me thinking, he actually could be. Like he lost his first love and found out his dad is the bad guy as well but tbh I feel like Aqualad is still the good guy, just taking things a bit too far to make it look realistic.

Young Justice S2 Ep9 Part 2

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10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep3

I was thinking about where Aqualad was and now I found out he's the bad guy like bruh. What happened in these 5 years that we missed?

No way in a million years did I ever think he would betray the team.

Young Justice S2 Ep3

And the fact the his dad is a bad guy and he said smth about "blood is thicker than sea water" to Aquaman. That hurt. I don't believe he's actually the bad guy. Maybe he's pretending to be to the end up getting close to his dad and kill him. Tbh that's a long shot cause he literally killed all those monster thingies. Nah but he said smth about Tula dying so clearly he's turned because he lost his first love. It's sad but he shouldn't have gone crazy to go against Young Justice and Justice League.

Young Justice S2 Ep3

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10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 2

I literally giggled when I saw Artemis with Wally's shirt. Girl is so fine and she knows it.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 2

Ahhh they're made for each other. Nah but they robbed us of 5 years of their relationship. Like boy I wanna see how their dates went, the kisses the cuteness overload. But nope. Nothing 😤.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 2

And is it me or Artemis's hair is more blond? Either way she fine as fuck. And same with Wally. Also I noticed Wally doesn't have his freckles anymore 😭. He looks good with and without them but that just shows he grew up. Ahhh my baby.

Young Justice S2 Ep4 Part 2

Also I wanna know y he stopped being Kid Flash. Roy even mentioned it so I wanna know. Maybe cause Artemis didn't wanna be a hero and he followed or it's smth else. I need to know and the same with y Artemis stopped being a hero.

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10 months ago

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 3

The whole plan was well coordinated. When Nightwing out that fake blood which also stopped her heart temporarily was so cool.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 3

I loved how Aqualad and Nightwing looked away when Wally and Artemis kissed. The boys giving them privacy is so cute.

Young Justice S2 Ep7 Part 3

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